16 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex (M1) on ipsilesional hand dexterity in adult macaque monkeys

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    Although the arrangement of the corticospinal projection in primates is consistent with a more prominent role of the ipsilateral motor cortex on proximal muscles, rather than on distal muscles involved in manual dexterity, the role played by the primary motor cortex on the control of manual dexterity for the ipsilateral hand remains a matter a debate, either in the normal function or after a lesion. We, therefore, tested the impact of permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion on the manual dexterity of the ipsilateral hand in 11 macaque monkeys, within a time window of 60days post-lesion. For comparison, unilateral reversible pharmacological inactivation of the motor cortex was produced in an additional monkey. Manual dexterity was assessed quantitatively based on three motor parameters derived from two reach and grasp manual tasks. In contrast to the expected dramatic, complete deficit of manual dexterity of the contralesional hand that persists for several weeks, the impact on the manual dexterity of the ipsilesional hand was generally moderate (but statistically significant) and, when present, lasted less than 20days. Out of the 11 monkeys, only 3 showed a deficit of the ipsilesional hand for 2 of the 3 motor parameters, and 4 animals had a deficit for only one motor parameter. Four monkeys did not show any deficit. The reversible inactivation experiment yielded results consistent with the permanent lesion data. In conclusion, the primary motor cortex exerts a modest role on ipsilateral manual dexterity, most likely in the form of indirect hand postural contro

    Assessment of the effect of continuous theta burst stimulation of the motor cortex on manual dexterity in non-human primates in a direct comparison with invasive intracortical pharmacological inactivation

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    Non-invasive reversible perturbation techniques of brain output such as continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS), commonly used to modulate cortical excitability in humans, allow investigation of possible roles in functional recovery played by distinct intact cortical areas following stroke. To evaluate the potential of cTBS, the behavioural effects of this non-invasive transient perturbation of the hand representation of the primary motor cortex (M1) in non-human primates (two adult macaques) were compared with an invasive focal transient inactivation based on intracortical microinfusion of GABA-A agonist muscimol. The effects on the contralateral arm produced by cTBS or muscimol were directly compared based on a manual dexterity task performed by the monkeys, the “reach and grasp” drawer task, allowing quantitative assessment of the grip force produced between the thumb and index finger and exerted on the drawer's knob. cTBS only induced modest to moderate behavioural effects, with substantial variability on manual dexterity whereas the intracortical muscimol microinfusion completely impaired manual dexterity, producing a strong and clear cortical inhibition of the M1 hand area. In contrast, cTBS induced mixed inhibitory and facilitatory/excitatory perturbations of M1, though with predominant inhibition. Although cTBS impacted on manual dexterity, its effects appear too limited and variable in order to use it as a reliable proof of cortical vicariation mechanism (cortical area replacing another one) underlying functional recovery following a cortical lesion in the motor control domain, in contrast to potent pharmacological block generated by muscimol infusion, whose application is though limited to an animal model such as non-human primate

    Behavioral Assessment of Manual Dexterity in Non-Human Primates

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    The corticospinal (CS) tract is the anatomical support of the exquisite motor ability to skillfully manipulate small objects, a prerogative mainly of primates1. In case of lesion affecting the CS projection system at its origin (lesion of motor cortical areas) or along its trajectory (cervical cord lesion), there is a dramatic loss of manual dexterity (hand paralysis), as seen in some tetraplegic or hemiplegic patients. Although there is some spontaneous functional recovery after such lesion, it remains very limited in the adult. Various therapeutic strategies are presently proposed (e.g. cell therapy, neutralization of inhibitory axonal growth molecules, application of growth factors, etc), which are mostly developed in rodents. However, before clinical application, it is often recommended to test the feasibility, efficacy, and security of the treatment in non-human primates. This is especially true when the goal is to restore manual dexterity after a lesion of the central nervous system, as the organization of the motor system of rodents is different from that of primates1,2. Macaque monkeys are illustrated here as a suitable behavioral model to quantify manual dexterity in primates, to reflect the deficits resulting from lesion of the motor cortex or cervical cord for instance, measure the extent of spontaneous functional recovery and, when a treatment is applied, evaluate how much it can enhance the functional recovery

    Role of primary motor cortex in the control of manual dexterity assessed via sequential bilateral lesion in the adult macaque monkey: A case study

