71 research outputs found

    Assessment of quartz materials crystallinity by x-ray diffraction

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    The estimated degree of crystallinity of natural and synthetic grown quartz and quartzite by calculating the x-ray diffraction patterns. It is shown that the index of crystallinity of natural quartzite varies widely, reflecting the different degree of their transformation. The highest values of the index of crystallinity are characterized natural and synthetic single crystals of quartz

    Russified anatomical names with greek roots

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    The purpose of the study is to identify Russified variants of anatomical names with Greek roots, to determine the prevailing way of registration of a foreign lexeme.Цель исследования – выявить русифицированные варианты анатомических наименований с греческими корнями, определить преобладающий способ оформления иноязычной лексемы

    Clinical Aspects of Prevention and Management of Primary Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction

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    Background. Primary inferior oblique muscle overaction (PIOOA) may occur for various reasons and happens to 72 % patients with infantile esotropia. The criterion for the first surgical step is prevalence of vertical or horizontal deviation. The choice of tactics weakening inferior oblique muscle is ambiguous.Aims: to carry out retrospective analysis of PIOOA frequency in patients with infantile esotropia; to assess influence of esodeviation reduction by a surgical, chemodenervational or prismatic method on the existing PIOOA dynamics; to assess clinical and functional results of PIOOA treatment.Methods and methods. The retrospective analysis of 572 patients’ cases lay in assessment of PIOOA frequency and rate in patients with infantile esotropia that manifested under 9 months, with different treatment tactics. The prospective part of the research included two groups of patients. Group 1 (106 patients, 222 eyes) – studying the influence of surgical treatment of PIOOA. Group 2 (127 patients, 207 eyes) – studying the effectiveness of surgical PIOOA treatment. Conclusion. PIOOA frequency in case of different treatment tactics for patients with infantile esotropia is from 17 to 69 %, and the degree of its clinical manifestation is from 1.2 ± 0.4 to 2.6 ± 0.8. Bilateral weakening of medial rectus muscle reduces its probability up to 17–19 %, and the degree of its manifestation up to 1.2 ± 0.4. In cases of combination of PIOOA with infantile esotropia from 20 to 25° with paretic component, it is reasonable to carry out esodeviation reduction by means of bilateral recession, chemorecession or prismatic correction as the first treatment stage, whereas the rate of existing PIOOA is credibly reduced. In cases of choice of tactics, which is necessary for clinically significant reduction or elimination of PIOOA, it is reasonable to carry out chemorecession, marginal partial myotomy or myectomy depending on the PIOOA manifestation

    Прогноз социально-экономического бремени хронической обструктивной болезни легких в Российской Федерации в 2022 году

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    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is characterized by a high level of morbidity and mortality and is associated with significant social and economic losses for the health care system and society.Aim. To predict the socio-economic burden of COPD in the Russian Federation in 2022, including the cost of drug treatment.Methods. The socio-economic burden of COPD in the Russian Federation in 2022 was predicted with and without taking into account the impact of COVID-19. The analysis of the cost of illness included the calculation of direct and indirect costs due to COPD. Data of Federal State Statistics Service, the State Guarantee Program of Free Medical Care for Citizens of Russian Federation, and data from the regional register of drug treatment of patients with COPD were used. Costs of medical care (ambulatory, hospital, and emergency care) were calculated based on compulsory health insurance tariffs. The disability benefits payments were calculated based on number of disabled persons and the amount of the disability benefit in each group. Indirect costs (or economic losses) included losses from products which were not produced due to disability and premature mortality of working-aged adults.Results. The predicted total economic losses due to COPD in 2022 will be 428.5 billion rubles when taking into account the impact of COVID-19, and 378.9 billion rubles when not accounting for COVID-19. Losses in the economy due to decreased labor productivity because of premature deaths (86%) are major part of the main burden. The cost of drug therapy for patients with COPD in outpatient settings will amount to over 17 billion rubles.Conclusion. Potential economic burden of COPD in 2022 depends on the incidence of COVID-19 and could be 0.34% of the GDP. Priority should be given to measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of COPD by correcting risk factors in the population, early diagnosis, slowing the progression of the disease and preventing exacerbations. Prevention of respiratory infections including COVID-19 in patients with COPD plays a special role.Хроническая обструктивная болезнь легких (ХОБЛ) характеризуется высоким уровнем заболеваемости и смертности и ассоциирована со значительным социальным и экономическим ущербом (ЭУ) для системы здравоохранения и общества.Целью работы явился прогноз социально-экономического бремени ХОБЛ в Российской Федерации (РФ) в 2022 г., включая затраты на лекарственную терапию.Материалы и методы. Приведен прогноз социально-экономического бремени ХОБЛ в РФ в 2022 г. с учетом и без учета влияния COVID-19. Анализ стоимости болезни включал расчет прямых и косвенных затрат, обусловленных ХОБЛ. Источниками данных служили показатели Федеральной службы государственной статистики, Программы государственных гарантий бесплатного оказания гражданам медицинской помощи, данные регионального регистра о медикаментозной терапии больных ХОБЛ. На основании тарифов на оплату медицинской помощи по обязательному медицинскому страхованию рассчитаны затраты на оказание амбулаторной, стационарной и скорой медицинской помощи. Объем выплат пособий по инвалидности рассчитывался по числу инвалидов каждой группы и величине пособия по инвалидности. Непрямые затраты включали потери для экономики от непроизведенной продукции из-за утраты трудоспособности и преждевременной смерти в экономически активном возрасте.Результаты. С учетом влияния COVID-19 прогнозируемый совокупный ЭУ от ХОБЛ на 2022 г. составит 428,5 млрд руб., без учета – 378,9 млрд руб. В структуре основного ЭУ превалируют потери в вследствие снижения производительности труда, обусловленные преждевременной смертью (86 %). Затраты на медикаментозную терапию пациентов с ХОБЛ на амбулаторном этапе составят > 17 млрд руб.Заключение. Потенциальный ЭУ от ХОБЛ в 2022 г. зависит от заболеваемости COVID-19 и может достигнуть 0,34 % валового внутреннего продукта. Первоочередное внимание должно быть уделено мерам, направленным на профилактику возникновения ХОБЛ за счет коррекции факторов риска в популяции, раннюю диагностику, замедление прогрессирования заболевания и предупреждение обострений. Особую роль играет профилактика респираторных инфекций у больных ХОБЛ, включая COVID-19

