46 research outputs found

    Vanhempien näkemyksiä perheiden kanssa tehtävästä työstä lastensuojelulaitoksessa

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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli tutkia vanhempien näkemyksiä perheiden kanssa tehtävästä työstä lastensuojelulaitoksessa. Työelämäyhteistyötahona toimi eteläsuomalainen lastensuojelulaitos. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli saada tietoa sijoitettujen lasten vanhemmilta siitä, mitä mieltä he ovat lastensuojelulaitoksen tekemästä kasvatustyöstä, perheiden kanssa tehtävästä työstä sekä niiden kehittämisestä. Opinnäytetyön aihe rajattiin koskemaan vanhempien näkemyksiä. Vanhemmilla tarkoitettiin tässä tutkimuksessa vanhempien lisäksi myös muuta lapsen asioita hoitavaa läheistä. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta ja aiemmista tutkimuksista. Tutkimuksen teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimi lastensuojelulaki ja siihen liittyvä kirjallisuus, lastensuojelulaitoksissa perheiden kanssa tehtävään työhön liittyvä kirjallisuus sekä lastensuojelulaitoksien kasvatustyöhön liittyvä kirjallisuus. Aineistonke-ruumenetelmänä tutkimuksessa käytettiin postikyselyä ja puhelinhaastatte-lua. Opinnäytetyön aineistona oli viisi kyselylomaketta ja kolme puhelin-haastattelua. Tämä opinnäytetyö on laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimuksen tuloksiksi saatiin, että vanhemmat ovat tyytyväisiä lastensuojelulaitoksessa tehtävään kasvatustyöhön ja perheiden kanssa tehtävään työhön. Konkreettisia kehittämisideoita olivat esimerkiksi Skypen käyttö yhteydenpidossa ja perhetyö ilman lasta läsnä. Opinnäytetyössä käytetyt teoriat sekä eteläsuomalaisen lastensuojelulaitoksen Internet -sivuilta saadut tiedot tukivat tutkimustuloksia. Aiempien tutkimusten tulokset olivat samansuuntaisia kuin tässä tutkimuksessa. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi tutkia nuorten tai työntekijöiden näkemyksiä perheiden kanssa tehtävästä työstä.The aim of this thesis was to develop work with families in a child welfare institution. This Bachelor’s thesis was executed in collaboration with a child welfare institution located in southern Finland. The objective of this thesis was to explore the involved parents’ views on educational and family work in the child welfare institution and their ideas on how to develop these services. The subject was limited to concern the parent’s views only. In this study, the term parent can also refer to some other important person in a child’s life. The theoretical framework for this Bachelor’s thesis consisted of related literature and earlier researches. The theoretical background included literature related to family work in child welfare institution, literature about educational work in child welfare institutions and the Child Welfare Act and related literature. This thesis was a qualitative research. The means of collecting material were postal questionnaire and phone interview. This obtained material consisted of five questionnaires and three phone interviews. The main result of this thesis was that parents were satisfied with educational work and family work in the child welfare institution. Concrete developing ideas were for example family work without the presence of a child and using Skype for communication. The background theories and the information provided by the child welfare institution in their website supported the thesis results. The results of this thesis were also consistent with the results of earlier studies. Further research could be done on family work in child welfare institutions from the perspective of young or employees

    Valotaideinstallaatiota, luonnon kuviota ja monitaiteellinen kyläjuhlafestivaali

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    Pohdimme, kuinka lavastaa festivaalialue valoinstallaatioilla siten, että teokset toimivat tilallisena kokonaisuutena ja samalla mielenkiintoisina taideteoksina. Kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kanssa yhteistyössä rakennetut valoteokset kuljettivat ensin tekijänsä ja sitten katsojansa kosketusetäisyydelle lähiluonnon kanssa. Teokset esivalmisteltiin suolla ryömien ja karpaloita maistellen

    Jäkäläaiheiset jääveistokset Aurora-tulevaisuustapahtumassa

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    Pohjoisen luonnon sekä kulttuurin kestävyys toimivat innoittajina aihevalinnoissamme. Tapahtuma-aluetta värittävä jäätaide tuli olla materiaalisesti ja aiheeltaan kestävyyttä ilmentävä sekä visuaalisesti mielenkiintoinen niin paikan päällä kuin kameroiden välittämänä kotiruuduilllakin

