1,199 research outputs found

    Estado crítico de la investigación en la psicología ecuatoriana: el abandono de la estadística como base de la producción científica

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    This article reports a study that analyzed the role of statistics in the scientific production of Ecuadorian psychology based on a mixed methodology study. The sample included 410 participants (students and professionals of different cities of Ecuador). The findings on the quantitative phase included that liking and mastering statistical processes increase the probability of publishing a scientific article. Moreover, when negative belief variables and anxiety related to statistics have a higher score, the mastery of statistical processes and its use for the job of the psychologist decrease. On the qualitative phase, a significance emerged that allowed to better understand quantitative data, and to develop categories on statistics erroneous' believes, procedures, a negative predisposition towards learning statistics and others. The paper concludes by analyzing the scientific reality of Ecuadorian psychology and the need to carry out longitudinal research where it will be possible to restructure subjective constructions on the role of statistics in psychology

    Las competencias municipales en tiempos de crisis

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    Treball de Final de Grau en Gestió i Administració Pública. Codi: GA1242. Curs acadèmic 2015-201

    Advantages of visiting your home country: how brief reimmersion in their native country impacts migrants’ native language access

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    The study explores how native language (L1) lexical access is affected by immersion in a second-language (L2) environment, and by short-term reimmersion in the L1 environment. We compared the L1 picture-naming performance of Polish–English bilinguals living in the UK (migrants) against that of bilinguals living in Poland (controls). Each group was tested twice: the migrants while in the UK (L2 immersion) and after visiting Poland (L1 reimmersion); the controls twice in their L1 environment. Contrary to our expectations, there was no main effect of group, thus suggesting that L2 immersion per se does not impact L1 lexical access. Nevertheless, migrants benefitted from L1 reimmersion by showing faster naming latencies for high-frequency words after a short visit to their home country, probably due to more opportunities to encounter these words. Overall, the study shows that the cognitive system is sensitive to the language environment by quickly adapting the activation level of lexical items.National Science Centre grant (2015/18/E/HS6/00428

    Factors affecting adolescents’ choice of branded vs. fashionable clothing

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsThe aim of this project is to analyse the importance of branded and fashionable clothing, and which of them is the most important for adolescents when choosing their clothes, according with gender and age. The research analysed how three factors (peers’ influence, materialistic behaviour and self-esteem) affected adolescents’ clothing choices in the Portuguese market. 148 adolescents (12 and 16 years old) participated in the research, by answering a questionnaire. Results show that teenagers do not draw a separation between brands and fashion, and that their clothing preferences reflect their peers’ advices and level of materialism

    Optimização energética de sistemas multi-componente da zona fria do Steam Cracker

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e BioquímicaO trabalho realizado foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um estágio curricular de seis meses efectuado no Steam Cracker da Repsol Polímeros de Sines. O seu principal objectivo foi a optimização energética da zona fria do Steam Cracker, que tem como produtos principais, o etileno, propileno e 1,3-butadieno. Para tal começou-se por realizar uma simulação em Aspen HYSYS de toda a zona fria de modo a que servisse de base para a realização dos estudos necessários referentes à optimização energética. Sendo validada a simulação iniciaram-se os Case Studies de modo a perceber-se onde se deve actuar e que alterações devem ser realizadas na fábrica para que esta opere com um menor consumo energético. Nestes estudos foi analisada a necessidade de importação de vapor HPII (High Pressure II) da Central Termoeléctrica e as situações em que esta pode ser minimizada. Foi conseguido através de optimizações,relativas ao caso base simulado, obter uma poupança de cerca de 0,73%, o que equivale a cerca de 1,1 M€/ano. Estudou-se ainda a possibilidade de integrar novos permutadores na secção de Baixas Temperaturas, também com o objectivo de minimizar a quantidade de vapor importada da Central. Introduzindo um permutador de multi-passagem conseguiu-se prever, referente ao caso base simulado, que este poderia gerar uma poupança de 0,90%, que corresponde a cerca de 1,37 M€/ano. Outra alteração possível seria substituir o nível de etileno refrigerante num dos permutadores de caixa e tubos da secção de Baixas Temperaturas, a qual apresentou uma poupança de 1,54% em relação ao caso base simulado, equivalente a 2,35 M€/ano, não necessitando esta última de investimento de equipamento

    La cancelación de todas las cargas y gravámenes del bien rematado y el principio de responsabilidad patrimonial, Perú 2022

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    El presente trabajo busca problematizar en torno a las normas contenidas en el Código Procesal Civil, respecto al sistema de purgas de cargas y gravámenes. Sucede que dicho cuerpo legal es demasiado benévolo con respecto al saldo remanente producto de un bien rematado luego de un proceso judicial de ejecución; pues, aparte de prescribir que cuando un bien es rematado, sobre este se elimine todo vestigio de carga o gravamen que pesaba sobre aquel, el Código adjetivo, señala que el remanente de dicho remate le sea entregado al deudor; sin embargo, en este trabajo se ha cuestionado sobre la posibilidad latente que existan otros acreedores que no iniciaron o se apersonaron al proceso de ejecución (a los que se les ha llamado acreedores no ejecutantes), según nuestro Código Procesal Civil, estos no tendrían forma de cobrarse, lo que significa una abierta y frontal vulneración al principio de responsabilidad patrimonial. Por tal razón es que en este trabajo se ha llegado a concluir que teniendo en cuenta que el artículo 739, inciso 2 del Código Procesal Civil, ordena la cancelación de los gravámenes que hubieran pesado sobre un determinado bien, cuando este haya sido transferido después de un remate judicial, los otros acreedores que no iniciaron o participaron en el proceso de ejecución no van a tener forma de cómo poder cobrar su acreencia; de tal manera que si esta norma la cotejamos con las disposición contenidas en los artículos 726 y 747 parte final de nuestro Código Procesal Civil, nuestra legislación no ha previsto en lo más mínimo el destino del producto remanente de la realización de dicho acto; en otras palabras, solo el acreedor ejecutante (demandante) que participó en el proceso de ejecución, mantendría la posibilidad de cobrar su deuda. En tal sentido, si el acreedor, o acreedores que no participaron en el proceso, su posibilidad de cobro es absolutamente nula, lo que atenta directamente contra el principio de responsabilidad patrimonial.The present work seeks to problematize around the norms contained in the Civil Procedure Code, regarding the system of purges of charges and liens. It happens that said legal body is too benevolent with respect to the remaining balance product of an auctioned property after a judicial process of execution; Well, apart from prescribing that when an asset is auctioned off, all traces of charges or encumbrances that weighed on it be eliminated, the Adjective Code, indicates that the remainder of said auction be delivered to the debtor; However, in this work it has been questioned about the latent possibility that there are other creditors who did not initiate or appear in the foreclosure process (who have been called non-attachment creditors), according to our Civil Procedure Code, these would have no form to be collected, which means an open and frontal violation of the principle of patrimonial responsibility. For this reason it is that in this work it has been concluded that taking into account that article 739, paragraph 2 of the Civil Procedure Code, orders the cancellation of the liens that would have weighed on a certain asset, when it has been transferred after a judicial auction, the other creditors who did not initiate or participate in the foreclosure process will have no way of how to collect their debt; in such a way that if we compare this norm with the provisions contained in articles 726 and 747 final part of our Civil Procedure Code, our legislation has not provided in the least for the destination of the remaining product from the realization of said; In other words, only the attaching creditor (plaintiff) who participated in the foreclosure process would maintain the possibility of collecting their debt. In this sense, if the creditor or creditors did not participate in the process, their possibility of collection is absolutely null, which directly violates the principle of patrimonial responsibility.Tesi

    University Students’ Rejection to Learning Statistics: Research from a Latin American Standpoint

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    Introduction: Negative beliefs, fear, avoidance behaviors, and superficial attitudes surrounding the learning of statistics create significant problems for university students in Latin America. Objective: To analyze the impact of fearful behavior, superficial work, and avoidance displayed by university students when it comes to statistics. Method: In this article, we give details about a quantitative research project carried out by two independent studies. The first (N = 310) focused on the development of a scale to assess negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors towards statistics, in which goodness of fit was determined in a 3-factor model. In the second study (N = 250), it was hypothesized that undergraduates perform superficially due to negative beliefs and avoidance behaviors when learning statistics. Findings: The proposed model explained 42% of the variance. In addition, in the analysis of the proposed mediation model, an adequate adjustment was found. In the discussion of this research project, the need to intervene in the negative beliefs, fears, and avoidance behaviors displayed by university students towards statistics is highlighted. Novelty:This research project explains why college students dislike or avoid learning statistics in depth. The findings will allow for a modification in the way statistics is taught so that Latin American professionals achieve better performance in this field. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2023-SIED2-07 Full Text: PD

    VIII Jornadas Nacionales y I Congreso Internacional sobre la Formación del Profesorado: Narración, Investigación y Reflexión sobre las Prácticas. Mar del Plata, 29 al 31 de Octubre de 2015.

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    El Grupo de Investigaciones en Educación y Estudios Culturales del Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación, el Grupo de Investigaciones en Didáctica de la Historia del Departamento de Historia de la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata y la Asociación Civil IdentidadSur -gestionando cultura- realizaron, como vienen haciendo cada dos años, las Jornadas Nacionales sobre la Formación del Profesorado: Narración, Investigación y Reflexión sobre las Prácticas, jerarquizadas este año también como 1º Congreso Internacional