117 research outputs found

    Comparative MD Study of Inhibitory Activity of Opaganib and Adamantane-Isothiourea Derivatives toward COVID-19 Main Protease M<sup>pro</sup>

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    In this study, the inhibitory potency of four adamantly- isothiourea derivatives (compounds 1 [4-bromobenzyl (Z)-N′-(adamantan-1-yl)-4-phenylpiperazine-1-carbothioimidate], 2 [3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzyl (Z)-N′-(adamantan-1-yl)-4-phenylpiperazine-1-carbothioimidate], 3 [4-bromobenzyl (Z)-N-(adamantan-1-yl)morpholine-4-carbothioimidate] and 4 [3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzyl (Z)-N-(adamantan-1-yl)morpholine-4-carbothioimidate]) was evaluated against SARS-CoV-2 targeted proteins. The investigated compounds 1–4 possess a similar structure to opaganib, which is used in studies like a potential drug for COVID-19 treatment. Since examined adamantly-isothiourea derivatives (1–4) shown broad-spectrum of antibacterial activity and significant in vitro cytotoxic effects against five human tumor cell lines and shown similarity in structure with opaganib, it was of interest to study their inhibitory potency toward some SARS-CoV-2 proteins such as SARS-CoV-2 main protease Mpro and mutation of SARS-CoV-2 Spike (S) Protein D614G. The inhibitory potency of studied compounds is examined using molecular docking and molecular dynamic simulations. The results of molecular docking simulations indicate compound 1 as the most prominent candidate of inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 main protease Mpro (▵Gbind=11.24 kcal/mol), while almost the same inhibition potency of all studied compounds is exhibited toward D614G. Regarding the results obtained by molecular dynamic simulations, compounds 1 and 4 possess similar inhibitory potency toward SARS-CoV-2 main protease Mpro as opaganib (▵Gbind (Formula presented.) 40 kcal/mol)

    Chalcopyrite leaching in acid media: a review

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    In the modern practice of copper production, more and more attention is paid to the possibility of treating low-percentage sulfide ores that cannot be treated with conventional procedures (crushing, grinding, flotation). In addition to this, the processes of obtaining copper from complex sulfide concentrates, which cannot undergo pyrometallurgical processing, are increasingly being investigated. Extraction of copper from such raw materials is in most cases achieved by applying leaching procedures. Since chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) is by far the most abundant copper sulfide mineral, a large portion of the research is focused on studying the behavior of chalcopyrite in the leaching process, because processes of copper extraction from increasingly poor raw materials may be created using results of these studies. In addition, the main objective of this research is examining the kinetics and mechanism of chalcopyrite oxidation under the influence of various oxidants (O2, Fe3 +, H2O2, chlorate ions, etc.) and at the same time obtaining data necessary for the development of copper production process that could satisfy increasingly stringent technological, economic and environmental criteria. The paper presents the existing knowledge of the chalcopyrite leaching procedure and phenomena that accompany chalcopyrite oxidation in acidic sulfate and chloride solutions

    Leach-SX-EW copper revalorization from overburden of abandoned copper mine Cerovo, Eastern Serbia

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    Hydrometallurgical processes for copper revalorization from overburden of abandoned mine Cerovo in Eastern Serbia were studied. Paper contain results of percolation leaching tests, performed with acidic mine waters accumulated in the bottom of the former open pit, followed by solvent extraction (SX) and electrowinning (EW) processes on achieved copper pregnant leach solutions. Usage of accumulated waste waters was objected to minimizing the environmental hazard due to uncontrolled leaking of these waters in nearby creeks and rivers. Chemical composition of acidic mine waters used for leaching tests was: (g/dm3): Cu - 0.201; Fe - 0.095; Mn - 0.041; Zn - 0.026; Ni - 0.0004; pH value - 3.3. Copper content in overburden sample used for leaching tests was 0.21% from which 64% were oxide copper minerals. In scope of leaching tests were examined influence of leaching solution pH values and iron (III) concentration on copper recovery. It was established that for 120 hours of leaching on pH=1.5 without oxidant agents, copper concentration in pregnant leach solutions enriched up to 1.08g/dm3 which was enough for copper extraction from solution with SX-EW treatment. As extraction reagent in SX circuit was used LIX-984N in a kerosene diluent. Cathode current density in electrowinning cell was 220Am-2 while electrolyte temperature was kept on 50±2oC. Produced cathode copper at the end of SX-EW process has purity of 99.95% Cu

    Comparative review of the sequential analysis and other models for evaluating school classes

