84 research outputs found

    Socio-economic status and the duration of pulmonary tuberculosis symptoms in women treated at the Mazovian Treatment Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Otwock

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    Wstęp: Chorobowość na gruźlicę zależy od czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych, takich jak migracje ludności, bezdomność, niedożywienie, bezrobocie, złe warunki bytowe, starzenie się społeczeństw. Celem pracy była ocena występowania gruźlicy u kobiet leczonych w Mazowieckim Centrum Leczenia Chorób Płuc i Gruźlicy w Otwocku (MCLChPiG) z określeniem statusu demograficznego, zawodowego i społecznego oraz z oceną czasu trwania choroby i rozległości zmian radiologicznych.Materiał i metody: Praca miała charakter retrospektywny. Oceniono dokumentację medyczną 100 kobiet w wieku 20–92 lat, hospitalizowanych w MCLChPiG w latach 2005–2006 z powodu potwierdzonej bakteriologicznie gruźlicy płuc.Wyniki: Większość kobiet chorych na gruźlicę mieszkała w miastach (65%), podczas gdy ze wsi pochodziło 32%, a 3% stanowiły osoby bezdomne. Wśród badanych kobiet 1/3 nie przekroczyła 40. rż., a 1/3 ukończyła 60. rż. Tylko 29% chorych kobiet było czynnych zawodowo, a 25% stanowiły kobiety bezrobotne. W badanej grupie 60% kobiet było niezamężnych. Opiekę nad dziećmi sprawowało jedynie 35% chorych na gruźlicę kobiet, a 7% porzuciło swoje dzieci. Czas trwania objawów klinicznych do chwili rozpoznania choroby wahał się od zera, gdy zmiany radiologiczne wykryto przypadkowo u osób bezobjawowych, aż do dwóch lat. U ponad 1/3 chorych kobiet objawy gruźlicy trwały ponad pół roku. Niewielkie zmiany radiologiczne obejmujące 1–2 pola płucne obserwowano u 40% chorych, natomiast u 26% stwierdzono rozległe zmiany obejmujące 5–6 pól płucnych.Wnioski: Większość prątkujących kobiet na Mazowszu to osoby samotne, niepracujące zawodowo mieszkanki dużych miast, które ukończyły 40. rż. Objawy kliniczne występowały u 30% z nich ponad pół roku przed ustaleniem rozpoznania, a u 40% zmiany radiologiczne były bardzo rozległe obejmujące 4–6 pól płucnych.Introduction: The prevalence of tuberculosis depends on various factors such as migration, homelessness, malnutrition, unemployment, bad life conditions and the aging of a society. The aim of this study was to evaluate tuberculosis in females treated at the Mazovian Treatment Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (Mazowieckie Centrum Leczenia Chorób Płuc i Gruźlicy) in Otwock, regarding the context of demographic, social and professional status of female patients. The duration of the illness and the extent of radiographic changes were also taken into consideration.Material and methods: The study was carried out retrospectively. The medical documentation that was evaluated concerned 100 women, aged between 20 and 92, hospitalized at the Mazovian Treatment Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Otwock in the years 2005 and 2006 due to bacteriologically confirmed tuberculosis.Results: Most women with tuberculosis lived in cities (65%), 32% of the evaluated patients lived in villages and 3% were homeless. 1/3 of females were under 40 years of age, and 1/3 were over 60 years of age. Only 29% of the women were professionally active and 25% were unemployed. 60% of women were not married. 35% of women with tuberculosis were bringing up children and 7% had abandoned their offspring. More than 1/3 of women had had tuberculosis symptoms for more than half a year before tuberculosis was diagnosed. 40% of women with tuberculosis had small radiological changes (1 to 2 lung fields); however, 26% of them had extensive changes covering 4 to 6 lung fields.Conclusions: The majority of women with tuberculosis in the Mazovian district are single, over 40 years old, unemployed inhabitants of cities. 30% of women in the study group had had symptoms for more than 6 months before tuberculosis was diagnosed. 40% of women with tuberculosis had very extensive radiological changes covering 4 to 6 lung fields

    Socio-economic status and duration of TB symptoms in males treated at the Mazovian Treatment Centre of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in Otwock

