10 research outputs found

    Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) participates in the cytotoxic response to nucleoside-derived drugs

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    Background: Nucleoside analogs used in the chemotherapy of solid tumors, such as the capecitabine catabolite 50-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (50-DFUR) trigger a transcriptomic response that involves the aquaglyceroporin aquaporin 3 along with other p53-dependent genes. Here, we examined whether up-regulation of aquaporin 3 (AQP3) mRNA in cancer cells treated with 50-DFUR represents a collateral transcriptomic effect of the drug, or conversely, AQP3 participates in the activity of genotoxic agents. Methods: The role of AQP3 in cell volume increase, cytotoxicity and cell cycle arrest was analyzed using loss-of-function approaches. Results: 50-DFUR and gemcitabine, but not cisplatin, stimulated AQP3 expression and cell volume, which was partially and significantly blocked by knockdown of AQP3. Moreover, AQP3 siRNA significantly blocked other effects of nucleoside analogs, including G1/S cell cycle arrest, p21 and FAS up-regulation, and cell growth inhibition. Short incubations with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) also induced AQP3 expression and increased cell volume, and the inhibition of AQP3 expression significantly blocked growth inhibition triggered by this drug. To further establish whether AQP3 induction is related to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, cells were exposed to long incubations with escalating doses of 5-FU. AQP3 was highly up-regulated at doses associated with cell cycle arrest, whereas at doses promoting apoptosis induction of AQP3 mRNA expression was reduced. Conclusions: Based on the results, we propose that the aquaglyceroporin AQP3 is required for cytotoxic activity of 5’-DFUR and gemcitabine in the breast cancer cell line MCF7 and the colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT29, and is implicated in cell volume increase and cell cycle arrest

    Paper dels transportadors de nucleòsids equilibratius en la sensibilitat a fàrmacs antineoplàsics

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    [cat] Els nucleòsids poden ser modificats estructuralment amb l'objectiu de generar compostos farmacològicament actius en el tractament de tumors sòlids i malalties limfoproliferatives. Aquests fàrmacs són internalitzats a través dels transportadors de nucleòsids, pel que la dotació de transportadors en les cèl.lules tumorals pot determinar la seva acció citotòxica. En base a aquestes dades l'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat analitzar el paper dels transportadors de nucleòsids en la sensibilitat a fàrmacs antineoplàsics derivats de nucleòsids, especialment en el tractament de malalties limfoproliferatives. La primera part de l'estudi va suposar la caracterització cinètica dels transportadors presents en la línia cel.lular derivada de leucèmia pro-limfocítica JVM-2, així com dels transportadors responsables de la captació de l'anàleg de nucleòsid fludarabina. Posteriorment, l'estudi es va estendre a la determinació dels nivells d'ARNm, proteïna i activitat dels transportadors de nucleòsids presents en cèl.lules de pacients de leucèmia limfàtica crònica. Paral.lelament, es va mesurar la seva sensibilitat a la fludarabina amb l'objectiu de determinar si existia algun tipus de correlació entre el transport i la citotoxicitat. Les dades obtingudes van demostrar que els nivells de proteïna d'hENT2 podien ser predictius de la sensibilitat a la fludarabina en la leucèmia limfàtica crònica. Per complementar els resultats obtinguts, es va realitzar un estudi equivalent amb línies cel.lulars derivades de limfoma de mantell, amb l'objectiu de comprovar el paper diferencial dels transportadors de nucleòsids equilibratius en la sensibilitat a anàlegs de nucleòsids en funció del tipus de malaltia i del fàrmac administrat. En aquest cas, va ser el transportador hENT1 el que es correlacionava amb la sensibilitat a la gemcitabina. Així doncs, atenent al paper que juguen els transportadors equilibratius en la sensibilitat a fàrmacs derivats de nucleòsids es va avaluar el paper del transportador hENT1 en la resposta transcripcional associada a la teràpia amb fluoropirimidines mitjançant la utilització de microarrays d'ADN. Com a model es va utilitzar la línia cel.lular derivada de tumor de mama MCF7, pel que inicialment es va realitzar una caracterització dels transportadors de nucleòsids presents en la línia, així com de les isoformes responsables de la captació de l'anàleg de nucleòsid 5'-desoxi-5-fluorouridina. L'avaluació del paper d'hENT1 es va realitzar mitjançant la inhibició farmacològica de la seva activitat amb NBTI. Els canvis d'expressió gènica obtinguts mitjançant els experiments de microarrays d'ADN van demostrar que la inhibició d'hENT1 bloqueja total o parcialment els canvis transcripcionals associats a l'acció del 5'-DFUR. Per tant, els resultats obtinguts demostren que els transportadors de nucleòsids equilibratius juguen un paper important en la sensibilitat a fàrmacs antineoplàsics derivats de nucleòsids.[eng] ROLE OF EQUILIBRATIVE NUCLEOSIDE TRANSPORTERS IN SENSITIVITY TO ANTINEOPLASIC DRUGS Nucleoside-derivatives are currently used in the treatment of tumours and hematological malignancies. Although intracellular events involved in the pharmacological action of these compounds have been extensively studied, the role of plasma membrane transporters in nucleoside-derived drug bioavailability and action in cancer cells has not been comprehensively addressed. We examined the expression patterns and activity of nucleoside transporters in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) patients and correlated them with in vitro fludarabine cytotoxicity. Among the known plasma membrane transporters, we observed a significant correlation between fludarabine uptake via ENT carriers and ex vivo sensitivity of CLL cells to fludarabine. Moreover, western blot results suggested a role of hENT2 in fludarabine responsiveness in CLL patients. A similar study was performed using mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) cells. In this case we found a significant correlation between protein and mRNA levels of hENT1, drug uptake and sensitivity to gemcitabine. Finally, we addressed the question of whether equilibrative nucleoside transporters contribute to the transcriptomic response associated with nucleoside-derived drug therapy. For this reason, we used a pharmacogenomic approach to determine which are the intracellular targets of 5'-DFUR action in breast cancer cell line MCF7 and how inhibition of hENT1 function contributes to the transcriptomic response. The study identified selected gene targets of 5'-DFUR action in a breast cancer cell model, and highlighted the relevant role hENT1-mediated drug uptake plays in drug action. Therefore, the results obtained further support that equilibrative nucleoside transporters are implicated in the therapeutic response to nucleoside analogues

    Aquaporin 3 (AQP3) participates in the cytotoxic response to nucleoside-derived drugs

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    Abstract Background Nucleoside analogs used in the chemotherapy of solid tumors, such as the capecitabine catabolite 5′-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5′-DFUR) trigger a transcriptomic response that involves the aquaglyceroporin aquaporin 3 along with other p53-dependent genes. Here, we examined whether up-regulation of aquaporin 3 (AQP3) mRNA in cancer cells treated with 5′-DFUR represents a collateral transcriptomic effect of the drug, or conversely, AQP3 participates in the activity of genotoxic agents. Methods The role of AQP3 in cell volume increase, cytotoxicity and cell cycle arrest was analyzed using loss-of-function approaches. Results 5′-DFUR and gemcitabine, but not cisplatin, stimulated AQP3 expression and cell volume, which was partially and significantly blocked by knockdown of AQP3. Moreover, AQP3 siRNA significantly blocked other effects of nucleoside analogs, including G1/S cell cycle arrest, p21 and FAS up-regulation, and cell growth inhibition. Short incubations with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) also induced AQP3 expression and increased cell volume, and the inhibition of AQP3 expression significantly blocked growth inhibition triggered by this drug. To further establish whether AQP3 induction is related to cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, cells were exposed to long incubations with escalating doses of 5-FU. AQP3 was highly up-regulated at doses associated with cell cycle arrest, whereas at doses promoting apoptosis induction of AQP3 mRNA expression was reduced. Conclusions Based on the results, we propose that the aquaglyceroporin AQP3 is required for cytotoxic activity of 5’-DFUR and gemcitabine in the breast cancer cell line MCF7 and the colon adenocarcinoma cell line HT29, and is implicated in cell volume increase and cell cycle arrest.</p