522 research outputs found

    German Second Homeowners in Sweden

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    Les Allemands propriétaires de résidences secondaires en Suède. Remarques sur la connection tourisme-migration Phénomène récent, le tourisme de "résidences secondaires" est devenu une mode qui reflète l'évolution des modes de vie dans les sociétés occidentales. Dans ce nouveau contexte on s'interroge sur le statut de ces propriétaires qui partagent leur temps entre les deux résidences : faut-il les considérer comme des touristes ou des migrants ? L'approche est ici centrée sur les propriétaires des résidences secondaires et leur perception de la situation. On constate qu'à leurs yeux la distinction entre tourisme et migration est très artificielle, souvent mise en rapport avec les pratiques administratives. Considérant les Allemands propriétaires de résidence secondaire dans les campagnes suédoises, on s'aperçoit que la plupart d'entre eux ne se soucient pas de la nature de leur statut même si certains sont de facto des émigrés et que d'autres ont planifié une installation complète lors de la retraite. Cela implique que leurs possibilités de participer à la vie de la communauté locale restent restreintes. Pour la municipalité d'accueil, de toutes manières, accueillir des touristes ou des nouveaux citoyens est différent au niveau économique. Aussi est-elle perdante lorsque les règles administratives nationales échouent à prendre en compte les changements d'une société de plus en plus mobile.Recently, second home tourism has become fashionable again due to changes in western societies. In this context it was debated to what extent second homeowners should be considered tourists or migrants. In this article focus is put on the second homeowners and their perception of the situation. It is argued that the distinction between tourism and migration is highly artificial and mainly related to administrative practices. Considering the German second homeowners in the Swedish countryside is shown that most of them are unaware of this issue although some of them are de facto immigrants or planning to retire in Sweden. That implies that they remain with restricted possibility to participate in the local community. For the host municipalities, however, it makes a difference whether they receive tourists or new citizens due to economic reasons and hence, they lose when national administrative practices fail to meet the characteristics of a highly mobile society.Los alemanes propietarios de residencias secundarias en Suecia. Observaciones en torno a las relaciones entre turismo y migración. De un tiempo a esta parte, el turismo de " residencias secundarias " se ha puesto de moda, siendo un reflejo de la evolución de los modos de vida en las sociedades occidentales. En este contexto, cabe preguntarse si estos propietarios que comparten su tiempo entre dos residencias deben ser considerados como turistas o como migrantes. El interés del artículo se centra en los propietarios de residencias secundarias y en la percepción que estos tienen de su propia situación. Hemos podido constatar que para ellos la distinción entre turismo y migración resulta bastante artificial, ya que a menudo la trazan en función de las prácticas administrativas. En cuanto a los alemanes propietarios de residencias secundarias rurales en Suecia, nos percatamos de que la mayoría no se preocupan en absoluto del carácter de su estatuto, aun cuando algunos son inmigrantes de hecho y otros tienen pensado instalarse definitivamente tras la jubilación. Esto implica que sus posibilidades de participar en la vida de la comunidad local se ven muy limitadas. No obstante, para el municipio de acogida no es lo mismo recibir a turistas o a nuevos ciudadanos desde el punto de vista económico. De hecho, dicho municipio puede resultar perjudicado en el caso de que la reglamentación administrativa nacional no logre dar cuenta de los cambios que se producen en una sociedad cada vez más móvil

    The changing residential patterns of immigrants - the case of Sweden 1973-1992

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    Swedish immigration policy has recently changed. The plan known as “Whole of Sweden Strategy” no longer applies, and there is greater freedom to choose where one lives. Migration is important in the redistribution of the population, and thus immigration plays a significant role. In light of this, there are good grounds for following how concentration and dispersion of immigrant groups vary, both geographically and in time

    Displaced diaspora second-home tourism: an explorative study of Swedish-Iranians and their second-home purchases in Turkey

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    This explorative study aims to gain more insight into Swedish-Iranians\u27 purchase of second homes in Turkey. The study is based on 22 questionnaires (19 of them from owners and buyers), field observation, and participant observation. Motives behind owners\u27 and buyers\u27 purchases are: other Swedish-Iranian friends/relatives bought there; cultural proximity; absence of visa restriction for Iranian citizens; geographical proximity to Iran and relatives living in Iran; economic factors, including the low prices and costs and investment for retirement; and the climate. The respondents are well-integrated into Swedish society and have access to different types of resources which facilitate the purchase, but they also show the potential to partially become integrated socioculturally into their Turkish communities. A meaningful proportion of them are seriously planning to live permanently in Turkey after retirement, but the majority stay there for longer periods or semi-permanently. Despite some limitations, this study makes an important contribution to the area of diaspora second-home tourism and to the field of diaspora studies

