445 research outputs found
Global design of an active integrated antenna for millimeter wave
An active integrated antenna working in the millimeter wave has been realized in a monolithic process. The concept of active integrated antenna is first introduced, then the design of the integrated circuit based on a global approach, following electromagnetic and circuit simulations, is presented. The obtained performances of the active antenna are discussed and compared to a passive one
Conrad’s Picture of Irony in “An Outpost of Progress”
Les fictions de Joseph Conrad se déroulent généralement dans des lieux reculés du globe. L’une de ses premières nouvelles, ‘Un Avant-poste du progrès’, publié dans Inquiétudes (1898), se rapporte à l’expérience coloniale européenne en Afrique. L’histoire met en opposition le mercantilisme brutal du conquérant et un mode de vie africain sans complexité. Le lieu de cette nouvelle est le Bassin du Congo, région bien connue de Conrad, et où il a pu observer l’infâme commerce de l’ivoire. Dans le récit, les descriptions panoramiques du décor alternent avec des images saisissantes de dureté. Une approche afro-centriste et postcoloniale de l’œuvre y relèverait une diégèse et des tropes révélant un environnement et un peuple dont la stabilité est compromise. Le traitement par la satire des deux « héros » représentant l’Occident en Afrique semble soutenir ce point de vue. Mais le récit , malgré son apparence iconoclaste, n’en révèle pas moins l’ambivalence de Conrad vis-à-vis de l’Empire
Conrad’s Picture of Irony in “An Outpost of Progress”
Les fictions de Joseph Conrad se déroulent généralement dans des lieux reculés du globe. L’une de ses premières nouvelles, ‘Un Avant-poste du progrès’, publié dans Inquiétudes (1898), se rapporte à l’expérience coloniale européenne en Afrique. L’histoire met en opposition le mercantilisme brutal du conquérant et un mode de vie africain sans complexité. Le lieu de cette nouvelle est le Bassin du Congo, région bien connue de Conrad, et où il a pu observer l’infâme commerce de l’ivoire. Dans le récit, les descriptions panoramiques du décor alternent avec des images saisissantes de dureté. Une approche afro-centriste et postcoloniale de l’œuvre y relèverait une diégèse et des tropes révélant un environnement et un peuple dont la stabilité est compromise. Le traitement par la satire des deux « héros » représentant l’Occident en Afrique semble soutenir ce point de vue. Mais le récit , malgré son apparence iconoclaste, n’en révèle pas moins l’ambivalence de Conrad vis-à-vis de l’Empire
Optimal frequency control in microgrid system using fractional order PID controller using Krill Herd algorithm
This paper investigates the use of fractional order Proportional, Integral and Derivative (FOPID) controllers for the frequency and power regulation in a microgrid power system. The proposed microgrid system composes of renewable energy resources such as solar and wind generators, diesel engine generators as a secondary source to support the principle generators, and along with different energy storage devices like fuel cell, battery and flywheel. Due to the intermittent nature of integrated renewable energy like wind turbine and photovoltaic generators, which depend on the weather conditions and climate change this affects the microgrid stability by considered fluctuation in frequency and power deviations which can be improved using the selected controller. The fractional-order controller has five parameters in comparison with the classical PID controller, and that makes it more flexible and robust against the microgrid perturbation. The Fractional Order PID controller parameters are optimized using a new optimization technique called Krill Herd which selected as a suitable optimization method in comparison with other techniques like Particle Swarm Optimization. The results show better performance of this system using the fractional order PID controller-based Krill Herd algorithm by eliminates the fluctuations in frequency and power deviation in comparison with the classical PID controller. The obtained results are compared with the fractional order PID controller optimized using Particle Swarm Optimization. The proposed system is simulated under nominal conditions and using the disconnecting of storage devices like battery and Flywheel system in order to test the robustness of the proposed methods and the obtained results are compared.У статті досліджено використання регуляторів пропорційного, інтегрального та похідного дробового порядку (FOPID) для регулювання частоти та потужності в електромережі. Запропонована мікромережева система складається з поновлюваних джерел енергії, таких як сонячні та вітрогенератори, дизельних генераторів як вторинного джерела для підтримки основних генераторів, а також з різних пристроїв для накопичування
енергії, таких як паливна батарея, акумулятор і маховик. Через переривчасту природу інтегрованої відновлювальної енергії, наприклад, вітрогенераторів та фотоелектричних генераторів, які залежать від погодних умов та зміни клімату, це впливає на стабільність мікромережі, враховуючи коливання частоти та відхилення потужності, які можна поліпшити за допомогою вибраного контролера. Контролер дробового порядку має п’ять параметрів порівняно з класичним PID-контролером, що робить його більш гнучким та надійним щодо збурень мікромережі. Параметри PID-контролера дробового порядку оптимізовані за допомогою нової методики оптимізації під назвою «зграя криля», яка обрана як підходящий метод оптимізації порівняно з іншими методами, такими як оптимізація методом рою частинок. Результати показують кращі показники роботи цієї системи за
допомогою алгоритму «зграя криля», заснованого на PID-контролері дробового порядку, виключаючи коливання частоти та відхилення потужності порівняно з класичним PID-контролером. Отримані результати порівнюються з PID-контролером дробового порядку, оптимізованим за допомогою оптимізації методом рою частинок. Запропонована система моделюється в номінальному режимі роботи та використовує відключення накопичувальних пристроїв, таких як акумулятор та маховик, щоб перевірити надійність запропонованих методів та порівняти отримані результати
The Moroccan participatory banking sector is relatively new, the development and the future of this industry are still uncertain, in this study we tried to analyze from a strategic point of view the current situation of this banking sector in Morocco, several marketing tools have been used, the PEST analysis, the 5 forces of porter as well as the SWOT analysis. The results of our analysis show that the development of the participatory banking sector in Morocco is promising. JEL: M31, Z33, G21 Article visualizations
Genius Loci and Emerging Sustainable Fashion Strategies: Two Significant Case-Histories in Italy and Tunisia
The contemporary fashion supply chain is part of the Global Value Chains (GVCs),
the organization of production, trade and investments across different countries.