    Neuroendocrine–immune disequilibrium and endometriosis: an interdisciplinary approach

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    Endometriosis, a chronic disease characterized by endometrial tissue located outside the uterine cavity, affects one fourth of young women and is associated with chronic pelvic pain and infertility. However, an in-depth understanding of the pathophysiology and effective treatment strategies of endometriosis is still largely elusive. Inadequate immune and neuroendocrine responses are significantly involved in the pathophysiology of endometriosis, and key findings are summarized in the present review. We discuss here the role of different immune mechanisms particularly adhesion molecules, protein–glycan interactions, and pro-angiogenic mediators in the development and progression of the disease. Finally, we introduce the concept of endometrial dissemination as result of a neuroendocrine-immune disequilibrium in response to high levels of perceived stress caused by cardinal clinical symptoms of endometriosis

    Assessment of quartz materials crystallinity by x-ray diffraction

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    The estimated degree of crystallinity of natural and synthetic grown quartz and quartzite by calculating the x-ray diffraction patterns. It is shown that the index of crystallinity of natural quartzite varies widely, reflecting the different degree of their transformation. The highest values of the index of crystallinity are characterized natural and synthetic single crystals of quartz

    In-Situ Crystallization and Continuous Modification of Chromian Spinel in the "Sulfide-Poor Platinum-Group Metal Ores" of the Norilsk-1 Intrusion (Northern Siberia, Russia)

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    Layers rich in chromian spinel (Cr-spinel) occur in numerous differentiated and layered intrusions. These layers are often characterized by elevated and even economic concentrations of platinum-group-elements (PGEs), but only scarce sulfide mineralization. One particular type of such lithology occurs in the roof parts of the Norilsk-type differentiated intrusions (Russia) and is referred to as the "sulfide-poor PGE ores". We investigated rocks containing variable enrichments in Cr-spinel, sulfides, and platinum-group minerals (PGMs) from two sections of the upper zone of the Norilsk-1 intrusion, with a focus on Cr-spinel. The rocks are dominated by two lithological types: (1) leucogabbro/troctolitic and (2) olivine-gabbro. Fine-grained (5-100 mu m) disperse disseminations with varying modal abundances of Cr-spinel are characteristic for the rocks studied. Those abundances range from scarce mineralization through to very dense (up to 30 vol. % Cr-spinel) cloud-like accumulations. However, compact-grained accumulations and cumulate-like textures, which are typical for chromitites of layered intrusions, are not characteristic for the studied rocks. Instead, the disseminations exhibit chain- and trail-like alignments of Cr-spinel grains, which cross the boundaries between enclosing silicates, and sub-circular arrangements. The study revealed millimeter-scaled patchy distribution of Cr-spinel compositions within a given dissemination with Cr-spinel chemistry being strongly correlated with a kind of the enclosing silicate. (1) In unaltered rocks, plagioclase hosts more magnesian Cr-spinel (Mg# 30-60), while Cr-spinel in mafic minerals is less magnesian (Mg# 18-35). (2) In altered rocks, more magnesian Cr-spinel is hosted by less altered silicates, while strongly altered silicates mainly host less magnesian Cr-spinel. Systematics of trivalent cations exhibits divergent trends, even on a scale of a thin section, and depends on a kind of hosting lithology. Leucogabbro/troctolite lithologies contain Cr-spinel with anomalously low Fe(3+)and extremely high Ti contents, whereas Cr-spinel from olivine-gabbro lithologies have moderate Fe(3+)and moderately-high Ti contents. It is envisaged that crystallization of Cr-spinel and their host rocks occurred from viscous mingled magmas, which had different compositions and redox state. Subsequent processes involved (1) high-temperature re-equilibration of Cr-spinel with enclosing silicates and (2) post-magmatic alteration and partial recrystallization of Cr-spinel. During these processes, Cr-spinel was losing Mg and Al and gaining Fe and Ti. These chemical trends are generally coincident with those established for other intrusions worldwide, but the upper zone of the Norilsk-1 intrusion seems to possess an exceptional variety of Cr-spinel compositions, not recorded elsewhere.Peer reviewe

    Lab. Invest.

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