423 research outputs found


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    Abstrak Pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan adalah suatu proses pengembangan melalui aktivitas jasmani yang mempengaruhi perubahan fisik dan pembinaan sikap yang mempengaruhi perubahan psikis, sosial dan spiritual yang selaras dan seimbang dalam menjalani kehidupan sehari-hari. Dari hasil penelitian terkini, menyebutkan bahwa pengembangan mutu program penjasorkes di Indonesia, khususnya di Provinsi Jawa Timur kurang optimal. Untuk menggambarkan kemajuan penjasorkes di daerah lain, khususnya di Provinsi Jawa Timur, penelitian dilakukan di 18 SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Jember. Dalam penelitian ini, menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dengan instrumen PDPJOI tahun 2011 sebagai alat pengumpulan data. Untuk metode pengambilan data dilakukan observasi, dokumentasi dan wawancara kepada pihak yang terkait di 18 SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Jember. Data yang sudah terkumpul selanjutnya diolah dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk nilai dan kategori. Tingkat kemajuan penjasorkes di 18 SMA Negeri se-Kabupaten Jember secara keseluruhan dalam kategori "B" baik, dengan nilai rerata 697. Kata Kunci: tingkat kemajuan pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan kesehatan, SMA Negeri Abstract Physical education, sport and health is a process of development through physical activity and physical changes that affect the development attitudes that influence changes in psychological, social and spiritual harmonious and balanced in the face of everyday life. Of the results of recent research, suggests that the development of quality programs physical education, sport and health in Indonesia, especially in Jawa Timur Province is less than optimal. To know the progress of physical education, sport and health in other areas, especially in Jawa Timur Province, research will be conducted in 18 SMA Negeri entire of Jember City. In this research, using quantitative descriptive research with instrument PDPJOI in 2011 as a means of collecting data. For the method of data collection was done by observation, documentation and interviews to the relevant parties in 18 SMA Negeri entire of Jember City. The date have been collected then processed and displayed in from of value and category. The Progress of physical education, sport and health in 18 SMA Negeri entire of Jember City overall in the category “B” well, with a mean value of 697. Keywords: the progress physical education, sport and health, public high schoo

    Изучение терапевтических эффектов излучения с длиной волны 670 нм при различных типах диабетического макулярного отека

