11 research outputs found

    Three-dimensional organization of chromosome territories in the human interphase nucleus

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    The synthesis of proteins, maintenance of structure and duplication of the eukaryotic cell itself are all fine-tuned biochemical processes that depend on the precise structural arrangement of the cellular components. The regulation of genes – their transcription and replication - has been shown to be connected closely to the three- dimensional organization of the genome in the cell nucleus. Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown. The nucleus of the cell has for a long time been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA bound to various proteins without much internal structure, except during cell division when chromosomes are condensed into separate entities. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in the interphase, i.e. between cell divisions. In an analogy of the Bauhaus principle that "form follows function" we believe that analyzing in which form DNA is organized in these territories will help us to understand genomic function. We use computer models - Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations - to develop plausible proposals for the structure of the interphase genome and compare them to experimental data. In the work presented here, we simulate interphase chromosomes for different folding morphologies of the chromatin fiber which is organized into loops of 100kbp to 3 Mbp that can be interconnected in various ways. The backbone of the fiber is described by a wormlike-chain polymer whose diameter and stiffness can be estimated from independent measurements. The implementation describes this polymer as a segmented chain with 3000 to 20000 segments for chromosome 15 depending on the phase of the simulation. The modeling is performed on a parallel computer (IBM SP2 with 80 nodes). We also determine genomic marker distributions within the Prader- Willi-Region on chromosome 15q11.2-13.3. For these measurements we use a fluorescence in situ hybridisation method (in collaboration with I. Solovai, J. Craig and T. Cremer, Munich, FRG) conserving the structure of the nucleus. As probes we use 10 kbp long lambda clones (Prof. B. Horsthemke, Essen, FRG) covering genomic marker distances between 8 kbp and 250 kbp. The markers are detected with confocal and standing wavefield light microscopes (in collaboration with J.Rauch, J. Bradl, C. Cremer and E.Stelzer, both Heidelberg, FRG) and using special image reconstruction methods developed solely for this purpose (developed by R. Eils. and W. Jaeger, Heidelberg, FRG). Best agreement between simulations and experiments is reached for a Multi-Loop-Subcompartment model with a loop size of 126 kbp which are forming rosetts and are linked by a chromatin linker of 126 kbp. We also hypothesize a different folding structure for maternal versus paternal chromosome 15. In simulations of whole cell nuclei this modell also leads to distinct chromosome territories and subcompartments. A fractal analysis of the simulations leads to multifractal behavior in good agreement with predictions drawn from porous network research

    Three-dimensional organization of chromosome territories in the human interphase cell nucleus.

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    The synthesis of proteins, maintenance of structure and duplication of the eukaryotic cell itself are all fine-tuned biochemical processes that depend on the precise structural arrangement of the cellular components. The regulation of genes – their transcription and replication - has been shown to be connected closely to the threedimensional organization of the genome in the cell nucleus. Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown. The nucleus of the cell has for a long time been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA bound to various proteins without much internal structure, except during cell division when chromosomes are condensed into separate entities. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in the interphase, i.e. between cell divisions. In an analogy of the Bauhaus principle that "form follows function" we believe that analyzing in which form DNA is organized in these territories will help us to understand genomic function. We use computer models - Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations - to develop plausible proposals for the structure of the interphase genome and compare them to experimental data. In the work presented here, we simulate interphase chromosomes for different folding morphologies of the chromatin fiber which is organized into loops of 100kbp to 3 Mbp that can be interconnected in various ways. The backbone of the fiber is described by a wormlike-chain polymer whose diameter and stiffness can be estimated from independent measurements. The implementation describes this polymer as a segmented chain with 3000 to 20000 segments for chromosome 15 depending on the phase of the simulation. The modeling is performed on a parallel computer (IBM SP2 with 80 nodes). We also determine genomic marker distributions within the Prader- Willi-Region on chromosome 15q11.2-13.3. For these measurements we use a fluorescence in situ hybridisation method (in collaboration with I. Solovai, J. Craig and T. Cremer, Munich, FRG) conserving the structure of the nucleus. As probes we use 10 kbp long lambda clones (Prof. B. Horsthemke, Essen, FRG) covering genomic marker distances between 8 kbp and 250 kbp. The markers are detected with confocal and standing wavefield light microscopes (in collaboration with J.Rauch, J. Bradl, C. Cremer and E.Stelzer, both Heidelberg, FRG) and using special image reconstruction methods developed solely for this purpose (developed by R. Eils. and W. Jaeger, Heidelberg, FRG). Best agreement between simulations and experiments is reached for a Multi-Loop-Subcompartment model with a loop size of 126 kbp which are forming rosetts and are linked by a chromatin linker of 126 kbp. We also hypothesize a different folding structure for maternal versus paternal chromosome 15. In simulations of whole cell nuclei this modell also leads to distinct chromosome territories and subcompartments. A fractal analysis of the simulations leads to multifractal behavior in good agreement with predictions drawn from porous network research

