19 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Using recent results on companion matrices and some bounds for eigenvalues we get inequalities for real parts of the critical points of polynomials

    Revisiting Pushchino RRAT search using neural network

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    The search for rotating radio transients (RRAT) at declination from -9o to +42o was carried out in the semi-annual monitoring data obtained on the Large Phased Array (LPA) radio telescope at the frequency of 111 MHz. A neural network was used to search for candidates. 4 new RRATs were detected, having dispersion measures (DM) 5-16 pc/cm3. A comparison with an earlier RRAT search conducted using the same data shows that the neural network reduced the amount of interference by 80 times, down to 1.3% of the initial amount of interferences. The loss of real pulsar pulses does not exceed 6% of their total number.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to A&

    Clinical case of combined diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in a patient with craniocerebral and spinal injury

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    Introduction. Cerebral salt-wasting syndrome and diabetes insipidus are serious complications of craniocerebral injury and spinal cord injuries. Each of the syndromes in some cases causes a life-threatening condition. This determines the importance of timely diagnosis and emergency intensive care measures. In the literature, there are only single descriptions of combinations of these symptoms in one patient.Clinical case report. A victim with craniocerebral injury and cervical spinal cord injury underwent, according to emergency indications, emptying and drainage of a tense subgaleal hematoma of the fronto-parieto-occipital region, spinal cord decompression, and stabilization of the spine. Postoperative follow-up and intensive care: on the 1st day the rate of diuresis was 2.5 mL/kg/h, blood glucose level – 14.18 mmol/L, and sodium level – 148–158 mmol/L. The patient was diagnosed with diabetes insipidus, and a therapy with desmopressin at a dose of 0.6 mg/day, restoration of fluid volume with hypotonic solutions, and correction of hyperglycemia was started. On the 4th day blood sodium level was 133 mmol/L, and blood glucose level – 8.67 mmol/L. On the 5th day, hyponatremia of 126–115 mmol/L was noted with a diuresis rate of 4 mL/kg/h and glicemya level of 7.86 mmol/L. The development of cerebral salt-wasting syndrome was diagnosed, and the infusion of hydrocortisone 400 mg/day and of 10% NaCl solution was started. On the 6th day glucose level returned to normal. On the 9th day of follow-up, an increase in the volume of diuresis was again observed, and desmopressin therapy was continued. Stable normalization of water-electrolyte balance, urine output, and glucose levels were observed on the 16th day of follow-up.Conclusion. Monitoring of fluid balance and electrolyte composition of blood serum, and adequate replacement therapy were the conditions for successful treatment of a rare combination of diabetes insipidus and cerebral salt-wasting syndrome in patients with concomitant craniocerebral and spinal cord injuries

    Современный взгляд на проблему острого послеоперационного делирия у пациентов травматолого-ортопедического профиля в условиях отделения реанимации и интенсивной терапии

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    The purpose of the present literature review is a systematization of known evidence on the problem of postoperative delirium as a frequent complication in elderly and senile patients during extensive reconstructive surgery on the spine and large joints. The review, which is based on publications of foreign and native authors, provides insights into current understanding of the pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnosis, methods of treatment, and prevention of these complications. The number of operations in traumatology and orthopedy is increasing. Accordingly with this fact, we are seeing an increase the number of cases of postoperative delirium. We know that the risk of delirium is linked with patient age. The interest to this problem is growing and has clinical and economical background. The etiology of delirium is considered to be multivariate. The development of diagnostic tools is playing a very important role and provides control of delirium in intensive care unit. Common understanding of this state’s pathophysiology and the opportunity to participate another physician leads to correct organization of treatment process. The knowledge of acute postoperative delirium in intensive care unit is being formed. The basic concept of postoperative delirium varies from its definition psychiatry and narcology due to differences in how different specialties treat the disorder. The risk factors of treatment are estimated. The controlled sedation is a clear trend. The experience of practical application dexmedetomidin for prevention and treatment of postoperative delirium is accumulated. Although the value of drug- therapy is difficult to overestimate the great influence on the result have non- pharmalogical methods.Цель представленного обзора литературы – систематизация известных сведений по проблеме послеоперационного делирия как частого осложнения у пациентов пожилого и старческого возраста при проведении обширных реконструктивных хирургических операций на позвоночнике и крупных суставах. В обзоре, основанном на публикациях зарубежных и отечественных авторов, приводятся современные представления о патогенезе, факторах риска, диагностике, методах лечения и профилактике этого осложнения. Очевидно, что повышение числа операций в травматологии и ортопедии сопровождается увеличением риска возникновения послеоперационного делирия. И этот риск связан в первую очередь с возрастным составом пациентов. Возрастающий интерес к этой проблематике имеет кроме клинического значения и четкие экономические предпосылки. В настоящее время считается, что этиология развития делирия – многофакторная. Исключительно важную роль играет создание инструментов диагностики послеоперационного делирия, что обеспечило возможность целевого контроля этого состояния в условиях отделения интенсивной терапии. Правильная организация лечебного процесса подразумевает возможность участия специалистов различных профилей на основе единства понимания патофизиологии данного состояния. Формируется объем специфических знаний именно о послеоперационном делирии в отделении интенсивной терапии. И эта дефиниция имеет ряд отличий от того, что подразумевают под термином «делирий» в психиатрии и наркологии. Соответственно этим представлениям формируются модели терапевтических подходов. Оценены риски самой терапии. Намечена четкая тенденция к контролируемой седации. Накапливается опыт применения такого препарата, как дексмедетомидин, или дексдор, для профилактики и терапии делирия. Важность медикаментозной терапии делирия сложно переоценить, тем не менее немедикаментозные методы профилактики и лечения делирия сохраняют свою значимость


