22 research outputs found

    A global ocean atlas of eukaryotic genes

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    While our knowledge about the roles of microbes and viruses in the ocean has increased tremendously due to recent advances in genomics and metagenomics, research on marine microbial eukaryotes and zooplankton has benefited much less from these new technologies because of their larger genomes, their enormous diversity, and largely unexplored physiologies. Here, we use a metatranscriptomics approach to capture expressed genes in open ocean Tara Oceans stations across four organismal size fractions. The individual sequence reads cluster into 116 million unigenes representing the largest reference collection of eukaryotic transcripts from any single biome. The catalog is used to unveil functions expressed by eukaryotic marine plankton, and to assess their functional biogeography. Almost half of the sequences have no similarity with known proteins, and a great number belong to new gene families with a restricted distribution in the ocean. Overall, the resource provides the foundations for exploring the roles of marine eukaryotes in ocean ecology and biogeochemistry

    Autopsie d’une prophĂ©tie : interprĂ©tations dissidentes de l’Apocalypse de Jean

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    L’Apocalypse de Jean pose Ă  l’intelligence une double Ă©nigme. Une Ă©nigme historique, exĂ©gĂ©tique et philologique, car on ne s’accorde toujours pas, malgrĂ© un apparent consensus, sur l’identitĂ© de son auteur, sur l’époque Ă  laquelle le texte a Ă©tĂ© Ă©crit, ni sur le sens des visions qui s’y dĂ©ploient. Une Ă©nigme philosophique et psychologique ensuite, car on ignore toujours la nature profonde de l’expĂ©rience prophĂ©tique. Dans cet article, l’auteur examine tour Ă  tour ces deux Ă©nigmes, en donnant la parole aux points de vue dissidents. Dans la premiĂšre partie de son texte, il se penche sur l’enquĂȘte de Claude Tresmontant, et dans la deuxiĂšme il s’efforce d’éclairer l’expĂ©rience prophĂ©tique Ă  la lumiĂšre des concepts et des connaissances de la mĂ©tapsychique.The Apocalypse of John faces us with a puzzle. Firstly from a historical, philological and exegetical point of view, as despite an apparent consensus, there is still no agreement on the identity of its author, the time the text was written, and the meaning of the visions it unfolds. And secondly from a philosophical and psychological perspective as the very nature of prophetic experience is still unknown. In this article both puzzles are dealt with in turn, and conflicting opinions are discussed. In the first part, the author examines Claude Tresmontant’s work, and attempts in the second to look at the prophetic experience in the light of concepts and knowledge from parapsychology

    C. Berge, L'au-delà et les Lyonnais. Mages, médiums et francs-maçons du XVIIIe au XXe siÚcle

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    Méheust Bertrand. C. Berge, L'au-delà et les Lyonnais. Mages, médiums et francs-maçons du XVIIIe au XXe siÚcle. In: L'Homme, 1996, tome 36 n°139. pp. 165-167

    C. Berge, L'au-delà et les Lyonnais. Mages, médiums et francs-maçons du XVIIIe au XXe siÚcle

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    Méheust Bertrand. C. Berge, L'au-delà et les Lyonnais. Mages, médiums et francs-maçons du XVIIIe au XXe siÚcle. In: L'Homme, 1996, tome 36 n°139. pp. 165-167

    Autopsie d’une prophĂ©tie : interprĂ©tations dissidentes de l’Apocalypse de Jean

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    The Apocalypse of John faces us with a puzzle. Firstly from a historical, philological and exegetical point of view, as despite an apparent consensus, there is still no agreement on the identity of its author, the time the text was written, and the meaning of the visions it unfolds. And secondly from a philosophical and psychological perspective as the very nature of prophetic experience is still unknown. In this article both puzzles are dealt with in turn, and conflicting opinions are discussed. In the first part, the author examines Claude Tresmontant’s work, and attempts in the second to look at the prophetic experience in the light of concepts and knowledge from parapsychology

    Le Prince et le pĂȘcheur. Remarques sur un cas de divination dans le Tchouang-tseu

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    The Prince and the Fisherman : reflections on a divination case in the Zhuangzi Until today, parapsychologists studying the workings of the world beyond the human sensorium and academics researching divination have not been in dialogue. My paper aims to demonstrate, by means of a case study, the type of dialogue that could emerge between those two fields of research. An edifying story in Zhuangzi about a divinatory dream and a sacred tortoise offers a platform to facilitate this dialogue. This example will demonstrate the fructifying potential of such comparative work between East and West.Jusqu'Ă  prĂ©sent, les parapsychologues qui Ă©tudient les pouvoirs extrasensoriels, et les universitaires qui travaillent sur la divination ont persistĂ© Ă  s' ignorer. Mon article a pour but de montrer sur un exemple concret le type de dialogue qui pourrait s'instaurer entre ces deux domaines de recherche. Un apologue du Tchouang-tseu, oĂč il est question d'un rĂȘve divinatoire et d'une tortue sacrĂ©e, fournit l'occasion d'amorcer cet Ă©change. À travers cet exemple, on voit s'esquisser le projet de travaux comparatifs fĂ©conds entre l'Orient et l'Occident, qui permettaient de transcender les habituels cloisonnements culturels.Bertrand MĂ©heust mi&zmmmMj&Mmmmm. M^'E^-wmmnm^wmMtMrn-^m $kÂźrmm. mmmm-m?, mmnumm&m-xmmifzmmftftmtfi fĂą^-Mmm, ÈkmttMMmmmxikmM*MĂ©heust Bertrand. Le Prince et le pĂȘcheur. Remarques sur un cas de divination dans le Tchouang-tseu. In: ExtrĂȘme-Orient, ExtrĂȘme-Occident, 2007, n°29. De l'esprit aux esprits. EnquĂȘte sur la notion de shen. Of self and spirits : exploring shen in China, sous la direction de Romain Graziani et Roel Sterckx. pp. 179-189

    Les Occidentaux du XXe siĂšcle ont-ils cru Ă  leurs mythes?

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    Méheust Bertrand. Les Occidentaux du XXe siÚcle ont-ils cru à leurs mythes?. In: Communications, 52, 1990. Rumeurs et légendes contemporaines, sous la direction de Véronique Campion-Vincent et Jean-Bruno Renard. pp. 337-356

    Entretien avec Bertrand MĂ©heust

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    PrĂ©sentation de Bertrand MĂ©heust Bertrand MĂ©heust est docteur en sociologie, auteur d’une thĂšse sur l’histoire des dĂ©bats autour du magnĂ©tisme animal (MĂ©heust, 1999), prolongation d’un DEA de philosophie consacrĂ© au mesmĂ©risme Ă  l’universitĂ© de Dijon en 1981. Il est aussi l’auteur de deux ouvrages qui proposent de rapprocher les expĂ©riences suscitĂ©es par des observations d’ovnis avec la science-fiction populaire et le folklore fantastique. Bertrand MĂ©heust est l’un des rares chercheurs qui s’..