558 research outputs found

    Lihula mÀlestusmÀrgi juhtum avaliku arutelu objektina

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    The goal of this thesis was to describe the arising and development of public opinion regarding the monument of Lihula, with local level and interviews with the local people being under closer study. Another goal was to give an overview of media coverage and then to compare the coverage with discussions amongst people. The keywords of this baccalaureate thesis are “public opinion,” “publicity,” “public discussions” and “agenda setting.” This study used the methods of media content analysis and interviews. The content analysis of headlines and photos/photo signatures in Eesti PĂ€evaleht, Postimees and LÀÀne Elu combined with 28 short interviews and 8 long interviews gave an overview of media coverage and the forming of public opinion. Hyperactive media coverage is definitely one of the main results that needs mentioning and more importantly, the length and amplitude of this discussion – more than six months later it is still on the agenda. Comparing the printed editions of Eesti PĂ€evaleht and Postimees during the observed period (3.09.2004-17.09.2004), we see that EPL published more articles, while PM forwarded more online news. EPL published 71 headlines and PM 60. Half of the articles were published on the opinion pages – opinion articles dominated in EPL and readers letters dominated in PM, while LÀÀne Elu didn’t publish any readers letters. The general attitude towards the government was more negative in EPL, though the local newspaper LÀÀne Elu exceeded even that. All three newspapers were negatively disposed towards the government and prime minister Parts, the same can be said about national and local public opinions. Worth mentioning is also the fact that PM published much bigger and colored photos than EPL. The main results of analyzing interviews was the way how during the week attitude towards police changed less critical, but more critical towards acting local people. Attitude against government stayed constantly negative. The case of Lihula monument as a public discussion object went through all the phases of public opinion development except the last one which was finding the solution. The under-subjects were and will be added continuously and in this circumstance the main issue is left in shadow and public discussion is being developed in totally other directions.http://tartu.ester.ee/record=b1740372~S1*es

    LebensqualitĂ€t bei deutschsprachigen Patienten mit RĂŒckenmarkverletzungen und Blasenfunktionsstörungen: Validierung der deutschen Adaption des QualiveenÂź-Fragebogens

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    Zusammenfassung: Hintergrund: Blasenfunktionsstörungen bei RĂŒckenmarkverletzten können zu erheblichen EinschrĂ€nkungen der LebensqualitĂ€t fĂŒhren. Zur Erfassung existiert ein validierter Fragebogen in französischer Sprache. Ziel war es, den Fragebogen in deutscher Sprache zu validieren. Material und Methoden: Übersetzung, sprachliche und interkulturelle Adaption erfolgten in Kooperation mit einer Forschungsstelle fĂŒr Gesundheitssystemforschung. Die so entstandene Version wurde von 439Patienten an 18 Zentren in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz ausgefĂŒllt. Die Daten wurden deskriptiv hinsichtlich klinischer und soziodemographischer Charakteristika ausgewertet. Die GĂŒtekriterien der Items und Skalen wurden mit einer detaillierten Skalenanalyse geprĂŒft. Ergebnisse: Die Stichprobe bestand aus 65,8% Paraplegikern und 32,8% Tetraplegikern. Interne Konsistenz, ReliabilitĂ€t und ValiditĂ€t des Fragebogens waren sehr gut. Differenzielle Effekte in den erhobenen klinischen Variablen wurden sichtbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Der QualiveenÂź-Fragebogen steht als erstes Instrument in deutscher Sprache zur Untersuchung des Einflusses von Blasenfunktionsstörungen auf die LebensqualitĂ€t bei RĂŒckenmarkverletzten zur VerfĂŒgun

    Vom Mythos der Chancengleichheit : Frauen und Gleichberechtigung in Liechtenstein

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    Immer mehr Frauen in Liechtenstein sind heute berufstĂ€tig und immer besser ausgebildet. Gleichzeitig sind die Frauenanteile im Landtag seit 2013 rĂŒcklĂ€ufig. Der ausgebliebenen, aber eigentlich erwarteten Anpas-sung der neuen Gegebenheiten an die politische Partizipation der Frauen kann nur auf den Grund gegangen werden, indem die PhĂ€nomene Chancengleichheit und Gleichberechtigung auf gesamtgesellschaftlicher und nicht nur auf politischer Ebene untersucht werden. Eine nĂ€here Betrachtung der FrauenerwerbstĂ€tigkeit zeigt auch fĂŒr Liechtenstein Traditionalisierungseffekte im Erwerbsverlauf, geschlechtsspezifische Berufs-wahlen ebenso wie eine allgemeine Zweiteilung der Gesellschaft in mĂ€nnliche (bezahlte) und weibliche (un-bezahlte) Bereiche. Mit dieser Zuschreibung verbunden sind auch eine Ungleichbewertung beider Bereiche und weitere qualitative Unterschiede, welche MĂ€nner (die weniger unbezahlte Arbeit verrichten) bevortei-len und Frauen (die den grossen Teil dieser Arbeit erledigen) benachteiligen. Da die zunehmende Erwerbs-tĂ€tigkeit der Frauen keine Zunahme unbezahlter Arbeit durch die MĂ€nner zur Folge hatte, verstĂ€rken sich die Ungleichheiten nun vielmehr auch zwischen den Frauen. In der „neuen Dienstbotengesellschaft“ können es sich einige Frauen „leisten“, erwerbstĂ€tig zu sein indem sie unbezahlte Arbeit externalisieren. Andere mĂŒssen schlecht bezahlte Arbeit und gleichzeitig auch noch unbezahlte Arbeit unter einen Hut bringen