    Neuromuscular training and the risk of leg injuries in female floorball players: cluster randomised controlled study

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    Objective To investigate whether a neuromuscular training programme is effective in preventing non-contact leg injuries in female floorball players

    Gastrointestinal Symptoms and Dopamine Transporter Asymmetry in Early Parkinson's Disease

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    Background The neurophysiological correlates of gastrointestinal symptoms (GISs) in Parkinson's disease (PD) are not well understood. It has been proposed that in patients with a gastrointestinal origin of PD dopaminergic neurodegeneration would be more symmetric. Objectives The aim is to assess the associations between GISs and asymmetry of nigrostriatal dopaminergic neurodegeneration in PD. Methods Ninety PD patients were assessed using motor and GIS scales and I-123-FP-CIT SPECT. We calculated the asymmetry index and the predominant side of motor symptoms and dopamine transporter (DAT) imaging defect and assessed their association with GISs. Results There were no significant differences in GISs between symmetric and asymmetric dopaminergic defect. Left predominant defect was related to more GIS and higher constipation scores. Conclusions GISs were associated with left predominant reduction in putaminal DAT binding but not asymmetry per se. It remains open whether left-sided DAT deficit is related to more pronounced GI involvement or symptom perception in PD. (c) 2022 The Authors. Movement Disorders published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of International Parkinson Movement Disorder Society.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic accuracy of glabellar tap sign for Parkinson's disease

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    Glabellar tap or reflex (GR) is an old bedside clinical test used in the diagnostics of Parkinson's disease (PD), but its diagnostic value is unclear. This study examines the diagnostic validity and reliability of GR in PD in relation to brain dopaminergic activity. GR was performed on 161 patients with PD, 47 patients with essential tremor (ET) and 40 healthy controls immediately prior to dopamine transporter (DAT) [I-123]FP-CIT SPECT scanning. The binding ratios were investigated with consideration of the GR result (normal/abnormal). In addition, the consistency of the GR was investigated with 89 patients after a mean follow-up of 2.2 years. PD and ET patients had higher GR scores than healthy controls (p 0.36). Over follow-up, the GR changed from abnormal to normal in 20% of PD patients despite the presence of clinically typical disease. The sensitivity and specificity of GR for differentiating PD from ET were 78.3% and 36.2%, respectively. Although GR has been used by clinicians in the diagnostics of PD, it does not separate PD from ET. It also shows considerable inconsistency over time, and abnormal GR has no relationship with dopamine loss. Its usefulness should be tested for other clinical diagnostic purposes.Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic value of micrographia in Parkinson's disease : a study with [I-123]FP-CIT SPECT

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    Micrographia is a common symptom of Parkinson's disease (PD), and it may precede other motor symptoms. Despite the high prevalence of micrographia in PD, its neurobiological mechanisms are not known. Given that levodopa may alleviate consistent micrographia and that nondopaminergic essential tremor (ET) is not associated with micrographia, micrographia could possibly be used as an ancillary diagnostic method that reflects nigrostriatal dopamine function. We evaluated the usefulness of micrographia as a simple one-sentence writing test in differentiating PD from ET. A total of 146 PD patients, 42 ET patients and 38 healthy controls provided writing samples and were scanned with brain [I-123]FP-CIT dopamine transporter (DAT) SPECT imaging with ROI-based and voxelwise analyses. The diagnostic accuracy of micrographia was evaluated and compared to that of DAT binding. Compared to ET and healthy controls, PD patients showed micrographia (consistent, 25.6% smaller area of handwriting sample in PD compared to ET, p = 0.002, and 27.2% smaller area of handwriting compared to healthy controls, p = 0.004). PD patients showed 133% more severe progressive micrographia compared with ET patients (median b = - 0.14 in PD, b = - 0.06 in ET, p = 0.021). In early unmedicated cognitively normal patients, consistent micrographia showed 71.2% specificity and 87.5% sensitivity in PD versus ET differentiation, but micrographia had no correlation with striatal or extrastriatal [I-123]FP-CIT binding in patients with PD. The one-sentence micrographia test shows moderately good accuracy in PD versus ET differentiation. The severity of micrographia has no relationship with DAT binding, suggesting nondopaminergic mechanism of micrographia in PD. ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT02650843 (NMDAT study).Peer reviewe

