108 research outputs found

    Politik Hukum Penyelesaian Konflik Berbasis Agama di Indonesia

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    Konstitusi dan peraturan Perundang-undangan lainnya telah menjamin tegaknya kebebasan beragama, namun masih saja terdapat tindakan pelanggaran kebebasan beragama yang berujung pada konflik yang kerap sekali ditemukan di Indonesia, baik konflik antar penganut agama yang berbeda ataupun antar sesama penganut suatu agama. Oleh karena itu sangat diharapkan adanya konsep penyelesaian konflik yang berbasis agama untuk meminimalisir tindakan-tindakan pelanggaran. Dalam ketentuan peraturan Perundang-undangan Indonesia penyelesaian konflik berbasis agama diatur pada Pasal 156, serta Pasal 157 Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana, serta pada ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat (1) Penetapan Presiden Republik Indonesia Nomor 1/PNPS Tahun 1965 tentang Pencegahan Penyalahgunaan dan/atau Penodaan Agama. Sedangkan gagasan baru mengenai penyelesaian konflik berbasis agama yang dicoba untuk ditawarkan ialah dengan reformulasi kewenangan pengadilan agama dalam penyelesaian konflik agama diantara umat Islam, melakukan dialog baik internal agama ataupun eksternal agama dan yang terakhir ialah dengan metode dakwah yang menitikberatkan pada semangat toleransi, kedamaian dan menjalankan ajaran agama secara benar

    Representation of Sm Operators on Sequence Spaces with a New Norm

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    We give some representations of SM-operator on sequence spaces , using a new norm different from that of ones in the beginning and some examples are give

    Desain, Simulasi dan Analisis Peningkatan Range Resolution Sistem Radar FMCW

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    Range resolution as one of the parameters of the radar system becomes very important and need to be upgraded to provide accurate target distance information. Increased bandwidth can be done however is limited to devices for Direct Digital Synthesizer (DDS) that are used and will enlarge the noise and power consumption of system Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar. To improve range resolution, output signal and bandwidth linieritas chirp both plays is very important and the sampling rate of the engineering efforts for improved range resolution still experience barriers when based on peak detection. So to improve range resolution alternatives that can do that is maintain linieritas or increase bandwidth and not just based on peak detection. In this paper are discussed improved range resolution without increasing bandwidth using curve fitting method by way of comparing the output signal of the mixer and beat frequency shift signal mixer output to both match (match). Error of measurement range resolution is affected by the phase errors due to the lack of frequency of linieran beat, so that needs to be done shifted frequency curve fitting method using beat against the sweep of raw data (output ADC) to earn optimum beat frequency (optimum resolution range). Range resolution for Radar Demonstration Kit (RDK) using curve fittng methods obtained results an increase of 30% and the shifting of the beat frequency of 3KHz

    Marine Defense Strategy With Military Base Development On The Outside Island As A Leading Defense And Defense Mobility

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    Displacement of the National Capital City (NCC) from Jakarta to east Kalimantan Province in Penajam Paser Utara Regency has currently been determined by the government with the enactment of Law No. 3 of 2022 concerning the National Capital. In the Law, it is explained that one of the functions of NCC is as a Center of gravity (CoG), which is a symbolization of a country's sovereignty, therefore NCC is a national vital object to be maintained from threats, therefore NCC needs a system and strategy to maintain it in this case non-military threats. In this thesis, the researcher uses a descriptive qualitative research method of analysis with the formulation of the problem from the problem statement to be able to protect NCC from non-military threats in the Indonesian Archipelago Sea Channel (IASC) II. The results of this research that the researchers obtained were the significance of non-military threats in the inland water defense area in IASC II, which caused urgency to develop a new NCC defense strategy that could ward off non-military threats in the planning stage of NCC transfer. Then the researcher concluded that in efforts to move NCC it is important to analyze the defense of inland waters in IASC II with the aim of maintaining NCC defense with a strategy of defense of inland waters, in order to realize the country's defense from non-military threats

    Inovasi terhadap Dimensi Kurikulum dan Guru sebagai Alternatif Upaya Peningkatan Mutu Pendidlkan Teknologi dan Kejuruan

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    Dunia pendidikan, akhir-akhir ini banyak menarik perhatian. Pokok­pokok pembaharuan pendidikan dibahas dan ditanggapi secara luas dan ramai. Dalam hal ini, pendidikan diartikan sebagai USAha manusia yang bertujuan memperluas cakrawala pemikiran atau pengetahuan, mening­katkan keterampilan dan membentuk watak (character building) agar ia menyadari eksistensi dirinya dalam kehidupan sosial. Masalah yang banyak dilontarkan dewasa ini adalah rendahnya mutu lulusan sekolah, terutama sekolah-sekolah kejuruan yang diharapkan menghasilkan tenaga kerja siap pakai. Dunia industri mengeluh karena tenaga kerja yang dihasilkan saat ini memiliki keterampilan yang rendah bahkan hanya semi terampil. Lulusan lulusan pendidikan teknologi dan kejuruan yang iidak siap pakai akan ter­lihat dari hasil kerja serta produktivitas mereka dalam melaksanakan tugas­nya. "Sebab tingkat kesiapan seorang tenaga kerja diukur dari bekal penge tahuan, keterampilan dan sikap dalam menghadapi bidang kerjanya Menurut statistik pada akhir PeJita III, jumlah sekolah teknologi dan kejuruan sebanyak 1200 sekolah dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 763.915orang dan terus berkembang hingga Pelita sekarang