    Frauen und politische Parteien in Liechtenstein

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    Eine Analyse der Wahlergebnisse der liechtensteinischen Landtagswahlen seit der EinfĂŒhrung des Frauenstimmrechtes von 1984 zeigt, dass sich die LĂŒcke zwischen der Kandidatur von Frauen und deren tatsĂ€chlicher Wahlerfolg im Laufe der Zeit immer mehr geschlossen hat und damit die Wahlchancen der Frauen gestiegen sind. Gleich geblieben ist hingegen die Anzahl der Kandidaten. Experteninterviews sollen zeigen, warum es den liechtensteinischen Parteien nicht gelingt, mehr Frauen auf ihre Wahllisten zu bringen. Eine Ansiedelung von ErklĂ€rungsfaktoren auf der individuellen Ebene, der Meso- und der Makroebene zeigt, dass sich insbesondere das System der „politischen Kaltstarts“ und der Rekrutierung mittels Kooption fĂŒr Frauen negativ auswirken kann. Auch der vermeintlich positive Effekt des VerhĂ€ltniswahlrechtes wird in Liechtenstein durch die Möglichkeiten des Panaschierens, welche primĂ€r MĂ€nnern zugute kommen, abgeschwĂ€cht. Im Vergleich mit Deutschland und der Schweiz zeigt sich, dass die Frauenanteile in allen drei LĂ€ndern stagnieren, jedoch auf unterschiedlichen Niveaus. Da die Wege in die Politik fĂŒr Frauen in Liechtenstein grundsĂ€tzlich kĂŒrzer wĂ€ren als in LĂ€ndern wie Deutschland oder der Schweiz, stellt sich die Frage, ob die Frauenförderungsmassnahmen der politischen Parteien in Liechtenstein zu kurz greifen bzw. zu wenig verbindlich sind

    Metastable anions of dinitrobenzene: resonances for electron attachment and kinetic energy release

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    Attachment of free, low-energy electrons to dinitrobenzene (DNB) in the gas phase leads to DNB as well as several fragment anions. DNB, (DNB-H), (DNB-NO), (DNB-2NO), and (DNB-NO(2)) are found to undergo metastable (unimolecular) dissociation. A rich pattern of resonances in the yield of these metastable reactions versus electron energy is observed; some resonances are highly isomer-specific. Most metastable reactions are accompanied by large average kinetic energy releases (KER) that range from 0.5 to 1.32 eV, typical of complex rearrangement reactions, but (1,3-DNB-H)(-) features a resonance with a KER of only 0.06 eV for loss of NO. (1,3-DNB-NO)(-) offers a rare example of a sequential metastable reaction, namely, loss of NO followed by loss of CO to yield C(5)H(4)O(-) with a large KER of 1.32 eV. The G4(MP2) method is applied to compute adiabatic electron affinities and reaction energies for several of the observed metastable channels. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3514931

    Revealing the Ion Chemistry Occurring in High Kinetic Energy-Ion Mobility Spectrometry: A Proof of Principle Study

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    Here, we present proof of principle studies to demonstrate how the product ions associated with the ion mobility peaks obtained from a High Kinetic Energy-Ion Mobility Spectrometer (HiKE-IMS) measurement of a volatile can be identified using a Proton Transfer Reaction/Selective Reagent Ion-Time-of-Flight-Mass Spectrometer (PTR/SRI-ToF-MS) when operating both instruments at the same reduced electric field value and similar humidities. This identification of product ions improves our understanding of the ion chemistry occurring in the ion source region of a HiKE-IMS. The combination of the two analytical techniques is needed, because in the HiKE-IMS three reagent ions (NO+, H3O+ and O2+‱) are present at the same time in high concentrations in the reaction region of the instrument for reduced electric fields of 100 Td and above. This means that even with a mass spectrometer coupled to the HiKE-IMS, the assignment of the product ions to a given reagent ion to a high level of confidence can be challenging. In this paper, we demonstrate an alternative approach using PTR/SRI-ToF-MS that allows separate investigations of the reactions of the reagent ions NO+, H3O+ and O2+‱. In this study, we apply this approach to four nitrile containing organic compounds, namely acetonitrile, 2-furonitrile, benzonitrile and acrylonitrile. Both the HiKE-IMS and the PTR/SRI-ToF-MS instruments were operated at a commonly used reduced electric field strength of 120 Td and with gas flows at the same humidities

