102 research outputs found

    Anfänge einer Arzneiversorgung an Bord

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    Отказоустойчивый вентильный электро-привод для гибридного транспортного средства

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа содержит 79 страниц, 10 рисунка, 30 таблиц, 24 источников. Ключевые слова: гибридное транспортное средство, отказоустойчивый вентильный электропривод, математическая модель вентильного двигателя, неполнофазный режим работы, обрыв фазы двигателя, отказ ключа преобразователя частоты. Был проведён обзор аккумуляторов, обоснован выбор ёмкости аккумуляторной батареи. Цель работы – разработка отказоустойчивого вентильного электропривода для гибридного транспортного средства, обеспечение алгоритма восстановления работоспособности. Выпускная квалификационная работа выполнена в текстовом редакторе Microsoft Office Word 2010 с использованием пакетов: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink.Final qualifying work consists of 79 pages, 10 figure, 30 tables, 24 sources. Key words: hybrid vehicle, failover the valve actuator, the mathematical model of the brushless DC motor, open-phase mode, output phase loss, failure of a key of the frequency Converter. A review was undertaken of batteries and justifies the choice of battery capacity. The work purpose – development of fault-tolerant brushless drive for a hybrid vehicle, provision of algorithm restore functionality. Final qualifying work is executed in a text editor Microsoft Office Word 2010 packages: Microsoft Visio 2010, Matlab Simulink

    CMTr mediated 2`-O-ribose methylation status of cap adjacent-nucleotides across animals

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Mark Carrington and Nancy Standard for T. brucei total RNA, Jane Nimmo for honeybees, Caroline Chadwick for mouse tissue, Pawel Grzechnik for HEK293T cells, Roland Arnold for HCT116 cells, Rupert Fray for plasmids, and the National BioResource Project, Tokyo, Japan for the C. elegans CMTr2 strain. M.S. acknowledges funding from the Leverhulme Trust and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) (BB/R002932/1), J.P. and B.M. from BBSRC (BB/T002859/1), and F.M. from the Wellcome Trust (106955/Z/15/Z).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mucinaea (Hyacinthaceae-Urgineoideae), a Remarkable New Genus from Namaqualand (Northern Cape Province, South Africa)

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    We here describe a new genus from Namaqualand, which is based on Tenicroa nana Snijman. Mucinaea M. Pinter, Mart.-Azorín, U. Müll.-Doblies, D. Müll.- Doblies, Pfosser & Wetschnig gen. nov. shows several character-states different from all other known species of Tenicroa and a few even do not occur in any other genus of Hyacinthaceae. Mucinaea M. Pinter & al. is easily distinguishable by its purplish-pink tepals bearing a double-eyed green floral marking at their base, surrounded by a white margin, unique within Hyacinthaceae. It also differs by the single sheathing cataphyll without raised transverse ribs, different from the other species of Tenicroa, and by the second sheath consisting of a compound of the bases of about ten foliage leaves, surrounding about ten further free foliage leaves, what is a unique structure in the bulbous world. Mucinaea with Mucinaea nana (Snijman) M. Pinter & al. comb. nova is a monotypic genus, only known from three quarter - degree squares in the Northern Cape Province of South Africa. Data on morphology, ecology and distribution are given. Additionally, this separation leads to the monophyly of the genus Tenicroa

    Технико-экономические и экологические аспекты утилизация шламов, содержащих соединения цинка

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    По причине токсичности перед сбросом в водоемы ионы цинка выделяются из сточных вод в виде твердых соединений, которые осаждаются в виде шлама в прудах-накопителях. Приведены данные по количественному и качественному составам шлама в накопителеотстойнике предприятия по производству вискозного волокна. Отмечено, что такой накопитель в г. Красноярске является техногенным образованием содержащем ценное сырье - цинк. Поэтому необходима разработка и внедрение технологий переработки и утилизации цинксодержащих шламов различных производств.Zinc ions are toxic and they are isolated from sewage in the form of solid compounds before discharge into water bodies. Precipitation occurs in the form of slime in storage ponds. Data on the quantitative and qualitative composition of the sludge in the reservoir-settler of an enterprise for the production of viscose fiber are given. It is noted that such a storage facility in Krasnoyarsk is a technogenic for mation containing valuable raw materials - zinc. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and implement technologies for processing and utilization of zinc-containing slurries of various industries

    Lack of APLP1 leads to subtle alterations in neuronal morphology but does not affect learning and memory

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    The amyloid precursor protein APP plays a crucial role in Alzheimer pathogenesis. Its physiological functions, however, are only beginning to be unraveled. APP belongs to a small gene family, including besides APP the closely related amyloid precursor-like proteins APLP1 and APLP2, that all constitute synaptic adhesion proteins. While APP and APLP2 are ubiquitously expressed, APLP1 is specific for the nervous system. Previous genetic studies, including combined knockouts of several family members, pointed towards a unique role for APLP1, as only APP/APLP1 double knockouts were viable. We now examined brain and neuronal morphology in APLP1 single knockout (KO) animals, that have to date not been studied in detail. Here, we report that APLP1-KO mice show normal spine density in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells and subtle alterations in dendritic complexity. Extracellular field recordings revealed normal basal synaptic transmission and no alterations in synaptic plasticity (LTP). Further, behavioral studies revealed in APLP1-KO mice a small deficit in motor function and reduced diurnal locomotor activity, while learning and memory were not affected by the loss of APLP1. In summary, our study indicates that APP family members serve both distinct and overlapping functions that need to be considered for therapeutic treatments of Alzheimer's disease