    The Quantum Hall Effect in a One-Dimensional Lateral Superlattice: Nearly Dissipationless Transport Across High Potential Barriers

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    We have investigated strongly modulated one- dimensional lateral superlattices in the quantum Hall regime. Although the modulation amplitude is comparable to the Fermi energy in the system, giving rise to zero magnetic field square resistances of up to 75 k¦¸, we observe nearly dissipationless transport across the barriers at integer filling factors. While the Hall resistance displays quantized plateaus, there are no gaps in the Landau level density of states. The experimental findings can be explained in terms of B¨¹ttiker¡¯s edge channel model involving the high aspect ratio of the barriers

    Global Standards in Action: Insights from Anti-Money Laundering Regulation

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    As organizations have come under the increasing influence of global rules of all sorts, organization scholars have started studying the dynamics of global regulation. The purpose of this article is to identify and evaluate the contribution to this interdisciplinary field by the ‘Stockholm Centre for Organisational Research’. The latter’s key proposition is that while global regulation often consists of voluntary best practice rules it can nevertheless become highly influential under certain conditions. We assess how innovative this approach is using as a benchmark the state of the art in another field of relevance to the study of global regulation, i.e. ‘International Relations’. Our discussion is primarily theoretical but we draw on the case of global anti-money laundering regulation to illustrate our arguments and for inspirations of how to further elaborate the approach

    Isosbestic points in the spectral function of correlated electrons

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    We investigate the properties of the spectral function A(omega,U) of correlated electrons within the Hubbard model and dynamical mean-field theory. Curves of A(omega,U) vs. omega for different values of the interaction U are found to intersect near the band-edges of the non-interacting system. For a wide range of U the crossing points are located within a sharply confined region. The precise location of these 'isosbestic points' depends on details of the non-interacting band structure. Isosbestic points of dynamic quantities therefore provide valuable insights into microscopic energy scales of correlated systems.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Effects of Next-Nearest-Neighbor Hopping on the Hole Motion in an Antiferromagnetic Background

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    In this paper we study the effect of next-nearest-neighbor hopping on the dynamics of a single hole in an antiferromagnetic (N\'{e}el) background. In the framework of large dimensions the Green function of a hole can be obtained exactly. The exact density of states of a hole is thus calculated in large dimensions and on a Bethe lattice with large coordination number. We suggest a physically motivated generalization to finite dimensions (e.g., 2 and 3). In d=2d=2 we present also the momentum dependent spectral function. With varying degree, depending on the underlying lattice involved, the discrete spectrum for holes is replaced by a continuum background and a few resonances at the low energy end. The latter are the remanents of the bound states of the tJt-J model. Their behavior is still largely governed by the parameters tt and JJ. The continuum excitations are more sensitive to the energy scales tt and t1t_1.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. B, Revtex, 23 pages, 10 figures available on request from [email protected]

    Destination development in Western Siberia:Tourism governance and evolutionary economic geography

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    Tourism development has often been identified as a tool for balancing negative effects of economic restructuring, especially in peripheral regions. Tourism-based activities often utilize the availability of abundant nature, but although most English language studies of destination development are presented from western contexts, examples from post-Soviet Russia are rare. Western Siberia is a periphery with access to natural resources and heavy industrialization but remotely located from domestic (Russian) and international markets, where tourism is often considered a saviour, especially for the regional economies. Stakeholders in this Russian resource periphery face challenges in managing governance and cooperation in destinations development due to frequent institutional, economic and social changes. Using evolutionary economic geography and based on primary sources and interview data, tourism development and stakeholder relations are assessed in three Western Siberia regions: Tomsk, Kemerovo and Altai Krai. Findings show that for tourism to make a significant contribution, it must be more central to the economic development agenda in all three regions. However, it is currently only achieving a permanent high-profile in one of them, being crowded out by other (mostly primary) industries in the other two. Although the specific tourism governance set-up varies between the three regions, it is clear that public tourism governance still sits somewhat uneasily between state control and the market economy. Tourism receives substantial public subsidies, especially in large-scale investment projects, which depend on federal support within a governance system where decentralization seems to be somewhat limited and unstable. As a result, the tourism path development in the Siberian periphery is highly dependent on state intervention and success in other sectors.</p