68 research outputs found

    Dekonstruksitoshiko Sebagaitokoh Tambahan dalam Novelkagi Karya Tanizaki Jun\u27ichirou

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    Mauliddina, ayu. 2014. Dekonstruksi Toshiko sebagai Tokoh Tambahan dalam Novel Kagi Karya Tanizaki Jun\u27ichirou. Program Studi Sastra Jepang. Fakultas Ilmu Budaya. Universitas Brawijaya. Pembimbing: (I) Fitriana Puspita Dewi (II) Eka Marthanty Indah LestariKata Kunci: Novel, The Key, Dekonstruksi, Penokohan, dan Tokoh tambahanSastra merupakan karya fiksi hasil dari buah pikir manusia. Dimana sebuah karya sastra dibuat dari imajinasi seseorang yang dilandasi tanggung jawab dan kreativitas dari pembuatnya.Novel merupakan salah satu wujud karya sastra yang di dalamnya menceritakan tentang kehidupan tokoh utama dan interaksinya dengan tokoh tambahan. Pada umumnya, dalam cerita, tokoh tambahan dianggap sebagai tokoh yang keberadaannya tidak dianggap penting dan kehadirannya hanya jika memiliki keterkaitan dengan tokoh utama. Oleh karena itu, dalam penelitian kali ini penulis meneliti bagaimana dekonstruksi tokoh Toshiko sebagai tokoh tambahan dalam novel Kagi karya Tanizaki Jun\u27ichirou. Pada penelitian kali ini, penulis menggunakan teori dekonstruksi untuk meruntuhkan anggapan tentang tokoh tambahan yang biasanya tidak dianggap penting dan menunjukkan bahwa kehadirannya memiliki peranan penting di dalam cerita. Dalam meneliti novel ini, penulis juga menggunakan teori tokoh dan penokohan sebagai teori pendukung dalam menganalisis. Hasil penelitian kali ini menunjukkan bahwa tokoh tambahan dalam novel Kagi memiliki peranan yang sangat penting karena keberadaannya menjadi motor penggerak jalannya cerita dan dapat memicu konflik yang terjadi diantara kedua tokoh utama. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tokoh tambahan memiliki peranan penting di dalam sebuah cerita. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya yang ingin meneliti novel Kagi, dapat meneliti dengan menggunakan pendekatan semiotik atau menggunakan pendekatan biografis

    Kajian Instrumen Pungutan Bagi Pengguna Jalan Untuk Dana Pemeliharaan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    . In the current condition revenue from road transport sector allocated to road expenditure, especially related to road maintenance, is very low. The revenue is collected in a form of tax of the object, the vehicle. But, this does not represent the contribution of the object to the road maintenance expenditure. Charging instruments for the road maintenance have been implemented widely in many countries and known as Road Fund. The fund is managed by road\u27s stakeholder to assure that the collected charges will be reallocated to the road sector. This study is dealing with some aspects of the charging instrument for the road maintenance with respect to types, charges, and mechanism. Based on the literature study the selected instruments are vehicle license fee, fuel levy, and heavy vehicle license fee. This study refers to the International practices and experiences and considers some criteria such as administration characteristics, applicability, and simplicity of collecting mechanism. This study reveals that the charge per vehicle per kilometer for the maintenance expenditure based on some financing scenario increases the Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) by 0.68% to 3.32% depending on the vehicle type. The suggested collecting mechanism is to use the established existing mechanism to save the time and cost, namely vehicle license fee through the car license plate number (STNK) payment, fuel levy through the Pertamina as the sole distributor of fuel, and heavy vehicle license fee through the car inspection mechanism

    Kajian Instrumen Pungutan Bagi Pengguna Jalan Untuk Dana Pemeliharaan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    . In the current condition revenue from road transport sector allocated to road expenditure, especially related to road maintenance, is very low. The revenue is collected in a form of tax of the object, the vehicle. But, this does not represent the contribution of the object to the road maintenance expenditure. Charging instruments for the road maintenance have been implemented widely in many countries and known as Road Fund. The fund is managed by road's stakeholder to assure that the collected charges will be reallocated to the road sector. This study is dealing with some aspects of the charging instrument for the road maintenance with respect to types, charges, and mechanism. Based on the literature study the selected instruments are vehicle license fee, fuel levy, and heavy vehicle license fee. This study refers to the International practices and experiences and considers some criteria such as administration characteristics, applicability, and simplicity of collecting mechanism. This study reveals that the charge per vehicle per kilometer for the maintenance expenditure based on some financing scenario increases the Vehicle Operating Cost (VOC) by 0.68% to 3.32% depending on the vehicle type. The suggested collecting mechanism is to use the established existing mechanism to save the time and cost, namely vehicle license fee through the car license plate number (STNK) payment, fuel levy through the Pertamina as the sole distributor of fuel, and heavy vehicle license fee through the car inspection mechanism

