17,229 research outputs found

    Polarization operator approach to electron-positron pair production in combined laser and Coulomb fields

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    The optical theorem is applied to the process of electron-positron pair creation in the superposition of a nuclear Coulomb and a strong laser field. We derive new representations for the total production rate as two-fold integrals, both for circular laser polarization and for the general case of elliptic polarization, which has not been treated before. Our approach allows us to obtain by analytical means the asymptotic behaviour of the pair creation rate for various limits of interest. In particular, we consider pair production by two-photon absorption and show that, close to the energetic threshold of this process, the rate obeys a power law in the laser frequency with different exponents for linear and circular laser polarization. With the help of the upcoming x-ray laser sources our results could be tested experimentally.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Expression of PIK3CA mutant E545K in the mammary gland induces heterogeneous tumors but is less potent than mutant H1047R.

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    The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling cascade is a key mediator of cellular growth, survival and metabolism and is frequently subverted in human cancer. The gene encoding for the alpha catalytic subunit of PI3K (PIK3CA) is mutated and/or amplified in ∼30% of breast cancers. Mutations in either the kinase domain (H1047R) or the helical domain (E545K) are most common and result in a constitutively active enzyme with oncogenic capacity. PIK3CA(H1047R) was previously demonstrated to induce tumors in transgenic mouse models; however, it was not known whether overexpression of PIK3CA(E545K) is sufficient to induce mammary tumors and whether tumor initiation by these two types of mutants differs. Here, we demonstrate that expression of PIK3CA(E545K) in the mouse mammary gland induces heterogenous mammary carcinomas but with a longer latency than PIK3CA(H1047R)-expressing mice. Our results suggest that the helical domain mutant PIK3CA(E545K) is a less potent inducer of mammary tumors due to less efficient activation of downstream Akt signaling

    N-glycans of human amniotic fluid transferrin stimulate progesterone production in human first trimester trophoblast cells in vitro

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    Aims: During pregnancy, the placenta produces a variety of steroid hormones and proteins. Several of these substances have been shown to exert immunomodulatory effects. Progesterone is thought to mediate some of these effects by regulating uterine responsiveness. The aim of this study was to clarify the effect of amniotic fluid transferrin and its N-glycans on the release of progesterone by first trimester trophoblast cells in vitro. Methods: Cytotrophoblast cells were prepared from human first trimester placentae by trypsin-DNAse dispersion of villous tissue followed by a percoll gradient centrifugation and depletion of CD45 positive cells by magnetic cell sorting. Trophoblasts were incubated with varying concentrations (50-300 mug/ml) of transferrin from human amniotic fluid and serum as well as with N-glycans obtained from amniotic fluid transferrin. Culture supernatants were assayed for progesterone by enzyme-immunometric methods. Results: The release of progesterone increased in amniotic fluid transferrin- and N-glycan-treated trophoblast cell cultures compared to untreated trophoblast cells. There was no stimulating effect of serum transferrin on the progesterone production of trophoblast cells. Conclusions: The results suggest that amnion-transferrin and especially its N-glycans modulate the endocrine function of trophoblasts in culture by up regulating progesterone secretion

    The rationale for a spine registry

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    In the discussion about the rationale for spine registries, two basic questions have to be answered. The first one deals with the value of orthopaedic registries per se, considering them as observational studies and comparing the evidence they generate with that of randomised controlled trials. The second question asks if the need for registries in spine surgery is similar to that in the arthroplasty sector. The widely held view that randomised controlled trials are the ‘gold standard' for evaluation and that observational methods have little or no value ignores the limitations of randomised trials. They may prove unnecessary, inappropriate, impossible, or inadequate. In addition, the external validity and hence the ability to make generalisations about the results of randomised trials is often low. Therefore, the false conflict between those who advocate randomised trials in all situations and those who believe observational data provide sufficient evidence needs to be replaced with mutual recognition of their complementary roles. The fact that many surgical techniques or technologies were introduced into the field of spine surgery without randomised trials or prospective cohort comparisons makes obvious an even increased need for spine registries compared to joint arthroplasty. An essential methodological prerequisite for a registry is a common terminology for reporting results and a sophisticated technology that networks all participants so that one central data pool is created and accessed. Recognising this need, the Spine Society of Europe has researched and developed Spine Tango, the first European spine registry, which can be accessed under www.eurospine.or

    Condition-specific outcome measures for low back pain: Part I: Validation

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    A literature review of the nine most widely used, condition-specific, self-administered assessment questionnaires for low back pain has been undertaken. General and historic aspects, reliability, responsiveness and minimum clinically important difference, external validity, floor and ceiling effects and available languages were analysed for the nine most-used outcome tools. When considering which condition-specific measure to employ, the present overview on assessment tools should provide the necessary information to define the technical aspects of the nine questionnaires. These criteria, however, are only part of the consideration. In part II the construction of these scales in relationship to the measurement domains will be evaluate

    Incorporation and Degradation of Hydroxyapatite Implants of Different Surface Roughness and Surface Structure in Bone

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    The interface of dense hydroxyapatite (HA) implants with different surface roughnesses was investigated after implantation into the spongy bone of the distal femur of rabbits by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) following transverse fractures in the interface. Each implant displayed considerable changes in surface morphology caused by leaching (increasing pore diameter), corrosion (particulate disintegration), and active resorption by osteoclasts. Macrophages were involved in cleaning the surface via phagocytosis of loose implant particles. Newly formed surface elevations provided adhesion points for fibers and fibrils. Subsequent mineralization of these areas stabilized the interdigitation of surface elevations and extracellular matrix with adhering fibers and contributed to the tensile strength in the interface. This investigation provides further knowledge about HA implants, which seem to be partially resorbed by osteoclast-like cells

    Reliability of pedicle screw assessment utilizing plain radiographs versus CT reconstruction

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    The position of 119 pedicle screws was assessed on plain antero-posterior and lateral radiographs taken immediately post-operatively and at 3 months' follow-up. The readings of five independent observers were compared with the "gold standard” of CT reconstructions. The position of only 41 % of implants (range 14%-56%) was assessed correctly on the plain radiographs (47% on follow-up films). Two-thirds of CT-detectable perforations were missed. As shown with perforations of the anterior cortex, delectability increased significantly with magnitude of perforation. No specifically difficult anatomic level or direction of malplacement could be identified. Interobserver variation was considerable. Plain radiographs were shown to be of limited use in assessing the position of pedicle screw


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    The finite size effects of the dynamical structure factors in the XXZ-model are studied in the euclidean time (τ)(\tau)-representation. Away from the critical momentum p=πp=\pi finite size effects turn out to be small except for the large τ\tau limit. The large finite size effects at the critical momentum p=πp=\pi signal the emergence of infrared singularities in the spectral (ω)(\omega)-representation of the dynamical structure factors.Comment: PostScript file with 12 pages + 11 figures uuencoded compresse