88 research outputs found

    Ultrafast Delamination of Graphite into High-Quality Graphene Using Alternating Currents

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    To bridge the gap between laboratory‐scale studies and commercial applications, mass production of high quality graphene is essential. A scalable exfoliation strategy towards the production of graphene sheets is presented that has excellent yield (ca. 75 %, 1–3 layers), low defect density (a C/O ratio of 21.2), great solution‐processability, and outstanding electronic properties (a hole mobility of 430 cm2 V−1 s−1). By applying alternating currents, dual exfoliation at both graphite electrodes enables a high production rate exceeding 20 g h−1 in laboratory tests. As a cathode material for lithium storage, graphene‐wrapped LiFePO4 particles deliver a high capacity of 167 mAh g−1 at 1 C rate after 500 cycles

    Magnetic edge states and coherent manipulation of graphene nanoribbons

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    Graphene, a single-layer network of carbon atoms, has outstanding electrical and mechanical properties. Graphene ribbons with nanometre-scale widths (nanoribbons) should exhibit half-metallicity and quantum confinement. Magnetic edges in graphene nanoribbons have been studied extensively from a theoretical standpoint because their coherent manipulation would be a milestone for spintronic and quantum computing devices. However, experimental investigations have been hampered because nanoribbon edges cannot be produced with atomic precision and the graphene terminations that have been proposed are chemically unstable. Here we address both of these problems, by using molecular graphene nanoribbons functionalized with stable spin-bearing radical groups. We observe the predicted delocalized magnetic edge states and test theoretical models of the spin dynamics and spin–environment interactions. Comparison with a non-graphitized reference material enables us to clearly identify the characteristic behaviour of the radical-functionalized graphene nanoribbons. We quantify the parameters of spin–orbit coupling, define the interaction patterns and determine the spin decoherence channels. Even without any optimization, the spin coherence time is in the range of microseconds at room temperature, and we perform quantum inversion operations between edge and radical spins. Our approach provides a way of testing the theory of magnetism in graphene nanoribbons experimentally. The coherence times that we observe open up encouraging prospects for the use of magnetic nanoribbons in quantum spintronic devices

    Photoresponse of supramolecular self-assembled networks on graphene–diamond interfaces

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    Nature employs self-assembly to fabricate the most complex molecularly precise machinery known to man. Heteromolecular, two-dimensional self-assembled networks provide a route to spatially organize different building blocks relative to each other, enabling synthetic molecularly precise fabrication. Here we demonstrate optoelectronic function in a near-to-monolayer molecular architecture approaching atomically defined spatial disposition of all components. The active layer consists of a self-assembled terrylene-based dye, forming a bicomponent supramolecular network with melamine. The assembly at the graphene-diamond interface shows an absorption maximum at 740 nm whereby the photoresponse can be measured with a gallium counter electrode. We find photocurrents of 0.5 nA and open-circuit voltages of 270 mV employing 19 mW cm−2 irradiation intensities at 710 nm. With an ex situ calculated contact area of 9.9 × 102 μm2, an incident photon to current efficiency of 0.6% at 710 nm is estimated, opening up intriguing possibilities in bottom-up optoelectronic device fabrication with molecular resolution

    On-surface synthesis of graphene nanoribbons with zigzag edge topology

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    Graphene-based nanostructures exhibit a vast range of exciting electronic properties that are absent in extended graphene. For example, quantum confinement in carbon nanotubes and armchair graphene nanoribbons (AGNRs) leads to the opening of substantial electronic band gaps that are directly linked to their structural boundary conditions. Even more intriguing are nanostructures with zigzag edges, which are expected to host spin-polarized electronic edge states and can thus serve as key elements for graphene-based spintronics. The most prominent example is zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) for which the edge states are predicted to couple ferromagnetically along the edge and antiferromagnetically between them. So far, a direct observation of the spin-polarized edge states for specifically designed and controlled zigzag edge topologies has not been achieved. This is mainly due to the limited precision of current top-down approaches, which results in poorly defined edge structures. Bottom-up fabrication approaches, on the other hand, were so far only successfully applied to the growth of AGNRs and related structures. Here, we describe the successful bottom-up synthesis of ZGNRs, which are fabricated by the surface-assisted colligation and cyclodehydrogenation of specifically designed precursor monomers including carbon groups that yield atomically precise zigzag edges. Using scanning tunnelling spectroscopy we prove the existence of edge-localized states with large energy splittings. We expect that the availability of ZGNRs will finally allow the characterization of their predicted spin-related properties such as spin confinement and filtering, and ultimately add the spin degree of freedom to graphene-based circuitry.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Solid-state NMR investigations of molecular dynamics in polyphenylene dendrimers: Evidence of dense-shell packing

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    We present solid-state NMR investigations of a series of shape- persistent polyphenylene dendrimers of generation 1-4 with different surface functionalization. Using a combination of traditional static and more advanced magic-angle spinning (MAS) exchange techniques for the elucidation of slow dynamics as well as fast-AMS recoupling techniques for the quantification of dynamic averaging in the megahertz range, we derive a clear picture of the complex molecular dynamics in these systems. Fast processes in the megahertz regime are shown to be restricted to fast vibrations of terminal phenyl rings with amplitudes of up to 40degrees at most, with a 5-30% fraction of rings performing larger-amplitude motions. Slow processes on the time scale of milliseconds to seconds are also restricted to terminal and doubly para-substituted phenyl rings. This type of motion is characterized by a two-site jump with a mean reorientation angle of 24degrees and a mean apparent activation energy of 34 kJ/mol and is presumably a concerted process involving several adjacent phenyl rings. The comparison of dendrimers with different surface functionalization allows us to conclude that the molecular dynamics are dominated by intramolecular steric constraints. As for the dependence on dendrimer generation, both the fast and the slow processes follow a trend that is expected from the evolution of the segment free volume at the periphery of the molecules, where most terminal rings are located. We therefore believe that our results represent the first experimental evidence of a class of dendrimers in which the radial segment density distribution is caused by truly extended arms and for which the dense-shell packing limit is reached for generation 4