471 research outputs found

    Технические средства реабилитации людей с ограничением жизнедеятельности: методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов-дефектологов

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    The article is devoted to the methodic working studies in English for special needs students. The aim of studies is development skills in reading special texts containing vocabulary for communication in English with socially handicapped people.В статье представлен конспект занятия по английскому языку для студентов-дефектологов. Цель занятия — совершенствование навыков чтения специальных текстов, содержащих лексико-речевые конструкции, необходимые для осуществления коммуникации на английском языке в сфере образования лиц с ограниченными возможностями здоровья

    Biodiversity of Small Mammals and Paleoenvironment of Transbaikalia and North Mongolia in the Late Pliocene

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    This paper reports the results of analysis on small mammal faunas dwelling during the Late Pliocene the Transbaikal and Northern Mongolia regions. They were found to share many common species, even though some differences linked with local and regional specifics of the environment are the case. High diversity of small mammal taxa, species richness and their prominent quantity specify the localities of Udunga, Beregovaya and Tologoi in Transbaikal region and in Shamar of Northern Mongolia. The compositions of all faunas point to the existence of the savanna-like landscapes and warm semiarid climate in that period

    Star formation in the S233 region

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    The main objective of this paper is to study the possibility of triggered star formation on the border of the HII region S233, which is formed by a B-star. Using high-resolution spectra we determine the spectral class of the ionizing star as B0.5 V and the radial velocity of the star to be -17.5(1.4) km/s. This value is consistent with the velocity of gas in a wide field across the S233 region, suggesting that the ionizing star was formed from a parent cloud belonging to the S233 region. By studying spatial-kinematic structure of the molecular cloud in the S233 region, we detected an isolated clump of gas producing CO emission red-shifted relative to the parent cloud. In the UKIDSS and WISE images, the clump of gas coincides with the infrared source containing a compact object and bright-rimmed structure. The bright-rimmed structure is perpendicular to the direction of the ionizing star. The compact source coincides in position with IRAS source 05351+3549. All these features indicate a possibility of triggering formation of a next-generation star in the S233 region. Within the framework of a theoretical one-dimensional model we conclude that the "collect-and-collapse" process is not likely to take place in the S233 region. The presence of the bright-rimmed structure and the compact infrared source suggest that the "collapse of the pre-existing clump" process is taking place.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figure

    Controlling high-frequency collective electron dynamics via single-particle complexity

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    We demonstrate, through experiment and theory, enhanced high-frequency current oscillations due to magnetically-induced conduction resonances in superlattices. Strong increase in the ac power originates from complex single-electron dynamics, characterized by abrupt resonant transitions between unbound and localized trajectories, which trigger and shape propagating charge domains. Our data demonstrate that external fields can tune the collective behavior of quantum particles by imprinting configurable patterns in the single-particle classical phase space.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Metal-poor stars observed with the automated planet finder telescope. I. Discovery of five carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars from LAMOST

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    We report on the discovery of five carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars in the metallicity range of 3.3<-3.3< [Fe/H] <2.4<-2.4. These stars were selected from the LAMOST DR3 low-resolution (R \sim 2,000) spectroscopic database as metal-poor candidates and followed-up with high-resolution spectroscopy (R \sim110,000) with the LICK/APF. Stellar parameters and individual abundances for 25 chemical elements (from Li to Eu) are presented for the first time. These stars exhibit chemical abundance patterns that are similar to those reported in other literature studies of very and extremely metal-poor stars. One of our targets, J2114-0616, shows high enhancement in carbon ([C/Fe]=1.37), nitrogen ([N/Fe]= 1.88), barium ([Ba/Fe]=1.00), and europium ([Eu/Fe]=0.84). Such chemical abundance pattern suggests that J2114-0616 can be classified as CEMP-r/s star. In addition, the star J1054+0528 can be classified as a CEMP-rI star, with [Eu/Fe]=0.44 and [Ba/Fe]=-0.52. The other stars in our sample show no enhancements in neutron-capture elements and can be classified as CEMP-no stars. We also performed a kinematic and dynamical analysis of the sample stars based on Gaia DR2 data. The kinematic parameters, orbits, and binding energy of these stars, show that J2114-0616 is member of the outer halo population, while the remaining stars belong to the inner halo population but with an accreted origin. Collectively, these results add important constraints on the origin and evolution of CEMP stars as well as on their possible formation scenarios

    The lichen genera Thelidium and Verrucaria in the Leningrad Region (Russia)

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    Lichens from the genera Thelidium and Verrucaria in the Leningrad Region (including Saint-Petersburg) are revised. Altogether five species of Thelidium and 31 of Verrucaria are confirmed for this region. Four species (Thelidium minimum, T. olivaceum, Verrucaria maculiformis and V. trabalis) are new to the Leningrad Region, and 17 species (Thelidium aphanes, T. fontigenum, Verrucaria christiansenii, V. elevata, V. epilithea, V. helsingiensis, V. illinoisensis, V. inaspecta, V. invenusta, V. ligni- cola, V. pilosoides, V. polystictoides, V. pseudovirescens, V. rejecta, V. tectorum, V. tornensis and V. transfugiens) are new to Russia. Dubious records for the Leningrad Region include Verrucaria acrotella, V. floerkeana, V. fusca, V. nigrescens, V. obnigrescens, V. umbrinula and V. viridula.

