754 research outputs found

    Modeling on-grate MSW incineration with experimental validation in a batch incinerator

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    This Article presents a 2-D steady-state model developed for simulating on-grate municipal solid waste incineration, termed GARBED-ss. Gas-solid reactions, gas flow through the porous waste particle bed, conductive, convective, and radiative heat transfer, drying and pyrolysis of the feed, the emission of volatile species, combustion of the pyrolysis gases, the formation and oxidation of char and its gasification by water vapor and carbon dioxide, and the consequent reduction of the bed volume are described in the bed model. The kinetics of the pyrolysis of cellulosic and noncellulosic materials were experimentally derived from experimental measurements. The simulation results provide a deep insight into the various phenomena involved in incineration, for example, the complete consumption of oxygen in a large zone of the bed and a consequent char-gasification zone. The model was successfully validated against experimental measurements in a laboratory batch reactor, using an adapted sister version in a transient regime. © 2010 American Chemical Society

    Thermodynamic study of heavy metals behavior during municipal waste incineration

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    The incineration of municipal solid waste (MSW) contributes significantly to the presence of heavy metals in urban area aerosols. It is thus important to ascertain the quantities and chemical forms of the heavy metals (HM) that are emitted from the incineration plant stacks. The behaviour of HM, which depends strongly on the thermal and chemical environments, was investigated herein with a modelling approach, consisting of several parts. First, a refuse bed combustion model was developed for simulating on-grate MSW incineration. It describes most of the physico-chemical and thermal phenomena occurring during waste combustion. Second, results from the bed model were taken as boundary conditions to perform 3D simulations of the post-combustion zone and of the boiler. The case studied was of the Strasbourg incineration plant. Finally, the local thermal conditions and the local elementary compositions of gas and solid phases obtained from these simulations were used to carry out thermodynamic calculations of the speciation of HM at each point in the incinerator. The results for four metals (Cd, Zn, Pb, Cr) are presented, discussed and compared to available data. Predicted species are in agreement with observations for volatile metals, except lead, whose volatilization seems overestimated

    Comparison of the altimetric signal with in situ measurements in the Tropical Atlantic ocean

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    An intensive survey of XBT and surface salinity sampling was carried out during september/october 1988 to compare surface dynamic heigh anomalies and altimetric anomalies along a line close to a GEOSAT satellite track in the Tropical Atlantic ocean, 15°N-18°S. Hydrography and altimetry agree within 4 cm rms, except in the Southern part of the section (South of 5°S). In the Northern hemisphere, the correlation between the two data sets is about 0.80 and the two power spectra present the same energy level .... The hydrographic data show an unusual tongue of fresh water around 7°N that results in positive dynamic height anomalies of about 10 dyn cm. The GEOSAT data analysed during the same period also show these anomalies with a similar scale. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Variability of the tropical Atlantic in 1986-1987 as observed by Geosat and in situ data

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    Launched in March 1985, the US Navy altimetric satellite GEOSAT gives the opportunity to the oceanographers to study the sea level variations with a high spatial and temporal resolution. We used 18 cycles of GEOSAT data from November 1986 until August 1987 to obtain the sea level variability in the Tropical Atlantic first results are in genet with those obtained through historical hydrographic data and evidence an interannual event concerning the equatorial upwelling which seems to be also present in simultaneous in situ data. (Résumé d'auteur

    Constraints on the disk geometry of the T Tauri star AA Tau from linear polarimetry

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    We have simultaneously monitored the photometric and polarimetric variations of the Classical T Tauri star AA Tau during the fall of 2002. We combine these data with previously published polarimetric data covering two earlier epochs. The phase coverage is complete, although not contiguous. AA Tau clearly shows cyclic variations coupled with the rotation of the system. The star-disk system produces a repeatable polarisation curve where the polarisation increases with decreasing brightness. The data fit well with the model put forward by Bouvier et al. (1999) where AA Tau is viewed almost edge-on and its disk is actively dumping material onto the central star via magnetospheric accretion. The inner edge of the disk is deformed by its interaction with the tilted magnetosphere, producing eclipses as it rotates and occults the photosphere periodically. From the shape of the polarisation curve in the QU-Plane we confirm that the accretion disk is seen at a large inclination, almost edge-on, and predict that its position angle is PA~90 deg., i.e., that the disk's major axis is oriented in the East-West direction.Comment: Astron. Astrophys., in pres

