291 research outputs found

    The neglect of herself in the process of Infatuation–Love

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    La presente investigación, de corte cualitativo, tiene como objetivo describir la forma como se vive el proceso de Enamoramiento-Amor en una población de mujeres universitarias del Estado de México. Se desarrolló en dos momentos, primero mediante la técnica de Redes Semánticas se indagó sobre lo que conciben como amor, enamoramiento y manifestaciones de éstos. A partir de estos resultados, se eligió a las informantes clave; a quienes en un segundo momento se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada, que profundiza en los conocimientos, comportamiento y el tipo de emociones que se viven en el proceso de Enamoramiento-Amor. Los hallazgos muestran que las mujeres universitarias en el proceso de Enamoramiento parten de la idealización del otro, no perciben sus defectos o bien se toleran; el comportamiento que se asume se encuentra ligado al deber ser del amor, donde todo es justificado y perdonado en nombre de este sentimiento. En la etapa de amor, se presentan conductas de protección y cuidado hacia el otro, dejando en último las propias necesidades. Las informantes señalan que en el amor se generan sentimientos ambivalentes de extrema felicidad y sufrimiento al tener que tolerar violencia física y psicológica por parte de la pareja, esto coincide con la concepción de Fromm acerca del amor como fundamental en el ser humano, donde se debe aprender y ejercitar poniendo en juego toda la personalidad, implica asumir una actitud positiva, una orientación de carácter, un acto de voluntad y compromiso hacía el otro; aunque en este caso no sea recíproco

    Mitochondrial Aging and Metabolism: The Importance of a Good Relationship in the Central Nervous System

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    The mitochondrial theory of aging suggests that mitochondria have a decrease in production capacity of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The question may seem trivial, but it becomes more complex when considering that dysfunctional mitochondria can be eliminated by lysosomal digestion and that cell with dysfunctional mitochondria can undergo the process of apoptosis. In organs with regenerative capacity, like the liver, cell proliferation can almost completely hide mitochondrial dysfunction. However, evidence indicates selective damage in mitochondria during aging, and so the mitochondrial aging theory is gaining recognition and respect. There is solid evidence that accumulated DNA damage in mitochondria is a cause directly related to metabolic disorders such as diabetes and degenerative disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. The central nervous system is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage due to several factors, among which are its high oxygen consumption, its dependence on aerobic carbohydrate metabolism, and its complex composition of membrane lipids. Free radicals are generated at many cell sites, and the mitochondrial respiratory chain is one of the main sources. While many studies have been conducted in experimental animal models, the results are relevant because at least some of their interventions suggest a directing aim at reducing the effects of aging

    Pathway-centric analysis of microbial metabolic potential and expression along nutrient and energy gradients in the western Atlantic Ocean