    Adult neurogenesis and its anatomical context in the hippocampus of three mole-rat species

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    African mole-rats (family Bathyergidae) are small to medium sized, long-lived, and strictly subterranean rodents that became valuable animal models as a result of their longevity and diversity in social organization. The formation and integration of new hippocampal neurons in adult mammals (adult hippocampal neurogenesis, AHN) correlates negatively with age and positively with habitat complexity. Here we present quantitative data on AHN in wild-derived mole-rats of 1 year and older, and briefly describe its anatomical context including markers of neuronal function (calbindin and parvalbumin). Solitary Cape molerats (Georychus capensis), social highveld mole-rats (Cryptomys hottentotus pretoriae), and eusocial naked mole-rats (Heterocephalus glaber) were assessed. Compared to other rodents, the hippocampal formation in mole-rats is small, but shows a distinct cytoarchitecture in the dentate gyrus and CA1. Distributions of the calcium-binding proteins differ from those seen in rodents; e.g., calbindin in CA3 of naked mole-rats distributes similar to the pattern seen in early primate development, and calbindin staining extends into the stratum lacunosum-moleculare of Cape mole-rats. Proliferating cells and young neurons are found in low numbers in the hippocampus of all three mole-rat species. Resident granule cell numbers are low as well. Proliferating cells expressed as a percentage of resident granule cells are in the range of other rodents, while the percentage of young neurons is lower than that observed in surface dwelling rodents. Between mole-rat species, we observed no difference in the percentage of proliferating cells. The percentages of young neurons are high in social highveld and naked mole-rats, and low in solitary Cape mole-rats. The findings support that proliferation is regulated independently of average life expectancy and habitat. Instead, neuronal differentiation reflects species-specific demands, which appear lower in subterranean rodents.http://www.frontiersin.org/Neuroanatomyhb201

    Prehabilitation of elderly frail or pre-frail patients prior to elective surgery (PRAEP-GO): study protocol for a randomized, controlled, outcome assessor-blinded trial

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    Background: Frailty is expressed by a reduction in physical capacity, mobility, muscle strength, and endurance. (Pre-) frailty is present in up to 42% of the older surgical population, with an increased risk for peri- and postoperative complications. Consequently, these patients often suffer from a delayed or limited recovery, loss of autonomy and quality of life, and a decrease in functional and cognitive capacities. Since frailty is modifiable, prehabilitation may improve the physiological reserves of patients and reduce the care dependency 12 months after surgery. Methods: Patients >= 70 years old scheduled for elective surgery or intervention will be recruited in this multicenter, randomized controlled study, with a target of 1400 participants with an allocation ratio of 1:1. The intervention consists of (1) a shared decision-making process with the patient, relatives, and an interdisciplinary and interprofessional team and (2) a 3-week multimodal, individualized prehabilitation program including exercise therapy, nutritional intervention, mobility or balance training, and psychosocial interventions and medical assessment. The frequency of the supervised prehabilitation is 5 times/week for 3 weeks. The primary endpoint is defined as the level of care dependency 12 months after surgery or intervention. Discussion: Prehabilitation has been proven to be effective for different populations, including colorectal, transplant, and cardiac surgery patients. In contrast, evidence for prehabilitation in older, frail patients has not been clearly established. To the best of our knowledge, this is currently the largest prehabilitation study on older people with frailty undergoing general elective surgery

    Föderale Vielfalt – Globale Vernetzung. Digitalisierung in den Ländern und der Welt

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    Die Beiträge im zweiten Band der Schriftenreihe Kulturelles Erbe in der digitalen Welt der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek zeigen auf, wie in Deutschland mit seiner föderalen Ordnung die Vermittlung und letztlich Vernetzung des kulturellen Erbes über das Internet angegangen wird. In ihnen finden sich Informationen zum organisatorischen Aufbau und der Infrastruktur der Digitalisierung und zu Kooperationen und politischen Rahmenbedingungen. Die Beiträge setzen die politische Agenda ins Verhältnis zum tatsächlich Erreichten, beschreiben den Stand der Umsetzung, geben Auskunft über Digitalisierungsstellen, Projekte und deren Koordination, beschreiben die institutionellen Zuständigkeiten, erläutern Portale und die Zusammenarbeit mit der Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek, enthalten Ausführungen zur Langzeitarchivierung: Und am Ende wird jeweils auch ein Ausblick gewagt. Beispiele für Konzepte außerhalb Deutschlands runden das Bild ab. Waren es im ersten Band Der Vergangenheit eine Zukunft Fragen nach öffentlicher Verantwortung, gesellschaftlichen Aufgaben und privatem Engagement, stehen nun die Strategien der Bundesländer für das kulturelle Erbe in der digitalen Welt im Vordergrund. Die Publikation liegt als Druck sowie frei verfügbar (Open Access) als EPUB, MOBI und PDF vor.The contributions in the second volume of the series "Cultural Heritage in the Digital World" published by the German Digital Library show how in Germany, with its federal order, the mediation and ultimate networking of the cultural heritage is made via the Internet. The contributions provide information on the organizational structure and the infrastructure of digitization and on cooperation and political conditions. They show the political agenda in relation to the actual achievements. Teh status of the implementation is described. The articles provide information about digitization sites, projects and their coordination, describe institutional responsibilities, portals and cooperation with the German Digital Library, contain comments on long-term archiving. An outlook closes the considerations. Examples of concepts outside Germany complete the picture