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    Introduction: The incidence of tuberculosis depends on many factors, not only on health issues but also on socioeconomic factors. The aim of this study was to assess the duration of symptoms and the extent of radiological changes in men with bacteriologically confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in relation to their socioeconomic status. Material and methods: This was a retrospective study based on the analysis of 300 hospital records of patients hospitalised in 2004–2006 in the male ward of the Mazovian Treatment Centre of Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis in Otwock. In all patients, the diagnosis of tuberculosis was bacteriologically confirmed. We evaluated the duration of symptoms prior to hospitalisation, the extent of radiological changes and socioeconomic status. We also took into account the place of residence, professional activity, age and marital status. Results: Among patients with TB hospitalised in the Mazovia Region, 74% were professionally inactive persons and 57% were unemployed. Patients population in cities and villages were similar, but as much as 10% of the patients hospitalised who were actively spreading bacilli in Mazovia Region were homeless. In the study group, 60% of the men were unmarried. In 63% of the patients symptoms of tuberculosis were present for more than two months. Chronic symptoms were reported more often in the unemployed (60%) and in single patients. As much as 81% of the patients at the initiation of treatment, had extensive radiological changes in 3 or more lung fields. Quite often sweeping pulmonary changes were observed in the homeless, unemployed and pensioners. Sputum smear-positive tuberculosis, was demonstrated in 87% of the examined patients. Conclusions: The incidence of tuberculosis observed in the Mazovia Region was especially observed in the unemployed, disabled and pensioners. Among these patients, many were homeless. The majority of patients in Mazovia Region at the start of treatment already had very extensive radiological changes and the symptoms were present with them for several weeks.Wstęp: Zapadalność na gruźlicę zależy od wielu czynników, nie tylko zdrowotnych, lecz również społeczno-ekonomicznych. Celem niniejszej pracy była ocena czasu trwania objawów choroby oraz rozległości zmian radiologicznych u mężczyzn chorych na potwierdzoną bakteriologicznie gruźlicę płuc, w powiązaniu z ich statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym. Materiał i metody: Praca miała charakter retrospektywny i była oparta na analizie dokumentacji 300 chorych hospitalizowanych w latach 2004–2006 na oddziale męskim Mazowieckiego Centrum Leczenia Chorób Płuc i Gruźlicy w Otwocku. U wszystkich badanych rozpoznanie gruźlicy potwierdzono bakteriologicznie. Oceniano czas trwania objawów przed hospitalizacją, rozległość zmian radiologicznych oraz status społeczno-ekonomiczny z uwzględnieniem miejsca zamieszkania, aktywności zawodowej, wieku i stanu cywilnego. Wyniki: Spośród prątkujących chorych hospitalizowanych na Mazowszu 74% stanowiły osoby nieaktywne zawodowo, w tym aż 57% było bezrobotnych. Liczba mieszkańców miast i wsi była zbliżona, ale aż 10% prątkujących chorych hospitalizowanych na Mazowszu to osoby bezdomne. W badanej grupie 60% mężczyzn było nieżonatych. U 63% prątkujących chorych objawy gruźlicy występowały dłużej niż 2 miesiące. Częściej zgłaszały je osoby bezrobotne (60%) i stanu wolnego (61%). Aż u 81% chorych w chwili rozpoczęcia leczenia stwierdzono rozległe zmiany radiologiczne obejmujące 3 i więcej pól płucnych. Szczególnie często obserwowano je u bezdomnych, bezrobotnych oraz u emerytów i rencistów. U 87% badanych stwierdzono prątki gruźlicy w preparacie bezpośrednim. Wnioski: Gruźlica na Mazowszu występuje szczególnie często u osób bezrobotnych oraz u emerytów i rencistów. Wśród badanych chorych stosunkowo dużo było osób bezdomnych. Zdecydowana większość prątkujących chorych na Mazowszu w chwili rozpoczęcia leczenia ma już bardzo rozległe zmiany radiologiczne, a objawy występują u nich od wielu tygodni

    Loneliness, friendship, and facebook intrusion. A study in Poland, Slovakia, Syria, Malaysia, and Ecuador

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    With the increasing popularity of Facebook, a new social phenomenon connected with its extensive use has appeared: namely, Facebook intrusion. The main aim of the study was to examine the mediating role of loneliness in the relation between friendships and Facebook intrusion. We analyzed data from five countries: Poland (N = 399), Slovakia (N = 266), Syria (N = 475), Ecuador (N = 327), and Malaysia (N = 241). The total sample consisted of 1731 participants who had Facebook accounts; 61% of the participants were women. We administered the Facebook Intrusion Scale, the Loneliness Scale, and the Friendship Scale. The results indicated differences in the role of loneliness and friendship in Facebook intrusion, depending on the country. Among young Polish people, friendship decreases loneliness and loneliness decreases Facebook intrusion. Whereas among Ecuadorians friendship decreases loneliness, while loneliness increases Facebook intrusion

    Problematic Facebook use and problematic video gaming as mediators of relationship between impulsivity and life satisfaction among female and male gamers

