38 research outputs found

    Geocoding health data in submunicipal scale : some Brazilian experiences

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    Neste trabalho, são relatadas experiências de georreferenciamento de dados de saúde em alguns Municípios brasileiros, analisadas segundo a disponibilidade e atualização de bases cartográficas e o tratamento de dados de endereço nos sistemas de informações em saúde (SIS). A diversidade de estratégias de georreferenciamento de dados no Brasil é resultado das condições particulares de desenvolvimento desses projetos nos Municípios, o que influi na eficiência e precisão da localização dos eventos de saúde. São sugeridas estratégias para captação e armazenamento de dados de endereço nos SIS e sua compatibilização com os cadastros de logradouros existentes, bem como o desenvolvimento de programas e aplicativos que permitam buscas e relacionamentos entre essas duas bases de dados. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work describes experiences in geocoding health data in Brazilian municipalities, analyzed according to the availability and update of cartographic databases and the treatment given to addresses data in health information systems (SIS). The diversity of current geocoding strategies in Brazil results of local conditions on which these projects are developed, presenting variable efficiency and accuracy for health event location. The authors suggest strategies to capture and store addresses data in SIS, compatible with the existent street registries, as well as the development of programs and scripts to search and link these two databases

    Heterogeneidade espacial da dengue em estudos locais, Niterói, RJ

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the spatial and temporal occurrence of dengue fever and its association with the heterogeneity of urban environment characteristics. METHODS: A total of 1,212 dengue cases, recorded in the Information System for Notifiable Diseases (Sinan) between 1998 and 2006, in the city of Niterói, Southeastern Brazil, were georeferenced according to census tracts. These tracts were classified into homogeneous areas for the occurrence of the disease: slum, shipyard and urban area. Cases were grouped into five periods - two inter-epidemic periods (1998-2000 and 2003-2005) and three epidemic periods (2001, 2002 and 2006) - and analyzed using operations between layers in a geographic information system (GIS) environment. The kernel method was used to identify clusters of cases. Kulldorff's spatial scan statistic was used to confirm these clusters statistically. RESULTS: Of all cases, 57% were females. Age groups with the highest number of cases were 20-29-years (20.5%) and 30-39-years (17.7%). The hill slum sector showed only 11% of households covered by garbage collection service, the highest percentage of illiterate individuals (8.7%) and head of families with income lower than one monthly minimum wage (29.5%). Cases remained in the slum sectors. In the first epidemic year and in the inter-epidemic periods, the highest number of cases was found in the hill and flatland slum sectors; in the second and third epidemic years, in the flatland slum sector. CONCLUSIONS: The economically active portion of the population was that most affected in the study area. Census tracts show spatial heterogeneity in relation to life conditions. In addition, in some tracts, there are differences in spatial and temporal distribution of the risk of occurrence of dengue fever.OBJETIVO: Analizar ocurrencia espacial y temporal del dengue y su asociación con la heterogeneidad de características del ambiente urbano. MÉTODOS: Fueron georeferenciados 1.212 casos de dengue registrados en el Sistema de Información de Agravios de Notificación entre 1998 y 2006, en el municipio de Niteroi, Sureste de Brasil, según sectores censitarios. Los sectores fueron clasificados en áreas homogéneas para la ocurrencia de la enfermedad: barrio, astillero y urbano. Los casos fueron agrupados en cinco períodos: dos interepidémicos 1998-2000 y 2003-2005; tres epidémicos 2001, 2002 y 2006 y analizados por medio de operaciones entre camadas en ambiente sistema de información geográfica. Para identificación de conglomerados con mayor intensidad de casos, se utilizó el método de kernel. El método de barredura espacial de Kulldorff fue usado para confirmación estadística de esos clusters. RESULTADOS: Del total de casos, 57% eran del sexo femenino. Los grupos etarios con mayor concentración de casos fueron de 20-29 años (20,5%) y de 30-39 años (17,7%). El sector barrio morro presentó solamente 11% de los domicilios atendidos por servicio de colecta de basura, el mayor porcentaje de no alfabetizados (8,7%) y de jefes de familia con rendimientos menores de 1 salario mínimo (29,5%). Los casos permanecieron en los sectores denominados barrios. En el primer año epidémico y en los períodos interepidémicos el mayor número de casos estaba situado en los sectores barrios morro y barrio plano; en el segundo y tercero año de epidemia, se situaban en el sector barrio plano. CONCLUSIONES: La parcela económicamente activa fue la más afectada en el área de estudio. Los sectores censitarios muestran heterogeneidad espacial con relación a las condiciones de vida y dentro de algunos sectores, hay diferencias en la distribución espacial y temporal de riesgo de ocurrencia del dengue.OBJETIVO: Analisar a ocorrência espacial e temporal da dengue e sua associação com a heterogeneidade de características do ambiente urbano. MÉTODOS: Foram georreferenciados 1.212 casos de dengue registrados no Sistema de Informação de Agravos de Notificação entre 1998 e 2006, no município de Niterói, RJ, segundo setores censitários. Os setores foram classificados em áreas homogêneas para a ocorrência da doença: favela, estaleiro e urbano. Os casos foram agrupados em cinco períodos: dois interepidêmicos 1998-2000 e 2003-2005; três epidêmicos 2001, 2002 e 2006 e analisados por meio de operações entre camadas em ambiente sistema de informação geográfica. Para identificação de conglomerados com maior intensidade de casos, utilizou-se o método de kernel. O método de varredura espacial de Kulldorff foi usado para confirmação estatística desses clusters. RESULTADOS: Do total de casos, 57% eram do sexo feminino. As faixas etárias com maior concentração de casos foram de 20-29 anos (20,5%) e de 30-39 anos (17,7%). O setor favela morro apresentou somente 11% dos domicílios atendidos por serviço de coleta de lixo, o maior percentual de não alfabetizados (8,7%) e de chefes de família com rendimentos menores de 1 salário mínimo (29,5%). Os casos permaneceram nos setores denominados favelas. No primeiro ano epidêmico e nos períodos interepidêmicos o maior número de casos estava situado nos setores favelas morro e favela plana; no segundo e terceiro ano de epidemia, situavam-se no setor favela plana. CONCLUSÕES: A parcela economicamente ativa foi a mais atingida na área de estudo. Os setores censitários mostram heterogeneidade espacial em relação às condições de vida e dentro de alguns setores, há diferenciais na distribuição espacial e temporal do risco de ocorrência da dengue

