4,171 research outputs found

    The NOD3 software package: A graphical user interface-supported reduction package for single-dish radio continuum and polarisation observations

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    The venerable NOD2 data reduction software package for single-dish radio continuum observations, developed for use at the 100-m Effelsberg radio telescope, has been successfully applied over many decades. Modern computing facilities call for a new design. We aim to develop an interactive software tool with a graphical user interface (GUI) for the reduction of single-dish radio continuum maps. Special effort is given on the reduction of distortions along the scanning direction (scanning effects) by combining maps scanned in orthogonal directions or dual- or multiple-horn observations that need to be processed in a restoration procedure. The package should also process polarisation data and offer the possibility to include special tasks written by the individual user. Based on the ideas of the NOD2 package we developed NOD3, which includes all necessary tasks from the raw maps to the final maps in total intensity and linear polarisation. Furthermore, plot routines and several methods for map analysis are available. The NOD3 package is written in Python which allows to extend the package by additional tasks. The required data format for the input maps is FITS. NOD3 is a sophisticated tool to process and analyse maps from single-dish observations that are affected by 'scanning effects' due to clouds, receiver instabilities, or radio-frequency interference (RFI). The 'basket-weaving' tool combines orthogonally scanned maps to a final map that is almost free of scanning effects. The new restoration tool for dual-beam observations reduces the noise by a factor of about two compared to the NOD2 version. Combining single-dish with interferometer data in the map plane ensures the full recovery of the total flux density.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Bewegungsbilder - BĂĽcher zu Ăśbersetzungen der Kinematografie zwischen Kino, Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft

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    Reviewed books: Scott Curtis: The Shape of Spectatorship. Art, Science, and Early Cinema in Germany , New York (Columbia University Press) 2015. Oliver Gaycken: Devices of Curiosity. Early Cinema and Popular Science , Oxford u. a. (Oxford University Press) 2015. Florian Hoof: Engel der Effizienz. Eine Mediengeschichtsschreibung der Unternehmensberatung , Konstanz (Konstanz University Press) 2015

    How do online community platforms and associated offline meetings support highly skilled (re-)migration? The case of the RĂĽckkehrerstammtisch in Istanbul

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    In this article we investigate online community platforms and associated offline meetings that cater to highly skilled (re-)migrants. To do so we draw on a case study of the RĂĽckkehrerstammtisch in Istanbul, which is aimed especially at highly skilled (re-)migrants of Turkish origin, who have moved or plan to move from Germany to Turkey. The RĂĽckkehrerstammtisch mainly consists of an online community platform on the professionally oriented social networking site Xing and regular offline community meetings in Istanbul. Based on a mixed-method case study approach using netnography and qualitative interviews, this article shows that the RĂĽckkehrerstammtisch enables highly skilled persons of Turkish origin the access to migration related information and social networks that are often not available through their pre-existing family and friendship networks in Turkey. Our research thus contributes to the debate about social networks within the migrationprocess of highly skilled persons

    Biologists meet statisticians: A workshop for young scientists to foster interdisciplinary team work

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    Life science and statistics have necessarily become essential partners. The need to plan complex, structured experiments, involving elaborated designs, and the need to analyse datasets in the era of systems biology and high throughput technologies has to build upon professional statistical expertise. On the other hand, conducting such analyses and also developing improved or new methods, also for novel kinds of data, has to build upon solid biological understanding and practise. However, the meeting of scientists of both fields is often hampered by a variety of communicative hurdles - which are based on field-specific working languages and cultural differences. As a step towards a better mutual understanding, we developed a workshop concept bringing together young experimental biologists and statisticians, to work as pairs and learn to value each others competences and practise interdisciplinary communication in a casual atmosphere. The first implementation of our concept was a cooperation of the German Region of the International Biometrical Society and the Leibnitz Institute DSMZ-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (short: DSMZ), Braunschweig, Germany. We collected feedback in form of three questionnaires, oral comments, and gathered experiences for the improvement of this concept. The long-term challenge for both disciplines is the establishment of systematic schedules and strategic partnerships which use the proposed workshop concept to foster mutual understanding, to seed the necessary interdisciplinary cooperation network, and to start training the indispensable communication skills at the earliest possible phase of education

