454 research outputs found
Trade flows analysis in textile sector between China, EU-28 and selected group of countries (2008-2014). A gravity model
Treball Final de Grau en Economia. Codi: EC1049. Curs acadèmic 2015-2016In an increasingly globalized world, political and economic relations between countries
are of great importance. This article shows the existing business relationship between
China and the European Union from 2008 to 2014. Thus focusing on the textile sector,
we want to analyze the impact that have exports and Chinese trade flows on the
countries of the European Union during the period of economic crisis that has affected
the world economy. It is analyzed by a gravitational econometric analysis, which
variables are the most important and which ones have more value in the field of study
we refer. Furthermore, subsequently, and in order to make a more accurate estimate,
another econometric model will be estimated including, apart from the 28 countries of
the European Union, the United States, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Australia,
Argentina, Mexico, Morocco and New Zealand, thereby increasing the number of
El proceso de creación de juegos de golpeo y fildeo mediante la hibridación de modelos de enseñanza
The initial occasional experiences designed to promote the invention of games by the students in physical education settings have evolved towards the creation of more structured and extensive teaching units. In the design of these new units, teachers tend to use various teaching models in order to increase the educational potential and the desired results. In this article, we review the existing literature on the design of games and we show the elements of each instructional model that articulate our proposal. Finally,we present and comment an experience carried out with students of 1º ESO (first year of Secondary Compulsory Education), where studentswere invited to create sports games of hitting and fielding. Under the framework of the Sport Education Model, the structure of the teaching unit responded to an eclectic approach that emphasized understanding, cooperation and creativity.Las experiencias puntuales dirigidas a la creación de juegos deportivos por el alumnado de Educación Física han dado paso a unidades didácticas más estructuradas y extensas abordadas bajo la combinación de varios modelos de enseñanza que permiten aumentar su potencial didáctico y multiplicar los resultados deseados. En este artículo realizamos una revisión de los trabajos dirigidos al diseño de juegos por el alumnado, mostramos los elementos de los modelos de enseñanza que articulan nuestra propuesta e informamos de una experiencia realizada con alumnado de 1º de ESO al que invitamos a crear juegos deportivos de golpeo y fildeo en una unidad didáctica estructurada bajo el marco del Modelo de "Sport Education" y a través de los enfoques de enseñanza comprensivo, cooperativo y creativo
Pigou's Dividend versus Ramsey's Dividend in the Double Dividend Literature
The aims of this paper are to highlight misinterpretations of policy assessments in the double dividend literature, to specify which of the efficiency costs and benefits should be ascribed to each dividend, and then, to propose a definition for the first dividend and the second dividend. We found the Pigou's dividend more appropiate for policy guidance than the usual Ramsey's dividend. Finally, the paper analyzes a green tax reform for the US economy to illustrate the advantages of the new definitions proposed in this paper: i) overcome some shortcoming of the mainstream current definitions in the literature regarding overestimation of the efficiency costs; and, ii) provide information by themselves and not as a partial view of the whole picture.Double dividend, Green Tax Reforms, Ramsey's dividend, Pigou's dividend
Assessment of adolescent self-constructed material use in physical education
the goals of this research project were three: study how secondary education students value self-made materials, assess their effects while used to teach sport, and analyze how the students’ perspective on these materials change over age and gender. Students from a high school in the north part of Spain agreed to participate. They belonged to 1st, 2nd, and 4th year of secondary education. They were asked to build their own self-made cardboard ringo with recycled materials to use it during an ultimate learning unit. A hybrid instructional method (tactical games + sport education) was used along 8-10 sessions. After the intervention, subjects filled out a 15-item questionnaire (1-5 likert point scale). Overall results showed that subjects did not consider that building the ringo was hard. Finding the material was not difficult, either. They also thought that using the ringo was more fun than using the traditional Frisbee. Younger students valued the experience higher than older subjects. The usage of self-made materials was more attractive, motivating and useful for 1st year subjects. They also though that this type of material had helped them improve their throwing and catching skills. They even wanted to use it in extracurricular setting
Sport education model versus traditional model: Effects on motivation and sportsmanship