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    Over the past few decades, many new technologies have emerged, such as portable computers, the internet and smartphones, which have contributed to improving the lives of individuals. While the benefits of these new technologies are overwhelmingly positive, negative consequences are experienced by a minority of individuals. One possible negative aspect of new technologies is their problematic use due to impulsive use which may lead to lower life satisfaction. The present study investigated the mediating role of problematic video gaming (PVG) and problematic Facebook use (PFU) in the relationship between impulsivity dimensions and life satisfaction as well as the relationship between impulsivity dimensions and problematic behaviors. Additionally, the potential impact of gender differences was also examined. The study comprised 673 gamers (391 females) aged 17–38 years (M = 21.25 years, SD = 2.67) selected from 1365 individuals who completed an offline survey. PFU was assessed using the Facebook Intrusion Scale, and PVG was assessed using the nine-item Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short-Form (IGDS9-SF). Impulsivity dimensions such as attention, cognitive instability, motor, perseverance, self-control, and cognitive complexity were assessed using the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS-11), and life satisfaction was assessed using the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS). Depending on the specific impulsivity dimension, findings showed both positive and negative relationships between impulsivity and life satisfaction. Attention and perseverance subtypes of impulsivity were primarily associated with problematic behaviors. Additionally, cognitive complexity was associated with PFU among female gamers, whereas cognitive instability was associated with PVG among male gamers. Additionally, PVG was primarily associated with lower life satisfaction. However, there was no mediation effects between impulsivity dimensions and life satisfaction via PFU or PVG. These findings provide a better understanding of the relationship between problematic behaviors, life satisfaction, and impulsivity among gamers and the differences between male and female gamers

    Aerobic Training in Rats Increases Skeletal Muscle Sphingomyelinase and Serine Palmitoyltransferase Activity, While Decreasing Ceramidase Activity

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    Sphingolipids are important components of cell membranes that may also serve as cell signaling molecules; ceramide plays a central role in sphingolipid metabolism. The aim of this study was to examine the effect of 5 weeks of aerobic training on key enzymes and intermediates of ceramide metabolism in skeletal muscles. The experiments were carried out on rats divided into two groups: (1) sedentary and (2) trained for 5 weeks (on a treadmill). The activity of serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT), neutral and acid sphingomyelinase (nSMase and aSMase), neutral and alkaline ceramidases (nCDase and alCDase) and the content of sphingolipids was determined in three types of skeletal muscle. We also measured the fasting plasma insulin and glucose concentration for calculating HOMA-IR (homeostasis model assessment) for estimating insulin resistance. We found that the activities of aSMase and SPT increase in muscle in the trained group. These changes were followed by elevation in the content of sphinganine. The activities of both isoforms of ceramidase were reduced in muscle in the trained group. Although the activities of SPT and SMases increased and the activity of CDases decreased, the ceramide content did not change in any of the studied muscle. Although ceramide level did not change, we noticed increased insulin sensitivity in trained animals. It is concluded that training affects the activity of key enzymes of ceramide metabolism but also activates other metabolic pathways which affect ceramide metabolism in skeletal muscles

    Childhood emotional trauma and cyberbullying perpetration among emerging adults: a multiple mediation model of the role of problematic social media use and psychopathology

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    Research suggests that a small minority of social media users experience problems as a result of their online use. The purpose of the present study was to examine the association of cyberbullying perpetration and problematic social media use with childhood emotional trauma, Cluster B (narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial, and borderline) personality traits, dissociative experiences (DEs), depression, and self-esteem in a nonclinical undergraduate sample. A total of 344 university students volunteered to complete a questionnaire that included measures on the aforementioned dimensions. Thirty-eight percent of the participants had emotional neglect and 27% had emotional abuse, while 44% of them demonstrated at least one cyberbullying perpetration behavior. Results indicated that cyberbullying perpetrators had higher scores on problematic social media use, dissociative experiences, Cluster B traits, depression and childhood emotional trauma, and lower on self-esteem. Path analysis demonstrated that, while adjusting for gender and age, childhood emotional trauma was directly and indirectly associated with cyberbullying perpetration via Cluster B traits. Moreover, depression and dissociation were directly associated with problematic social media use. The findings of this study emphasize the important direct role of childhood emotional trauma and pathological personality traits on cyberbullying perpetration

    Emerging adults and Facebook use: the validation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS)

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    Based on the six key components of addiction, the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS) is a widely used instrument to assess Facebook addiction. This study aimed to conduct a psychometric validation in a Portuguese sample of emerging adults (ages 18 to 29 years). The construct validity analyses confirmed the one-factor solution and a statistically significant association found between Facebook addiction and Preference for Online Social Interaction, measured by the Generalized Problematic Internet Use Scale 2, warranted the scale criterion validity. Internal consistency was scrutinized using Cronbach's α (α = .87) and stability measured by test-retest (r = .94). Associations between BFAS scores and Brief Symptom Inventory dimensions scores (e.g., interpersonal sensitivity, depression, anxiety) and the GPIUS2 subscale, deficient self-regulation, scores were evaluated. A subsample with higher levels of addiction was analyzed. In summary, the results of the present study support the use of the Portuguese version of the BFAS in both research and clinical milieus. Further implications for research and practice were considered