95 research outputs found

    Animasi Terapi Ruqyah Dalam Perawatan Komplemetari Islam

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    Terapi ruqayah adalah salah satu kaedah perawatan dalam Islam. Ia terdiri daripada ayat-ayat pilihan dari Al Quran dan doa-doa pilihan dari Hadis Nabi s.a.w. Apabila terapi ruqyah dijalankan ke atas pesakit yang terkena gangguan jin, terdapat simptom dan tanda-tanda pada pesakit yang dirasai dalam diri oleh pesakit dan ada yang boleh dilihat pada fizikal diri pesakit. Berdasarkan kepada pengalaman dalam terapi ruqyah ini, animasi bagi menggambarkan reaksi pesakit apabila mendapat rawatan terapi ruqyah ini dibangunkan untuk menjadi bahan perbincangan dan penelitian lanjutan dalam penyelidikan. Animasi ini terdiri daripada fail format gif yang menggabungkan input grafik dan audio. Lakaran grafik yang dihasilkan oleh komputer digunakan sebagai output akhir. Animasi terapi ruqyah yang dihasilkan dalam beberapa situasi ini akan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat umum mengenai kaedah terapi ruqyah dalam merawat diri sendiri dan diri orang lain. Kandungan kertas ini adalah sebahagian daripada dokumentasi projek Holographic Transdisciplinary Conservation 203/PTS/6727000

    The use of remote sensing for monitoring spatial and temporal changes in mangrove management

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    Mangroves are important in protecting shorelines against tidal waves and erosion. Since the mangrove forests in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve (MMFR), Perak, Malaysia are managed with sustainable objectives, spatial information on the mangroves needs to be acquired and updated from time to time. This paper describes the application of SPOT 4 satellite images for mapping mangrove forest extent and quantifying temporal changes within a 10-year period (1989-2000) in Kuala Trong, Perak of MMFR. Multi temporal SPOT 4 images of 1989 and 2000 were enhanced and classified using Erdas image processing software. Digital change detection technique was applied on both images and the magnitude of changes in mangrove region was analysed. Secondary data on the mangrove was obtained from the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia and used in the image classification, change detection analysis and field verification processes. Results showed that the mangrove forest at Kuala Trong, MMFR can be classified into five classes: excellent, good, poor, dryland and damaged forests. The overall image classification accuracy obtained was more than 70%. Remote sensing is an effective tool for mangrove monitoring in MMFR

    Mechanisms of Ginger Bioactive Compounds Extract Using Soxhlet and Accelerated Water Extraction

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    The mechanism for extraction bioactive compounds from plant matrix is essential for optimizing the extraction process. As a benchmark technique, a soxhlet extraction has been utilized for discussing the mechanism and compared with an accelerated water extraction. The trends of both techniques show that the process involves extraction and degradation. The highest yields of 6-, 8-, 10-gingerols and 6-shogaol in soxhlet extraction were 13.948, 7.12, 10.312 and 2.306 mg/g, respectively. The optimum 6-, 8-, 10-gingerols and 6-shogaol extracted by the accelerated water extraction at 140oC were 68.97±3.95 mg/g at 3min, 18.98±3.04 mg/g at 5min, 5.167±2.35 mg/g at 3min and 14.57±6.27 mg/g at 3min, respectively. The effect of temperature at 3mins shows that the concentration of 6-shogaol increased rapidly as decreasing the recovery of 6-gingerol

    Chemopreventive Efficacy of Ginger Extract (Zingiber officinale)

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    The liver cells were cultured in the presence of ginger extract at various concentrations (0-1 mg /ml) for 24 h and the cells viability and proliferation rate were evaluated by MTS and BrdU assays, while apoptosis was evaluated by colorimetric determination of caspase 8 and 3 activities. Ginger extract exhibited a dose dependent inhibition of viability and proliferation of WRL-68, HLE and HepG2 cells with IC50 of 569.69 ± 7.99 µg/ml, 389.71 ± 26.56 µg/ml and 358.71 ± 17.12 µg/ml respectively. Ginger extract induced apoptosis through activation of caspase-8 and 3 in a dose dependent pattern for all cells at concentration ranging from 0-500 mg/ml.  We found that antiproliferative effect of ginger extract could be associated with induction of apoptosis as shown by increased activities of caspase 8 and 3.The results from this study suggest that ginger extract has chemopreventive properties against hepatoma cells HepG2 and HLE by inhibiting cellular proliferation and inducing apoptosis.Keywords : antiproliferation, apoptosis, caspases, Zingiber officinal

    A comparative investigation on the effect of thermal treatments on the mechanical properties of oil palm fruitlet components

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    An assessment of the mechanical properties was employed as the principal yardstick to quantify the physical attributes of oil palm fruitlet components before and after being subjected to thermal treatment process. Two industrial-scale thermal treatment methods were considered; horizontal sterilisation (being the most common) and vertical sterilisation (recently implemented). The exocarp and mesocarp layers of thermally-treated fruitlets, as attested by texture profile analysis, compression test, and tensile test, have a significantly low value of fracturability, hardness, firmness, and strength as opposed to untreated fruitlets. Micrographs of the mesocarp slices have provided plausible explanation for the observed decline in the mechanical properties of the sterilised fruitlets. The oil which was initially contained within the fruitlets tends to leach out during the sterilisation process due to the resulting structural disintegration within the layers of the fruitlets. On another related enquiry, the required cracking force to break palm nuts in order to extract the kernel was found to be influenced by the moisture content

    Investigating Maturity State and Internal Properties of Fruits Using Non-destructive Techniques-a Review

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    The evaluation of internal condition of the fruit via destructive techniques mostly damaged the internal and external fruit structure. However, there are several non-destructive techniques available could be applied in the agricultural industry, specifically for observing internal fruit conditions. Different kinds of internal conditions of fruits are evaluated in terms of their quality and ripeness levels. These non-destructive techniques include fruit evaluation via ultrasonic measurement techniques, light spectroscopy, imaging via Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and X-Ray, computer vision, electric nose and also vibration. The capabilities and the effectiveness of these techniques towards fruit monitoring are thoroughly discussed. Besides, the drawback of these non-destructive technique has been analysed