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Cavaco, M. A., Bhatia, M. P., Hawley, A. K., Torres-Beltran, M., Johnson, W. M., Longnecker, K., Konwar, K., Kujawinski, E. B., & Hallam, S. J. Pathway-centric analysis of microbial metabolic potential and expression along nutrient and energy gradients in the western Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, (2022): 867310, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.867310.Microbial communities play integral roles in driving nutrient and energy transformations in the ocean, collectively contributing to fundamental biogeochemical cycles. Although it is well known that these communities are stratified within the water column, there remains limited knowledge of how metabolic pathways are distributed and expressed. Here, we investigate pathway distribution and expression patterns from surface (5 m) to deep dark ocean (4000 m) at three stations along a 2765 km transect in the western South Atlantic Ocean. This study is based on new data, consisting of 43 samples for 16S rRNA gene sequencing, 20 samples for metagenomics and 19 samples for metatranscriptomics. Consistent with previous observations, we observed vertical zonation of microbial community structure largely partitioned between light and dark ocean waters. The metabolic pathways inferred from genomic sequence information and gene expression stratified with depth. For example, expression of photosynthetic pathways increased in sunlit waters. Conversely, expression of pathways related to carbon conversion processes, particularly those involving recalcitrant and organic carbon degradation pathways (i.e., oxidation of formaldehyde) increased in dark ocean waters. We also observed correlations between indicator taxa for specific depths with the selective expression of metabolic pathways. For example, SAR202, prevalent in deep waters, was strongly correlated with expression of the methanol oxidation pathway. From a biogeographic perspective, microbial communities along the transect encoded similar metabolic potential with some latitudinal stratification in gene expression. For example, at a station influenced by input from the Amazon River, expression of pathways related to oxidative stress was increased. Finally, when pairing distinct correlations between specific particulate metabolites (e.g., DMSP, AMP and MTA) and both the taxonomic microbial community and metatranscriptomic pathways across depth and space, we were able to observe how changes in the marine metabolite pool may be influenced by microbial function and vice versa. Taken together, these results indicate that marine microbial communities encode a core repertoire of widely distributed metabolic pathways that are differentially regulated along nutrient and energy gradients. Such pathway distribution patterns are consistent with robustness in microbial food webs and indicate a high degree of functional redundancy.This work was funded by the NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (Grant no. OCE-1154320 to EK and KL) and a small (“Microbial controls on marine organic carbon cycling”) and large (“Marine microbial communities from the Southern Atlantic Ocean transect to study dissolved organic matter and carbon cycling”) community sequencing grants from the Joint Genome Institute (US Department of Energy, Walnut Creek, CA) to SH and MB. MB was supported by an NSERC post-doctoral fellowship and a CIFAR Global Scholars fellowship. MC was supported by a Campus Alberta Innovates Program (CAIP) chair to MB

    Planeación estratégica para el simulador de empresas

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    En este documento se presenta el trabajo realizado en el simulador de negocios Capstone, en donde se desarrolló una estrategia de negocios para una empresa de sensores.ITESO, A.C

    Genomic diversity of burkholderia pseudomalleiIsolates, Colombia

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    We report an analysis of the genomic diversity of isolates of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the cause of melioidosis, recovered in Colombia from routine surveillance during 2016–2017. B. pseudomallei appears genetically diverse, suggesting it is well established and has spread across the region

    Tracing the assembly histories of galaxy clusters in the nearby universe

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    We have compiled a sample of 67 nearby (zz < 0.15) clusters of galaxies, for which on average more than 150 spectroscopic members are available, and, by applying different methods to detect substructures in their galaxy distribution, we have studied their assembly history. Our analysis confirms that substructures are present in 70% of our sample, having a significant dynamical impact in 57% of them. A classification of the assembly state of the clusters based on the dynamical significance of their substructures is proposed. In 19% of our clusters, the originally identified brightest cluster galaxy is not the central gravitationally dominant galaxy (CDG), but turns out to be either the second-rank, or the dominant galaxy of a substructure (a SDG, in our classification), or even a possible "fossil" galaxy in the periphery of the cluster. Moreover, no correlation was found in general between the projected offset of the CDG from the X-ray peak and its peculiar velocity. The comparison of the CDGs properties with the assembly states and dynamical state of the intracluster media, especially the core cooling status, suggests a complex assembly history, with clear evidence of co-evolution of the CDG and its host cluster in the innermost regions.Comment: Contains 33 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables. On the accompanying webpage ( http://www.astro.ugto.mx/recursos/HP_SCls/Top70.html ), we offer the complete set of figures describing all clusters presented in this articl

    Comparación de dos métodos usados para el reconocimiento de arritmias: experimento educativo controlado en estudiantes de medicina

