106 research outputs found

    Isotropic and anisotropic pointing models

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    This paper describes an alternative approach for generating pointing models for telescopes equipped with serial kinematics, esp. equatorial or alt-az mounts. Our model construction does not exploit any assumption for the underlying physical constraints of the mount, however, one can assign various effects to the respective components of the equations. In order to recover the pointing model parameters, classical linear least squares fitting procedures can be applied. This parameterization also lacks any kind of parametric singularity. We demonstrate the efficiency of this type of model on real measurements with meter-class telescopes where the results provide a root mean square accuracy of 1.5-2 arcseconds.Comment: Accepted for publication in Exp. Astro

    Accurate Telescope Mount Positioning with MEMS Accelerometers

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    This paper describes the advantages and challenges of applying microelectromechanical accelerometer systems (MEMS accelerometers) in order to attain precise, accurate and stateless positioning of telescope mounts. This provides a completely independent method from other forms of electronic, optical, mechanical or magnetic feedback or real-time astrometry. Our goal is to reach the sub-arcminute range which is well smaller than the field-of-view of conventional imaging telescope systems. Here we present how this sub-arcminute accuracy can be achieved with very cheap MEMS sensors and we also detail how our procedures can be extended in order to attain even finer measurements. In addition, our paper discusses how can a complete system design be implemented in order to be a part of a telescope control system.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP, 12 page

    Amfipatikus molekulák agregációjának vizsgálata = Investigation of the aggregation properties of amphiphilic molecules

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    Munkánk során vizsgáltuk amfipatikus molekulák aggregátumait folyadék-gőz határfelületeken, lipid membránokban, illetve micellákban, fluid-fluid (folyadék-folyadék és folyadék-gőz) határfelületek tulajdonságait, illetve kis molekulák (pl. metanol, aceton, hangyasav) adszorpcióját fluid-fluid és szilárd-gőz határfelületeken. Vizsgálatainkat a perkolációszámításra vonatkozó metodológiai fejlesztések tették teljessé. Eredményeinkből 33, nemzetközi folyóiratban a projekt számának feltüntetésével közölt publikáció született. | In the project we have investigated aggregates of amphiphilic molecules at liquid/gas interfaces, in lipid membranes and in micelles, studied the properties of fluid/fluid (i.e., liquid/liquid and liquid/gas) interfaces, and the adsorption of various small molecules (e.g., methanol, acetone, formic acid) at fluid/fluid and solid/gas interfaces. Our investigations have been completed by methodological developments concerning percolation analysis. The results of these investigations have been published in 33 scientific papers in international journals by indicating the reference number of the project


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    The aim of the paper is to examine the provisions on electronic administration of the new Hungarian Code on Civil Procedure while also exploring some other related issues. Electronic communication in administrative and judicial matters was fostered by the European Union in order to develop e-government in member states. The first part of the study explores the EU’s policy on e-government which served as a framework for the member states to implement. The second part aims at giving an overview of the e-government initiatives in Hungary. It can be seen that there were several initiatives for advancing the development of e-government in the past, however they only came into fruition recently when the new code on civil procedure and the new act on administrative procedure were adopted. The last two parts of the paper give an overview of the aforementioned acts. It can be concluded that the legal profession is not quite ready for these changes

    Hexapod Design For All-Sky Sidereal Tracking

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    In this paper we describe a hexapod-based telescope mount system intended to provide sidereal tracking for the Fly's Eye Camera project -- an upcoming moderate, 21"/pixel resolution all-sky survey. By exploiting such a kind of meter-sized telescope mount, we get a device which is both capable of compensating for the apparent rotation of the celestial sphere and the same design can be used independently from the actual geographical location. Our construction is the sole currently operating hexapod telescope mount performing dedicated optical imaging survey with a sub-arcsecond tracking precision.Comment: Accepted for publication in PASP, 10 page

    Folyadékok és amorf anyagok szerkezetvizsgálata diffrakcióval és számítógépes modellezéssel = Structural investigations of liquids and amorphous solids by diffraction and computer modelling

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    Folyadékok és amorf anyagok atomi szintű szerkezetét határoztuk meg neutron- és röntgendiffrakciós, valamint röntgen-abszorpciós (EXAFS) kísérletekkel. A Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) számítógépes modellezési eljárás segítségével olyan 3 dimenziós, több ezer atomot tartalmazó szerkezeteket generáltunk, amelyek teljes mértékben (azaz a kísérleti hibán belül) konzisztensek voltak a felsorolt kísérleti adatok mindegyikével. A vázolt procedúra-sorozat ('protokoll') több, egymástól néha meglehetősen eltérő folyadék és amorf anyag szerkezetének megértését tette lehetővé a korábbiakban elképzelhetetlen részletességgel és bizonyossággal. E rövid összefoglalóba csak néhány példa említése fér: tetraéder alakú molekulákból álló folyadékokban (pl. szén-tetraklorid) a molekulák orientációs korrelációit tisztáztuk; vizes elektrolitoldatokban rögzítettük a diffrakciós adatok által megengedett koordinációs számokat és a hidrátszférákat jellemző szög-korrelációkat; a DVD-technológia alapjául szolgáló germánium-antimon-tellúr amorf ötvözet szerkezetét elsőként sikerült részletekbe menően tisztázni. A támogatott kutatómunka több mint 40, referált nemzetközi folyóiratban megjelent közleményt eredményezett, amelyek összesített impakt faktora meghaladja a 90-et (azaz 1 impakt-faktor pont 'egységára' kb. 150 eFt volt). | The atomic level structure of liquids and amorphous materials have been determined by neutron and X-ray diffraction, as well as X-ray absorption (EXAFS) experiments. By means of the Reverse Monte Carlo (RMC) computer modelling teachnique, 3 dimensional structures (containing thousands of particles) have been generated that were fully consistent (within experimental errors) with all of the aformentioned experimental data. The series of procedures ('protocol') outlined above made it possible to understand the structure of various (sometimes, rather different) liquids and amorphous materials at an unprecedented level and certainty. Only a few representative examples can be mentioned in such a short summary: we were able to clarify correlations between molecular orientations in liquids containing tethedral molecules (such as carbon tatrachloride); for some aqueous elctrolyte solutions, we have determined the range of coordinations numbers and angular corrrelations that are allowed by diffraction data; the structure of germanium-antimony-tellurium amorphous alloy that forms tha basis of DVD technology could be determined to fine details. The reserach supported by the present OTKA grant resulted in more than 40 publications in referred international scientific journals, with a cumulative impact factor that exceeds 90 (that is, the 'unit price' of 1 impact factor point was about 150 kHUF)
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