    Influence of the social determinants on the incidence of aids in Piauí: an ecological study

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    Objective: to identify the social factors that determine the incidence of aids in the Piauí territory. Method: an ecological study that uses geoprocessing techniques in which 2,908 aids cases of individuals residing in Piauí were considered, notified to the Notifiable Disease Information System (Sistema de Informações de Agravos de Notificação, SINAN), from 2007 to 2015. Gross and Bayesian incidence rates were calculated using the population of the central year (2011), multiplied by 100,000 inhabitants, with Bayesian statistics used to identify spatial clusters. The non-spatial Ordinary Least Squares Estimation (OLS) and spatial Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) regression models were used to identify the social determinants of the incidence of aids in the state, with 5% of significance. Results: the highest rates of the disease are concentrated in cities near the capital Teresina, with a Bayesian incidence of over 11.27 cases/100,000 inhabitants. The predictor variables of the incidence of ADIS in Piauí cities were the following: the percentage of individuals in houses with inadequate walls (p=0.0139), the mean number of residents per household (p=0.0309), and the percentage of individuals in households vulnerable to poverty and in which no one has completed elementary school (p=0.0051). Conclusion: according to GWR, the social factors that influence the incidence of aids in the cities of Piauí are the percentage of individuals in houses with inadequate walls, the mean number of residents per household, and the percentage of individuals in houses vulnerable to poverty and in which no one has completed elementary school. Given the above, interventions on the health social determinants of a structural nature should be established as effective methods for the prevention of HIV/ aids.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecoepidemiology of American Visceral Leishmaniasis in Tocantins State, Brazil: Factors Associated with the Occurrence and Spreading of the Vector Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) (Diptera: Psychodidae: Phlebotominae)

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    Leishmaniases are considered serious public health problems, and their geographical expansion has enabled their establishment in urban areas of medium and large cities in Brazil. Continuous processes of deforestation, construction of dams, and hydroelectric plants, among others, cause environmental impact and may favor the increase in the number of human cases of leishmaniases, as well as the establishment of epidemic outbreaks. This scenario reflects the reality of some regions of Brazil, such as Tocantins State, which in recent years has recorded high levels of American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL). This study is aimed to analyze environmental and epidemiological factors related with the spatial and temporal distribution of AVL and with the occurrence of Lutzomyia (Lutzomyia) longipalpis, the main vector of AVL, in the state of Tocantins. The results indicate that the vector is adapted to all environments, especially the ones under human influence, and that anthropogenic environmental impacts can support the development and adaptation of AVL in Brazil. Such information could be applied in control strategies aimed at decreasing AVL incidence

    Mortalidad por el síndrome de la inmunodeficiencia adquirida y factores sociales relacionados: un análisis espacial

