836 research outputs found

    Photovoltaic reactive power limits

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    Today, Photovoltaic (PV) inverters are working with very small values of reactive power. Then, the Power Factor (PF) is very close to the unit. So, the PV installations only inject active power into the grid. This paper aims to investigate the limits of reactive power capacity in PV generators. In this way, PV generators could be used as a controlled reactive power sources. In this paper, an introduction to the voltage control in photovoltaic generators is described and implemented in Simulink/Matlab and PSS/E.The Spanish Ministry of Education and Science has supported this research under contract ENE2009-13883-C02-C1.Publicad

    New physics in WWγWW\gamma at one loop via Majorana neutrinos

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    Current experimental data guarantees the presence of physics beyond the Standard Model in the neutrino sector. The responsible physical description might show itself through virtual effects on low-energy observables. In particular, massive neutrinos are able to produce contributions to the triple gauge coupling WWγWW\gamma. The present paper deals with the calculation, estimation and analysis of one-loop contributions from Majorana neutrinos to the Lorentz-covariant WWγWW\gamma parametrization. Our calculations show that CP-odd effects vanish exactly, whereas CP-even contributions, Δκ\Delta\kappa and ΔQ\Delta Q, remain. According to our estimations, the effects from heavy neutrinos with masses in the range of hundreds of GeVs dominate over those from light neutrinos. This investigation shows that contributions from heavy Majorana neutrinos to the anomaly Δκ\Delta\kappa could be as large as O(103)\sim{\cal O}(10^{-3}), one order of magnitude below the Standard-Model contribution. We find that the International Linear Collider, sensitive to triple gauge couplings participating in WWWW production, might measure these effects in electron-positron collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 800GeV800\,{\rm GeV}, as long as heavy-neutrino masses are 300GeV\gtrsim300\,{\rm GeV} and below 1500GeV\sim1500\,{\rm GeV}.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Dual VET in the EU policy: the internationalization of the german model?

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    Some European countries, including Spain, encouraged by the European Union, have undertaken the reform of their Vocational Training systems so as to promote dual apprenticeship. This research analyses EU documentation, consisting of documents related to the Copenhagen process and VET reform, such as communications, recommendations, and declarations from different European bodies. This analysis will focus on EU proposals and recommendations on two areas of VET: the governance system and the training model which are the main characteristics of the German model of VET. The methodology consists of reflective thematic analysis, using NVIVO's qualitative data analysis computer software. This will advance the understanding of the process of internationalisation and attraction of the German dual VET model within the EU as a model of good practice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Testing dietary hypotheses of East African hominines using buccal dental microwear data

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    Abstract There is much debate on the dietary adaptations of the robust hominin lineages during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition. It has been argued that the shift from C3 to C4 ecosystems in Africa was the main factor responsible for the robust dental and facial anatomical adaptations of Paranthropus taxa, which might be indicative of the consumption of fibrous, abrasive plant foods in open environments. However, occlusal dental microwear data fail to provide evidence of such dietary adaptations and are not consistent with isotopic evidence that supports greater C4 food intake for the robust clades than for the gracile australopithecines. We provide evidence from buccal dental microwear data that supports softer dietary habits than expected for P. aethiopicus and P. boisei based both on masticatory apomorphies and isotopic analyses. On one hand, striation densities on the buccal enamel surfaces of paranthropines teeth are low, resembling those of H. habilis and clearly differing from those observed on H. ergaster, which display higher scratch densities indicative of the consumption of a wide assortment of highly abrasive foodstuffs. Buccal dental microwear patterns are consistent with those previously described for occlusal enamel surfaces, suggesting that Paranthropus consumed much softer diets than previously presumed and thus calling into question a strict interpretation of isotopic evidence. On the other hand, the significantly high buccal scratch densities observed in the H. ergaster specimens are not consistent with a highly specialized, mostly carnivorous diet; instead, they support the consumption of a wide range of highly abrasive food items


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    La transición demográfica por la que atraviesa el Ecuador y la falta de formación de profesionales especializados en Geriatría obliga a fortalecerel conocimiento de la valoración geriátrica integral en todos los profesionales que atienden adultos mayores. El objetivo del trabajofue documentar la importancia de la valoración geriátrica integral en la detección de patologías que podrían tener una repercusión funcional enel adulto mayor; por lo que un diagnóstico oportuno evita complicaciones especialmente a nivel hospitalario. Se presenta el caso de un pacienteadulto mayor de 85 años que ingresa por fractura de cadera al Hospital de Especialidades Eugenio Espejo de la ciudad de Quito. En el cual a través de la valoración geriátrica integral se detectaron factores de riesgo que desencadenaron un Síndrome Confusional Agudo, caracterizado por ser un síndrome geriátrico subdiagnosticado en el ámbito médico y se logró que el paciente se recuperara en forma adecuada. El enfoque de la Valoración Geriátrica Integral es multidimensional y toma en cuenta no solo el área médica, sino también la situación afectiva, cognitiva, funcional, social y espiritual, convirtiéndose en una herramienta clave la atención para la población adulta mayor. El Síndrome Confusional Agudo es muy frecuente en adultos mayores hospitalizados y muchas veces es el debut de una enfermedad con múltiples factores de riesgo desencadenantes. Estos riesgos, en la actualidad no son detectados con una evaluación clínica simple, sino que amerita la realización de una evaluación exhaustiva, con relación a la alta morbimortalidad que presenta este grupo etario

    Los retos de la colaboración público-privada en la implementación de la formación profesional dual. Una revisión sistemática

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    The high rates of structural unemployment, coupled with the lack of professionals with mid-level qualifications in southern European countries, are leading to the implementation of reforms in their vocational training (VET) systems. These reforms, promoted by the European Union, have used the Central European dual model as the reference. However, this transfer is accompanied by processes of adoption, adaptation and transformation in its implementation, where different challenges and difficulties arise among the actors involved. This article is based on a systematic literature review of the challenges and difficulties faced jointly by the public and private sectors in the implementation of the dual model. It follows the PRISMA protocol and the proposals of O'Neill & Booth (2017) for the use of Nvivo in systematic reviews. The search and creation of the bibliographic corpus was carried out through WoS-Main Collection, Scopus and ProQuest. The results systematise the challenges and difficulties that the scientific literature on public-private partnerships for the proper functioning of dual VET, which are key to the implementation processes. These revolve around access, network cooperation, curriculum development, the tension between productivity and training and the response to economic downturns. The literature reviewed warns us that any attempt to reform VET along the lines of the Central European dual model entails multiple contextual challenges which make a direct transfer difficult. Social dialogue emerges as a fundamental tool for successful implementationLas altas tasas de desempleo estructural en los países d sur europeo, junto a la carencia de profesionales de titulaciones de nivel medio, están generando la puesta en marcha de reformas en sus sistemas de formación profesional (FP). Estas reformas, impulsadas desde la Unión Europea, han utilizado como modelo de referencia el sistema dual centroeuropeo. No obstante, esta transferencia implica procesos de adopción, adaptación y transformación en su implantación, donde se presentan diferentes retos, dificultades y desafíos entre los actores implicados. Este artículo se basa en una revisión sistemática de la literatura de los retos y dificultades a los que se enfrentan los sectores públicos y privados en la implantación del modelo dual. En la misma se ha seguido el protocolo PRISMA y las propuestas de O’Neill & Booth (2017) para el uso de Nvivo en revisiones sistemáticas. La búsqueda y creación del corpus bibliográfico se realizó a través de WoS-Main Collection, Scopus y ProQuest. Los resultados sistematizan los retos y dificultades que la literatura académica identifica en lo referente a la colaboración público-privada para el correcto funcionamiento de la FP dual, claves en los procesos de implementación. Estos giran en torno al acceso, la cooperación en red, el desarrollo del currículo, la tensión entre productividad y formación y la respuesta a las recesiones económicas. La literatura revisada advierte de que cualquier intento de reformar la FP siguiendo el modelo dual centroeuropeo conlleva múltiples desafíos contextuales que dificultan una transferencia directa. El diálogo social emerge como herramienta fundamental para una exitosa implement    

    New Insights Into Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) FatA and FatB Thioesterases, Their Regulation, Structure and Distribution

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    Sunflower seeds (Helianthus annuus L.) accumulate large quantities of triacylglycerols (TAG) between 12 and 28 days after flowering (DAF). This is the period of maximal acyl-acyl carrier protein (acyl-ACP) thioesterase activity in vitro, the enzymes that terminate the process of de novo fatty acid synthesis by catalyzing the hydrolysis of the acyl-ACPs synthesized by fatty acid synthase. Fatty acid thioesterases can be classified into two families with distinct substrate specificities, namely FatA and FatB. Here, some new aspects of these enzymes have been studied, assessing how both enzymes contribute to the acyl composition of sunflower oil, not least through the changes in their expression during the process of seed filling. Moreover, the binding pockets of these enzymes were modeled based on new data from plant thioesterases, revealing important differences in their volume and geometry. Finally, the subcellular location of the two enzymes was evaluated and while both possess an N-terminal plastid transit peptide, only in FatB contains a hydrophobic sequence that could potentially serve as a transmembrane domain. Indeed, using in vivo imaging and organelle fractionation, H. annuus thioesterases, HaFatA and HaFatB, appear to be differentially localized in the plastid stroma and membrane envelope, respectively. The divergent roles fulfilled by HaFatA and HaFatB in oil biosynthesis are discussed in the light of our data.España MINECO y FEDER Projects AGL2014- 53537-R y AGL2017-83449-

    La reforma de la modalidad dual de la formación profesional en España: un análisis histórico de su trayectoria institucional.

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    Esta comunicación analiza la trayectoria de cambio institucional del sistema de formación profesional dual a través de un marco analítico que comprende tres niveles (Carstensen y Ibsen, 2021). En primer lugar, los procesos que establecen las relaciones de poder entre los actores implicados, en segundo lugar, sus principales objetivos e interpretaciones y, finalmente, las configuración institucional del sistema de formación profesional. El análisis empírico de la reforma española de la formación profesional dual se basa en dos fuentes: documentos escritos y entrevistas con actores implicados en el proceso político (altos representantes del ministerio, representantes de asociaciones de empresarios, representantes de sindicatos y de asociaciones de profesorado).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Protein Signatures to Trace Seafood Contamination and Processing

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    This review presents some applications of proteomics and selected spectroscopic methods to validate certain aspects of seafood traceability. After a general introduction to traceability and the initial applications of proteomics to authenticate traceability information, it addresses the application of proteomics to trace seafood exposure to some increasingly abundant emergent health hazards with the potential to indicate the geographic/environmental origin, such as microplastics, triclosan and human medicinal and recreational drugs. Thereafter, it shows the application of vibrational spectroscopy (Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and Fourier-Transform Raman Spectroscopy (FT Raman)) and Low Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (LF-NMR) relaxometry to discriminate frozen fish from thawed fish and to estimate the time and temperature history of frozen fillets by monitoring protein modifications induced by processing and storage. The review concludes indicating near future trends in the application of these techniques to ensure seafood safety and traceability.This research was funded by GAIN-Xunta de Galicia Project (IN607D 2017/01) and the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund through projects CTM2017-84763-C3-1-R and AGL2015-68248-C2-1-R (ANIRISK). Mónica Carrera is supported by the Ramón y Cajal Contract (RYC-2016-20419, Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain)