115 research outputs found

    The endemic gastropod fauna of Lake Titicaca : correlation between molecular evolution and hydrographic history

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    Lake Titicaca, situated in the Altiplano high plateau, is the only ancient lake in South America. This 2- to 3-My-old (where My is million years) water body has had a complex history that included at least five major hydrological phases during the Pleistocene. It is generally assumed that these physical events helped shape the evolutionary history of the lake´s biota. Herein, we study an endemic species assemblage in Lake Titicaca, composed of members of the microgastropod genus Heleobia, to determine whether the lake has functioned as a reservoir of relic species or the site of local diversification, to evaluate congruence of the regional paleohydrology and the evolutionary history of this assemblage, and to assess whether the geographic distributions of endemic lineages are hierarchical. Our phylogenetic analyses indicate that the Titicaca/Altiplano Heleobia fauna (together with few extralimital taxa) forms a species flock. A molecular clock analysis suggests that the most recent common ancestor (MRCAs) of the Altiplano taxa evolved 0.53 (0.28–0.80) My ago and the MRCAs of the Altiplano taxa and their extralimital sister group 0.92 (0.46–1.52) My ago. The endemic species of Lake Titicaca are younger than the lake itself, implying primarily intralacustrine speciation. Moreover, the timing of evolutionary branching events and the ages of two precursors of Lake Titicaca, lakes Cabana and Ballivián, is congruent. Although Lake Titicaca appears to have been the principal site of speciation for the regional Heleobia fauna, the contemporary spatial patterns of endemism have been masked by immigration and/or emigration events of local riverine taxa, which we attribute to the unstable hydrographic history of the Altiplano. Thus, a hierarchical distribution of endemism is not evident, but instead there is a single genetic break between two regional clades. We also discuss our findings in relation to studies of other regional biota and suggest that salinity tolerance was the most likely limiting factor in the evolution of Altiplano species flocks

    Brute Force Attack To Exploit Vvulnerabilities of Websites with CMS Content Management System

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    The article shows the techniques of brute force attack to exploit vulnerabilities in websites made with CMS content managers taking into account ethical hacking; being that, currently the different public institutions, private and/or natural persons, have a growing demand for their products and/or services are available on the Internet. For example, public institutions in Peru are subject to Law N ∘ 27806, law on transparency and access to public information, to provide such information to citizens, for what is required. Another example corresponds to companies or private companies, for wanting to have positioning, competitive advantage, and approach to customers and also to web users. This involves hiring the services of people specialized in the development of websites that use CMS content managers, such as wordpress, joomla, drupal, etc., to implement these websites. The managers are prepared to help improve at the time of development and put them into production; however, security is often not taken into account. Among the consequences is the increasing number of computer attacks on these sites; therefore, a way to prevent it is by detecting the vulnerabilities that can be exploited, and thereby reduce the risks to which these websites are exposed to.   Keywords: ethical hacking, vulnerabilities, websites, content managers, brute forc

    A comprehensive review on the corrosion pathways of titanium dental implants and their biological adverse effects

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    The main aim of this work was to perform a comprehensive review of findings reported by previous studies on the corrosion of titanium dental implants and consequent clinical detrimental effects to the patients. Most studies were performed by in vitro electrochemical tests and complemented with microscopic techniques to evaluate the corrosion behavior of the protective passive oxide film layer, namely TiO2. Results revealed that bacterial accumulation, dietary, inflammation, infection, and therapeutic solutions decrease the pH of the oral environment leading to the corrosion of titanium. Some therapeutic products used as mouthwash negatively affect the corrosion behavior of the titanium oxide film and promote changes on the implant surface. In addition, toothpaste and bleaching agents, can amplify the chemical reactivity of titanium since fluor ions interacting with the titanium oxide film. Furthermore, the number of in vivo studies is limited although corrosion signs have been found in retrieved implants. Histological evaluation revealed titanium macro- and micro-scale particles on the peri-implant tissues. As a consequence, progressive damage of the dental implants and the evolution of inflammatory reactions depend on the size, chemical composition, and concentration of submicron- and nanoparticles in the surrounding tissues and internalized by the cells. In fact, the damage of the implant surfaces results in the loss of material that compromises the implant surfaces, implant-abutment connections, and the interaction with soft tissues. The corrosion can be an initial trigger point for the development of biological or mechanical failures in dental implants.This study was supported by FCT-Portugal (UID/EEA/04436/2013, NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000018– HAMaBICo, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031035_LaserMULTICER) and CNPq-Brazil (CNPq/UNIVERSAL/421229/2018-7

