252 research outputs found

    Sports anthropological and somatotypical comparison between male wrestlers and hapkidoin of different performance levels

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    The present study compares the anthropometry and somatotyping of n = 40 healthy male wrestlers (age range 15–37 years) and n = 40 Hapkidoin (age range 23–29 years) with respect to various performance categories.On average, the mean age of wrestlers was lower, compared to hapkidoin. The wrestlers of both performance classes are considerably smaller (mean height 170 cm) than the hapkidoin (high performance class 176.5 cm, lower performance class 180 cm). When comparing the weight classes of the wrestlers, the average body height increases continuously with increasing weight class in conjunction with most other anthropometric parameters.In the chessboard pattern graphic to Conrad, the hapkidoin appear rather moderately pyknomorphic as well as slender, the wrestlers are moderately leptomorphic and metrosome as well as smaller.In Parnell’s somatochart, the wrestlers have an average somatotype of 5 – 3 – 3, the hapkidoin of 5 – 3 – 4. In the somatochart of Heath & Carter, an average somatotype of 6 – 3 – 2 is shown for both combat sport collectives, whereby the wrestlers tend to the endomorphic axis

    From given cross-cultural difference to a new interculture: a sino-german example

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt die Entstehung einer neuen Inter-Kultur für eine konkrete deutsch-chinesische Unternehmenskooperation auf. Die Daten wurden mittels teilnehmender Beobachtung erhoben. Kultur wird in diesem Kontext als intersubjektive Bedeutungsherstellung verstanden. Es wird zwischen emischen und etischen Perspektiven auf Kultur unterschieden. Die Kernfrage bestand darin herauszufinden, inwieweit bestehende kulturelle Unterschiede, die auf sozio- und nationalkulturellen Dimensionen basieren, kontextualisiertes Verhalten determinieren und inwieweit MitarbeiterInnen eines chinesisch-deutschen Dienstleistungsunternehmens in der Interaktion miteinander eine neue Inter-Kultur erschaffen. In dem hier diskutierten Fall geschieht dies durch den kollektiven Gebrauch eines Umdeutung von "Praktikabilität" (practicality). Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Artikels ist folgende Erkenntnis: Kulturdimensionen beschreiben lediglich anfängliche kulturelle Unterschiede, sagen jedoch nichts aus über den von uns identifizierten Prozess kultureller Neuschöpfung, den wir als Intercultural Creation benennen. Diese Erkenntnis soll Interkulturalisten Denkanstöße für die Praxis liefern. Mit unserem Beitrag verlassen wir den Fokus auf kulturvergleichende, durch Kulturdimensionen vorgegebene Unterschiede (im Englischen als cross-cultural benannt). Wir implementieren einen paradigmatischen Wandel hin zu einem interkulturellen Verständnis emischer Prozesse des kulturellen Sinnmachens.This paper shows for a specific Sino-German case how a new interculture emerges in cross-cultural settings. It is based on participant observation in a Sino-German company. Culture is conceptualized as intersubjective sensemaking. Emic and etic perspectives on culture are differentiated. The study asked to what extent given cross-cultural difference based on large-scale cultural constructs determine behavior and to what extend employees in a Sino-German service company create a new inter-culture when interacting with each other. In our Sino-German case, employees bridged cultural difference via a new concept of "practicality". The main implication is: Cross-cultural dimensions merely describe initial cross-cultural difference, but not the nature and the outcome of Intercultural Creation. These findings encourage interculturalists to rethink their cultural practice. Hence, we implement a paradigmatic shift towards an intercultural understanding of emic cultural meanings instead of focusing on cross-cultural difference based on predefined cross-cultural dimensions

    From Given Cross-Cultural Difference to a New Interculture: A Sino-German Example