    Diffusion and transport in the human interphase cell nucleus - FCS experiments compared to simulations.

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    Despite the succesful linear sequencing of the human genome the three-dimensional arrangement of chromatin, functional, and structural components is still largely unknown. Molecular transport and diffusion are important for processes like gene regulation, replication, or repair and are vitally influenced by the structure. With a comparison between fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) experiments and simulations we show here an interdisciplinary approach for the understanding of transport and diffusion properties in the human interphase cell nucleus. For a long time the interphase nucleus has been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA without much internal structure, except during cell division. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in interphase. Two models for the detailed folding of the 30 nm chromatin fibre within these territories are under debate: In the Random-Walk/Giant-Loop-model big loops of 3 to 5 Mbp are attached to a non-DNA backbone. In the Multi-Loop-Subcompartment (MLS) model loops of around 120 kbp are forming rosettes which are also interconnected by the chromatin fibre. Here we show with a comparison between simulations and experiments an interdisciplinary approach leading to a determination of the three-dimensional organization of the human genome: For the predictions of experiments various models of human interphase chromosomes and the whole cell nucleus were simulated with Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics methods. Only the MLS-model leads to the formation of non-overlapping chromosome territories and distinct functional and dynamic subcompartments in agreement with experiments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is used for the specific marking of chromosome arms and pairs of small chromosomal DNA regions. The labelling is visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image reconstruction procedures. Chromosome arms show only small overlap and globular substructures as predicted by the MLS-model. The spatial distances between pairs of genomic markers as function of their genomic separation result in a MLS-model with loop and linker sizes around 126 kbp. With the development of GFP-fusion-proteins it is possible to study the chromatin distribution and dynamics resulting from cell cycle, treatment by chemicals or radiation in vivo. The chromatin distributions are similar to those found in the simulation of whole cell nuclei of the MLS-model. Fractal analysis is especially suited to quantify the unordered and non-euclidean chromatin distribution of the nucleus. The dynamic behaviour of the chromatin structure and the diffusion of particles in the nucleus are also closely connected to the fractal dimension. Fractal analysis of the simulations reveal the multi-fractality of chromosomes. First fractal analysis of chromatin distributions in vivo result in significant differences for different morphologies and might favour a MLS-model-like chromatin distribution. Simulations of fragment distributions based on double strand breakage after carbon-ion irradiation differ in different models. Here again a comparison with experiments favours a MLS-model. FCS in combination with a scanning device is a suitable tool to study the diffusion characteristics of fluorescent proteins in living cell nuclei with high spatial resolution. Computer simulations of the three-dimensional organization of the human interphase nucleus allows a detailed test of theoretical models in comparison to experiments. Diffusion and transport in the nucleus are most appropriately described with the concept of obstructed diffusion. A large volume fraction of the nucleus seems to contain a cytosol-like liquid with an apparent viscosity 5 times higher than in water. The geometry of particles and structure as well as their interactions influence the mobilities in terms of speed and spatial coverage. A considerable amount of genomic sites is accessible for not too large particles. FCS experiments and simulations based on the polymer model are in a good agreement. Using recently developed in vivo chromatin markers, a detailed study of mobility vs. structure is subject of current work

    Three-dimensional organization of the human interphase nucleus: Experiments compared to simulations.