    A Study of Future Communications Concepts and Technologies for the National Airspace System - Part IV

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) is investigating current and anticipated wireless communications concepts and technologies that the National Airspace System (NAS) may need in the next 50 years. NASA has awarded three NASA Research Announcements (NAR) studies with the objective to determine the most promising candidate technologies for air-to-air and air-to-ground data exchange and analyze their suitability in a post-NextGen NAS environment. This paper will present the final results describing the communications challenges and opportunities that have been identified as part of the study

    A Study of Future Communications Concepts and Technologies for the National Airspace System - Part II

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) is investigating current and anticipated wireless communications concepts and technologies that the National Airspace System (NAS) may need in the next 50 years. NASA has awarded three NASA Research Announcements (NAR) studies with the objective to determine the most promising candidate technologies for air-to-air and air-to-ground data exchange and analyze their suitability in a post-NextGen NAS environment. This paper will present progress made in the studies and describe the communications challenges and opportunities that have been identified during the studies' first year

    Peri-implant tissue management after immediate implant placement using a customized healing abutment

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    OBJECTIVE The unavoidable extraction of teeth in the esthetic area can be overcome through different treatment modalities. Recently, immediate implants appeared as a minimally invasive approach to resolving these cases; however, immediate implant loading is not always possible or indicated. In these cases, an innovative approach through customized healing abutments could be used to preserve the soft tissue contour, eliminating the need for reopening surgery and the use of provisional restorations to condition the mucosal contour. CLINICAL CONSIDERATIONS The present cases describe a simplified chairside approach to use customized healing abutments for immediate implants placed after tooth extraction in the anterior and posterior areas in order to maintain the soft tissue contours while reducing the clinical steps until delivering the final restorations. CONCLUSIONS This technique seems to be effective to guide the soft tissue healing around dental implants allowing a natural emergence profile with implant-supported restorations, reducing the number of treatment steps. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE The use of customized healing abutments prepares soft tissue for the prosthetic stage preserving its contours and eliminating the need for reopening surgery

    A Study of Future Communications Concepts and Technologies for the National Airspace System-Part III

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    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Glenn Research Center (GRC) is investigating current and anticipated wireless communications concepts and technologies that the National Airspace System (NAS) may need in the next 50 years. NASA has awarded three NASA Research Announcements (NAR) studies with the objective to determine the most promising candidate technologies for air-to-air and air-to-ground data exchange and analyze their suitability in a post-NextGen NAS environment. This paper will present progress made in the studies and describe the communications challenges and opportunities that have been identified as part of the study. NASA's NextGen Concepts and Technology Development (CTD) Project integrates solutions for a safe, efficient and high-capacity airspace system through joint research efforts and partnerships with other government agencies. The CTD Project is one of two within NASA's Airspace Systems Program and is managed by the NASA Ames Research Center. Research within the CTD Project is in support the 2011 NASA Strategic Plan Sub-Goal 4.1: Develop innovative solutions and advanced technologies, through a balanced research portfolio, to improve current and future air transportation. The focus of CTD is on developing capabilities in traffic flow management, dynamic airspace configuration, separation assurance, super density operations and airport surface operations. Important to its research is the development of human/automation information requirements and decisionmaking guidelines for human-human and human-machine airportal decision-making. Airborne separation, oceanic intrail climb/descent and interval management applications depend on location and intent information of surrounding aircraft. ADS-B has been proposed to provide the information exchange, but other candidates such as satellite-based receivers, broadband or airborne internet, and cellular communications are possible candidate's

    Anti-inflammatory, pro-proliferative and antimicrobial potential of the compounds isolated from Daemonorops draco (Willd.) Blume