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the therapeutic effects of 670 nm irradiation in patients with diabetic macular edema. In several studies, positive effects of red/near-infrared irradiation showed in a range of ocular diseases such as macular degeneration, macular edema, and retinitis pigmentosa. This study was conducted on forty five eyes of 26 diabetic patients with macular edema between the ages of 51 and 80.Measurement of visual acuity and slit lamp examination, funduscopy, and optical coherence tomography were performed in all subjects. None of the patients had proliferative retinopathy. We used a portable LED device (Warp 10, Quantum Devices) for treatment. Patients held this device at a distance of 3 cm from their eyes for 240 seconds for three months. Full ophthalmic examinations were repeated 1, 2, and 3 months after treatment.After 3 months, the mean visual acuity improved from 0.44 ± 0.38 log MAR to 0.27 ± 0.24 log MAR and vision increased by 1.52 ± 1.16 lines post treatment (р<0.001). The mean central macula thickness decreased from 381.49 ± 144.40 μm to 359.72 ± 128.84 μm (р=0.050). In patients with mild and moderate nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, the mean central retinal thickness decreased 52.06 ± 67.78 μm and 39.27 ± 44.69 μm, respectively, but patients with severe type showed an increase of 34.93 ± 65.65 μm in the mean central retinal thickness (р<0.001). Also, the severity of macular edema had no effect on final outcomes (р>0.05). Photobiomodulation can positively affect diabetic macular edema, especially in patients with mild to moderate diabetic retinopathy.Целью данной исследовательской работы являлось изучение терапевтических эффектов излучения с длиной волны 670 нм у пациентов с диабетическим макулярным отеком. Ряд предыдущих исследований свидетельствует о положительном эффекте красного инфракрасного излучения при некоторых заболеваниях глаз, таких как макулодистрофия (дегенерация желтого пятна), макулярный отек и пигментный ретинит. Наше исследование было проведено на 45 глазах у 26 больных сахарным диабетом в возрасте от 51 до 80 лет с макулярным отеком. Всем пациентам были проведены определение остроты зрения, осмотр глаз щелевой лампой, фундоскопия и оптическая когерентная томография. Ни у одного из пациентов не было пролиферативной ретинопатии. Для лечения нами был применен портативный светодиодный прибор (Warp 10, Quantum devices). Пациенты держали светодиод на расстоянии 3 см от глаза в течение 240 сек в течение 3 мес. Все офтальмологические исследования были повторены через 1, 2 и 3 мес после проведения лечебной процедуры. Через 3 мес средняя острота зрения улучшилась с показателем логарифма минимального угла разрешения 0,44 ± 0,38 до 0,27 ± 0,24, что показало увеличение показателя остроты зрения на 1,52 ± 1,16 после лечения (р<0,001). Средняя центральная толщина сетчатки в области макулы уменьшилась с 381,49 ± 144,40 мкм до 359,72 ± 128,84 мкм (р=0,050). У пациентов с легкой и умеренной непролиферативной диабетической ретинопатией средняя толщина сетчатки уменьшилась до 52,06 ± 67,78 и 52,06 ± 67,78 мкм, соответственно, а у пациентов с тяжелой ретинопатией наблюдалось увеличение на 34,93 ± 65,65 мкм (р<0,001). Помимо того, степень макулярного отека не повлияла на окончательный результат лечения (р>0,05). Фотобиомодуляция была эффективной при диабетическом макулярном отеке, в частности, у пациентов с легкой и умеренной диабетической ретинопатией

    Community participation in the development of ward-based secondary schools in Tanzania

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    Community participation is widely advocated to enhance development. In Tanzania, it is embraced as a strategy to support the government in service provision and development. It is also regarded as a way to inspire community commitment, ownership, and hence sustainability. Community participation (CP) is a dominant strategy in the development of Ward-Based Secondary Schools (WBSS) in Tanzania. However, the schools remain constrained by inadequate facilities and infrastructure. This study set out to explore CP in the development of WBSS in the current education policy context of Tanzania. It explored the nature and extent of community members’ involvement in the development of WBSS, and the extent to which they participate in funding the schools’ development. The study further aimed to explore perceptions of community members about their participation and the factors that facilitate and hinder their participation in the development of WBSS. The study adopted a constructivist paradigm, employing a multiple case study design to generate thick and holistic data from four WBSS, selected purposively. Nine participants were drawn from each case school and its community through stratified and purposive sampling to examine participation of CMs in the development of WBSS. Interviews, observations and documentary reviews were the methods employed in data collection. Thematic analysis was used to develop themes inductively from data, linked to the research questions. The study found that CMs were involved through contributing their views during meetings and making monetary contributions for school development. However, the study also established that CMs were not genuinely involved in planning and decision-making, thus limiting their motivation to participate. The findings show that there was generally a low level of CP, attributed to the low income of community members, limited approaches for involving CMs, policy contradictions, and the politics of multi-partyism. These barriers partly result in CMs’ perception that it is the responsibility of the government to manage and finance the development of WBSS. Such factors constitute major barriers to genuine CP, making it difficult for WBSS to develop despite the shared responsibility of several stakeholders, including the government and communities. The findings lead to a grounded-theory model for genuine community participation. The study provides recommendations to policy makers at the national level, for practice at local government level, and for further research. It recommends that, policies should respond to the realities of CMs’ lives, with respect to participation and development. They should be clear and well disseminated to avoid misinterpretations engendered by local and national politics. The government’s ability to support schools should be made clear to CMs, and there should be clear delineation of responsibilities among stakeholders. Finally, the study recommends further research to involve other categories of schools, and widening the geographical coverage of the study, as well as exploring the perspectives of government officials on community participation, as this remains an important strategy for school development

