58 research outputs found

    Revisiting Svenskby, Southeastern Finland: Communications Regarding Low-Magnitude Earthquakes in 1751–1752

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    This investigation examines the contemporary documentation of a sequence of low-magnitude earthquakes at the fringes of the Kingdom of Sweden, today Southeastern Finland, in 1751–1752. A total of 11 pages of original correspondence sent from the target village of Svenskby to the Swedish capital Stockholm are reviewed. Newspaper accounts from Sweden and Russia are included in the analysis, and a timeline of the reporting is constructed. A newly created catalog shows over 30 distinct events between the end of October and December 1751 (Julian calendar). The assignment of macroseismic intensity to the earthquakes is hampered by loud acoustic effects that accompany and/or constitute the observations. Maximum intensities are assessed at IV–V (European Macroseismic Scale 1998), and maximum macroseismic magnitudes in the range of MM1.9–2.4, and were probably observed at short epicentral distances close to the ground surface. Comparisons to macroseismic data related to instrumentally recorded earthquakes in the region support the notion of low magnitudes. The data from 1751 provide an analog to modern macroseismic observations from geothermal stimulation experiments. Such experiments have acted as a spur for considering seismic risk from low-magnitude earthquakes whose consequences have seldom previously been a matter for concern

    Revisiting Svenskby, Southeastern Finland: Communications Regarding Low-Magnitude Earthquakes in 1751–1752

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    This investigation examines the contemporary documentation of a sequence of low-magnitude earthquakes at the fringes of the Kingdom of Sweden, today Southeastern Finland, in 1751–1752. A total of 11 pages of original correspondence sent from the target village of Svenskby to the Swedish capital Stockholm are reviewed. Newspaper accounts from Sweden and Russia are included in the analysis, and a timeline of the reporting is constructed. A newly created catalog shows over 30 distinct events between the end of October and December 1751 (Julian calendar). The assignment of macroseismic intensity to the earthquakes is hampered by loud acoustic effects that accompany and/or constitute the observations. Maximum intensities are assessed at IV–V (European Macroseismic Scale 1998), and maximum macroseismic magnitudes in the range of MM1.9–2.4, and were probably observed at short epicentral distances close to the ground surface. Comparisons to macroseismic data related to instrumentally recorded earthquakes in the region support the notion of low magnitudes. The data from 1751 provide an analog to modern macroseismic observations from geothermal stimulation experiments. Such experiments have acted as a spur for considering seismic risk from low-magnitude earthquakes whose consequences have seldom previously been a matter for concern

