9 research outputs found

    Recent news from the Dodona Oracle. Apropos of a recent monography by Eric Lhote

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    Se anuncia la inminente aparición del primer volumen del Corpus de las Láminas Oraculares de Dodona con más de 4.000 fragmentos, mayoritariamente inéditos. Entretanto, Éric Lhôte ha presentado en fecha reciente una cuidada edición de los textos oraculares de Dodona previamente publicados, que incluye un estudio pormenorizado de los problemas que plantean. En este artículo-reseña se discuten algunas de las interpretaciones de Lhôte.The imminent appearance of the first volume of the Corpus of Oracular Lamellae of Dodona, with over 4.000 mostly unpublished fragments, has been announced. Meanwhile, Eric Lhôte has recently brought out a carefully crafted edition of previously published oracular texts from Dodona, together with a detailed study of the problems they entail. In this review-article we discuss some of Lhôte's interpretations

    En torno al dialecto de Acaya y sus colonias en la Magna Grecia (A proposito de un reciente libro de Alberto Giacomelli)

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    A book by A. Giacomelli provides occasion for this review-article where recent dialectological research on the inscriptions of Achaean colonies in Magna Graecia is critically surveyed. The problems addressed include some idiosyncratic uses of and , linguistic contact in Magna Graecia (pre-Achaean remnants, convergence, Doric Koiná), nom. H(έ)ρακλες, etc. Special attention is paid to the debate of whether the Achaean dialect originally belonged in the Doris mitior with a system of seven long vowels, as the evidence furnished by recent inscriptions in Peloponnesian Achaea seems to suggest, or -to judge from the scanty data available for the colonies- in the Doris severior with only five long vowels. Contrary to current opinion, it is the mother city which must have preserved the original situation.A book by A. Giacomelli provides occasion for this review-article where recent dialectological research on the inscriptions of Achaean colonies in Magna Graecia is critically surveyed. The problems addressed include some idiosyncratic uses of and , linguistic contact in Magna Graecia (pre-Achaean remnants, convergence, Doric Koiná), nom. H(έ)ρακλες, etc. Special attention is paid to the debate of whether the Achaean dialect originally belonged in the Doris mitior with a system of seven long vowels, as the evidence furnished by recent inscriptions in Peloponnesian Achaea seems to suggest, or -to judge from the scanty data available for the colonies- in the Doris severior with only five long vowels. Contrary to current opinion, it is the mother city which must have preserved the original situation

    por ante vocal en griego, el valor del signo en Tespias y otras cuestiones

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    El significado del adjetivo ἔναυλος en Sófocles, Filoctetes 158 y en Eurípides, Fenicias 1573

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    Theadjective ἔναυλος,-ονis a hypostatic compound based on the phraseἐν αὐλῇ.InSophocles’ Philoctetes, it refers to the interior of the cavern where the protagonist lives (αὐλή‘dwelling’). In Euripides’ Phoenician Women, Eteocles and Polinices are compared in a simile to two lions fighting. The adjective ἐναύλουςhas been previously interpreted as meaning ‘being in a den / cave’ or, alternatively, ‘quarrelling over a den / cave’. A different meaning is here proposed: the lions fight pent up (αὐλή‘pen, fold’) in the space between the two armies.El adjetivo ἔναυλος, -ονes un compuesto hipostático sobre el sintagma ἐν αὐλῇ. En el Filoctetes de Sófocles, hace referencia al interior de la gruta donde vive el protagonista (αὐλή‘vivienda, alojamiento’). En un símil de Las fenicias de Eurípides se compara a Eteocles y Polinices con unos leones que luchan. Según la interpretación tradicional, el adjetivo ἐναύλουςsignifica ‘que están en una cueva / guarida’ o, alternativamente, ‘que pelean por una cueva / guarida’). Aquí se propone un significado distinto: los leones luchan acorralados (αὐλή‘redil, corral’) en el espacio intermedio entre los dos ejércitos

    En torno al dialecto de Acaya y sus colonias en la Magna Grecia (A proposito de un reciente libro de Alberto Giacomelli)

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    A book by A. Giacomelli provides occasion for this review-article where recent dialectological research on the inscriptions of Achaean colonies in Magna Graecia is critically surveyed. The problems addressed include some idiosyncratic uses of and , linguistic contact in Magna Graecia (pre-Achaean remnants, convergence, Doric Koiná), nom. H(έ)ρακλες, etc. Special attention is paid to the debate of whether the Achaean dialect originally belonged in the Doris mitior with a system of seven long vowels, as the evidence furnished by recent inscriptions in Peloponnesian Achaea seems to suggest, or -to judge from the scanty data available for the colonies- in the Doris severior with only five long vowels. Contrary to current opinion, it is the mother city which must have preserved the original situation

    La polisemia del gr. "argós" ("blanco", "veloz")

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    Novedades en el oráculo de Dodona: a propósito de una reciente monografía de Éric Lhôte

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    The imminent appearance of the first volume of the Corpus of Oracular Lamellae of Dodona, with over 4.000 mostly unpublished fragments, has been announced. Meanwhile, Eric Lhôte has recently brought out a carefully crafted edition of previously published oracular texts from Dodona, together with a detailed study of the problems they entail. In this review-article we discuss some of Lhôte's interpretations.Se anuncia la inminente aparición del primer volumen del Corpus de las Láminas Oraculares de Dodona con más de 4.000 fragmentos, mayoritariamente inéditos. Entretanto, Éric Lhôte ha presentado en fecha reciente una cuidada edición de los textos oraculares de Dodona previamente publicados, que incluye un estudio pormenorizado de los problemas que plantean. En este artículo-reseña se discuten algunas de las interpretaciones de Lhôte

    Movimiento ficticio en griego antiguo: tras las huellas del viajero (in)visible

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