64 research outputs found

    Preoperative arterial embolization of large liver hemangiomas

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    PURPOSEWe aimed to investigate the efficacy and safety of preoperative selective intra-arterial embolization (PSIAE) in the surgical treatment of large liver hemangiomas.METHODSData of 22 patients who underwent resection of large liver hemangiomas were retrospectively analyzed. PSIAE was performed in cases having a high risk of severe blood loss during surgery (n=11), while it was not applied in cases with a low risk of blood loss (n=11).RESULTSA total of 19 enucleations and six anatomic resections were performed. Operative time, intraoperative bleeding amount, Pringle period, and blood transfusion were comparable between the two groups (P > 0.05, for all). The perioperative serum aspartate transaminase level was not different between groups (P = 1.000). Perioperative total bilirubin levels were significantly increased in the PSIAE group (P = 0.041). Postoperative hospital stay was longer in the PSIAE group. Surgical complications were comparable between groups (P = 0.476).CONCLUSIONPatients who underwent PSIAE due to a high risk of severe blood loss during resection of large liver hemangiomas had comparable operative success as patients with a low risk of blood loss who were operated without PSIAE. Hence, PSIAE can be used for the control of intraoperative blood loss, especially in surgically difficult cases

    Carotid endarterectomy compared with carotid artery stenting for extracranial carotid artery stenosis: a retrospective single-centre study

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    Aim: One of the main risk factors for an ischemic stroke is significant carotid artery stenosis, and extracranial severe carotid artery stenosis accounts for 20% of ischemic strokes. Prior to the development of carotid artery stenting (CAS), the only effective and reliable treatment for carotid artery stenosis was carotid endarterectomy (CEA). This study compares the results of CAS and CEA in patients with significant carotid artery stenosis. Methods: Between 2018 and 2022, hospital records of all patients who underwent carotid artery revascularization at the institution were retrospectively analyzed. Patients were divided into two groups depending on whether CEA or CAS was performed for carotid revascularization. Propensity score matching was performed to reduce bias by equating the baseline clinical characteristics of the groups. To compare 30-day, 1-year, and long-term outcomes, rates of transient ischemic attack (TIA), myocardial infarction, stroke, all-cause mortality, and composite endpoints were analyzed. Results: After PSM, 76 patients each in the CEA and CAS groups were compared. The mean age was 69.80 years ± 11.35 years and 121 (80%) were male. The patients were followed up for a mean of 33 months ± 6 months. The incidence of TIA in the perioperative period [9 (12%) vs. 4 (5%); P < 0.05], TIA and composite endpoint at 1-year period [11 (15%) vs. 2 (3%); P < 0.05 and 27 (36%) vs. 16 (21%); P < 0.05, respectively] were significantly higher in the CAS group than in the CEA group. No difference was observed between the groups in the long-term. Conclusions: There was no noticeable difference between the CEA and CAS groups in the examination of cases with severe carotid artery stenosis in terms of 1-month, and 1-year results (apart from TIA and composite endpoints), or long-term outcomes. Extracranial carotid artery stenosis can be treated safely and effectively also by CAS


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    Amaç: Hemorajik şok, dolaşımdaki kan volümünün azalması ile meydana gelir.Vücuttaki tüm organlarda doku hipoperfüzyonuna ve hipoksisine sebep olur. Uzamışiskemi sonrası organların kan dolaşımında en önemli fonksiyon bozukluğu,reperfüzyon başladığında kapiller kan akımındaki azalmadır ve kapiller no-reflow olarakadlandırılır.Hemorajik şokta amaç sadece zamanında hacmi yerine koymak değil, organlardakiiskemi reperfüzyon (İ/R) sonrası no-reflow fenomenini engellemeye yönelik olmalıdır.Reperfüzyon amacıyla kullanılan sıvıların organlarda no-reflow fenomenini engellemeyeyönelik etkinliklerini belirlemek amacıyla çalışma planlanmıştır.Yöntem: Bu çalışmada hemorajik şok oluşturulan ratlara (ortalama arteriyel basıncı40 mmHg\'ye azalıncaya kadar kontrollü kanatılarak) 60 dk sonra grup 2 (n=5) de %0,9 NaCl sıvısı, grup 3 (n=5) de jelatin sıvısı, grup 4 (n=5) de hidroksi etil nişasta(hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD) sıvısı ve grup 5 (n=5) de dekstran 40 sıvısı ileresüsitasyon yapıldı. Grup 1 (n=3) kontrol grubu olarak kullanıldı ve tüm gruplarınçeşitli organlarında (karaciğer, akciğer, böbrek, beyin, bağırsak ve kalp) resüsitasyondan60 dakika sonra çini mürekkebi ile perfüze olan kapiller sayıları histopatolojikinceleme ile belirlendi.Bulgular: Kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında HES 130 kD vedekstran 40 resüsitasyonunda perfüze olan kapiller sayısının, %0,9 NaCl ve jelatinresüsitasyonuna göre istatiksel olarak anlamlı fazla olduğu saptandı.Sonuç: Çini mürekkebi perfüzyon yöntemi kullanarak hemorajik şokta İ/R sonrasıno-reflow fenomenini, kalp, akciğer, karaciğer, bağırsak ve beyin dokularında jelatin ve%0,9 NaCl sıvısının engellemediği, HES 130 kD\'nin ve dekstran 40 sıvılarının ise noreflowfenomenini engellediği saptandı.Objective: Hemorrhagic shock is caused by a decrease in the circulating bloodvolume. It causes hypoperfusion and hypoxia of the tissues in all organs of the body.The principal functional impairment in circulation of these organs is reduction ofcapillary blood flow at establishment of reperfusion and it is called the "no-reflowphenomenon".The objective of treatment in hemorrhagic shock should not solely be institution ofvolume on time but to prevent no-reflow phenomenon after ischemia-reperfusion(I/R) of the organs. This study was planned to investigate the efficiency of several Method: In this study, rats were resuscitated with saline in group 2 (n=5), gelatinesolution in group 3 (n=5), hydroxyethyl starch, 130 kD (HES 130 kD) in group 4(n=5) and dextran 40 in group 5 (n=5) after formation of hemorrhagic shock(controlled bleeding till a mean arterial pressure of 40 mm Hg is reached). Group 1(n=3) constituted the control group. The number of ink perfused capillaries werecounted hystopathologically in the organs (liver, lungs, kidney, brain, colon andheart) in all groups 60 minutes following resuscitationin. Indian drawing ink wasused for this purpose.Results: In comparison with the saline and gelatine groups, capillary perfusion in theheart, lung, liver, colon and brain tissues were found to be significantly improved inHES 130 kD and dextran 40 groups.Conclusions: It was concluded that using the ink perfusion method, the no-reflowphenomenon was not prevented with saline and gelatine resuscitation in the heart,lung, liver, colon and brain tissues following IR in hemorrhagic shock, while noreflowphenomenon was prevented with HES 130 kD and dextran 40 resuscitation