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt die Entstehung einer neuen Inter-Kultur für eine konkrete deutsch-chinesische Unternehmenskooperation auf. Die Daten wurden mittels teilnehmender Beobachtung erhoben. Kultur wird in diesem Kontext als intersubjektive Bedeutungsherstellung verstanden. Es wird zwischen emischen und etischen Perspektiven auf Kultur unterschieden. Die Kernfrage bestand darin herauszufinden, inwieweit bestehende kulturelle Unterschiede, die auf sozio- und nationalkulturellen Dimensionen basieren, kontextualisiertes Verhalten determinieren und inwieweit MitarbeiterInnen eines chinesisch-deutschen Dienstleistungsunternehmens in der Interaktion miteinander eine neue Inter-Kultur erschaffen. In dem hier diskutierten Fall geschieht dies durch den kollektiven Gebrauch eines Umdeutung von "Praktikabilität" (practicality). Der Hauptbeitrag dieser Artikels ist folgende Erkenntnis: Kulturdimensionen beschreiben lediglich anfängliche kulturelle Unterschiede, sagen jedoch nichts aus über den von uns identifizierten Prozess kultureller Neuschöpfung, den wir als Intercultural Creation benennen. Diese Erkenntnis soll Interkulturalisten Denkanstöße für die Praxis liefern. Mit unserem Beitrag verlassen wir den Fokus auf kulturvergleichende, durch Kulturdimensionen vorgegebene Unterschiede (im Englischen als cross-cultural benannt). Wir implementieren einen paradigmatischen Wandel hin zu einem interkulturellen Verständnis emischer Prozesse des kulturellen Sinnmachens.This paper shows for a specific Sino-German case how a new interculture emerges in cross-cultural settings. It is based on participant observation in a Sino-German company. Culture is conceptualized as intersubjective sensemaking. Emic and etic perspectives on culture are differentiated. The study asked to what extent given cross-cultural difference based on large-scale cultural constructs determine behavior and to what extend employees in a Sino-German service company create a new inter-culture when interacting with each other. In our Sino-German case, employees bridged cultural difference via a new concept of ‘practicality’. The main implication is: Cross-cultural dimensions merely describe initial cross-cultural difference, but not the nature and the outcome of Intercultural Creation. These findings encourage interculturalists to rethink their cultural practice. Hence, we implement a paradigmatic shift towards an intercultural understanding of emic cultural meanings instead of focusing on cross-cultural difference based on predefined cross-cultural dimensions

    Nanostructuring polyetheretherketone for medical implants

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    Surface roughness is a vital factor for medical implants since the cells of the surrounding tissue interact with the underlying substrate on the micro- and nanometer scales. In order to improve the surface morphology of implants, appropriate large-area micro- and nanostructuring techniques have to be identified being applicable to irregularly shaped structures. We demonstrate that plasma treatments of polyetheretherketone (PEEK) thin films produce nanostructured surfaces in a reproducible manner. They are easily tailored by varying plasma intensity using oxygen and ammonia as process gases. It was observed that roughness and nanostructure density linearly depend on plasma intensity. Oxygen plasma turned out to exhibit a stronger effect compared to ammonia plasma at the same processing conditions. For cell interaction studies, the mean size of the nanostructures was intentionally varied between 10 nm and 100 nm. In vitro experiments revealed that human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) adhere inhomogenously on untreated PEEK films, but the plasma treatment with oxygen or ammonia allows the hMSC to adhere and proliferate. Fluorescence microscopy of the cells on the PEEK films turned out to be difficult because of the strong auto-fluorescence of the PEEK substrate. Stains including the whole cell vital stain Calcein-AM allowed cell morphology studies on plasma-treated PEEK films. In the case of the analysis of cell compartments such as the actin cytoskeleton, confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) was successfully applie

    Jugendforschung inklusiv und digital: Möglichkeiten, Voraussetzungen und Grenzen von Gebärdensprachvideos in digitalen Erhebungen

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    Durch die voranschreitende Digitalisierung bieten sich neue Ansätze für Designs und Methoden in der Jugendforschung. Mit vielfältigen digitalen Möglichkeiten wachsen auch Chancen für inklusiv angelegte Befragungen. Dieser Beitrag fokussiert exemplarisch gehörlose bzw. hörbeeinträchtigte gebärdensprachige Jugendliche und stellt nach einem theoretischen und empirischen Überblick die Frage, ob und inwieweit diese heterogene Gruppe Jugendlicher durch in digitale Fragebögen implementierte Videos in Gebärdensprache profitieren kann. Anhand zweier kontrastiver Fallvignetten sollen Erfahrungen aus dem Projekt "Inklusive Methoden" in Bezug auf Möglichkeiten, Voraussetzungen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen digitaler Befragungen mit Gebärdensprachvideos dargestellt und diskutiert werden.Advances in digital media technology open up new options for study designs and research methods in social science. Various digital resources now available offer new opportunities to design and conduct surveys that are accessible regardless of disability. This article focuses on D/deaf people or hearing impaired sign language users as a case in point. Following an overview of theoretical and empirical work to date, it considers whether and to what extent this heterogeneous group could profit from the incorporation of sign language videos into digital questionnaires. Drawing on two contrasting case vignettes, it presents and discusses experiences from the project "Inclusive Methods", exploring possibilities, challenges, requirements and limits when conducting digital surveys with sign language videos