El objetivo de este trabajo fue comparar los efectos que provocan los modelos de enseñanza Tradicional y de Educación Deportiva en la motivación y deportividad del alumnado de educación física, incluyendo también un tercer nivel de tratamiento, variante del modelo de Educación Deportiva, en el que se empleó material autoconstruido. Se realizó un diseño cuasi-experimental con tres niveles de tratamiento y medidas pretest y postest de cuatro variables dependientes: metas de logro, metas de amistad, necesidades psicológicas básicas y la deportividad durante la enseñanza del ultimate. Accedieron a participar un total de 295 estudiantes de secundaria y bachillerato cuyas edades oscilaban entre los 12-17 años. Los resultados indicaron mejoras
significativas en las metas de evitación del rendimiento, metas de amistad, necesidades psicológicas básicas y subescalas de deportividad en ambos grupos de Educación DeportivaThe goal of the present project was to compare the effects of three different instructional models: (Traditional, Sport Education and Sport Education with Self-Made Materials) on physical education students' motivation and sportsmanship. A quasi-experimental design with three levels of treatment was used. Pretest and posttest scores on achievement goals, friendship, psychological needs and sportsmanship were obtained after the application of a learning unit of ultimate in a school in the northern part of Spain. A total of 295 secondary school students, ages 12-17, agreed to participate. Results showed significant increases in performance-avoidance goals, friendship goals, basic psychological needs and sportsmanship in both Sport Education groups. Sport Education seems to offer more advantages than the traditional teaching method to develop adolescents achievement and social goals, as well as sportsmanship, in physical educatio
Integrating basic competences into physical education (Pe) in Primary Education
El objeto de este estudio fue evaluar la percepción de los maestros de
Educación Física (EF) del Principado de Asturias sobre el proceso de
incorporación de las competencias básicas (CCBB) en el currículo del área. Un
total de 151 maestros de EF (46,6% de la población) contestaron a un
cuestionario ad hoc compuesto por 12 ítems mediante una escala Likert de 6
puntos. Los resultados mostraron una plena incorporación de las CCBB a las
programaciones, sin embargo, el nivel de desarrollo en la práctica resulta ser
más bajo. Ser mujer, joven y contar con una elevada formación específica
emergieron como factores diferenciales del trabajo competencial. Las
competencias de carácter transversal fueron valoradas de mayor relevancia que
las relacionadas con determinadas áreas curriculares. Se discute la profundidad
del cambio emprendido por los docentes y el supuestamente requerido.
Finalmente, se abordan sus implicaciones de cara al tipo de formación
específicaThe purpose of this study was to assess Primary Education Physical Education
(PE) teachers’ perspectives of the process of incorporating the Basic
Competences (BBCC) into the curriculum of the Principality of Asturias. A total
of 151 PE teachers (46.6% of the whole population) answered an ad hoc
questionnaire of 12 items using a 6-point Likert scale. The results showed a full
incorporation of the BBCC in the PE program. However, the degree of
development in practice turned out to be lower. Being female, young, and
having a high-level and specific training emerged as differentiating factors.
Cross-cutting skills were valued more than those related to the specific
curricular areas. The depth of change undertaken by the teachers compared to
the required changed are discussed. Finally, implications to address specific
training are also introduce
Efectos de dos formatos instructivos, Educación Deportiva e Instrucción Directa, en la respuesta psicológica de estudiantes de secundaria
The goal of this study was to examine the effects of two instructional approaches, Sport Education and Direct Instruction, in a large sample of Spanish secondary education students’ psychological response. 217 (113 males, 104 females) students (12-17 years) from one urban, coeducational high school (grades 8-11th) agreed to participate. On each grade, all subjects were randomly distributed in two study groups: the experimental group experienced Sport Education, while the comparison group experienced Direct Instruction. Several subscales extracted from different questionnaires (PLOC, BPNES, IMI, SGS-PE, PMCSQ-2) were used to measure the effects of the intervention program. All data was analyzed using the SPSS 19.0 statistical program. Results showed that the Sport Education group significantly improved intrinsic motivation, autonomy, competence, interest, boredom, social responsibility, social relationship and cooperative learning. The Direct Instruction group showed significant gains only in autonomy, social responsibility and cooperative learning. Sport Education can significantly promote adaptive psychological responses in adolescents.El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar los efectos de dos formatos instructivos, Educación Deportiva e Instrucción Directa, en la respuesta psicológica de un grupo de estudiantes de secundaria. 