    Testing Lorentz invariance by use of vacuum and matter filled cavity resonators

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    We consider tests of Lorentz invariance for the photon and fermion sector that use vacuum and matter-filled cavities. Assumptions on the wave-function of the electrons in crystals are eliminated from the underlying theory and accurate sensitivity coefficients (including some exceptionally large ones) are calculated for various materials. We derive the Lorentz-violating shift in the index of refraction n, which leads to additional sensitivity for matter-filled cavities ; and to birefringence in initially isotropic media. Using published experimental data, we obtain improved bounds on Lorentz violation for photons and electrons at levels of 10^-15 and below. We discuss implications for future experiments and propose a new Michelson-Morley type experiment based on birefringence in matter.Comment: 15 pages, 8 table

    Interactive and Explainable Region-guided Radiology Report Generation

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    The automatic generation of radiology reports has the potential to assist radiologists in the time-consuming task of report writing. Existing methods generate the full report from image-level features, failing to explicitly focus on anatomical regions in the image. We propose a simple yet effective region-guided report generation model that detects anatomical regions and then describes individual, salient regions to form the final report. While previous methods generate reports without the possibility of human intervention and with limited explainability, our method opens up novel clinical use cases through additional interactive capabilities and introduces a high degree of transparency and explainability. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate our method's effectiveness in report generation, outperforming previous state-of-the-art models, and highlight its interactive capabilities. The code and checkpoints are available at https://github.com/ttanida/rgrg .Comment: Accepted at CVPR 202

    Abbildung von UMLSec-Vertraulichkeitsanalysen auf Data-Centric Palladio

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    Die Vertraulichkeit von Daten ist heutzutage ein wichtiger Aspekt von Informationssystemen. Ein unzureichender Schutz dieser Daten kann hohe Bußgelder oder den Verlust von Kunden zur Folge haben. Die sichere Behandlung von sensitiven Daten stellt damit eine zentrale Qualitätseigenschaft eines Softwaresystems dar und muss bereits während des Architekturentwurfs beachtet werden, um teure Änderungen spät im Entwicklungsprozess zu vermeiden. Ein Ansatz zur Modellierung von Sicherheitseigenschaften auf der Architekturebene ist Data-Centric Palladio (DCP). DCP reichert das Architekturmodell um ein Datenflussmodell an, um Analysen der Vertraulichkeitseigenschaften von Daten zu ermöglichen. Es ist jedoch unklar, ob der in DCP gewählte Ansatz bezüglich der Ausdrucksmächtigkeit äquivalent zu etablierten Ansätzen der Modellierung und Analyse von Sicherheitseigenschaften ist. Daher wird in dieser Arbeit die Ausdrucksmächtigkeit von DCP mit der Ausdrucksmächtigkeit von UMLsec verglichen. Dazu werden UMLsec-Analysen anhand von definierten Auswahlkriterien auf ihre Eignung untersucht, in DCP umgesetzt zu werden. Für Analysen, die sich für eine Umsetzung in DCP eignen, werden äquivalente Analysen in DCP definiert und implementiert. Zudem werden Modelltransformationen zwischen den Eingabemodellen der UMLsec-Analyse und der DCP-Analyse spezifiziert, mit derer Hilfe die Evaluation der erstellten DCP-Analyse erfolgt. Die UMLsec-Analysen Secure Links und Secure Dependencies sind in dieser Arbeit als DCP-Analysen umgesetzt. Es ist zu erkennen, dass der datenflussbasierte Ansatz von DCP dazu führt, dass in den DCP-Varianten dieser beiden Analysen wesentlich detailliertere Analyseergebnisse ermittelt werden können. Dagegen ist für die kontrollflussbasierte UMLsec-Analyse Fair Exchange keine Umsetzung in DCP möglich, da der Analyseansatz von DCP nicht in der Lage ist, einen Angreifer zu modellieren, der aktiv den Kontrollfluss des Systems modifiziert. Schließlich ist an der UMLsec-Analyse des sicheren Informationsflusses gezeigt, dass DCP zwar in der Lage ist, eine semantisch ähnliche Analyse auf einer höheren Abstraktionsebene umzusetzen, der direkte Vergleich zu der UMLsec-Analyse allerdings aufgrund des hohen Abstraktionsunterschieds dieser Analysen nicht möglich ist. Für den Vergleich der Ausdrucksmächtigkeit der beiden Ansätze ist schließlich gezeigt, dass weder DCP, noch UMLsec strikt mächtiger ist, als der jeweils andere Ansatz. Stattdessen ist der erwartete Anwendungsfall von erheblicher Bedeutung für die Auswahl des geeigneten Analyseansatzes
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