    Possible signatures of mixed-parity superconductivity in doped polar SrTiO3 films

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    Superconductors that possess both broken spatial inversion symmetry and spin-orbit interactions exhibit a mix of spin singlet and triplet pairing. Here, we report on measurements of the superconducting properties of electron-doped, strained SrTiO3 films. These films have an enhanced superconducting transition temperature and were previously shown to undergo a transition to a polar phase prior to becoming superconducting. We show that some films show signatures of an unusual superconducting state, such as an in-plane critical field that is higher than both the paramagnetic and orbital pair breaking limits. Moreover, nonreciprocal transport, which reflects the ratio of odd versus even pairing interactions, is observed. Together, these characteristics indicate that these films provide a tunable platform for investigations of unconventional superconductivity

    The Reasons of Death among Children and Adolescents in Lorestan Province, West of Iran, from 2007 to 2014

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    Background: The UNESCO, in the case of children's rights, has stressed that a child has a right to live in the best possible condition of health and hygiene as well as a safe and un-risky environment. Evaluation of the reasons for the death and mortality of children and adolescents can prevent similar deaths. The aim of this study was to evaluate the reasons of mortality among children and adolescents in Lorestan province.Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted on children and adolescents (younger than 18 years old) in Lorestan province, west of Iran, in the period of 2007-2014 in Lorestan Legal Medicine Research Center. The demographic data of dead individuals, including age, sex and cause of death, were studied. The main reasons of death were classified in four main groups of trauma, asphyxia, poisoning, and miscellaneous causes (including physiological disease, infant insufficiency, cancer, and unknown cause). The data was analysed by the SPSS software (version 17). P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results: In the period of 2007 to 2014, 1115 children died in Lorestan province, consisting of 634 (56.8%) boys and 481 (44.2%) girls. The highest mortality rate was observed in 15 to 18 year age group (n= 395, 35.4%). The most prevalent reasons of death were different types of trauma (65.3%), asphyxia (18%), miscellaneous causes (10.8%) and poisoning (5.8%).Conclusion: The outbreak of death and mortality in children and adolescents following trauma and accidents in our country seems significant in relation to the developing countries and few of the neighbouring countries. Considering the ability to carry out the preventative measures in this field, instantaneous policy making is needed in order to eliminate the present defects in the security provision to this group of society

    Campur Kode dan Interferensi Berbahasa Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia IKIP PGRI Pontianak

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    : This study aimed to analyze the form of code-mixing and interference form of language used by the fourth semester students of Indonesian Language and Literature Study Program, IKIP PGRI Pontianak. This research method was descriptive qualitative with sociolinguistics approach. The study concluded that the forms of code-mixing found in this study were categorized into internal code-mixing, infiltration elements coming from the region within the territory of the same primary languages, Malay and Dayak, as regional languages, and external code-mixing, infiltration elements of foreign language (English). The code-mixing form was the most common one. The interference form arising from the events of student speech in this study is that there was formal or nonformal communication carried out by students and grouped into the form of language interference at the phonological, morphological, and syntactic levels

    Fonologi Bahasa Bedayuh

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    Struktur bahasa Melayu dialek Ketapang

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    Buku Struktur Bahasa Melayu Dialek Ketapang ini merupakan salah satu hasil Bagian Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah Kalimantan Barat tahun 199511996. Penelitian terhadap Struktur Bahasa Melayu Ketapang Dialek Ketapang ini merupakan penelitian tentang aspek kebahasaan bahasa Melayu Ketapang. Dengan demikian, penelitian terhadap bahasa' Melayu Ketapang ditinjau dari aspek kebahasaannya secara sekilas dapat terungkap. Hal ini akan sangat membantu penelitian seJanjutnya, terutama ten tang keberadaan bahasa MeJayu Ketapang dialek Ketapang