
Three-dimensional organization of chromosome territories in the human interphase cell nucleus.


The synthesis of proteins, maintenance of structure and duplication of the eukaryotic cell itself are all fine-tuned biochemical processes that depend on the precise structural arrangement of the cellular components. The regulation of genes – their transcription and replication - has been shown to be connected closely to the threedimensional organization of the genome in the cell nucleus. Despite the successful linear sequencing of the human genome its three-dimensional structure is widely unknown. The nucleus of the cell has for a long time been viewed as a 'spaghetti soup' of DNA bound to various proteins without much internal structure, except during cell division when chromosomes are condensed into separate entities. Only recently has it become apparent that chromosomes occupy distinct 'territories' also in the interphase, i.e. between cell divisions. In an analogy of the Bauhaus principle that "form follows function" we believe that analyzing in which form DNA is organized in these territories will help us to understand genomic function. We use computer models - Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations - to develop plausible proposals for the structure of the interphase genome and compare them to experimental data. In the work presented here, we simulate interphase chromosomes for different folding morphologies of the chromatin fiber which is organized into loops of 100kbp to 3 Mbp that can be interconnected in various ways. The backbone of the fiber is described by a wormlike-chain polymer whose diameter and stiffness can be estimated from independent measurements. The implementation describes this polymer as a segmented chain with 3000 to 20000 segments for chromosome 15 depending on the phase of the simulation. The modeling is performed on a parallel computer (IBM SP2 with 80 nodes). We also determine genomic marker distributions within the Prader- Willi-Region on chromosome 15q11.2-13.3. For these measurements we use a fluorescence in situ hybridisation method (in collaboration with I. Solovai, J. Craig and T. Cremer, Munich, FRG) conserving the structure of the nucleus. As probes we use 10 kbp long lambda clones (Prof. B. Horsthemke, Essen, FRG) covering genomic marker distances between 8 kbp and 250 kbp. The markers are detected with confocal and standing wavefield light microscopes (in collaboration with J.Rauch, J. Bradl, C. Cremer and E.Stelzer, both Heidelberg, FRG) and using special image reconstruction methods developed solely for this purpose (developed by R. Eils. and W. Jaeger, Heidelberg, FRG). Best agreement between simulations and experiments is reached for a Multi-Loop-Subcompartment model with a loop size of 126 kbp which are forming rosetts and are linked by a chromatin linker of 126 kbp. We also hypothesize a different folding structure for maternal versus paternal chromosome 15. In simulations of whole cell nuclei this modell also leads to distinct chromosome territories and subcompartments. A fractal analysis of the simulations leads to multifractal behavior in good agreement with predictions drawn from porous network research

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