    Geosat sea-level assimilation in a tropical Atlantic model using Kalman filter

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    We present preliminary results on Geosat altimetric data assimilation in a linear vertical mode model of the tropical Atlantic Ocean. The Kalman filter technique is used to assimilate altimetric data along one track at a time as the satellite over-flies the basin. Sensitivity and validation tests have been performed with simulated data. The results obtained with Geosat data are presented and compared on a monthly basis with objective analysis of altimetric data and oceanic general circulation model results

    Matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization BIOTYPER: experience in the routine of a University hospital

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    AbstractMatrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) is positioned at the forefront of bacterial identification in the future. Its performance needed to be evaluated in a routine Bacteriology laboratory to determine its true benefits. A prospective study was carried out in the Bacteriology laboratory of the Pellegrin University Hospital in Bordeaux, France, from April to May 2009. Bacterial isolates from clinical samples were identified by conventional phenotypic bacteriological methods [Phoenix (Becton-Dickinson) or API strips (bioMérieux)] and in parallel with a mass spectrometer (Ultraflex III TOF/TOF and the biotyper database from Bruker Daltonics). In case of a discrepancy between these results at the genus level, a 16S rRNA and/or rpoB gene sequencing was performed. Of the 1013 bacteria tested, 837 (82.6%) were correctly identified at the species level by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (MS) without extraction and 189 after extraction, i.e. 986 (97.3%) were correctly identified at the species level by MALDI-TOF MS, vs. 945 (93.2%) by phenotypic methods. Indeed, the extraction step was necessary for only 15% of the isolates. These results were even better when considering the genus, reaching almost 99% with MALDI-TOF MS and 98% with phenotypic methods. The performance of MALDI-TOF MS is very attractive considering its efficiency and rapidity, and the technique constitutes a precious tool for bacteriological identification in a routine laboratory

    Determination of melamine, ammeline, ammelide and cyanuric acid in infant formula purchased in Canada by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    A liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-based isotope dilution method was developed for the analysis of the triazine compounds melamine (MEL), ammeline (AMN), ammelide (AMD) and cyanuric acid (CYA) in infant formula samples purchased in Canada in 2008 for the purpose of a combined exposure and risk assessment. Infant formula samples were extracted with 1:1 acetonitrile–water, cleaned up on disposable ion-exchange solid-phase extraction cartridges, and analysed by ultra-high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. MEL and CYA were detected in almost all infant formula products: the highest concentrations observed were 0.32 mg kg−1 MEL and 0.45 mg kg−1 CYA. Samples that were relatively high in MEL in this survey tended to be low in CYA, and vice versa. Concentrations of AMN and AMD were very low in all samples. The total of MEL-related compounds (sum of all four analytes) in all samples was below the interim standard of 0.5 mg kg−1 for infant formula products established by Health Canada

    Development of an Hexapod BioMicroRobot with Nafion-Pt IPMC microlegs

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    This paper presents an artificial locomotion servo-system for an insect like hexapod BioMicroRobot (BMR). This servo-system, programmed with VHDL code, will act as a driver in a RISC architecture microcontroller to reproduce insect tripod walking. An overview of the robot control system, in accordance with the insect displacement principle, is demonstrated with timing parameters. A control algorithm of the six legs driving the robot in any direction versus Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is reviewed. BMR microlegs are built with cylindrical Nafion-Pt Ionomeric Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) that have 2.5 degrees of freedom. Specific fabrication process for one leg is exposed. Dynamic behavior and microleg characteristics have been measured in deionized water using a laser vibrometer. BMR current consumption is an important parameter evaluated for each leg. Hardware test bench to acquired measurement is presented. The purpose of this design is to control a BMR for biomedical goals like implantation in human body. Experimental results on the proposed legs are conclusive for this type of bioinspired BMR
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