13 research outputs found

    Conserved architecture of the core RNA polymerase II initiation complex

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    During transcription initiation at promoters of protein-coding genes, RNA polymerase (Pol) II assembles with TBP, TFIIB and TFIIF into a conserved core initiation complex that recruits additional factors. The core complex stabilizes open DNA and initiates RNA synthesis, and it is conserved in the Pol I and Pol III transcription systems. Here, we derive the domain architecture of the yeast core pol II initiation complex during transcription initiation. The yeast complex resembles the human initiation complex and reveals that the TFIIF Tfg2 winged helix domain swings over promoter DNA. An 'arm' and a 'charged helix' in TFIIF function in transcription start site selection and initial RNA synthesis, respectively, and apparently extend into the active centre cleft. Our model provides the basis for further structure-function analysis of the entire transcription initiation complex

    Media Education, Making and School Development: Theoretical considerations and experiences on the implementation of Maker Labs at schools using the example of the EduMakerSpace Favoriten

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    Coding, Making und Tinkering könnten als “medienpädagogische Türöffner” bezeichnet werden. Durch einen Mix aus freiem Experimentieren, Improvisieren und kreativem Problemlösen werden die verschiedenen Lernwege zum Ziel und handlungsorientierte Formen einer Medienbildung möglich, die den im deutschsprachigen Raum tradierten Medienkompetenzbegriff wesentlich erweitern. Nach einer theoretischen Begründung im ersten Teil des Artikels werden Beispiele aus einem EduMakerSpace in Wien Favoriten vorgestellt, der als Schulentwicklungsprojekt insbesondere auf dem Konzept der Communities of Practice aufbaut. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass die gleichzeitig einsetzende Corona-Pandemie und die daraus sich ergebenden Belastungen für die Schulen nicht spurlos am Projekt vorübergingen – so waren viele Schulen trotz eines umfangreichen Service-Angebots für das Projektteam schwer zu erreichen. Umgekehrt konnten einige Lehrkräfte nachhaltig für Making und Tinkering begeistert werden und werden als Multiplikatorinnen/Multiplikatoren für die MakerSpace-Idee eintreten.Coding, making and tinkering could be described as "media education door openers". Through a mix of free experimentation, improvisation and creative problem solving, various learning paths will become the actual goal and action-oriented forms of media education possible, which significantly extend the concept of media competence, predominant in German-speaking countries. After a theoretical elaboration in the first part, examples from an EduMakerSpace in Vienna Favoriten are presented. This project can be considered as a school development project, based in particular on the concept of Communities of Practice. The current pandemic and its influence on schools also had a considerable impact on the project itself. On the one hand, it was extremely difficult for the project team to reach the schools – even though an extensive range of services had been offered. On the other hand, various teachers have become enthusiastic about the use of making and tinkering and will act as multipliers for the MakerSpace idea

    The "DGPPN-Cohort" : A national collaboration initiative by the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy (DGPPN) for establishing a large-scale cohort of psychiatric patients

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