Then, authentic genius loci is often replaced by fluidly-applied signifiers extremely
simplified. Considering the recent trends in fashion, several strategic opportunities
for SMEs connected to their cultural heritage and artisanal know-how should be
considered. In particular, the new value of sustainability and regenerative design in
production processes. The research paper presents two significant examples from
Italy and Tunisia. The first one is Prato textile district, Italy, known for its wool textile
manufacture, existing since medieval times and in particular for regenerated wool
processes called Cardato. Based upon this know-how, Prato SMEs offer to market
fashion leaders an eco-friendly product in line with emerging sustainable trends.
Today, emerging sustainable business models in the Fashion industry are increasingly
evolving. In Prato, some SMEs have become part of international fashion
events. Similarly, Tunisian brand Azalée reintroduced the straw weaving techniques
in the contemporary fashion system. Azalée is conceived and designed based
on local natural materials and culture, which is related to the craft of frond making
originating from the palm leaves (called El-Jerid). This emerging brand entered the
world of contemporary designers and has recently created exclusive eco-friendly baskets for l’Occitance-in-Province (The Reset collection)
For an extended period, the higher education community has been diligently endeavoring to implement technologically advanced and more efficacious methodologies. The aim is to enhance effectiveness and cultivate a generation of graduates equipped to navigate the evolving labor market dynamics and adapt to the influences of globalization. The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic significantly catalyzed the adoption of digital education, often referred to as "E-Learning," as a predominant mode of instruction across a majority of countries. This shift was necessitated by the imperative to adhere to social distancing measures and prevent the potential collapse of the educational infrastructure. In the wake of this transformative paradigm, educational institutions were compelled to engineer inventive management approaches to effectively traverse this altered landscape, marking the dawn of a new era. This era is characterized by a profound dependence on advanced technology and unfettered information accessibility as pivotal factors for sustaining and optimizing performance.This paper aims to explain the basic ideas behind managing higher education while exploring the existing research that supports these ideas. By breaking down the various aspects and tools involved, the goal is to shed light on the complex nature of managing higher education. This exploration eventually leads to an examination of how the digitalization of education impacts different functional areas of education management. Through this in-depth analysis, a clear connection emerges between the need for digitalization and the necessity to update management systems. This connection is crucial for not only achieving but also sustaining effective operation in this new era that combines technology and education.Durante um longo período, a comunidade do ensino superior tem-se esforçado diligentemente por implementar metodologias tecnologicamente avançadas e mais eficazes. O objetivo é aumentar a eficácia e cultivar uma geração de licenciados equipados para navegar na dinâmica do mercado de trabalho em evolução e adaptar-se às influências da globalização. O surto da pandemia de Covid-19 catalisou significativamente a adoção da educação digital, muitas vezes referida como "E-Learning", como um modo predominante de ensino na maioria dos países. Esta mudança foi necessária devido ao imperativo de aderir a medidas de distanciamento social e evitar o potencial colapso da infraestrutura educativa. Na sequência deste paradigma transformador, as instituições de ensino foram obrigadas a conceber abordagens de gestão inventivas para atravessar eficazmente esta paisagem alterada, marcando o início de uma nova era. Esta era caracteriza-se por uma profunda dependência da tecnologia avançada e da acessibilidade ilimitada à informação como factores essenciais para sustentar e otimizar o desempenho. Este documento tem por objetivo explicar as ideias básicas subjacentes à gestão do ensino superior, explorando simultaneamente a investigação existente que apoia estas ideias. Ao decompor os vários aspectos e instrumentos envolvidos, o objetivo é esclarecer a natureza complexa da gestão do ensino superior. Esta exploração acaba por conduzir a um exame da forma como a digitalização do ensino afecta as diferentes áreas funcionais da gestão do ensino. Através desta análise aprofundada, surge uma ligação clara entre a necessidade de digitalização e a necessidade de atualizar os sistemas de gestão. Esta ligação é crucial não só para alcançar, mas também para manter um funcionamento eficaz nesta nova era que combina tecnologia e educação
Management of a scare resource and price rule: the case of sustainable fishing
In this paper, we investigated the problem of sustainable fishing. We explained how the fisheries maximize their profit according to the quantity of fish available in the sea and under the constraint of fines when the quota is exceeded. We showed the strategy issued from the resolution of the expected profit maximization is still better than naive strategies. Moreover, we define a level of fines which insures the double objective of the sustainable fishing
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