    PTR-MS studies of the reactions of H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup> with a number of deuterated volatile organic compounds and the subsequent sequential reactions of the primary product ions with water under normal and humid drift tube conditions::implications for use of deuterated compounds for breath analysis

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    Product ion distributions resulting from the primary reactions of H3O+ with nine D-labeled volatile organic compounds and the subsequent sequential reactions with H2O have been determined using a Proton Transfer Reaction Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (PTR-TOF 8000 (IONICON Analytik GmbH)) at various reduced electric field (E/N) values ranging from 80 up to 150 Td and for two different absolute humidity levels of air sample < 0.1% and 5%. The specific D-labeled compounds used in this study are acetone-d6, toluene-d8, benzene-d6, ethanol-d (C2H5OD), ethanol-d2 (CH3CD2OH), ethanol-d6, 2-propanol-d8, 2-propanol-d3 (CD3CH(OH)CH3), and isoprene-d5 (CH2CHC(CD2)CD3). With the exception of the two 2-propanol compounds, non-dissociative proton transfer is the dominant primary reaction pathway. For 2-propanol-d8 and 2-propanol-d3 the major primary reaction channel involved is dissociative proton transfer. However, unlike their undeuterated counterparts, the primary product ions undergo subsequent deuterium/hydrogen isotope exchange reactions with the ever present water in the drift tube, the extent of which of course depends on the humidity within that tube. This exchange leads to the generation of various isotopologue product ions, the product ion branching percentages of which are also dependent on the humidity in the drift tube. This results in complex mass spectra and the distribution of product ions leads to issues of reduced sensitivity and accuracy. However, the effect of D/H exchange considerably varies between the compounds under study. In the case of acetone-d6 it is very weak (<1%), because the exchange process is not facile when the deuterium is in the methyl functional group. In comparison, the H3O+/ benzene-d6 (C6D6) reaction and sequential reactions with water result in the production of the isotopologue ions C6Dn(H7-n)+ (where n = 0–6). Changing the value of E/N and/or the humidity in the drift tube considerably affects the amount of the isotope exchange reactions and hence the resulting sequential product ion distributions. An important conclusion of the findings from this work is that care must be taken in the choice of an exogenous deuterated compound for use in breath pharmacokinetic studies using proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry; otherwise the resulting D/H exchange processes impose interpretative problems. © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    A novel "Correlated Ion and Neutral Time Of Flight" Method: event-by-event detection of neutral and charged fragments in Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) of mass selected ions

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    accepté dans Rev. Sci. Instrum.A new mass spectrometric MS-MS method based on Time Of Fight measurements performed on an event-by-event detection technique is presented. This "COrrelated Ion and Neutral Time of Flight (COINTOF)" method allows to explore CID fragmentation processes by directly identifying not only all ions and neutral fragments produced but also their arrival time correlations within each single fragmentation event from a dissociating molecular ion. This constitutes a new step in the characterization of molecular ions. The method will be illustrated here for a prototypical case involving Collision Induced Dissociation (CID) of protonated water clusters H+(H2O)n=1-5 upon collisions with argon atoms

    Collision induced cluster fragmentation: From fragment size distributions to the caloric curve

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    IPMInternational audienceWe report on a cluster fragmentation study involving collisions of high-energy (60 keV/amu) H3+(H2)m hydrogen cluster ions (m=9, 11) with atomic helium or fullerenes. The experimental characterisation of the cluster fragmentation not only by the average fragment size distribution but also by a statistical analysis of the fragmentation events has become possible owing to a recently developed multi-coincidence technique in which all the fragments of all collisions occurring in the experiment are mass analysed on an event-by-event basis. By selecting specific decay reactions we can start after the energizing collision with a microcanonical cluster ion ensemble of fixed excitation energy. From the respective fragment distributions for these selected decay reactions we derive corresponding temperatures of the decaying cluster ions. The relation between this temperature and the excitation energy (caloric curve) exhibits the typical prerequisites of a first order phase transition in a finite system, in the present case signalling the transition from a bound cluster type situation to the free gas phase
