12,823 research outputs found

    State determination: an iterative algorithm

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    An iterative algorithm for state determination is presented that uses as physical input the probability distributions for the eigenvalues of two or more observables in an unknown state Φ\Phi. Starting form an arbitrary state Ψ0\Psi_{0}, a succession of states Ψn\Psi_{n} is obtained that converges to Φ\Phi or to a Pauli partner. This algorithm for state reconstruction is efficient and robust as is seen in the numerical tests presented and is a useful tool not only for state determination but also for the study of Pauli partners. Its main ingredient is the Physical Imposition Operator that changes any state to have the same physical properties, with respect to an observable, of another state.Comment: 11 pages 3 figure

    Observation of Scaling Violations in Scaled Momentum Distributions at HERA

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    Charged particle production has been measured in deep inelastic scattering (DIS) events over a large range of xx and Q2Q^2 using the ZEUS detector. The evolution of the scaled momentum, xpx_p, with Q2,Q^2, in the range 10 to 1280 GeV2GeV^2, has been investigated in the current fragmentation region of the Breit frame. The results show clear evidence, in a single experiment, for scaling violations in scaled momenta as a function of Q2Q^2.Comment: 21 pages including 4 figures, to be published in Physics Letters B. Two references adde

    A method for estimating the rate of shedding of tags from yellowfin tuna

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    ENGLISH: The present paper describes a new method for estimating the shedding rate of tags. The method utilizes not only data on tagging and recovery of fish marked with two tags but also data from those marked with one. One important advantage of the new technique is that the estimates of the shedding rates are free from distortion caused by variations in fishing intensity during the total recovery period. The idea of this method appears to be implicit in a short note by Gulland (1963). This technique has been applied to the data obtained by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in a tagging cruise off the west coast of southern Baja California, during June 1963, at which time both single and double-tagged yellowfin tuna were released. Details of the tagging procedure and equipment have been described by Fink (1965b). The results presented in the present paper are for yellowfin tuna tagged with dart tags. Estimates of shedding should be made separately for each species investigated and also for each type of tag used, since these rates may be variable and often unexpectedly high (Springer and McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). SPANISH: El presente estudio describe un nuevo método para estimar las tasas del desprendimiento de marcas. El método emplea no solamente los datos sobre la marcación y recobro de peces marcados con dos marcas, pero también datos de los peces marcados con una marca. Una ventaja importante de la nueva técnica, es que las estimaciones de las tasas de desprendimiento son libres de alteración, causada por las variaciones en la intensidad de pesca durante el período total de recobro. La idea de este método parece ser implícita en un breve apunte por Gulland (1963). Esta técnica se ha aplicado a los datos obtenidos por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, en un crucero de marcación efectuado frente a la costa occidental al sur de Baja California, en junio de 1963, tiempo en el cual fueron liberados atunes aleta amarilla marcados tanto con una como con dos marcas. Los detalles del procedimiento de la marcación y del equipo usado han sido descritos por Fink (1965b). Los resultados presentados en este estudio, pertenecen al atún aleta amarilla marcado con marcas de dardo. Las estimaciones del desprendimiento deben efectuarse separadamente para cada especie que ha sido investigada y también para cada tipo de marca usado, ya que estas tasas pueden ser vaiables, y a menudo inesperadamente altas (Springer y McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). (PDF contains 20 pages.

    A method for estimating the rate of shedding of tags from yellowfin tuna

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    ENGLISH: The present paper describes a new method for estimating the shedding rate of tags. The method utilizes not only data on tagging and recovery of fish marked with two tags but also data from those marked with one. One important advantage of the new technique is that the estimates of the shedding rates are free from distortion caused by variations in fishing intensity during the total recovery period. The idea of this method appears to be implicit in a short note by Gulland (1963). This technique has been applied to the data obtained by the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission in a tagging cruise off the west coast of southern Baja California, during June 1963, at which time both single and double-tagged yellowfin tuna were released. Details of the tagging procedure and equipment have been described by Fink (1965b). The results presented in the present paper are for yellowfin tuna tagged with dart tags. Estimates of shedding should be made separately for each species investigated and also for each type of tag used, since these rates may be variable and often unexpectedly high (Springer and McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). SPANISH: El presente estudio describe un nuevo método para estimar las tasas del desprendimiento de marcas. El método emplea no solamente los datos sobre la marcación y recobro de peces marcados con dos marcas, pero también datos de los peces marcados con una marca. Una ventaja importante de la nueva técnica, es que las estimaciones de las tasas de desprendimiento son libres de alteración, causada por las variaciones en la intensidad de pesca durante el período total de recobro. La idea de este método parece ser implícita en un breve apunte por Gulland (1963). Esta técnica se ha aplicado a los datos obtenidos por la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical, en un crucero de marcación efectuado frente a la costa occidental al sur de Baja California, en junio de 1963, tiempo en el cual fueron liberados atunes aleta amarilla marcados tanto con una como con dos marcas. Los detalles del procedimiento de la marcación y del equipo usado han sido descritos por Fink (1965b). Los resultados presentados en este estudio, pertenecen al atún aleta amarilla marcado con marcas de dardo. Las estimaciones del desprendimiento deben efectuarse separadamente para cada especie que ha sido investigada y también para cada tipo de marca usado, ya que estas tasas pueden ser vaiables, y a menudo inesperadamente altas (Springer y McErlean 1961, Chadwick 1963). (PDF contains 20 pages.