    Makroseismologian antia Pohjolan seismisyyden tutkimukselle

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    This work focuses on the role of macroseismology in the assessment of seismicity and probabilistic seismic hazard in Northern Europe. The main type of data under consideration is a set of macroseismic observations available for a given earthquake. The macroseismic questionnaires used to collect earthquake observations from local residents since the late 1800s constitute a special part of the seismological heritage in the region. Information of the earthquakes felt on the coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia between 31 March and 2 April 1883 and on 28 July 1888 was retrieved from the contemporary Finnish and Swedish newspapers, while the earthquake of 4 November 1898 GMT is an example of an early systematic macroseismic survey in the region. A data set of more than 1200 macroseismic questionnaires is available for the earthquake in Central Finland on 16 November 1931. Basic macroseismic investigations including preparation of new intensity data point (IDP) maps were conducted for these earthquakes. Previously disregarded usable observations were found in the press. The improved collection of IDPs of the 1888 earthquake shows that this event was a rare occurrence in the area. In contrast to earlier notions it was felt on both sides of the Gulf of Bothnia. The data on the earthquake of 4 November 1898 GMT were augmented with historical background information discovered in various archives and libraries. This earthquake was of some concern to the authorities, because extra fire inspections were conducted in three towns at least, i.e. Tornio, Haparanda and PiteĂ„, located in the centre of the area of perceptibility. This event posed the indirect hazard of fire, although its magnitude around 4.6 was minor on the global scale. The distribution of slightly damaging intensities was larger than previously outlined. This may have resulted from the amplification of the ground shaking in the soft soil of the coast and river valleys where most of the population was found. The large data set of the 1931 earthquake provided an opportunity to apply statistical methods and assess methodologies that can be used when dealing with macroseismic intensity. It was evaluated using correspondence analysis. Different approaches such as gridding were tested to estimate the macroseismic field from the intensity values distributed irregularly in space. In general, the characteristics of intensity warrant careful consideration. A more pervasive perception of intensity as an ordinal quantity affected by uncertainties is advocated. A parametric earthquake catalogue comprising entries from both the macroseismic and instrumental era was used for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment. The parametric-historic methodology was applied to estimate seismic hazard at a given site in Finland and to prepare a seismic hazard map for Northern Europe. The interpretation of these results is an important issue, because the recurrence times of damaging earthquakes may well exceed thousands of years in an intraplate setting such as Northern Europe. This application may therefore be seen as an example of short-term hazard assessment.Om makroseismologins roll vid studiet av Fennoskandias seismicitet Denna avhandling fokuserar pĂ„ makroseismologi. Den utgör del av icke-instrumentell seismologi som sysslar med skriftliga dokument om jordskalvseffekterna i synnerhet i bebyggd miljö. Makroseismiska iakttagelser omspĂ€nner tidsmĂ€ssigt betydligt lĂ€ngre perioder Ă€n instrumentella registreringar. Den makroseismiska undersökningens uppgift Ă€r att söka skriftliga kĂ€llor om jordskalv i forntid och textkritiskt bearbeta vĂ€sentlig information ur diverse arkivfynd. Jordstötarna mellan den 31 mars och 2 april 1883 samt den 28 juli 1888 vĂ€ckte uppmĂ€rksamhet i Österbotten och VĂ€sterbotten. Alla tillgĂ€ngliga uppgifter om dessa skalv insamlades ur dĂ„tidens dagspress och utarbetades till kartor som visar var intensiteten var störst och hur den avtog i olika riktningar. (Makroseismisk) intensitet Ă€r ett mĂ„tt pĂ„ effekternas styrka och mĂ„ste skiljas frĂ„n begreppet magnitud, som Ă€r unikt för varje jordskalv. Året 1888 var det pĂ„verkade omrĂ„det mera vidstrĂ€ckt Ă€n man tidigare trott. Det omfattade bĂ„da sidorna av norra Bottenhavet. Jordskalvet den 5 november 1898 (lokal tid) Ă€r ett exempel pĂ„ en tidig systematisk makroseismisk utredning i Norden: sĂ€rskilda frĂ„geformulĂ€r distribuerades till befolkningen i norra Sverige och Finland för att insamla observationer. Dessa meddelanden kompletterades med tidningsnotiser samt geofysikaliska och historiska fakta om omrĂ„det. Skalvet förorsakade skador i murar kring norra Bottenviken, och extra brandbesiktningar förrĂ€ttades Ă„tminstone i TorneĂ„, Haparanda och PiteĂ„. I TorneĂ„ pĂ„gick brandbesiktning i tre dagar och visade att sprickor och brott hade uppstĂ„tt i 11% av skorstenarna i staden. Den indirekta risken för eldsvĂ„dor fanns trots att skalvets magnitud var omkring 4.6 det vill sĂ€ga lindrig magnitud pĂ„ vĂ€rldsskalan. Stark jordskakning förekom pĂ„ ett större omrĂ„de Ă€n vad en Ă€ldre karta utvisar. Detta ger anledning till att flytta skalvets epicentrum vĂ€sterut. Det kan ha varit belĂ€get i Tornedalen. Skakningen kan ha tilltagit i styrka i lösa jordarter vid kusten och Ă€lvstrĂ€nder dĂ€r de flesta iakttagarna var bosatta. Ett stort antal makroseismiska frĂ„geblanketter – ca 1200 – insamlades strax efter jordskalvet i mellersta Finland den 16 november 1931. Statistiska metoder tillĂ€mpades pĂ„ materialet för att sĂ„ objektivt som möjligt estimera vilka intensiteter som förekommit pĂ„ olika orter och för att avgrĂ€nsa omrĂ„den med olika intensitet frĂ„n varandra. Kring sekelskiftet för ett hundra Ă„r sedan utgjorde Finlands omnejd en mera högseismisk region Ă€n nuförtiden, sĂ„ en imponerande mĂ€ngd naturföreteelser kan studeras med hjĂ€lp av makroseismologi. Dock framgĂ„r ingen slutgiltig uppfattning om de allra kraftigaste jordbĂ€vningarna som dĂ€r intrĂ€ffade.TĂ€mĂ€ työ kohdistuu makroseismologiaan. Se on ei-instrumentaalisen seismologian osa, joka tutkii kirjallisia merkintöjĂ€ maanjĂ€ristysten vaikutuksista etenkin rakennettuun ympĂ€ristöön. Makroseismiset havainnot ulottuvat ajassa paljon kauemmas taaksepĂ€in kuin laiterekisteröinnit. Alan tutkimukseen kuuluu menneisyyden maanjĂ€ristyksiĂ€ kĂ€sittelevien tietolĂ€hteiden hakeminen ja kĂ€yttökelpoisten tietojen kokoaminen erilaisista arkistolöydöistĂ€ tekstikriittisen analyysin avulla. Maaliskuun 31. ja huhtikuun 2. pĂ€ivĂ€n vĂ€lillĂ€ 1883 sekĂ€ 28. heinĂ€kuuta 1888 Pohjanlahden rannikoilla huomiota herĂ€ttĂ€neistĂ€ maanjĂ€ristyksistĂ€ tehtiin makroseisminen perustutkimus. Kaikki saatavilla oleva tieto koottiin ajankohtien lehdistöstĂ€ ja työstettiin kartoiksi, joista kĂ€y ilmi, missĂ€ intensiteetti oli suurimmillaan ja miten se vaimeni eri suuntiin. (Makroseisminen) intensiteetti kuvaa jĂ€ristysvaikutusten voimakkuutta ja eroaa tyystin magnitudista, joka on ainutkertainen kullekin maanjĂ€ristykselle. Vuonna 1888 jĂ€ristyksen tuntuvuusalue oli laajempi kuin aikaisemmin on arveltu, sillĂ€ se kĂ€sitti pohjoisen Pohjanlahden molemmat rannikot. MaanjĂ€ristys 5. marraskuuta 1898 (paikallista aikaa) on esimerkkinĂ€ varhaisesta jĂ€rjestelmĂ€llisestĂ€ makroseismisestĂ€ selvityksestĂ€ Pohjolassa: tuntuvuushavaintoja kerĂ€ttiin tuolloin asukkailta erityisillĂ€ kyselykaavakkeilla. TĂ€ssĂ€ työssĂ€ nĂ€itĂ€ tiedonantoja tĂ€ydennettiin sanomalehtien uutisilla sekĂ€ geofysikaalisilla ja historiallisilla taustatiedoilla alueesta. JĂ€ristys vaurioitti muureja PerĂ€meren pohjukassa, minkĂ€ vuoksi ylimÀÀrĂ€isiĂ€ palotarkastuksia toimitettiin ainakin Torniossa, Haaparannassa ja PiitimessĂ€. Torniossa palotarkastus vei kolme pĂ€ivÀÀ, ja rakoilua ja halkeamia löytyi 11 prosentista kaupungin savupiipuista. Tulipalot olivat epĂ€suora jĂ€ristysuhka, vaikka jĂ€ristyksen magnitudi oli suuruusluokkaa 4.6, eli vĂ€hĂ€inen maailman mittakaavassa. Voimakasta maanliikettĂ€ esiintyi laajemmalla alueella kuin aikaisemman kartan mukaan. TĂ€mĂ€n vuoksi on aiheellista siirtÀÀ jĂ€ristyskeskusta lĂ€nteen pĂ€in. Se saattoi sijaita Tornionjokilaaksossa. TĂ€rinĂ€ saattoi voimistua irtonaisissa maalajeissa rannikolla ja jokivarsilla, missĂ€ suurin osa havaitsijoista asui. Keski-Suomessa 16. marraskuuta 1931 sattuneesta maanjĂ€ristyksestĂ€ on saatavilla tuota pikaa sen jĂ€lkeen kerĂ€tty suuri havaintoaineisto, noin 1200 kyselylomaketta. Aineistoon sovellettiin tilastollisia menetelmiĂ€, jotta voitiin arvioida mahdollisimman objektiivisesti, kuinka suuria intensiteettejĂ€ esiintyi eri paikoissa ja rajata eri intensiteetin alueita toisistaan. Vuosisadan vaihteessa satakunta vuotta sitten Suomen lĂ€hialueiden seismisyystaso oli korkeampi kuin nykyÀÀn, joten makroseismologian keinoin voidaan tutkia vaikuttavia seismisyysilmiöitĂ€. Tietojen perusteella ei kuitenkaan saavuteta kĂ€sitystĂ€ seudun kaikkein voimakkaimmista maanjĂ€ristyksistĂ€

