542 research outputs found

    WNT and BMP regulate roadblocks toward cardiomyocyte differentiation : lessons learned from embryos inform human stem cell differentiation

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    Funding: A MĂŒnsterberg acknowledges research grant funding from BHF (PG/15/77/31761) and BBSRC (BB/N002326/1). Research in the SH laboratory is supported by BHF (PG/12/75/29851).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    csal1 Is Controlled by a Combination of FGF and Wnt Signals in Developing Limb Buds

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    While some of the signaling molecules that govern establishment of the limb axis have been characterized, little is known about the downstream effector genes that interpret these signals. In Drosophila, the spalt gene is involved in cell fate determination and pattern formation in different tissues. We have cloned a chick homologue of Drosophila spalt, which we have termed csal1, and this study focuses on the regulation of csal1 expression in the limb bud. csal1 is expressed in limb buds from HH 17 to 26, in both the apical ectodermal ridge and the distal mesenchyme. Signals from the apical ridge are essential for csal1 expression, while the dorsal ectoderm is required for csal1 expression at a distance from the ridge. Our data indicate that both FGF and Wnt signals are required for the regulation of csal1 expression in the limb. Mutations in the human homologue of csal1, termed Hsal1/SALL1, result in a condition known as Townes–Brocks syndrome (TBS), which is characterized by preaxial polydactyly. The developmental expression of csal1 together with the digit phenotype in TBS patients suggests that csal1 may play a role in some aspects of distal patterning

    And now for something completely different : inattentional blindness during a Monty Python's Flying Circus sketch

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (http://www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (http://www.uk.sagepub.com/aboutus/openaccess.htm)Perceptual science has frequently benefited from studying illusions created outside of academia. Here, we describe a striking, but little-known, example of inattentional blindness from the British comedy series “Monty Python's Flying Circus.” Viewers fail to attend to several highly incongruous characters in the sketch, despite these characters being clearly visible onscreen. The sketch has the potential to be a valuable research and teaching resource, as well as providing a vivid illustration of how people often fail to see something completely differentPeer reviewedFinal Published versio

    FGF-4 signaling is involved in mir-206 expression in developing somites of chicken embryos

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    The microRNAs (miRNAs) are recently discovered short, noncoding RNAs, that regulate gene expression in metazoans. We have cloned short RNAs from chicken embryos and identified five new chicken miRNA genes. Genome analysis identified 17 new chicken miRNA genes based on sequence homology to previously characterized mouse miRNAs. Developmental Northern blots of chick embryos showed increased accumulation of most miRNAs analyzed from 1.5 days to 5 days except, the stem cell-specific mir-302, which was expressed at high levels at early stages and then declined. In situ analysis of mature miRNAs revealed the restricted expression of mir-124 in the central nervous system and of mir-206 in developing somites, in particular the developing myotome. In addition, we investigated how miR-206 expression is controlled during somite development using bead implants. These experiments demonstrate that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) -mediated signaling negatively regulates the initiation of mir-206 gene expression. This may be mediated through the effects of FGF on somite differentiation. These data provide the first demonstration that developmental signaling pathways affect miRNA expression. Thus far, miRNAs have not been studied extensively in chicken embryos, and our results show that this system can complement other model organisms to investigate the regulation of many other miRNAs

    Wnt/Lef1 signaling acts via Pitx2 to regulate somite myogenesis

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    AbstractWnt signaling has been implicated in somite, limb, and branchial arch myogenesis but the mechanisms and roles are not clear. We now show that Wnt signaling via Lef1 acts to regulate the number of premyogenic cells in somites but does not regulate myogenic initiation in the limb bud or maintenance in the first or second branchial arch. We have also analysed the function and regulation of a putative downstream transcriptional target of canonical Wnt signaling, Pitx2. We show that loss-of-function of Pitx2 decreases the number of myogenic cells in the somite, whereas overexpression increases myocyte number particularly in the epaxial region of the myotome. Increased numbers of mitotic cells were observed following overexpression of Pitx2 or an activated form of Lef1, suggesting an effect on cell proliferation. In addition, we show that Pitx2 expression is regulated by canonical Wnt signaling in the epaxial somite and second branchial arch, but not in the limb or the first branchial arch. These results suggest that Wnt/Lef1 signaling regulates epaxial myogenesis via Pitx2 but that this link is uncoupled in other regions of the body, emphasizing the unique molecular networks that control the development of various muscles in vertebrates

    Seeing motion and apparent motion

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    In apparent motion experiments, participants are presented with what is in fact a succession of two brief stationary stimuli at two different locations, but they report an impression of movement. Philosophers have recently debated whether apparent motion provides evidence in favour of a particular account of the nature of temporal experience. I argue that the existing discussion in this area is premised on a mistaken view of the phenomenology of apparent motion and, as a result, the space of possible philosophical positions has not yet been fully explored. In particular, I argue that the existence of apparent motion is compatible with an account of the nature of temporal experience that involves a version of direct realism. In doing so, I also argue against two other claims often made about apparent motion, viz. that apparent motion is the psychological phenomenon that underlies motion experience in the cinema, and that apparent motion is subjectively indistinguishable from real motion

    Cardiac injections of AntagomiRs as a novel tool for knockdown of miRNAs during heart development

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    Background: Studying microRNA networks during heart development is essential to obtain a better understanding of developmental defects and diseases associated with the heart and to identify novel opportunities for therapeutics. Here we highlight the advantages of chicken embryos as a vertebrate model for studying intermediate processes of heart development. Avians develop a four-chambered heart closely resembling human anatomy and they develop ex utero, which makes them easily accessible. Furthermore, embryos are available all year with a steady supply. Results: In this report we established a novel method for the knockdown of microRNA function by microinjecting AntagomiRs into the chicken heart in ovo. Our approach enables the targeted delivery of antagomirs into a locally restricted area and is not impacted by circulation. After further embryo development the successful miRNA knockdown was confirmed. Loss of function phenotypes can be evaluated rapidly, compared to more time-consuming genetic ablation experiments. The local application avoids potential systemic effects of microRNA knockdown, therefore allowing the assessment of impacts on heart development only. The method can be adjusted for different stages of chicken embryos (HH13-HH18) as well as for knockdown or targeted overexpression of coding genes. Conclusion: In conclusion our method allows targeted and locally restricted delivery of Antagomirs to the heart leading to successful knockdown of microRNA function. This method enables rapid phenotypic assessment, for example by gene expression analysis of multiple cardiac genes