    Critical Behavior of Dimensionally Continued Black Holes

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    The critical behavior of black holes in even and odd dimensional spacetimes is studied based on Ba\~nados-Teitelboim-Zanelli (BTZ) dimensionally continued black holes. In even dimensions it is found that asymptotically flat and anti de-Sitter Reissner-Nordstr\"om black holes present up to two second order phase transitions. The case of asymptotically anti-de-Sitter Schwarzschild black holes present only one critical transition and a minimum of temperature, which occurs at the transition. Finally, it is shown that phase transitions are absent in odd dimensions.Comment: 21 pages in Latex format, no figures, vastly improved version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    On a class of non-Hermitian matrices with positive definite Schur complements

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    Given a Hermitian matrices A∈C^n×n and D∈C^m×m, and k > 0, we characterize under which conditions there exists a matrix K∈C^n×m with ∥K∥ < k such that the non-Hermitian block-matrix [AK∗A−AKD] has a positive (semi-) definite Schur complement with respect to its submatrix A. Additionally, we show that K can be chosen such that diagonalizability of the block-matrix is guaranteed and we compute its spectrum. Moreover, we show a connection to the recently developed frame theory for Krein spaces.Fil: Berger, Thomas. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Giribet, Juan Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ingeniería. Departamento de Electronica; ArgentinaFil: Martinez Peria, Francisco Dardo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Saavedra 15. Instituto Argentino de Matemática Alberto Calderón; ArgentinaFil: Trunk, Carsten Joachim. Technische Universitat Ilmenau. Institut Fur Mathematik; Alemani

    Antecedentes y construcción de la cripta de Dardo Rocha y Paula Arana de Rocha en la catedral de La Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina

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    A fines del siglo XIX y primera mitad del siglo XX, diversos representantes de la alta sociedad argentina fueron sepultados en criptas por tener títulos pontificios o haber donado iglesias, pero el caso del Dr. Dardo Rocha y su esposa Paula Arana de Rocha es totalmente distinto. En un primer momento, los restos del destacado político y militar, que fue Gobernador de la Provincia de Buenos Aires y fundador de La Plata, se depositaron en el Cementerio de la Recoleta en la bóveda de la familia Rocha junto a los de su esposa, tal como él mismo lo había solicitado. Aduciendo este argumento, los descendientes se negaron al traslado a la Catedral de La Plata, como lo solicitaban el gobierno provincial y los habitantes de la ciudad, que deseaban rendirle un justo homenaje. Finalmente, en el año 1940, se decide el traslado mediante Decreto 239 del 17 de julio, que se concreta el 19 de noviembre de ese año. Esto significó la necesidad de adaptar la estructura de hormigón que sostiene el piso de la Catedral, quedando las vigas y columnas encubiertas por elementos neogóticos revestidos en símil piedra. Como no se había completado la cripta prevista debajo del presbiterio (obra no realizada), usual en las catedrales neo medievales, se dispuso que provisoriamente se preparara un espacio adecuado debajo del ingreso de la nave, donde se encuentra en la actualidad. Los pliegos de licitación establecían los materiales a utilizar y los medios de ejecución, quedando a cargo del LEMIT el asesoramiento técnico, control de calidad y normalización de materiales. Como resultado de este rigor en la ejecución y el buen mantenimiento posterior, la cripta no presenta patologías, luego de más de sesenta años de vida en servicio.By the end of the 19th Century and the first half ot the 20th Century, many representative of the Argentinean high society were buried in crypts due to their Papal titles or being donors of churches, but the case of Dr. Dardo Rocha and his wife Paula Arana de Rocha is completely different. In the first moment, the rests of the outstanding politician and military, Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires and founder of La Plata were deposited in La Recoleta cemetery, in the crypt of the Rocha family next to the tomb of his wife, as he had asked in his will. For this reason, his descendants opposed to move them to La Plata Cathedral, as it was the wish of the Province Government and the city habitants, who wanted to pay him a fair tribute. Finally, in 1940, the moving of the coffins is decided by Decree n° 239, signed July 17th, which is complied November 19th that same year. The plans needed to be adapted to the concrete structure that supports the pavement of the Cathedral´s main temple, and as a result, the beams and columns were hidden by neo gothic elements made of stone-like mortar. Since the crypt under the presbytery (never built, but usual in neo medieval Cathedrals) was not ready, it was decided as a provisory measure to prepare an adequate space under the entrance of the main aisle of the Cathedral, where it is at present. The technical documents specified the materials to be used and the building techniques, and LEMIT was in charge of technical support, quality control and standardizing the material. As a result of this exactitude during the works and the good maintenance policy, the crypt has no pathologies, after more than sixty years of service

    ‘Padres de la Patria’ and the ancestral past: commemorations of independence in nineteenth-century Spanish America

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    This article examines the civic festivals held in nineteenth-century Spanish America to commemorate independence from Spain. Through such festivals political leaders hoped, in Hobsbawm's words, ‘to inculcate certain values and norms of behaviour by repetition, which automatically implies continuity with the past’. But when did the ‘past’ begin? If in nineteenth-century France the French Revolution was the time of history, in Spanish America there was no consensus on when history began. The debates about national origins embedded within the nineteenth-century civic festival not only suggest how political elites viewed their Patrias but also shed light on the position of indigenous culture (usually separated hygienically from indigenous peoples themselves) within the developing national histories of post-independence Spanish America