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    Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown, although it is important for gene regulation and replication. For a long time the interphase nucleus has been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA without much internal structure, except during cell division. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in interphase. Two models for the detailed folding of the 30 nm chromatin fibre within these territories are under debate: In the Random- Walk/Giant-Loop-model big loops of 3 to 5 Mbp are attached to a non-DNA backbone. In the Multi-Loop- Subcompartment (MLS) model loops of around 120 kbp are forming rosettes which are also interconnected by the chromatin fibre. Here we show with a comparison between simulations and experiments an interdisciplinary approach leading to a determination of the three-dimensional organization of the human genome: For the predictions of experiments various models of human interphase chromosomes and the whole cell nucleus were simulated with Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics methods. Only the MLS-model leads to the formation of non-overlapping chromosome territories and distinct functional and dynamic subcompartments in agreement with experiments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is used for the specific marking of chromosome arms and pairs of small chromosomal DNA regions. The labelling is visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image reconstruction procedures. Chromosome arms show only small overlap and globular substructures as predicted by the MLS-model. The spatial distances between pairs of genomic markers as function of their genomic separation result in a MLS-model with loop and linker sizes around 126 kbp. With the development of GFP-fusion-proteins it is possible to study the chromatin distribution and dynamics resulting from cell cycle, treatment by chemicals or radiation in vivo. The chromatin distributions are similar to those found in the simulation of whole cell nuclei of the MLS-model. Fractal analysis is especially suited to quantify the unordered and non-euclidean chromatin distribution of the nucleus. The dynamic behaviour of the chromatin structure and the diffusion of particles in the nucleus are also closely connected to the fractal dimension. Fractal analysis of the simulations reveal the multi-fractality of chromosomes. First fractal analysis of chromatin distributions in vivo result in significant differences for different morphologies and might favour a MLS-modellike chromatin distribution. Simulations of fragment distributions based on double strand breakage after carbonion irradiation differ in different models. Here again a comparison with experiments favours a MLS-model

    Three-dimensional organization of the human interphase nucleus

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    Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown, although it is important for gene regulation and replication. For a long time the interphase nucleus has been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA without much internal structure, except during cell division. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in interphase. Two models for the detailed folding of the 30 nm chromatin fibre within these territories are under debate: In the Random- Walk/Giant-Loop-model big loops of 3 to 5 Mbp are attached to a non-DNA backbone. In the Multi-Loop- Subcompartment (MLS) model loops of around 120 kbp are forming rosettes which are also interconnected by the chromatin fibre. Here we show with a comparison between simulations and experiments an interdisciplinary approach leading to a determination of the three-dimensional organization of the human genome: For the predictions of experiments various models of human interphase chromosomes and the whole cell nucleus were simulated with Monte Carlo and Brownian Dynamics methods. Only the MLS-model leads to the formation of non-overlapping chromosome territories and distinct functional and dynamic subcompartments in agreement with experiments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization is used for the specific marking of chromosome arms and pairs of small chromosomal DNA regions. The labelling is visualized with confocal laser scanning microscopy followed by image reconstruction procedures. Chromosome arms show only small overlap and globular substructures as predicted by the MLS-model. The spatial distances between pairs of genomic markers as function of their genomic separation result in a MLS-model with loop and linker sizes around 126 kbp. With the development of GFP-fusion-proteins it is possible to study the chromatin distribution and dynamics resulting from cell cycle, treatment by chemicals or radiation in vivo. The chromatin distributions are similar to those found in the simulation of whole cell nuclei of the MLS-model. Fractal analysis is especially suited to quantify the unordered and non-euclidean chromatin distribution of the nucleus. The dynamic behaviour of the chromatin structure and the diffusion of particles in the nucleus are also closely connected to the fractal dimension. Fractal analysis of the simulations reveal the multi-fractality of chromosomes. First fractal analysis of chromatin distributions in vivo result in significant differences for different morphologies and might favour a MLS-modellike chromatin distribution. Simulations of fragment distributions based on double strand breakage after carbonion irradiation differ in different models. Here again a comparison with experiments favours a MLS-model

    Three-Dimensional Organization of Chromosome Territories and the Human Interphase Cell Nucleus

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    To study the three-dimensional organization of chromosome territories and the human interphase cell nucleus we developed models which could be compared to experiments. Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its 3D-organization is widely unknown. Using Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations we managed to model the chromatin fiber as a wormlike-chain polymer. A typical chromosome consists of 20.000 and a nucleus with all 46 chromosomes of 1.200.000 polymer chain segments. The parallel simulations are performed on a SP2512 and a Cray T3E. With fluorescent in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy we determined genomic marker distributions and chromosome arm overlap. Best agreement between simulations and experiments is reached for a Multi-Loop-Subcompartment model (126 kbp loops connected to rosettes connected by a 126 kbp chromatin linker). A fractal analysis of simulations leads to multi-fractal behaveour in good agreement with porous network research. The formation of chromosome territories was shown as predicted and low overlap of chromosomes and their arms was also reached in contrast to other models. Thus, the human interphase cell nucleus shows a higher degree of determinism than previously thought

    The three-dimensional organization of a self replicating nano fabrication site: The human cell nucleus.

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    The eukaryotic cell is a prime example of a functioning nano-machinery. The synthesis of proteins, maintenance of structure and duplication of the machinery itself are all fine-tuned biochemical processes that depend on the precise structural arrangement of the cellular components. Especially the regulation of genes has been shown to be connected closely to the organization of the genome in the nucleus. The nucleus of the cell has for a long time been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA bound to various proteins without much internal structure, except during cell division when chromosomes are condensed into separate entities. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in the interphase, i.e. between cell divisions. In an analogy of the Bauhaus principle that "form follows function" we believe that analyzing in which form DNA is organized in these territories will help us to understand genomic function. We use computer models - Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations - to develop plausible proposals for the structure of the interphase genome and compare them to experimental data. In the work presented here, we simulate interphase chromosomes for different folding morphologies of the chromatin fiber which is organized into loops of 100 kbp to 3 Mbp that can be interconnected in various ways. The backbone of the fiber is described by a wormlike-chain polymer whose diameter and stiffness can be estimated from independent measurements. The implementation describes this polymer as a segmented chain with 3000 to 20000 segments for chromosome 15 depending on the phase of the simulation. The modeling is performed on a parallel computer (IBM SP2 with 80 nodes). Currently we determine genomic marker distributions within the Prader-Willi-Region on chromosome 15q11.2-13.3. For these measurements we use a fluorescence in situ hybridisation method (in collaboration with I. Solovai, J. Crai and T. Cremer, Munich, FRG) conserving the structure of the nucleus. As probes we use 10 kbp long lambda clones (Prof. B. Horsthemke, Essen, FRG) covering genomic marker distances between 8 kbp and 250 kbp. The markers are detected with confocal and standing wavefield light microscopes (in collaboration with J.Rauch, J. Bradl, C. Cremer and E.Stelzer, both Heidelberg, FRG) and using special image reconstruction methods developed solely for this purpose (developed by R. Eils. and W. Jaeger, Heidelberg, FRG). The work is part of the Heidelberg 3D Human Genome Study Group, which is part of the German Human Genome Project

    Clinical and genetic characteristics of late-onset Huntington's disease

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    Background: The frequency of late-onset Huntington's disease (>59 years) is assumed to be low and the clinical course milder. However, previous literature on late-onset disease is scarce and inconclusive. Objective: Our aim is to study clinical characteristics of late-onset compared to common-onset HD patients in a large cohort of HD patients from the Registry database. Methods: Participants with late- and common-onset (30–50 years)were compared for first clinical symptoms, disease progression, CAG repeat size and family history. Participants with a missing CAG repeat size, a repeat size of ≤35 or a UHDRS motor score of ≤5 were excluded. Results: Of 6007 eligible participants, 687 had late-onset (11.4%) and 3216 (53.5%) common-onset HD. Late-onset (n = 577) had significantly more gait and balance problems as first symptom compared to common-onset (n = 2408) (P <.001). Overall motor and cognitive performance (P <.001) were worse, however only disease motor progression was slower (coefficient, −0.58; SE 0.16; P <.001) compared to the common-onset group. Repeat size was significantly lower in the late-onset (n = 40.8; SD 1.6) compared to common-onset (n = 44.4; SD 2.8) (P <.001). Fewer late-onset patients (n = 451) had a positive family history compared to common-onset (n = 2940) (P <.001). Conclusions: Late-onset patients present more frequently with gait and balance problems as first symptom, and disease progression is not milder compared to common-onset HD patients apart from motor progression. The family history is likely to be negative, which might make diagnosing HD more difficult in this population. However, the balance and gait problems might be helpful in diagnosing HD in elderly patients