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    From a case study, we describe the impact of unilateral lesion of the hand area in the primary motor cortex (M1) on manual dexterity and the role of the intact contralesional M1 in long-term functional recovery. An adult macaque monkey performed two manual dexterity tasks: (i) “modified Brinkman board” task, assessed simple precision grip versus complex precision grip, the latter involved a hand postural adjustment; (ii) “modified Klüver board” task, assessed movements ranging from power grip to precision grip, pre-shaping and grasping. Two consecutive unilateral M1 lesions targeted the hand area of each hemisphere, the second lesion was performed after stable, though incomplete, functional recovery from the primary lesion. Following each lesion, the manual dexterity of the contralesional hand was affected in a comparable manner, effects being progressively more deleterious from power grip to simple and then complex precision grips. Both tasks yielded consistent data, namely that the secondary M1 lesion did not have a significant impact on the recovered performance from the primary M1 lesion, which took place 5 months earlier. In conclusion, the intact contralesional M1 did not play a major role in the long-term functional recovery from a primary M1 lesion targeted to the hand area

    Asymmetric and distant effects of a unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex on the bilateral supplementary motor areas in adult macaque monkeys

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    A restricted lesion of the hand area in the primary motor cortex (M1) leads to a deficit of contralesional manual dexterity, followed by an incomplete functional recovery, accompanied by plastic changes in M1 itself and in other cortical areas on both hemispheres. Using the marker SMI-32 specific to pyramidal neurons in cortical layers III and V, we investigated the impact of a focal unilateral M1 lesion (hand representation) on the rostral part (F6) and caudal part (F3) of the supplementary motor area (SMA) in both hemispheres in nine adult macaque monkeys compared with four intact control monkeys. The M1 lesion induced a consistent interhemispheric asymmetry in density of SMI-32-positive neurons in F3 layer V (statistically significant in 8 of 9 lesioned monkeys), highly correlated with the lesion volume and with the duration of functional recovery, but not with the extent of functional recovery itself. Such interhemispheric asymmetry was neither present in the intact monkeys, as expected, nor in F6 in all monkeys. In addition, the M1 lesion also impacted on the basal dendritic arborization of F3 layer V neurons. Neuronal density was clearly less affected by the M1 lesion in F3 layer III compared with layer V. We interpret the remote effect of M1 lesion onto the density of SMI-32-positive neurons and dendritic arborization in the SMAs bilaterally as the consequence of multiple factors, such as changes of connectivity, diaschisis and various mechanisms involved in cortical plasticity underlying the functional recovery from the M1 lesion. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The motor system of macaque monkeys, in addition to be similarly organized as in humans, is a good candidate to study the impact of a focal lesion of the main contributor to voluntary movements, the primary motor cortex (M1), on non-primary motor cortical areas also involved in manual dexterity, both at behavioral and structural levels. Our results show that a unilateral permanent lesion of M1 hand area in nine monkeys affects the interhemispheric balance of the number of SMI-32-positive pyramidal neurons in the cortical layer V of the supplementary motor area, in a way strongly correlated to the lesion volume and duration of the incomplete functional recovery

    Short-term effects of unilateral lesion of the primary motor cortex (M1) on ipsilesional hand dexterity in adult macaque monkeys

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    Although the arrangement of the corticospinal projection in primates is consistent with a more prominent role of the ipsilateral motor cortex on proximal muscles, rather than on distal muscles involved in manual dexterity, the role played by the primary motor cortex on the control of manual dexterity for the ipsilateral hand remains a matter a debate, either in the normal function or after a lesion. We, therefore, tested the impact of permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion on the manual dexterity of the ipsilateral hand in 11 macaque monkeys, within a time window of 60 days post-lesion. For comparison, unilateral reversible pharmacological inactivation of the motor cortex was produced in an additional monkey. Manual dexterity was assessed quantitatively based on three motor parameters derived from two reach and grasp manual tasks. In contrast to the expected dramatic, complete deficit of manual dexterity of the contralesional hand that persists for several weeks, the impact on the manual dexterity of the ipsilesional hand was generally moderate (but statistically significant) and, when present, lasted less than 20 days. Out of the 11 monkeys, only 3 showed a deficit of the ipsilesional hand for 2 of the 3 motor parameters, and 4 animals had a deficit for only one motor parameter. Four monkeys did not show any deficit. The reversible inactivation experiment yielded results consistent with the permanent lesion data. In conclusion, the primary motor cortex exerts a modest role on ipsilateral manual dexterity, most likely in the form of indirect hand postural control