    Aussprachevermittlungim brasilianischen DaFUnterricht – einige Überlegungen

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    This article aims to stress the importance of Phonetics in German teachers‟ instruction in Brazilian universities. First, it discussed the role of Pronunciation Teaching in teaching a foreign language after the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Furthermore, the concept of accent and its influence and relevance when learning a foreign language is discussed. Finally, some strategies are presented in order to ensure consistent phonetic instruction in Brazilian universitiesDas Ziel dieses Beitrags ist es, die Notwendigkeit der Aussprachevermittlung in der Deutschlehrerausbildung an brasilianischen Hochschulen zu unterstreichen.Der Beitrag präsentiert zuerst eine Diskussion über die Rolle der Aussprachvermittlung im Fremdsprachunterricht in den Zeiten nach dem Gemeinsamen Eurospäischen Refernzrahmen. Darüber hinaus wird der Begriff Akzent sowie dessen Einfluss bzw. Relevanz beim Erlernen einer Fremdsprachethematisiert. Anschließend werden einige Herangehensweisen vorgeschlagen, um die Phonetikarbeit an brasilianischen Hochschulen konsequent durchzuführe

    Draft Genome Sequences of Three Porcine Streptococcus suis Isolates Which Differ in Their Susceptibility to Penicillin

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    The draft genome sequences of three Streptococcus suis isolates, IMT40343, IMT40201, and IMT40738, are presented here. These isolates were obtained from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of healthy and diseased weaners from different German piglet-producing farms and differed in their susceptibility to penicillin

    Chronic monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor treatment blocks monoamine oxidase-A enzyme activity

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease receive selective irreversible monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitors, but their effects on MAO-A activity are not known during long-term application. We determined MAO-A inhibition in plasma samples from patients with MAO-B inhibitor intake or without MAO-B inhibitor treatment and from healthy controls. We detected a 70 % reduction of MAO-A activity in patients with MAO-B inhibitor therapy in comparison to the other groups. Our results suggest that treatment with MAO-B inhibitor may also influence MAO-A activity in vivo, when administered daily

    Chronic monoamine oxidase-B inhibitor treatment blocks monoamine oxidase-A enzyme activity

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    Patients with Parkinson's disease receive selective irreversible monoamine oxidase (MAO)-B inhibitors, but their effects on MAO-A activity are not known during long-term application. We determined MAO-A inhibition in plasma samples from patients with MAO-B inhibitor intake or without MAO-B inhibitor treatment and from healthy controls. We detected a 70% reduction of MAO-A activity in patients with MAO-B inhibitor therapy in comparison to the other groups. Our results suggest that treatment with MAO-B inhibitor may also influence MAO-A activity in vivo, when administered daily

    Accidental Hypothermia in a Swiss Alpine Trauma Centre-Not an Alpine Problem.

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    BACKGROUND Research in accidental hypothermia focuses on trauma patients, patients exposed to cold environments or patients after drowning but rarely on hypothermia in combination with intoxications or on medical or neurological issues. The aim of this retrospective single-centre cohort study was to define the aetiologies, severity and relative incidences of accidental hypothermia, methods of measuring temperature and in-hospital mortality. METHODS The study included patients ≥18 years with a documented body temperature ≤35 °C who were admitted to the emergency department (ED) of the University Hospital in Bern between 2000 and 2019. RESULTS 439 cases were included, corresponding to 0.32 per 1000 ED visits. Median age was 55 years (IQR 39-70). A total of 167 patients (38.0%) were female. Furthermore, 63.3% of the patients suffered from mild, 24.8% from moderate and 11.9% from severe hypothermia. Exposure as a single cause for accidental hypothermia accounted for 12 cases. The majority were combinations of hypothermia with trauma (32.6%), medical conditions (34.2%), neurological conditions (5.2%), intoxications (20.3%) or drowning (12.0%). Overall mortality was 22.3% and depended on the underlying causes, severity of hypothermia, age and sex
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