    The effects of climate change on Baltic salmon : Framing the problem in collaboration with expert stakeholders

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    In the Baltic Sea region, salmon are valued for the ecological, economic, and cultural benefits they provide. However, these fish are threatened due to historical overfishing, disease, and reduced access to spawning rivers. Climate change may pose another challenge for salmon management. Therefore, we conducted a problem-framing study to explore the effects climate change may have on salmon and the socio-ecological system they are embedded within. Addressing this emerging issue will require the cooperation of diverse stakeholders and the integration of their knowledge and values in a contentious management context. Therefore, we conducted this problem framing as a participatory process with stakeholders, whose mental models and questionnaire responses form the basis of this study. By framing the climate change problem in this way, we aim to provide a holistic understanding of the problem and incorporate stakeholder perspectives into the management process from an early stage to better address their concerns and establish common ground. We conclude that considering climate change is relevant for Baltic salmon management, although it may not be the most pressing threat facing these fish. Stakeholders disagree about whether climate change will harm or benefit salmon, when it will become a relevant issue in the Baltic context, and whether or not management efforts can mitigate any negative impacts climate change may have on salmon and their fishery. Nevertheless, by synthesizing the stakeholders' influence diagrams, we found 15 themes exemplifying: (1) how climate change may affect salmon, (2) goals for salmon management considering climate change, and (3) strategies for achieving those goals. Further, the stakeholders tended to focus on the riverine environment and the salmon life stages occurring therein, potentially indicating the perceived vulnerability of these life stages to climate change. Interestingly, however, the stakeholders tended to focus on traditional fishery management measures, like catch quotas, to meet their goals for these fish considering climate change. Further, social variables, like “politics,” “international cooperation,” and “employment” comprised a large proportion of the stakeholders' diagrams, demonstrating the importance of these factors for salmon management.Peer reviewe

    How to deal with sparse macroseismic data : Reflections on earthquake records and recollections in the Eastern Baltic Shield

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    This study discusses the scope of historical earthquake analysis in low-seismicity regions. Examples of non-damaging earthquake reports are given from the Eastern Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield in north-eastern Europe from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The information available for past earthquakes in the region is typically sparse and cannot be increased through a careful search of the archives. This study applies recommended rigorous methodologies of historical seismology developed using ample data to the sparse reports from the Eastern Baltic Shield. Attention is paid to the context of reporting, the identity and role of the authors, the circumstances of the reporting, and the opportunity to verify the available information by collating the sources. We evaluate the reliability of oral earthquake recollections and develop criteria for cases when a historical earthquake is attested to by a single source. We propose parametric earthquake scenarios as a way to deal with sparse macroseismic reports and as an improvement to existing databases.This study discusses the scope of historical earthquake analysis in low-seismicity regions. Examples of non-damaging earthquake reports are given from the Eastern Baltic (Fennoscandian) Shield in north-eastern Europe from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The information available for past earthquakes in the region is typically sparse and cannot be increased through a careful search of the archives. This study applies recommended rigorous methodologies of historical seismology developed using ample data to these sparse reports from the Eastern Baltic Shield. Attention is paid to the context of the reporting, the identity and role of the authors, the circumstances of the reporting, and the opportunity to verify the available information by collating the sources. We evaluate the reliability of oral earthquake recollections and develop criteria for cases when a historical earthquake is attested to by a single source. We propose parametric earthquake scenarios as a way to deal with sparse macroseismic reportsand as an improvement to existing databases.Peer reviewe

    Valorisation of probabilistic seismic hazard results in Finland (VALERI)

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    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is the standard method to assess seismic hazard for nuclear power plants (NPPs). In Finland, the median confidence seismic hazard at annual frequency of exceedance (AFE) 10-5 is used for designbasis earthquake (DBE), with a minimum threshold of the horizontal peak-ground acceleration of 0.1g. Exceptional earthquakes for design extension conditions (DECC) are proposed with median confidence at AFE 10-7/year (STUK, 2019). In this work, we explore the possibilities of DBE being anchored to other confidence level hazards, since the use of median is the minority position in Europe. We outline PSHA as a tool for hazard calculations, and how hazards are used in risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making. We particularly focus on the treatment of uncertainties and arguments about the mean and fixed-confidence hazards. The goal is to probe if regulatory transition away from median confidence hazard is (i) desirable, (ii) possible and (iii) identify the foreseeable difficulties. We discuss possible options for DBE and DEC C, for the consideration of the different stakeholders. Since the use of median hazard has a long tradition in Finland, an update would be no trivial undertaking