217 (113 varones, 104 mujeres) estudiantes (12-17 años) de un colegio urbano (de 1º a 4º ESO) accedieron a participar. En cada nivel, todos los sujetos fueron distribuidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos de estudio: el grupo experimental experimentó Educación Deportiva y el grupo comparativo experimentó Instrucción Directa. Diferentes sub-escalas extraídas de varios cuestionarios (PLOC, BPNES, IMI, SGS-PE, PMCSQ-2) fueron usadas para medir los efectos del programa de intervención. Los datos fueron analizados utilizando el programa estadístico SPSS 19.0. Los resultados mostraron que el grupo de Educación Deportiva mejoró de manera significativa la motivación intrínseca, la autonomía, la competencia, el interés, el aburrimiento, la responsabilidad social, las relaciones sociales y el aprendizaje cooperativo. El grupo de Instrucción Directa mostró mejoras significativas solo en autonomía, responsabilidad social y aprendizaje cooperativo. La Educación Deportiva puede promover respuestas psicológicas adaptativas en adolescentes
Resultados académicos, cognitivos y físicos de dos estrategias para integrar movimiento en el aula: clases activas y descansos activos
The main objective was to review the scientific evidence about the effects of two strategies that integrate movement in classroom lessons (physically active academic lesson and active brakes) on academic, cognitive and health outcomes. Physically active lessons reinforce academic contents by directly connecting them with certain physical activities, while active breaks use physical activity as a recovery from the academic load without necessarily connect with curricular contents. Systematic reviews and meta-analysis published in the last five years are examined and the focus is on relevant teaching implications. It is concluded that integrating movement in academic lessons has the potential not only to improve levels of students´ moderate and vigorous physical activity during school day, but also to increase learning facilitators such as concentration, cognition and time on task, as well as the executive functions of organization, and academic performance.El principal objetivo fue revisar la evidencia científica sobre los efectos de dos estrategias que integran movimiento en las clases de aula (clases académicas físicamente activas y descansos activos) en resultados académicos, cognitivos y de salud. Las clases físicamente activas refuerzan el contenido académico conectándolo directamente con determinadas actividades físicas, mientras que los descansos activos utilizan la AF como recuperación de la carga académica sin conectar necesariamente con contenidos curriculares. Se examinan las revisiones y meta-análisis publicadas en los últimos cinco años y se pone el foco en implicaciones docentes relevantes. Se concluye que integrar movimiento en las clases académicas tiene el potencial no solo de mejorar los niveles de actividad física modera y vigorosa de los estudiantes durante la jornada escolar, sino también de incrementar facilitadores del aprendizaje como la concentración, la cognición y el tiempo en la tarea, así como las funciones ejecutivas de organización, y el rendimiento académico
Beneficios físicos, intrapersonales e interpersonales de las intervenciones en el patio de recreo en educación primaria
The increase in sedentary and child obesity rates worries internationally. Data from Spain reveal an alarming increase in the prevalence of childhood and adolescent obesity, which reaches 15.9% in children aged 6 to 9 years. Compulsory schooling has the potential to alleviate this pandemic and to promote active habits among all schoolchildren, with a relatively low effort and cost. This requires the implementation of intervention programs and effective strategies. This study reviews the research evidence that has analyzed the impact of interventions on recess time applied in primary schools not only at a physical level (physical activity) but also at the intrapersonal (e.g., motivation, behavior, individual attitudes, etc.) and interpersonal level (e.g., social relationship). It is concluded that multi-component programs (several intervention strategies) and those that serve different strata of influencing factors are more effective and complete than uni-component interventions (only one strategy). Finally, practical implications are suggested for principals and teachers.Las tasas de sedentarismo y obesidad infantil preocupan a nivel internacional. En España existe un incremento alarmante de obesidad infanto-juvenil, que alcanza el 15.9% en niños de 6 a 9 años. La escolarización obligatoria tiene el potencial de paliar esta pandemia y de promover hábitos activos entre los escolares con un esfuerzo y coste relativamente bajos. Para ello es preciso implementar programas de intervención y estrategias eficaces. El presente estudio revisa la evidencia de investigación que ha analizado el impacto de las intervenciones durante los periodos de recreo aplicadas en educación primaria en la dimensión física (actividad física), intrapersonal (p. ej., motivación, comportamiento, actitudes) e interpersonal (p. ej., relación social). Los programas multicomponente (varias estrategias de intervención) y aquellos que atienden a diversos estratos de factores influyentes resultan más eficaces y completos que las intervenciones unicomponente (solo una estrategia). Se sugieren implicaciones prácticas para gestores y docentes de centros escolares
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