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    Antecedentes. La habilidad para reconocer arritmias es esencial para los proveedores de reanimación cardiopulmonar avanzada. El desarrollo de esta habilidad es dispendioso y no se han identificado las mejores estrategias educativas para optimizar este proceso.Objetivo. Evaluar y comparar la efectividad y recordación de dos métodos de aprendizaje usados por estudiantes de medicina para reconocer arritmias cardíacas.Material y métodos. El estudio incluyó 99 estudiantes de medicina que se asignaron aleatoriamente a dos grupos. En un grupo se enseñó un método de cuatro pasos (n=51) y en el otro un método de diez pasos (n=48). En cada grupo se enseñó el método respectivo en una conferencia de 60 minutos de duración. Después se realizó una prueba específica para cada grupo con el fin de evaluar la percepción de “facilidad”, el uso y la recordación de cada método. Adicionalmente se evaluó la capacidad para reconocer arritmias en una prueba práctica general para los dos grupos.Resultados. Las características de base no eran diferentes entre los dos grupos antes de la asignación aleatoria. La capacidad para reconocer arritmias fue mejor en el grupo de cuatro pasos, porque aumenta la proporción de estudiantes con puntajes mayor o igual a 30 puntos sobre 50 (82% vs 19%; RR 4.39, IC 95% 2.40-8.02; NNT 2), aumenta la mediana de puntajes (34 ± 8 vs 23 ± 8; valor

    Espectroscopia Mössbauer para la caracterización de fases magnéticas en catalizadores del tipo MCM-41 modificados

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    Se prepararon silicatos mesoporosos del tipo MCM-41 modificados con hierro, mediante el método de impregnación húmeda. Se determinaron las distintas especies metálicas formadas según el contenido de hierro. Para esto se debió utilizar la técnica de espectroscopia Mössbauer, la cual nos dio información acerca de las fases presentes y el comportamiento magnético derivado de las mismas.Mesoporous silica MCM-41 modified with iron, by the method of wet impregnation were prepared. Different metallic species formed by the iron content were determined. This was due to using Mössbauer spectroscopy technique, which gave information about the phases present and the magnetic behavior derivative thereof.Instituto de Física La Plat

    A stochastic evaluation of the validity of an animal-health survey in Uruguay

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    This paper introduces spreadsheet simulation models to evaluate the validity of national or regional disease surveys aimed at identifying infection in populations of farm animals. The process of evaluation includes specification or calculation of cluster-level diagnostic test sensitivity (the proportion of animals with the disease which test positive) and specificity (the proportion of animals without the disease which test negative), which are obtained from two probability distributions of the number of positive tests at individual-level expected from infected and non-infected clusters, respectively. Probability distributions for the number of positive clusters expected in a situation of the herd prevalence are specified and used to define survey properties (the survey being considered a diagnostic system), and receiver operating characteristic curves (consisting of a plot of sensitivity and specificity pairs for different cut-off values) are drawn. The result of a survey implemented to determine the prevalence of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis in dairy cattle in Uruguay, South America was used to illustrate this approach. The models can be adapted to a wide range of survey designs in animal health and production.Facultad de Ciencias Veterinaria

    Psicoterapia y problemas actuales. Debates y alternativas

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    Ante la proliferación de fenómenos psicosociales, como el suicidio, la violencia sexual, los trastornos del comportamiento alimenticio y las crisis de identidad, emerge esta obra, como una respuesta reflexiva que aborda desde una pluralidad de perspectivas el quehacer psicoterapéutico, para favorecer una comprensión amplia de estas situaciones problema y ofrecer, desde la experiencia de sus autores, alternativas de entendimiento y de desarrollo de tratamientos para la atención de quienes las viven. El objetivo es compartir una comprensión innovadora de la práctica del psicoterapeuta, desde una mirada caracterizada por el diálogo interdisciplinario. Ello a partir de la recuperación de las estrategias implementadas frente a distintas coyunturas, así como a través de la reflexión personal en torno a la formación y el ejercicio profesional del psicoterapeuta, que pueden favorecer la retroalimentación y la generación de formas de intervención más adecuadas a la realidad de algunos dilemas contemporáneos y de los entornos en que estos se desenvuelven. Un libro recomendable para estudiantes, docentes y profesionales en el campo de la psicoterapia y la salud psicosocial.ITESO. A.C