    Valorization of probabilistic seismic hazard results in Finland

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    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is currently the standard method for assessing seismic hazards for nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Finland. To obtain values of ground-motion parameters for design purposes, two decisions are made regarding which annual frequency of exceedance (AFE) should be adopted and from which hazard curve the ground-motion value should be read for the design-basis earthquake (DBE) and the design-extension condition earthquake (DEC EQ, DEC C for short). The current regulatory status in Finland, given in the guide YVL B.7 (STUK 2019) by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK), is that the median- confidence seismic hazard at AFE 10−5 is used for DBEs at NPPs with a minimum horizontal peak-ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.1 g. The high variability of ground-motion shaking patterns and various examples of exceedance of the DBE ground motion from that of natural earthquakes throughout the world have resulted in upgrades to meet new definitions of the requirements for ground motion beyond that of DBEs. Exceptional earthquake effects, with an estimated frequency of occurrence less than 10−5/year are postulated in DEC C for NPPs in Finland. Here, we outline the PSHA and its consequent use in risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making. We review arguments about the mean and median hazard curves in the PSHA. We draw particularly on the outcomes of the SENSEI (SENsitivity study of SEIsmic hazard prediction in Finland) project conducted under the auspices of STUK in 2019−2020, present new figures based on the SENSEI set of hazard calculations, and analyze them. We focus on the ratio of the mean and median hazard of PGA, spectral acceleration at 1 Hz, 5 Hz, and 25 Hz at AFE levels 10−4, 10−5, 10−6, 10−7 and 10−8. We analyze possible options for DBE and DEC C for consideration of the various stakeholders. Since the use of median hazards has a long tradition in Finland, an update is no trivial undertaking. The suite of options is not necessarily exhaustive

    Testing the Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale on Data Derived from the Earthquakes of 1626, 1759, 1819, and 1904 in Fennoscandia, Northern Europe

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    Earthquake environmental effects (EEEs) were compiled for the earthquakes of 1626, 1759, 1819, and 1904 in the Fennoscandian Peninsula, northern Europe. The principal source of information was the contemporary newspaper press. Macroseismic questionnaires collected in 1759 and 1904 were also consulted. We prepared maps showing newly discovered EEEs together with previously known EEEs and analyzed their spatial distribution. We assigned intensities based on the 2007 Environmental Seismic Intensity (ESI) scale to 27 selected localities and compared them to intensities assigned based on the 1998 European Macroseismic Scale. While the overall agreement between the scales is good, intensities may remain uncertain due to the sparsity of written documentation. The collected data sets are most probably incomplete but still show that EEEs are not unprecedented cases in the target region. The findings include landslides and rockfalls as well as cascade effects with a risk potential and widespread water movements up to long distances. The winter earthquake of 1759 cracked ice over a large area. This investigation demonstrates that the ESI scale also has practical importance for regions with infrequent EEEs

    Valorization of probabilistic seismic hazard results in Finland

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    Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) is currently the standard method for assessing seismic hazards for nuclear power plants (NPPs) in Finland. To obtain values of ground-motion parameters for design purposes, two decisions are made regarding which annual frequency of exceedance (AFE) should be adopted and from which hazard curve the ground-motion value should be read for the design-basis earthquake (DBE) and the design-extension condition earthquake (DEC EQ, DEC C for short). The current regulatory status in Finland, given in the guide YVL B.7 (STUK 2019) by the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland (STUK), is that the median- confidence seismic hazard at AFE 10−5 is used for DBEs at NPPs with a minimum horizontal peak-ground acceleration (PGA) of 0.1 g. The high variability of ground-motion shaking patterns and various examples of exceedance of the DBE ground motion from that of natural earthquakes throughout the world have resulted in upgrades to meet new definitions of the requirements for ground motion beyond that of DBEs. Exceptional earthquake effects, with an estimated frequency of occurrence less than 10−5/year are postulated in DEC C for NPPs in Finland. Here, we outline the PSHA and its consequent use in risk assessment and risk-informed decision-making. We review arguments about the mean and median hazard curves in the PSHA. We draw particularly on the outcomes of the SENSEI (SENsitivity study of SEIsmic hazard prediction in Finland) project conducted under the auspices of STUK in 2019−2020, present new figures based on the SENSEI set of hazard calculations, and analyze them. We focus on the ratio of the mean and median hazard of PGA, spectral acceleration at 1 Hz, 5 Hz, and 25 Hz at AFE levels 10−4, 10−5, 10−6, 10−7 and 10−8. We analyze possible options for DBE and DEC C for consideration of the various stakeholders. Since the use of median hazards has a long tradition in Finland, an update is no trivial undertaking. The suite of options is not necessarily exhaustive
