118 research outputs found

    A wireless method to obtain the impedance from scattering parameters

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    The coaxial wire method is a common and appreciated choice to assess the beam coupling impedance (BCI) of an accelerator element. Nevertheless, the results obtained from wire measurements could be inaccurate due to the presence of the stretched conductive. The aim of this work is to establish a solid technique to obtain the BCI from electromagnetic simulations, without modifications of the device under test. In this framework, we identified a new relation to get the resistive wall beam coupling impedance of a circular chamber directly from the scattering parameters. Furthermore, a possible generalization of the method to arbitrary cross section geometries has been studied and validated with numerical simulations

    Nominal LHC Beam Instability Observations in the CERN Proton Synchrotron

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    The nominal LHC beam has been produced successfully in the CERN Proton Synchrotron since 2003. However, after having restarted the CERN PS in spring 2006, the LHC beam was set-up and observed to be unstable on the 26 GeV/c extraction flat top. An intensive measurement campaign was made to understand the instability and to trace its source. This paper presents the observations, possible explanations and the necessary measures to be taken in order to avoid this instability in the future

    A New Type of distributed Enamel based Clearing Electrode

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    Clearing electrodes can be used for electron cloud (EC) suppression in high intensity particle accelerators. In this paper the use of low and highly resistive layers on a dielectric substrate are examined. The beam coupling impedance of such a structure is evaluated. Furthermore the clearing efficiency as well as technological issues are discussed

    Coupling Impedance of the CERN SPS beam position monitors

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    A detailed knowledge of the beam coupling impedance of the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) is required in order to operate this machine with a higher intensity for the foreseen Large Hadron Collider (LHC) luminosity upgrade. A large number of Beam Position Monitors (BPMs) is currently installed in the SPS, and this is why their contribution to the SPS impedance has to be assessed. This paper focuses on electromagnetic (EM) simulations and bench measurements of the longitudinal and transverse impedance generated by the horizontal and vertical BPMs installed in the SPS machine

    A Slow-Cycling Proton Driver for a Neutrino Factory

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    An 8 Hz proton driver for a neutrino factory of 4 MW beam power and an energy of 25-30 GeV is under study at CERN, in parallel with a similar investigation using a 2.2 GeV high-energy linac and an accumulator plus a compressor ring cycling at 75 Hz. At RAL, synchrotron drivers with final energies of 5 and 15 GeV cycling at 50 and 25 Hz, respectively, are being studied. With these four scenarios, one hopes to cope with all possible constraints emerging from the studies of the pion production target and the muon rotation and cooling system. The high beam energy of this scenario requires less proton current and could inject into the SPS above transition and upgrade LHC and fixed target physics. Its 440 kW booster would upgrade ISOLDE.The main problems of the driver synchrotron are: the requirement of about 4 MV RF voltage at 10 MHz for acceleration and adiabatic bunch compression to the required r.m.s length of 1 ns; the sensitivity of the compression to the impedance of the vacuum chamber and to non-linearities of the momentum compaction of the high-gt lattice

    3D City Models and urban information: Current issues and perspectives

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    Considering sustainable development of cities implies investigating cities in a holistic way taking into account many interrelations between various urban or environmental issues. 3D city models are increasingly used in different cities and countries for an intended wide range of applications beyond mere visualization. Could these 3D City models be used to integrate urban and environmental knowledge? How could they be improved to fulfill such role? We believe that enriching the semantics of current 3D city models, would extend their functionality and usability; therefore, they could serve as integration platforms of the knowledge related to urban and environmental issues allowing a huge and significant improvement of city sustainable management and development. But which elements need to be added to 3D city models? What are the most efficient ways to realize such improvement / enrichment? How to evaluate the usability of these improved 3D city models? These were the questions tackled by the COST Action TU0801 “Semantic enrichment of 3D city models for sustainable urban development”. This book gathers various materials developed all along the four year of the Action and the significant breakthroughs

    Design of a 2.2 GeV Accumulator and Compressor for a Neutrino Factory

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    The proton driver for a neutrino factory must provide megawatts of beam power at a few GeV, with nonosecond long bunches each containing more than 1x1012 protons. Such beam powers are within reach of a high-energy linac, but the required time structure cannot be provided without accumulation and compression. The option of a linac-based 2.2 GeV proton driver has been studied at CERN, taking into account the space charge and stability problems which make beam accumulation and bunch compression difficult at such a low-energy. A solution featuring two rings of approximately 1 km circumference has been worked out and is described in this paper. The subjects deserving further investigation are outlined

    Transverse Impedance of LHC Collimators

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    The transverse impedance in the LHC is expected to be dominated by the numerous collimators, most of which are made of Fibre-Reinforced-Carbon to withstand the impacts of high intensity proton beams in case of failures, and which will be moved very close to the beam, with full gaps of few millimetres, in order to protect surrounding super-conducting equipments. We present an estimate of the transverse resistive-wall impedance of the LHC collimators, the total impedance in the LHC at injection and top energy, the induced coupled-bunch growth rates and tune shifts, and finally the result of the comparison of the theoretical predictions with measurements performed in 2004 and 2006 on a prototype collimator installed in the SPS