    Aplikasi Pemasangan Layanan Reguler Smart PT.PLN (Persero) Menggunakan Spiral Model

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    PT.PLN (persero) WS2JB Area Palembang adalah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Energi Listrik yang merupakan salah satu Perusahaan BUMN di kota Palembang. Perkembangan teknologi telah membawa PT.PLN (persero) dengan kebutuhan akan informasi. Layanan mengenai pemasangan daya listrik PT.PLN (persero) disebut sebagai layanan Reguler Smart (RESA). Dalam proses pemasangan Layanan RESA dan proses penyimpanan data pemasangan layanan RESA PT. PLN (Persero) WS2JB yang digunakan saat ini belum terkomputerisasi secara keseluruhan. Hal ini menyebabkan staff administrasi kesulitan dalam pengolahan data serta proses birokrasi yang terlalu panjang menyebabkan proses pemasangan layanan RESA memakan waktu yang lama. Selain itu, proses administrasi yang masih menggunakan paper seperti formulir pengajuan pemasangan RESA menyebabkan data tidak tertata rapi, data menjadi bertumpuk, sehingga memerlukan tempat ruang penyimpan yang cukup besar seperti lemari dan ruangan arsip khusus, serta menyulitkan dalam proses pencarian data. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi ini digunakan metode pengembangan sistem yaitu Spiral Model. Aplikasi ini menyediakan basisdata yang dapat menyimpan data-data pemasangan layanan RESA, sehingga tidak memerlukan ruang khusus / lemari untuk meletakkan arsip / tumpukan kertas. Selain itu, dapat mempercepat proses pemasangan layanan RESA, dikarenakan proses birokrasi yang terpusat pada staff admin saja. Sehingga tidak perlu menunggu waktu 3-4 hari, pemasangan layanan RESA sudah dapat dilakuka

    Influence of Compensation and Working Condition on Job Satisfaction and Commitment of Lecturers at the College

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    This study aims to investigated about the influence of compensation and working conditions on job satisfaction and commitment of lecturers at the college. Job satisfaction and commitment of lecturers at the college so need to be considered in carrying out any activities undertaken by the lecturer, without job satisfaction and commitment of the lecturers at the college will lower spirit of lecturers. Respondents in this study is a lecturer of accounting and management, there are 156 lecturers were taken as samples. Techniques determination of the sample using the slovin formula. This study uses a simple linear regression analysis using SPSS 20. The results of this study indicate that the compensation effect on job satisfaction, compensation effect on commitment of lecturers at the college, working condition effect on job satisfaction, and working conditions has no effect the commitment of lecturers at the college

    Konsep Produk Kipas Angin Multi Fungsi 3 In 1 sebagai Strategi Penurunan Biaya Dampak Lingkungan Berbasis Life Cycle Assessment (Lca)

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    As a tropical country, one of the electronic products is quite high level of consumption is the fan. The high number of fan consumption potentially increasing the number of e-waste, in which by it life phase, electronic product generate many environmental impact.environmental impact by each life phase influencing by the design phase. The increased awareness of the importance of environmental protection and the possible impacts have increased interest in the development of methods to better understand and address these impacts. One of the techniques being developed for this purpose is life cycle assessment (LCA).By LCA calculation, it can address the value of environmental impact of each product's life phase, the eco-cost value and the alternative strategy for reducing the environmental impact of the product. From the results of the LCA calculation by eco-cost 2012 method of simapro, between wall fan 16, desk fan 12 and stand fan 16 and stand fan wadesta, show that the eco-cost value of wall fan 16, desk fan 12 and stand fan 16 are Rp. 627.180,00 per unit of product. While the alternative products b integration concept of 3 in 1 product, produce eco-cost value amount Rp. 223,281.00 per unit product. The eco-cost value of wadesta stand fan is smaller cause this product using lesser material and lesser components than if the product stand fan, wall fan and desk fan is a separate unit of product. Stand fan wadesta can reduce the eco-cost value amount Rp.403.360,00 per unit product

    Development of Islamic Nusantara Course Module at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar

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    The purpose of this research is to knowing out the availability of Nusantara Islamic course modules at the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar and how develop an Islamic Nusantara course module at the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar.The focus of this research is the development of the Islamic Nusantara course module at University that did not exist previously. Using the Research and Development method developed by Borg and Gall which includes preliminary studies, planning research, design development, product testing, revised limited field test results, extensive product testing, revised field test results more broadly, the due diligence, the final revision of the feasibility test results, dissemination and implementation of the final product. Data was collected from the assessment of two experts7through the Expert validation sheet and 60 student respondents through the student respondent questionnaire. Data analysis uses qualitative and quantitative approach techniques. Data in the form of suggestions and criticisms from experts/experts and students are analyzed with a qualitative approach, while module feasibility data and opinions regarding module suitability are processed with a quantitative descriptive approach. The analysis that at the Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Blitar there is no Nusantara Islamic course module available even though there is a Nusantara Islamic course, so development is needed.The results of the study showed that the module was suitable to be used as teaching material in the Islamic Nusantara course. This is based on material validation of 91.96 (very good), language and pictures of 90.75 (very good), presentation of 88.66 (very good), display of 94.53 (very good) as well as student responses with an average score of 86.6 (very good). Some suggestions from experts include changes to the sub themes of the 2 modules, and caver design. While suggestions from students should be corrected for incorrect writing