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    Ethno-pharmacological relevance: Daemonorops draco (D. draco) commonly known as “Dragon's blood” is one of the most used plants by Momok, Anak Dalam and Talang Mamak tribes from Indonesia as a remedy for wound healing. Aim of the study: This study aimed to identify the extract, fractions and compounds responsible for the anti-inflammatory and pro-proliferative activities of the D. draco resin. Additionally, the antimicrobial activity against two bacteria and one yeast species was analysed. Materials and methods: Bio-guided isolation of compounds with anti-inflammatory, pro-proliferative and antimicrobial activities from the D. draco resin was carried out by measuring: the inhibition of NF-κB and activation of Nrf2 in THP-1, HaCaT, NIH-3T3 cells; cell proliferation in NIH-3T3 and HaCaT cells; and the antimicrobial effect on E. coli, S. aureus and C. albicans. Results: Guided isolation by bioassay gave rise to the isolation and characterisation by nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectrometry of three compounds: 1 (Bexarotene), 2 (Taspine) and 3 (2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone). All compounds showed NF-κB inhibitory activity with IC50 values of 0.10–0.13, 0.22–0.24 and 3.75–4.78 μM, respectively, while the positive control, Celastrol, had an IC50 of 7.96 μM. Likewise, all compounds showed an activating effect of Nrf2 with EC50 values of 5.34–5.43, 163.20–169.20 and 300.82–315.56 nM, respectively, while the positive control, CDDO-Me, had an EC50 of 0.11 nM. In addition, concerning the pro-proliferative activity, compound 1 (IC50 = 8.62–8.71 nM) showed a capacity of 100%, compound 2 (IC50 = 166–171 nM) showed a capacity of 75%, and compound 3 (IC50 = 469–486 nM) showed a capacity of 65%, while FSB 10% (positive control) had a pro-proliferative activity of 100% in the NIH3T3 cell lines (fibroblasts) and HaCaT (keratinocytes). Finally, all the compounds showed antimicrobial activity with MIC values of 0.12–0.16, 0.31–0.39 and 3.96–3.99 μM, respectively, in S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans strains, while the positive control, Ofloxacin, had a MIC of 27.65 μM. Conclusion: This study managed to isolate, for the first time, three compounds (Bexarotene, Taspine and 2-hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde isonicotinoyl hydrazone) from the resin of D. draco, with anti-inflammatory, and pro-proliferative as well as antimicrobial activitie

    Residuos plásticos de Jujuy: caracterización en pesos y volúmenes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria para analizar las condiciones de aplicación de una futura valorización de los residuos plásticos de S.S. de Jujuy. Estos desechos, recogidos de cuatro zonas con nivel socioeconómico diferente, fueron lavados y secados, luego de lo cual se clasificaron por tipo de resina. Cada una de estas fracciones fue pesada y se le midió el volumen respectivo antes y después de una compresión como la que sufrirían al ser dispuestas en un relleno sanitario. Las resinas encontradas en mayor proporción fueron el polietilentereftalato y las poliolefinas. Se pudo concluir una economía significativa de espacio en caso de no disponer los desechos plásticos con los demás residuos en un relleno sanitario, como así también se establecieron los aspectos a tener en cuenta para una posible minimización de los residuos plásticos, con o sin valorización de los mismos.The present work was carried out to obtain the necessary information to analize the conditions for a future valorization of the plastic wastes of S.S. de Jujuy (Argentina). These wastes, collected from four areas by different social economic levels, were washed and dried, and then sorted by type of resin. Every classified group was weighed and its volume was also measured before and after a compression similar to the one they would undergo when they are disposed in a landfill. The resins found in bigger proportion were polyethylene terephtalate and the polyolefins. The conclusions were: a) a significant space economy in case that the plastic wastes are not disposed with the rest of the garbage in a landfill, b) the establishment of the aspects to take into account for a possible minimization of the plastic wastes, with or without their valorization.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Residuos plásticos de Jujuy: caracterización en pesos y volúmenes

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    Este trabajo fue realizado con el fin de conseguir la información necesaria para analizar las condiciones de aplicación de una futura valorización de los residuos plásticos de S.S. de Jujuy. Estos desechos, recogidos de cuatro zonas con nivel socioeconómico diferente, fueron lavados y secados, luego de lo cual se clasificaron por tipo de resina. Cada una de estas fracciones fue pesada y se le midió el volumen respectivo antes y después de una compresión como la que sufrirían al ser dispuestas en un relleno sanitario. Las resinas encontradas en mayor proporción fueron el polietilentereftalato y las poliolefinas. Se pudo concluir una economía significativa de espacio en caso de no disponer los desechos plásticos con los demás residuos en un relleno sanitario, como así también se establecieron los aspectos a tener en cuenta para una posible minimización de los residuos plásticos, con o sin valorización de los mismos.The present work was carried out to obtain the necessary information to analize the conditions for a future valorization of the plastic wastes of S.S. de Jujuy (Argentina). These wastes, collected from four areas by different social economic levels, were washed and dried, and then sorted by type of resin. Every classified group was weighed and its volume was also measured before and after a compression similar to the one they would undergo when they are disposed in a landfill. The resins found in bigger proportion were polyethylene terephtalate and the polyolefins. The conclusions were: a) a significant space economy in case that the plastic wastes are not disposed with the rest of the garbage in a landfill, b) the establishment of the aspects to take into account for a possible minimization of the plastic wastes, with or without their valorization.Tema 6: Energía eólica, geotermia, biomasa y otras energías no convencionales.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES