124 research outputs found

    Sustainable Development Goal No. 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production. Study on student’s consumption habits.

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    La consecución del Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible nº 12 recogido en la Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas supone la transición hacia pautas de consumo más sostenibles. El papel de la educación es clave para promover reflexión e inspirar hábitos de consumo que impliquen cambios relevantes en la manera en que usamos los recursos. En este sentido, resulta clave la formación inicial de los maestros, ya que éstos, serán un referente para la sociedad y los responsables de la formación escolar de los futuros profesionales. Así pues, el objetivo de este trabajo fue la realización de un diagnóstico sobre los hábitos de consumo de nuestros estudiantes, futuros maestros de Educación Primaria (GEP), a fin de poder desarrollar, en un futuro, un programa formativo que incida, especialmente, en los puntos más débiles detectados.The achievement of Sustainable Development Objective No. 12 included in the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations means the transition towards more sustainable patterns of consumption. The role of education is essential to promote reflection and inspire consumption habits that induce relevant changes on the way to using resources. In this sense, the initial training of teachers is a key issue; they will be a reference for society and those responsible for the school training of future professionals. Therefore, the objective of this work was to make a diagnosis about the consumption habits of our students, future teachers of Primary Education (GEP), in order to develop, in the future, a training program that influence, especially, the weakest points detected

    Few-mode field quantization for multiple emitters

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    The control of the interaction between quantum emitters using nanophotonic structures holds great promise for quantum technology applications, while its theoretical description for complex nanostructures is a highly demanding task as the electromagnetic (EM) modes form a high-dimensional continuum. We here introduce an approach that permits a quantized description of the full EM field through a small number of discrete modes. This extends the previous work in ref. (I. Medina, F. J. García-Vidal, A. I. Fernández-Domínguez, and J. Feist, "Few-mode field quantization of arbitrary electromagnetic spectral densities,"Phys. Rev. Lett., vol. 126, p. 093601, 2021) to the case of an arbitrary number of emitters, without any restrictions on the emitter level structure or dipole operators. The low computational demand of this method makes it suitable for studying dynamics for a wide range of parameters. We illustrate the power of our approach for a system of three emitters placed within a hybrid metallodielectric photonic structure and show that excitation transfer is highly sensitive to the properties of the hybrid photonic-plasmonic mode

    Reassessing palaeoenvironmental conditions during the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in the Cantabrian region (Southwestern Europe)

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    Climatic and environmental changes have been commonly proposed as driving factors behind the decline of Neanderthals in Europe. The Cantabrian region, in northern Iberia, is a key area for understanding the replacement of Neanderthals by Anatomically Modern Humans, where an early disappearance of Neanderthals in relation to other areas of Iberia has been proposed. To evaluate how climate might have influenced human behaviour during Marine Isotope Stage 3, an accurate review of palaeoecological conditions is required. For the first time, an assessment of the regional available terrestrial proxies linked to archaeo-palaeontological sites, including small vertebrate assemblages, pollen sequences, charcoal data and stable isotope studies on macromammals is undertaken in this region. In addition, records from macrofaunal assemblages and glacial records have also been considered. To standardise the information and allow inter-site comparison, data from pollen and small vertebrate sequences were transformed into quantitative climatic estimations of temperature and precipitation. Results show highly variable climatic shifts between archaeological levels, being consistent with the climatic fluctuations observed in the marine and ice core records. Small mammal assemblages reveal a mosaic landscape of open meadows followed by scattered forested areas. A progressive trend towards aridity from the end of the Mousterian to the early Aurignacian is reflected by changes in arboreal pollen, macromammal species and stable isotopes evidence on ungulates consumed by late Neanderthals and Anatomically Modern Humans in the region. This review suggests a decrease in temperatures and rainfall from 48,000 to 44,000 cal BP (after Heinrich Event 5) which coincides with the late Neanderthals in the region and followed by a populational hiatus until 43,000 cal BP. Despite the multiple intra-site environmental proxies available, this study challenges the fragmentary regional record during this key period for human evolution and reveals that further research is needed to obtain a complete regional highresolution palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction.This research is funded by the European Research Council, under the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (grant agreement No. 818299-SUBSILIENCE ERC CoG project https://www.subsilience.eu), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (NEWINDS; PID2021-125818NB-I00) and the Cantabrian Government (Proyecto Puente 2021)

    Electron-beam deposited boron coatings for the extreme ultraviolet

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    Boron films deposited by evaporation with an electron-beam were found to have a relatively high reflectance in the extreme ultraviolet with values similar to those of ion-beam-sputtered (IBS) SiC and IBS B4C . The largest reflectance was measured for an 11¿nm thick boron film. Some reflectance degradation was observed for boron films stored in a desiccator. Reflectance degradation varied from sample to sample and was found to be either similar to that of IBS SiC and IBS B4C or larger. © 2008 Optical Society of AmericaThis work was supported by the National Programme for Space Research, Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, project number ESP2005-02650. M. Fernández-Perea is thankful to Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain) for funding under the Programa I3P (Ref. I3P-BPD2004) partially supported by the European Social Fund. We acknowledge the technical assistance of José M. Sánchez-Orejuela. M. Vidal-Dasilva is thankful to Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia for funding under the FPI BES-2006- 14047 fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Optical constants of evaporation-deposited silicon monoxide films in the 7.1-800 eV photon energy range

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    8 págs.; 11 figs.The transmittance of silicon monoxide films prepared by thermal evaporation was measured from 7.1 to 800 eV and used to determine the optical constants of the material. SiO films deposited onto C-coated microgrids in ultrahigh vacuum conditions were measured in situ from 7.1 to 23.1 eV. Grid-supported SiO films deposited in high vacuum conditions were characterized ex situ from 28.5 to 800 eV. At each photon energy, transmittance, and thickness data were used to calculate the extinction coefficient k. The obtained k values combined with data from the literature, and with interpolations and extrapolations in the rest of the electromagnetic spectrum provided a complete set of k values that was used in a Kramers-Kronig analysis to obtain the real part of the index of refraction, n. Two different sum-rule tests were performed that indicated good consistency of the data. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.This work was supported by the National Programme for Space Research, Subdirección General de Proyectos de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, Project Nos. ESP2002-01391 and ESP2005-02650. This work was also performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC03-76F00098 and by the University of California Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52- 07NA27344. M.F.-P. is thankful to Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas Spain for funding under the Programa I3P Contract No. I3P-BPD2004, partially supported by the European Social Fund. M.V.-D. acknowledges financial support from a FPI Contract No. BES-2006-14047 fellowship.Peer Reviewe

    Expanding the clinical and genetic spectra of primary immunodeficiency-related disorders with clinical exome sequencing: expected and unexpected findings

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    Inmunodeficiencias primarias; Secuenciación de próxima generación; Secuenciación clínica del exomaImmunodeficiències primàries; Seqüenciació de propera generació; Seqüenciació clínica d’exomesPrimary immunodeficiencies; Next generation sequencing; Clinical exome sequencingPrimary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) refer to a clinically, immunologically, and genetically heterogeneous group of over 350 disorders affecting development or function of the immune system. The increasing use of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology has greatly facilitated identification of genetic defects in PID patients in daily clinical practice. Several NGS approaches are available, from the unbiased whole exome sequencing (WES) to specific gene panels. Here, we report on a 3-year experience with clinical exome sequencing (CES) for genetic diagnosis of PIDs. We used the TruSight One sequencing panel, which includes 4,813 disease-associated genes, in 61 unrelated patients (pediatric and adults). The analysis was done in 2 steps: first, we focused on a virtual PID panel and then, we expanded the analysis to the remaining genes. A molecular diagnosis was achieved in 19 (31%) patients: 12 (20%) with mutations in genes included in the virtual PID panel and 7 (11%) with mutations in other genes. These latter cases provided interesting and somewhat unexpected findings that expand the clinical and genetic spectra of PID-related disorders, and are useful to consider in the differential diagnosis. We also discuss 5 patients (8%) with incomplete genotypes or variants of uncertain significance. Finally, we address the limitations of CES exemplified by 7 patients (11%) with negative results on CES who were later diagnosed by other approaches (more specific PID panels, WES, and comparative genomic hybridization array). In summary, the genetic diagnosis rate using CES was 31% (including a description of 12 novel mutations), which rose to 42% after including diagnoses achieved by later use of other techniques. The description of patients with mutations in genes not included in the PID classification illustrates the heterogeneity and complexity of PID-related disorders.This study was funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, grants PI14/00405 and PI17/00660, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

    Implementation of a mindfulness-based crisis intervention for frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 outbreak in a public general hospital in Madrid, Spain

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    Introduction: The COVID-19 outbreak is having an impact on the well-being of healthcare workers. Mindfulness-based interventions have shown effectiveness in reducing stress and fostering resilience and recovery in healthcare workers. There are no studies examining the feasibility of brief mindfulness-based interventions during the COVID-19 outbreak. Materials and Methods: This is an exploratory study with a post intervention assessment. We describe an on-site brief mindfulness intervention and evaluate its helpfulness, safety, and feasibility. Results: One thousand out of 7,000 (14%) healthcare workers from La Paz University Hospital in Madrid (Spain) participated in at least one session. One hundred and fifty out of 1,000 (15%) participants filled out a self-report questionnaire evaluating the helpfulness of the intervention for on-site stress reduction. Ninety two subjects (61%) participated in more than one session. Most of the participants were women (80%) with a mean age of 38.6 years. Almost half of the sample were nurses (46%). Sessions were perceived as being helpful with a mean rating of 8.4 on a scale from 0 to 10. Only 3 people (2%) reported a minor adverse effect (increased anxiety or dizziness). Discussion: Our data supports the utility, safety and feasibility of an on-site, brief mindfulness-based intervention designed to reduce stress for frontline health workers during a crisis. There is a need to continue testing this type of interventions, and to integrate emotion regulation strategies as an essential part of health workers' general training. Clinical Trial Registration number: NCT04555005

    A Shotgun Proteomics Approach to Reveal New Putative Therapeutical Targets in Nephropathic Cystinosis

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    Poster.-- Human Proteome Organization World Congress, HUPO 2023, 17-21 SeptemberNephropathic cystinosis is a rare autosomal recessive metabolic disease due to mutations in the CTNS gen codifying for cystinosin, a lysosomal symporter. It is characterized by the accumulation of cystine crystals in lysosomes causing end-stage renal damage and blindness in patients under ten years of age. Currently, there is no cure and the only palliative treatment, cysteamine, presents several limitations including the lack of cure for the disease, the adverse effects, and the complexity of the indicated treatment for life. Recent findings indicate that the intra-lysosomal accumulation of cystine alters key processes such as phagocytosis, redox balance, and autophagy, causing a molecular imbalance that, to date, has not been characterized in detail.N

    Shotgun proteomics reveals new therapeutical targets in nephropathic cystinosis

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    Poster.-- Human Proteome Organization World Congress, HUPO 2023, 17-21 SeptemberTalento Senior Program-GAIN Xunta de Galicia, Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Asociación Cistinosis EspañaN

    What remains of the future: sustainability through heritage

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    Coordinators : Felipe Criado Boado (INCIPIT, CSIC), Blanca Ramírez Barat (CENIM, CSIC).Heritage is increasingly being recognized as a key element for social cohesion, sustainable socioeconomic development and people’s welfare. Resources dedicated to heritage conservation have gone from being considered an expense to being regarded as an investment, with a high revenue. The heritage industry has been an active part of this transformations in recent decades, it has generated employment, contributed to the worldwide expansion of tourism and has become a coveted sign of identity for political communities. Today there is no social or political process that does not use heritage in some way. Hence the actuality of the subject, and the importance of an organization such as the CSIC having research capabilities in this field