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    Objective. Evaluating the results of respiratory therapy in patients with complicated traumatic injury of the cervical spine.Materials and methods. A retrospective comparative analysis of the clinical course was carried out in 52 patients with complicated traumatic injury of the cervical spine: group A: complete spinal cord injury (ASIA A), 37 patients and group B: incomplete injury (ASIA B), 15 patients. The severity of patients' status on integral scales, parameters of the respiratory pattern and thoracopulmonary compliance, gas composition, and acidbase status of the blood were assessed. Data on patients who required prolonged mechanical ventilation, duration of mechanical ventilation, incidence of nosocomial pneumonia, duration of stay in the ICU, time of hospital treatment, and mortality were included in the analysis. Results. The average APACHE II and SOFA scores were higher in group A patients. The development of the acute respiratory failure required longterm mechanical ventilation (more than 48 hours) in 91.4% of group A patients and in 53.3% of group B patients. Ventilatorassociated pneumonia complicated the disease in 81.3% of group A patients and 62.5% of group B patients and was accompanied by sepsis in 25% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. Statistically significant deterioration of biomechanical properties and gas exchange function of the lungs was observed in patients complicated with septic pneumonia.Conclusion. Patients with complicated ASIA A and ASIA B cervical spine injuries demonstrate the presence of respiratory failure of neurogenic origin. In addition, the infectious bronchopulmonary complications aggravated respiratory failure in patients with ASIA A injury in 70.3% versus 33.3% in patients with ASIA B. Developmentof pulmonogenic sepsis led to deterioration of the biomechanical and gas exchange functions of the lungs and increased the likelihood of unfavorable outcome of the disease in 77.8% of cases. The high incidence of respiratory disorders in patients with complicated cervical spine injury requires timely decision on ventilatory support, especially in patients with complete spinal cord injury.Цель исследования: определить частоту развития и характер респираторных нарушений у больных с осложненной травмой шейного отдела позвоночника в зависимости от исходного неврологического дефицита.Материалы и методы. Проведен ретроспективный сравнительный анализ течения заболевания у 52 пациентов с осложненной травмой шейного отдела позвоночника: группа A — полное повреждение спинного мозга (ASIA А) — 37 больных; группа В — неполное повреждение (ASIA В) — 15 больных. Оценивали тяжесть состояния пациентов по интегральным шкалам, показатели респираторного паттерна и торакопульмональной податливости, газовый состав и кислотноосновное состояние крови. Регистрировали количество больных, нуждавшихся в пролонгированной ИВЛ, длительность ИВЛ, частоту развития нозокомиальной пневмонии, длительность пребывания в ОРИТ, сроки стационарного лечения, летальность.Результаты. Средний балл по шкалам APACHE II и SOFA у больных в группе А имел более высокий уровень. Развитие острой дыхательной недостаточности требовало проведения длительной ИВЛ (более 48 ч) в группе А у 91,4% больных, а в группе В у 53,3% больных. Вентиляторассоциированная пневмония осложнила течение заболевания у 81,3% больных группы А и у 62,5% группы В с развитием сепсиса в 25% и в 12,5% случаях соответственно. Статистически значимое ухудшение биомеханических свойств и газообменной функции легких выявлено у больных, осложненных септической пневмонией.Заключение. Осложненная травма шейного отдела позвоночника типа ASIA A и ASIA B определяет на личие дыхательной недостаточности нейрогенного генеза. Присоединение инфекционных бронхолегочных осложнений усугубляет течение дыхательной недостаточности у пациентов с ASIA A в 70,3%, с ASIA В в 33,3% случаев. Развитие пульмоногенного сепсиса приводит к ухудшению биомеханических и газообменной функций легких и увеличивает вероятность неблагоприятного исхода заболевания в 77,8% случаев. Высокая частота респираторных нарушений у пациентов с осложненной травмой шейного отдела позвоночника требует своевременного принятия решения о необходимости респираторной поддержки, особенно у пациентов с полным повреждением спинного мозга

    Modern view on the problem of acute postoperative delirium in trauma and orthopedic patients in the intensive care unit

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    The purpose of the present literature review is a systematization of known evidence on the problem of postoperative delirium as a frequent complication in elderly and senile patients during extensive reconstructive surgery on the spine and large joints. The review, which is based on publications of foreign and native authors, provides insights into current understanding of the pathogenesis, risk factors, diagnosis, methods of treatment, and prevention of these complications. The number of operations in traumatology and orthopedy is increasing. Accordingly with this fact, we are seeing an increase the number of cases of postoperative delirium. We know that the risk of delirium is linked with patient age. The interest to this problem is growing and has clinical and economical background. The etiology of delirium is considered to be multivariate. The development of diagnostic tools is playing a very important role and provides control of delirium in intensive care unit. Common understanding of this state’s pathophysiology and the opportunity to participate another physician leads to correct organization of treatment process. The knowledge of acute postoperative delirium in intensive care unit is being formed. The basic concept of postoperative delirium varies from its definition psychiatry and narcology due to differences in how different specialties treat the disorder. The risk factors of treatment are estimated. The controlled sedation is a clear trend. The experience of practical application dexmedetomidin for prevention and treatment of postoperative delirium is accumulated. Although the value of drug- therapy is difficult to overestimate the great influence on the result have non- pharmalogical methods

    Respiratory Disorders in Complicated Cervical Spine Injury

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    Objective. Evaluating the results of respiratory therapy in patients with complicated traumatic injury of the cervical spine.Materials and methods. A retrospective comparative analysis of the clinical course was carried out in 52 patients with complicated traumatic injury of the cervical spine: group A: complete spinal cord injury (ASIA A), 37 patients and group B: incomplete injury (ASIA B), 15 patients. The severity of patients' status on integral scales, parameters of the respiratory pattern and thoracopulmonary compliance, gas composition, and acidbase status of the blood were assessed. Data on patients who required prolonged mechanical ventilation, duration of mechanical ventilation, incidence of nosocomial pneumonia, duration of stay in the ICU, time of hospital treatment, and mortality were included in the analysis. Results. The average APACHE II and SOFA scores were higher in group A patients. The development of the acute respiratory failure required longterm mechanical ventilation (more than 48 hours) in 91.4% of group A patients and in 53.3% of group B patients. Ventilatorassociated pneumonia complicated the disease in 81.3% of group A patients and 62.5% of group B patients and was accompanied by sepsis in 25% and 12.5% of cases, respectively. Statistically significant deterioration of biomechanical properties and gas exchange function of the lungs was observed in patients complicated with septic pneumonia.Conclusion. Patients with complicated ASIA A and ASIA B cervical spine injuries demonstrate the presence of respiratory failure of neurogenic origin. In addition, the infectious bronchopulmonary complications aggravated respiratory failure in patients with ASIA A injury in 70.3% versus 33.3% in patients with ASIA B. Developmentof pulmonogenic sepsis led to deterioration of the biomechanical and gas exchange functions of the lungs and increased the likelihood of unfavorable outcome of the disease in 77.8% of cases. The high incidence of respiratory disorders in patients with complicated cervical spine injury requires timely decision on ventilatory support, especially in patients with complete spinal cord injury

    Methyl Propiolate Cluster Complex (Ph<inf>4</inf>P)<inf>2</inf>[W<inf>6</inf>I<inf>8</inf>(C≡C–C(O)OCH<inf>3</inf>)<inf>6</inf>]

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    © 2019, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. Abstract: A new organometallic iodide cluster complex (Bu4N)2[W6I8(C≡C–C(O)OCH3)6] (I), analogous to the previously described (Bu4N)2[Mo6I8(C≡C–C(O)OCH3)6], was obtained by the reaction of (Bu4N)2[W6I14] with silver methyl propiolate AgC≡C–C(O)OCH3. The crystal structure was established for the tetraphenylphosphonium salt (Ph4P)2[W6I8(C≡C–C(O)OCH3)6] (II). According to X-ray diffraction (CIF file CCDC no. 1829205), tungsten atoms in II are coordinated by terminal carbon atoms of methyl propiolate ligands at W–C distances of 2.220(12)–2.268(14) Å. The methyl propiolate complexes were characterized by electrospray mass spectrometry, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, and IR spectroscopy

    DECOMP - from interpreting mass spectrometry peaks to solving the money changing problem

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    Boecker S, Lipták Z, Martin M, Pervukhin A, Sudek H. DECOMP - from interpreting mass spectrometry peaks to solving the money changing problem. BIOINFORMATICS. 2008;24(4):591-593.We introduce DECOMP a tool that computes the sum formula of all molecules whose mass equals the input mass. This problem arises frequently in biochemistry and mass spectrometry (MS), when we know the molecular mass of a protein, DNA or metabolite fragment but have no other information. A closely related problem is known as the Money Changing Problem (MCP), where all masses are positive integers. Recently, efficient algorithms have been developed for the MCP, in which DECOMP applies to real-valued MS data. The excellent performance of this method on proteomic and metabolomic MS data has recently been demonstrated. DECOMP has an easy-to-use graphical interface, which caters for both types of users: those interested in solving MCP instances and those submitting MS data