    Oxygen transfer effects in beta-lactamase fermentation by Bacillus licheniformis in a glucose-based defined medium

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    The effects of oxygen transfer on the beta-lactamase production by Bacillus licheniformis were investigated in a glucose-based defined medium. The experiments were conducted in 3.0 dm(3) batch bioreactor systems at three different air inlet (Q(O)/V-R = 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 vvm) and agitation rates (N = 250, 500 and 750 min(-1)). During the fermentation, the concentrations of the cell, glucose, by-products, ie organic and amino acids, oxygen transfer coefficients (K(L)alpha), yield coefficients, specific rates and oxygen uptake rates (OUR) were determined, in addition to beta-lactamase activities. The highest beta-lactamase activity was obtained at Q(O)/V-R = 0.5 vvm and N = 500 min-1 and at Q(O)/V-R = 0.2 vvm and N = 500 min-1 conditions, as ca A = 90 U cm(-3). The highest cell concentration was obtained as C-X = 0.67 kg m(-3) at Q(O)/V-R = 0.5 vvm and N = 750 min(-1) and at Q(O)/V-R = 0.2 vvm and N = 750 min(-1) conditions. The values of K(L)a increased with increasing agitation and aeration rates and varied between 0.007 and 0.044 s(-1), and the OUR varied between 0.4 and 1.6 mol m(-3) s(-1). With increasing Q(O)/V-R and/or N, the Damkohler number (ie the oxygen transfer limitation) decreased owing to the increase in mass transfer coefficients (K(L)a). The highest instantaneous yield of cell on substrate (Y-X/S) and yield of cell on oxygen (Y-X/O) values were respectively obtained at 0.5 vvm and 500 min-1 conditions at t = 2 h as Y-X/S = 0.72 kg kg 1 and Y-X/O = 1.49 kg kg(-1). The highest instantaneous yield of substrate on oxygen (Y-S/O) was obtained at 0.5 vvm and 750 min(-1) conditions at t = 20 h as Y-S/O = 8.07 kg kg(-1). (c) 2005 Society of Chemical Industry

    The influence of pairing correlations on the isospin symmetry breaking corrections of superallowed Fermi beta decays

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    Within the framework of quasi-particle random phase approximation, the isospin breaking correction of superallowed 0 + ? 0 + beta decay and unitarity of Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mixing matrix have been investigated. The broken isotopic symmetry of nuclear part of Hamiltonian has been restored by Pyatov's method. The isospin symmetry breaking correction with pairing correlations has been compared with the previous results without pairing. The effect of pairing interactions has been examined for nine superallowed Fermi beta decays; their parent nuclei are 26 Al, 34 Cl, 38 K, 42 Sc, 46 V, 50 Mn, 54 Co, 62 Ga, 74 Rb. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd

    Theoretical investigation of tenth-value thicknesses of aluminium absorbers

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    Turkish Physical Society 35th International Physics Congress, TPS 2019 -- 4 September 2019 through 8 September 2019 -- -- 155472The half-value thickness (HVT) and the tenth-value thickness (TVT) are used to determine the strength of radiation shielding. The HVT and TVT are the thickness of an absorber sample that will reduce the initial radiation intensity to one-half and one-tenth, respectively. These can be calculated as HVT=ln2/?m and TVT=ln10/?m, using the solution of the standard dI/dx =-?mx attenuation equation. Here, ?m and I are mass attenuation coefficient and radiation intensity, respectively. In this study, the intensity of beta particle that pass through aluminium (Al) absorber has been measured using different isotopes experimentally. An inconsistent has been seen between the TVT values that calculated using standard mathematic and experimental TVT values. To overcome this discrepancy, the standard attenuation equation has been redefined using fractional calculus and resolved. The fractional TVT values consistent with experimental TVT values have been calculated for the suitable fractional derivative orders. © 2019 Author(s).Firat University Scientific Research Projects Management Unit, FÃœBAP: 2013/31This work has been supported by the Scientific Research Projects of Kütahya Dumlupınar University with the Project No. 2013/31. The authors would like to thank Physics Department of Kütahya Dumlupınar University