    Representation of motor habit in a sequence of repetitive reach and grasp movements performed by macaque monkeys: Evidence for a contribution of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex

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    In the context of an autologous cell transplantation study, a unilateral biopsy of cortical tissue was surgically performed from the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) in two intact adult macaque monkeys (dlPFC lesioned group), together with the implantation of a chronic chamber providing access to the left motor cortex. Three other monkeys were subjected to the same chronic chamber implantation, but without dlPFC biopsy (control group). All monkeys were initially trained to perform sequential manual dexterity tasks, requiring precision grip. The motor performance and the prehension's sequence (temporal order to grasp pellets from different spatial locations) were analysed for each hand. Following the surgery, transient and moderate deficits of manual dexterity per se occurred in both groups, indicating that they were not due to the dlPFC lesion (most likely related to the recording chamber implantation and/or general anaesthesia/medication). In contrast, changes of motor habit were observed for the sequential order of grasping in the two monkeys with dlPFC lesion only. The changes were more prominent in the monkey subjected to the largest lesion, supporting the notion of a specific effect of the dlPFC lesion on the motor habit of the monkeys. These observations are reminiscent of previous studies using conditional tasks with delay that have proposed a specialization of the dlPFC for visuo-spatial working memory, except that this is in a different context of “free-will”, non-conditional manual dexterity task, without a component of working memory

    Case study: the contributions of a FabLab to a Bachelor cursus in Occupational Therapy

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    The aim of this research is to explore the contributions of FabLabs in applied tertiary education (Bachelor University of Applied Sciences – UAS), and particularly in the form of hybrid teaching modules, combining academic subjects and maker experience. FabLabs can offer services to the professors of various academic fields to reinvent their teaching methodologies, incorporating making as a way to transmit knowledge and enhance student engagement. We have also established with higher education professors and lecturers in mind, the conditions for the implementation of such modules in order to guarantee their success. A pilot project has been conducted with occupational therapy students consisting of a one-semester module of 30 periods, dedicated to developing and prototyping in order to adapt toys and games to be used by children with cerebral palsy of the spastic hemiplegia type. The FabLab was the place where prototypes were made, but also where exchange, collaboration and creativity were catalysed. Our observations showed that the students developed three types of skills: technical (use of digital 3D CAD software and machines), occupational, in the field of occupational therapy (observation and analysis of the accessibility of the environment, solution-oriented approach aimed at increasing occupational performance and participation) and relational (creativity, agility, collaboration). Commitment and pleasure of learning were present throughout the module. The conditions for the success were the co-construction of the learning experience by both the professors and the labmanagers in charge of the FabLab, the establishment of a pedagogical scenario, and constant, open communication between them

    Effects of unilateral motor cortex lesion on ipsilesional hand's reach and grasp performance in monkeys: relationship with recovery in the contralesional hand

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    Manual dexterity, a prerogative of primates, is under the control of the corticospinal (CS) tract. As 90-95% of CS axons decussate, it is assumed that this control is exerted essentially on the contralateral hand. Consistently, unilateral lesion of the hand representation in the motor cortex is followed by a complete loss of dexterity of the contralesional hand. During the months following lesion, spontaneous recovery of manual dexterity takes place to a highly variable extent across subjects, although largely incomplete. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that after a significant post-lesion period, manual performance in the ipsilesional hand is correlated with the extent of functional recovery in the contralesional hand. To this aim, ten adult macaque monkeys were subjected to permanent unilateral motor cortex lesion. Monkeys' manual performance was assessed for each hand during several months post-lesion, using our standard behavioral test (modified Brinkman board task) that provides a quantitative measure of reach and grasp ability. The ipsilesional hand's performance was found to be significantly enhanced on the long-term (100-300 days post-lesion) in 6 out of 10 monkeys, with the six exhibiting the best, though incomplete, recovery of the contralesional hand. There was a statistically significant correlation (r=0.932; p0.001) between performance in the ipsilesional hand after significant post-lesion period and the extent of recovery of the contralesional hand. This observation is interpreted in terms of different possible mechanisms of recovery, dependent on the recruitment of motor areas in the lesioned and/or intact hemispheres