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    U ovom radu imamo za cilj da uporedimo i prikažemo prednosti postupka sekvencijalne analize (Ivić, Pešikan, Antić 2001) u odnosu na druge iz literature poznate instrumente za psihološko-didaktičku analizu časa. U instrumente sa kojima poredimo sekvencijalnu analizu uvrstili smo sledeće: Flanders Interaction Analysis Categories (Flanders 1970), Mesner-Fuglisterova skala (Mesner, Fuglister 1973), ETH Wiss - 92 instrument (Educational Development and Technology, 2007) i CLASS sistem (Pianta, La Paro, Hamre 2007). Rad se sastoji iz dva dela. U prvom delu rada predstavljamo odabrane instrumente, dok u drugom delu ove instrumente poredimo na osnovu četiri kriterijuma - odnos između instrumenta kao istraživačke tehnike i nastave kao predmeta analize, priroda jedinice za analizu školskog časa, sadržaj jedinice za analizu školskog časa, postupak globalne procene časa.The goal of this paper is to highlight the advantages of the sequential analysis (Ivić, Pešikan, Antić 2001) compared to other existing instruments for psychological-didactical analysis of school classes-Flanders' Interaction Analysis Categories (Flanders 1970), Füglister-Messner scale (Füglister, Messner 1973), ETH Wiss-92 instrument (Educational Development and Technology 2007) and CLASS system (Pianta, La Paro, Hamre 2007). The paper consists of two parts. In the first part the aforementioned methods are presented, while in the second these methods are compared on the basis of four criteria-the relationship between the instrument as a research technique and teaching as the object of the analysis; the nature of the smallest element of a school class analysis; the content of the smallest element of a school class; the procedure of the global evaluation of a class. The conducted analyses allow us to put the sequential analysis on one side and the other evaluative instruments on the other, as two different categories of evaluative instruments. The sequential analysis is in both technical and practical sense conceived in such a way that preserves the psychological essence of teaching as a process based on interaction. On the other side, the other instruments represent analytical procedures that reduce psychological and didactic value of the evaluation of a class. Therefore these instruments and their results do not have sufficient theoretical and practical value when it comes to psychological-didactical evaluation of school classes

    Association between active pulmonary tuberculosis and miRNA-146a: A preliminary study from Serbia

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    Introduction: Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a significant public health problem. The role of small non-coding RNAs, such as microRNAs (miRNAs), was investigated extensively in Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection as well as in a variety of other pathophysiological processes in recent years. It was found that miRNAs act as regulators of both early reaction to MTB infection and in process of adaptation of the host immune cells during latent course of the disease. Molecule miRNA-146a is expressed exclusively in immune cells and it has the most prominent role in modulation of innate immunity. Methodology: We investigated the level of expression of miRNA-146a using an RT-qPCR technique in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of 44 patients with active pulmonary TB and 17 healthy individuals. We also analyzed the significance of miRNA-146a rs2910164 SNV for expression profile of miRNA-146a, in order to investigate potential usage of miRNA-146a as a biomarker for TB. Results: There was statistically significant decrease of expression of miRNA-146a in TB group compared to control group. When gender cohorts were analyzed, the expression levels in TB male and TB female subgroup were significantly lower than the expression levels in the same gender control subgroups. Conclusions: Our results indicate that miRNA-146a plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of TB, suggesting that miRNA-146a could be used as a biomarker for active pulmonary TB

    Theoretical Foundation and Actuality of the Concept Education through Art

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    This paper is on the relation between art and education through the concept Education through Art, from the perspective of progressive pedagogy. Theoretical foundation is analysed through the theories of John Dewey and Herbert Read who stressed that art should be experienced, not only because of its prefect value, but because of its pedagogical potential (for the purpose of recreating and reconstructing experience). Elliot Eisner contribution is also analysed, who discussing the significance of art, points out at the cognitive aspect of art in education. With his work, pedagogy gets steady alternative model in relation to the contemporary school which is intellectually oriented and in which pedagogical work in school is focused on verbal and mathematical proficiencies. Progressive pedagogy opposes traditional formalism in education, which is organised in advance by the subject syllabi, and teaching to the test. It promotes desirable interdisciplinary organisation of teaching, with the cross curricular activities, transforming the learning environment in this way. In the paper, we discussed implications for the praxis of theoretical concept, which directs the work at school towards the whole development of personality and it affirms realisation of creative activities through play and research integrating art in the process of learning

    Fizičko-hemijske i biološke karakteristike dentalnih kalcijum silikatnih cemenata – Pregled literature

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    Dental cement materials have been developed with the aim to replace hard dental tissues. The first material used for pulp capping, root canal obturation, bifurcation perforation and apexification is calcium hydroxide (in 1920). A half century later, glass-ionomer cements began to suppress it as dentine substitutes. Finally, in the 1990s, calcium silicate (CS) material appeared in the dental research community as the most promising dentine substitute capable to adequately meet all clinical requirements. The aim of this paper is to present an overview of literature related to studies about CS materials taking into account their physical, chemical and biological properties and clinical applications. This review aims to discuss beneficial and adverse characteristics of CSs concerning interactions to the hard dentine and soft pulp/periodontal tissues. This review article deals with the literature data about currently commercially available CS concerning laboratory and clinical findings. 109 scientific articles were analyzed of which 62 references reported in vitro and 26 in vivo investigations while 21 references comprised reports, reviews and books dealing with both, in vitro and in vivo investigations. Although further data collection is necessary, CSs are promising materials that represent a gold standard for numerous dental clinical procedures. © 2019, Association of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Serbia. All rights reserved

    Radon exhalation rate of some building materials common in Serbia

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    It is well-known that radon is the second important human carcinogen for lung cancer, after smoking. The major sources of indoor radon concentrations are soil and building material. Under certain conditions, a dose received from the inhalation of radon and its progenies can be higher than a dose received from the external exposure due to radium concentration in building materials. In this contribution, the results of the radon and thoron exhalation rate measurement from 9 commonly used building materials are reported. Exhalation rate measurements were performed with accumulation chamber method using active device for measurement of radon concentration. © 2019 RAD Association. All rights reserved.Conference of 6th International Conference on Radiation and Applications in Various Fields of Research, RAD 2018 ; Conference Date: 18 June 2018 Through 22 June 2018; Conference Code:14955