    Mimo pillow : an intelligent cushion designed with maternal heart beat vibrations for comforting newborn infants

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    Premature infants are subject to numerous interventions ranging from a simple diaper change to surgery while residing in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). These neonates often suffer from pain, distress and discomfort during the first weeks of their lives. Although pharmacological pain treatment often is available, it cannot always be applied to relieve a neonate from pain or discomfort. This paper describes a non-pharmacological solution, called Mimo, which provides comfort through mediation of a parent's physiological features to the distressed neonate via an intelligent pillow system embedded with sensing and actuating functions. We present the design, the implementation and the evaluation of the prototype. Clinical tests at Máxima Medical Centre in the Netherlands show that among the 9 of 10 infants who showed discomfort following diaper change, a shorter recovery time to baseline Skin Conductance Analgesimeter (SCA) values could be measured when the maternal heartbeat vibration in the Mimo was switched on and in 7 of these 10 a shorter crying time was measure

    Lung surfactant in subacute pulmonary disease

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    Pulmonary surfactant is a surface active material composed of both lipids and proteins that is produced by alveolar type II pneumocytes. Abnormalities of surfactant in the immature lung or in the acutely inflamed mature lung are well described. However, in a variety of subacute diseases of the mature lung, abnormalities of lung surfactant may also be of importance. These diseases include chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis, interstitial lung disease, pneumonia, and alveolar proteinosis. Understanding of the mechanisms that disturb the lung surfactant system may lead to novel rational therapies for these diseases

    Tracing exogenous surfactant in vivo in rabbits by the natural variation of 13C

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    BACKGROUND: Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) is a prematurity-related breathing disorder caused by a quantitative deficiency of pulmonary surfactant. Surfactant replacement therapy is effective for RDS newborns, although treatment failure has been reported. The aim of this study is to trace exogenous surfactant by 13C variation and estimate the amount reaching the lungs at different doses of the drug. METHODS: Forty-four surfactant-depleted rabbits were obtained by serial bronchoalveolar lavages (BALs), that were merged into a pool (BAL pool) for each animal. Rabbits were in nasal continuous positive airway pressure and treated with 0, 25, 50, 100 or 200 mg/kg of poractant alfa by InSurE. After 90 min, rabbits were depleted again and a new pool (BAL end experiment) was collected. Disaturated-phosphatidylcholine (DSPC) was measured by gas chromatography. DSPC-Palmitic acid (PA) 13C/12C was analyzed by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. One-way non-parametric ANOVA and post-hoc Dunn's multiple comparison were used to assess differences among experimental groups. RESULTS: Based on DSPC-PA 13C/12C in BAL pool and BAL end experiment, the estimated amount of exogenous surfactant ranged from 61 to 87% in dose-dependent way (p < 0.0001) in animals treated with 25 up to 200 mg/kg. Surfactant administration stimulated endogenous surfactant secretion. The percentage of drug recovered from lungs did not depend on the administered dose and accounted for 31% [24-40] of dose. CONCLUSIONS: We reported a risk-free method to trace exogenous surfactant in vivo. It could be a valuable tool for assessing, alongside the physiological response, the delivery efficiency of surfactant administration techniques

    Control of a 3-RRR planar parallel robot using fractional order PID controller

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    3-RRR planar parallel robots are utilized for solving precise material-handling problems in industrial automation applications. Thus, robust and stable control is required to deliver high accuracy in comparison to the state of the art. The operation of the mechanism is achieved based on three revolute (3-RRR) joints which are geometrically designed using an open-loop spatial robotic platform. The inverse kinematic model of the system is derived and analyzed by using the geometric structure with three revolute joints. The main variables in our design are the platform base positions, the geometry of the joint angles, and links of the 3-RRR planar parallel robot. These variables are calculated based on Cayley-Menger determinants and bilateration to determine the final position of the platform when moving and placing objects. Additionally, a proposed fractional order proportional integral derivative (FOPID) is optimized using the bat optimization algorithm to control the path tracking of the center of the 3-RRR planar parallel robot. The design is compared with the state of the art and simulated using the Matlab environment to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller. Furthermore, real-time implementation has been tested to prove that the design performance is practical