    Orbital and physical parameters of the spectroscopic binary HD37737

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    We report the physical and orbital parameters of the visible component of the spectroscopic binary HD37737 (m V = 8.03). The observations were performed with the 1.2-m telescope of the Kourovka Astronomical Observatory of the Ural Federal University in 2012 and the 6-m BTA telescope of the SAO RAS in 2007 and 2009. Radial velocities were measured separately from each spectral line of the list by the cross-correlation method with a synthetic spectrum. The latter was calculated using the grids of non-LTE model atmospheres with solar chemical compositions. A significant difference in the epochs of observations (2005-2012) allowed to refine the orbital period of the star (7· d84705) and the orbital elements of the binary system. We obtained an estimate of the mass function f(m) = 0.23 ± 0.02M ⊙. The best agreement between the synthetic and observed spectra is achieved at T eff = 30 000 K and log g = 3.50 according to the observations on both instruments. The obtained parameters correspond to a star of spectral type O9.5 III, with mass estimated at 26 ± 2M ⊙. The minimum mass estimate of the secondary component of the binary is 6.2 ± 0.5M ⊙. We have discovered a fact that the velocities, obtained from different spectral lines, differ, which is typical for giant stars. Engaging additional spectra, obtained in 2005 with the 2.1-m KPNO telescope, we investigated the effect of this fact on the estimate of the speed of the system's center of mass. The difference in the velocities of various lines is approximately the same in the spectra, obtained at all the three instruments. The obtained ratios suggest that the deeper layers of the atmosphere of the star are moving with a greater velocity than the outer layers. Depending on the line, the estimate of the heliocentric velocity of the binary's center of mass varies in the range from -11 to 1 km/s. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Prediction of physical-chemical and fire hazard characteristics by carbon chain rules. 2. Carboxylic acids

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    Investigation of the dependence of physico-chemical and fire hazard properties from the chemical structure of carboxylic acids is carried out. Forecasting of the boiling temperature, the flash point, the temperature and the concentration flammability limits, the heats of combustion and vaporization is performed by the carbon chain rules (CCR). The following empirical equations for the calculation of physico-chemical and fire hazard indices from the conventional carbon chain and from the number of carbon atoms are proposed for the convenience of practical application of the CCR. A comparative analysis of the proposed methods for the flash point calculating and the already known methods of GOST 12.1.044-89, Mendeleev and ACD/Lab 2014 is carried out. It is shown, basically, that the new methods give more accurate calculation results than the comparison design procedures. © Siberian Federal University. All rights reserve

    Terahertz Bloch oscillator with a modulated bias

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    Electrons performing Bloch oscillations in an energy band of a dc-biased superlattice in the presence of weak dissipation can potentially generate THz fields at room temperature. The realization of such Bloch oscillator is a long-standing problem due to the instability of a homogeneous electric field in conditions of negative differential conductivity. We establish the theoretical feasibility of stable THz gain in a long superlattice device in which the bias is quasistatically modulated by microwave fields. The modulation waveforms must have at least two harmonics in their spectra.Comment: 5 page

    Systematic NLTE study of the -2.6 < [Fe/H] < 0.2 F and G dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood. I. Stellar atmosphere parameters

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    We present atmospheric parameters for 51 nearby FG dwarfs uniformly distributed over the -2.60 < [Fe/H] < +0.20 metallicity range that is suitable for the Galactic chemical evolution research. Lines of iron, Fe I and Fe II, were used to derive a homogeneous set of effective temperatures, surface gravities, iron abundances, and microturbulence velocities. We used high-resolution (R>60000) Shane/Hamilton and CFHT/ESPaDOnS observed spectra and non-local thermodynamic equilibrium (NLTE) line formation for Fe I and Fe II in the classical 1D model atmospheres. The spectroscopic method was tested with the 20 benchmark stars, for which there are multiple measurements of the infrared flux method (IRFM) Teff and their Hipparcos parallax error is < 10%. We found NLTE abundances from lines of Fe I and Fe II to be consistent within 0.06 dex for every benchmark star, when applying a scaling factor of S_H = 0.5 to the Drawinian rates of inelastic Fe+H collisions. The obtained atmospheric parameters were checked for each program star by comparing its position in the log g-Teff plane with the theoretical evolutionary track in the Yi et al. (2004) grid. Our final effective temperatures lie in between the T_IRFM scales of Alonso et al. (1996) and Casagrande et al. (2011), with a mean difference of +46 K and -51 K, respectively. NLTE leads to higher surface gravity compared with that for LTE. The shift in log g is smaller than 0.1 dex for stars with either [Fe/H] > -0.75, or Teff 4.20. NLTE analysis is crucial for the VMP turn-off and subgiant stars, for which the shift in log g between NLTE and LTE can be up to 0.5 dex. The obtained atmospheric parameters will be used in the forthcoming papers to determine NLTE abundances of important astrophysical elements from lithium to europium and to improve observational constraints on the chemo-dynamical models of the Galaxy evolution.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Ap