    Effects of Weak Acids on the Microbiological, Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Baltic Herring (Clupea harengus membras)

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    Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) pickled in vinegar is a common product in the Nordic countries. Other weak acids are used to cook and preserve fish in other food cultures. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of weak acids to produce safe and nutritious pickled fish products with varying sensory properties. The influence of acetic, citric, lactic, malic, and tartaric acids on the preservability and quality of pickled and marinated Baltic herring was studied by measuring microbiological quality, pH, chemical composition, and lipid oxidation and by sensory profiling. Pickling with these acids with pH levels of 3.7-4.2 resulted in pickled Baltic herring products with high microbiological quality. The results of the chemical analysis of the samples indicated that pickling and storage on marinade influenced the chemical composition of fish. The most significant changes in chemical composition were the increase in moisture and decrease in protein content of the samples during storage. Fat content decreased during the storage period in acetic acid and malic acid samples. All tested acids inhibited lipid oxidation for one month, but at three and four month time points, the content of oxidation products increased except in the samples pickled with tartaric acid. The highest oxidation level was observed in the case of citric acid and the lowest with tartaric acid. The results indicate that replacing acetic acid with other weak acids frequently used in the food industry results in pickled and marinated fish products with novel and milder sensory profiles

    Stress urinary incontinence after hysterectomy: a 10-year national follow-up study

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    Purpose: Hysterectomy has been associated with increased risk for developing stress urinary incontinence (SUI) and having a SUI operation. We examined the long-term rate of SUI operations after hysterectomy and associated risk factors.Methods: We followed up 5000 women without prior urinary incontinence (UI) who had a hysterectomy in a prospective FINHYST 2006 cohort study until the end of 2016 through a national health register. The main outcome was SUI operations, and secondary outcomes were outpatient visits for UI, and their association of preoperative patient and operation factors.Results: During the median follow-up time of 10.6 years (IQR 10.3-10.8), 111 (2.2%) women had a SUI operation and 241 (4.8%) had an outpatient visit for UI. The SUI operation rate was higher after vaginal hysterectomy and laparoscopic hysterectomy (n = 71 and 28, 3.3% and 1.8%, respectively) compared to abdominal hysterectomy (n = 11, 0.8%). In a multivariate risk analysis by Cox regression, the association with vaginal hysterectomy and SUI operation remained significant when adjusted for vaginal deliveries, preceding pelvic organ prolapse (POP), uterus size, age and BMI (HR 2.4, 95% CI 1.1-5.3). Preceding POP, three or more deliveries and laparoscopic hysterectomy were significantly associated with UI visits but not with SUI operations.Conclusion: After hysterectomy, 2.2% of women underwent operative treatment for SUI. The number of SUI operations was more than double after vaginal hysterectomy compared to abdominal hysterectomy, but preceding POP explained this added risk partially. Preceding POP and three or more vaginal deliveries were independently associated with UI visits after hysterectomy.</p

    Fecal microbiome alterations in treatment-naive de novo Parkinson's disease

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    Gut microbiota alterations in Parkinson's disease (PD) have been found in several studies and are suggested to contribute to the pathogenesis of PD. However, previous results could not be adequately adjusted for a potential confounding effect of PD medication and disease duration, as almost all PD participants were already using dopaminergic medication and were included several years after diagnosis. Here, the gut microbiome composition of treatment-naive de novo PD subjects was assessed compared to healthy controls (HC) in two large independent case-control cohorts (n = 136 and 56 PD, n = 85 and 87 HC), using 16S-sequencing of fecal samples. Relevant variables such as technical batches, diet and constipation were assessed for their potential effects. Overall gut microbiome composition differed between PD and HC in both cohorts, suggesting gut microbiome alterations are already present in de novo PD subjects at the time of diagnosis, without the possible confounding effect of dopaminergic medication. Although no differentially abundant taxon could be replicated in both cohorts, multiple short chain fatty acids (SCFA) producing taxa were decreased in PD in both cohorts. In particular, several taxa belonging to the family Lachnospiraceae were decreased in abundance. Fewer taxonomic differences were found compared to previous studies, indicating smaller effect sizes in de novo PD.Peer reviewe