
Development of an Hexapod BioMicroRobot with Nafion-Pt IPMC microlegs


This paper presents an artificial locomotion servo-system for an insect like hexapod BioMicroRobot (BMR). This servo-system, programmed with VHDL code, will act as a driver in a RISC architecture microcontroller to reproduce insect tripod walking. An overview of the robot control system, in accordance with the insect displacement principle, is demonstrated with timing parameters. A control algorithm of the six legs driving the robot in any direction versus Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is reviewed. BMR microlegs are built with cylindrical Nafion-Pt Ionomeric Polymer-Metal Composite (IPMC) that have 2.5 degrees of freedom. Specific fabrication process for one leg is exposed. Dynamic behavior and microleg characteristics have been measured in deionized water using a laser vibrometer. BMR current consumption is an important parameter evaluated for each leg. Hardware test bench to acquired measurement is presented. The purpose of this design is to control a BMR for biomedical goals like implantation in human body. Experimental results on the proposed legs are conclusive for this type of bioinspired BMR

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