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    Objective: To analyze the spatial pattern of AIDS mortality and social factors associated with its occurrence. Methods: An ecological study that considered 955 AIDS deaths of residents in Piauí, reported in the Mortality Information System (MIS) from 2007 to 2015. Non-spatial and spatial regression models were used to identify social determinants of AIDS mortality, with a significance of 5%. Results: The predictors of AIDS mortality were illiteracy rate in males (p = 0.020), proportion of households with water supply (p = 0.015), percentage of people in households with inadequate walls (p = 0.022), percentage of people in households vulnerable to poverty and in whom no one has completed primary education (p = 0.000) and percentage of people in households vulnerable to poverty and dependent on the elderly (p = 0.009). Conclusion: Social indicators related to education, job and income generation and housing were associated with AIDS mortality.Objetivo: Analisar o padrão espacial da mortalidade por aids e fatores sociais associados à sua ocorrência. Métodos: Estudo ecológico que considerou 955 óbitos por aids de residentes no Piauí, notificados no Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade (SIM) de 2007 a 2015. Modelos de regressão não espacial e espacial foram usados para identificar determinantes sociais da mortalidade por aids, com significância de 5%. Resultados: As variáveis preditoras da mortalidade por aids foram taxa de analfabetismo no sexo masculino (p = 0,020), proporção de domicílios com abastecimento de água (p = 0,015), percentual de pessoas em domicílios com paredes inadequadas (p = 0,022), percentual de pessoas em domicílios vulneráveis à pobreza e em que ninguém tem ensino fundamental completo (p = 0,000) e percentual de pessoas em domicílios vulneráveis à pobreza e dependentes de idosos (p = 0,009). Conclusão: Foram associados à mortalidade por aids indicadores sociais relacionados à educação, geração de emprego e renda e habitação.Objetivo: Analizar el estándar espacial de la mortalidad por sida y factores sociales relacionados a su ocurrencia. Métodos: Estudio ecológico que consideró 955 óbitos por sida de residentes en Piauí, notificados en el Sistema de Informaciones sobre Mortalidad (SIM) de 2007 a 2015. Modelos de regresión no espacial y espacial han sido usados para identificar determinantes sociales de la mortalidad por sida, con significación de 5%. Resultados: Las variables indicadoras de la mortalidad por sida han sido tasa de analfabetismo en el sexo masculino (p = 0,020), proporción de domicilios con abastecimiento de agua (p = 0,015), porcentual de personas en domicilios con paredes inadecuadas (p = 0,022), porcentual de personas en domicilios vulnerables a la pobreza y en que ninguno tiene enseñanza fundamental completa (p = 0,000) y porcentual de personas en domicilios vulnerables a la pobreza y dependientes de ancianos (p = 0,009). Conclusión: Han sido relacionados a la mortalidad por sida indicadores sociales relacionados a la educación, generación de empleo y renta y habitación.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Ecological and environmental factors affecting transmission of sylvatic yellow fever in the 2017-2019 outbreak in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Background: Yellow fever virus (YFV) is an arbovirus that, despite the existence of a safe and effective vaccine, continues to cause outbreaks of varying dimensions in the Americas and Africa. Between 2017 and 2019, Brazil registered un unprecedented sylvatic YFV outbreak whose severity was the result of its spread into zones of the Atlantic Forest with no signals of viral circulation for nearly 80 years. Methods: To investigate the influence of climatic, environmental, and ecological factors governing the dispersion and force of infection of YFV in a naïve area such as the landscape mosaic of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), we combined the analyses of a large set of data including entomological sampling performed before and during the 2017–2019 outbreak, with the geolocation of human and nonhuman primates (NHP) and mosquito infections. Results: A greater abundance of Haemagogus mosquitoes combined with lower richness and diversity of mosquito fauna increased the probability of finding a YFV-infected mosquito. Furthermore, the analysis of functional traits showed that certain functional groups, composed mainly of Aedini mosquitoes which includes Aedes and Haemagogus mosquitoes, are also more representative in areas where infected mosquitoes were found. Human and NHP infections were more common in two types of landscapes: large and continuous forest, capable of harboring many YFV hosts, and patches of small forest fragments, where environmental imbalance can lead to a greater density of the primary vectors and high human exposure. In both, we show that most human infections (~ 62%) occurred within an 11-km radius of the finding of an infected NHP, which is in line with the flight range of the primary vectors. Conclusions: Together, our data suggest that entomological data and landscape composition analyses may help to predict areas permissive to yellow fever outbreaks, allowing protective measures to be taken to avoid human cases

    Spatial Evaluation and Modeling of Dengue Seroprevalence and Vector Density in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Dengue is a major public health problem in many tropical regions of the world, including Brazil, where Aedes aegypti is the main vector. We present a household study that combines data on dengue fever seroprevalence, recent dengue infection, and vector density, in three neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during its most devastating dengue epidemic to date. This integrated entomological–serological survey showed evidence of silent transmission even during a severe epidemic. Also, past exposure to dengue virus was highly associated with age and living in areas of high movement of individuals and social/commercial activity. No association was observed between household infestation index and risk of dengue infection in these areas. Our findings are discussed in the light of current theories regarding transmission thresholds and relative role of mosquitoes and humans as vectors of dengue viruses