532 research outputs found

    Classification of gene expression autism data based on adaptive penalized logistic regression

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    The common issues of high-dimensional gene expression data are that many of genes may not be relevant to their diseases. Gene selection has been proved to be an effective way to improve the result of many classification methods. In this paper, an adaptive penalized logistic regression is proposed, with the aim of identification relevant genes and provides high classification accuracy of autism data, by combining the logistic regression with the weighted L1-norm. Experimental results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms two competitor methods in terms of classification accuracy, G-mean, and area under the curve. Thus, the proposed method can be useful for other cancer classification using DNA gene expression data in the real clinical practice

    Vastineelle vastine

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    Alkoholikuolemien mÀÀrÀ kasvaa, kun ikÀrakenne muuttuu

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    Results of official variety trials 1991-1998

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    Virallisen lajiketoimikunnan tehtÀvÀnÀ on selvittÀÀ uusien peltokasvilajikkeiden viljelyarvo ennen niiden viljelyyn ottamista. Peltokasvien viralliset lajikekokeet jÀrjestÀÀ Maatalouden tutkimuskeskus. Lajikekokeita on tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla eri puolilla maata, vÀhintÀÀn kahden vuoden ajan ennen lajikkeen viljelyyn ottamista. Virallista lajikekoetoimintaa johtaa Maatalouden tutkimuskeskuksen LÀnsi-Suomen tutkimusyksikkö. Viralliset lajikekokeet ovat perusta peltokasvien lajikkeista annettavalle tiedolle. Uusien lajikkeiden viljelyarvo tutkitaan alustavissa ja virallisissa lajikekokeissa. Tavoitteena on selvittÀÀ lajikkeen viljelyvarmuus, satoisuus ja laatu perusteellisin tutkimuksin. Nykyisin virallinen lajiketoiminta on maksullista tilaustutkimusta. Kasvinjalostuslaitos tai lajikkeen omistaja ilmoittaa lajikkeen kokeisiin ja vastaa kokeiden kustannuksista. Lajike on virallisissa kokeissa vÀhintÀÀn kaksi vuotta tai kunnes se hyvÀksytÀÀn maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon. TÀmÀn jÀlkeen lajike on vielÀ kokeissa 2-3 vuotta neuvonnan tarpeita varten. Lajikkeen kokeilu virallisissa lajikekokeissa kestÀÀ yhteensÀ 4-6 vuotta. Virallisia lajikekokeita jÀrjestetÀÀn tÀrkeimmillÀ viljelykasveilla. Lajikekokeet tehdÀÀn kunkin lajikkeen viljelyyn soveltuvalla alueella. Esimerkiksi kevÀtvehnÀn lajikekokeita on vain EtelÀ-Suomessa. Ohran lajikekokeita on vastaavasti mallasohraa lukuunottamatta koko maassa. Lajikekokeet ovat kÀytÀnnön viljelyÀ vastaavia kenttÀkokeita. Virallisia lajikekokeita on ollut kaikkiaan 17 koepaikalla. Virallisia lajikekokeita ovat suorittaneet MTT:n toimeksiannosta ja valvonnassa myös Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Oy ja Perunantutkimuslaitos. Maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikeluetteloon otettavat lajikkeet pÀÀtetÀÀn virallisten lajikekokeiden tulosten perusteella. Kasvilajikeluettelossa pidettÀvistÀ lajikkeista pÀÀttÀÀ maa- ja metsÀtalousministeriön kasvilajikelautakunta. Kasvilajikeluettelo julkaistaan vuosittain. Nykyisin se on luettelo lajikkeista, joiden markkinointi on sallittua maassamme. Lajikkeiden vyöhyke- ja viljelysuositukset julkaistaan erikseen joko valtakunnallisina yhteenvetoina tai alueellisina tiedotteina. TÀssÀ vuosittain julkaistavassa virallisten lajikekokeiden tulostiedotteessa on esitetty tulokset vuosilta 1991-1998.The task of the Plant Variety Board is to determine the value of new field crop varieties before they are released. The official variety trials of field crops are arranged by the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Variety trials of the most important plants are conducted around Finland for more than two years before they are released. The official variety trial operations are organised by the Western-Finland Research Unit of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. The official variety trials form a basis for the provision of information on the value of field crops. The value of new varieties is evaluated in preliminary and official variety trials. The aim is to determine the cultivation stability, yield potential and quality by thorough studies. Nowadays official variety trials are carried out to order and a charge is made. The Plant Breeding Institute or the owner of the variety enters the variety for the trials and covers the expenses related to the trials. The variety undergoes official trials for at least two years or until it is entered in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland. Thereafter the variety undergoes trials for another 2-3 years to collect information for growers. Altogether the testing of a variety in official variety trials lasts a total of 4 to 6 years. Official variety trials are arranged for the most important cultivated crops. The variety trials take place in areas suitable for the cultivation of the crop in question. For instance, variety trials on spring wheat are conducted only in South-Finland, whereas variety trials on barley, except for malt barley, are arranged all over the country. The variety trials are field trials which simulate practical cultivation. Official variety trials have been conducted at a total of 17 trial sites. In addition, official variety trials have been conducted by Mildola Oy, Kemira Agro Ltd. and Potato Research Institute to order and under supervision of the Agricultural Research Centre of Finland. Decisions on the inclusion of varieties in the National List of Cultivars of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland are based on the results of the official variety trials. The Plant Variety Board of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland decides which varieties are retained on the National List of Cultivars. The list is published annually. Nowadays it is a list of the varieties which are permitted to be marketed in Finland. The zone and cultivation recommendations are published separately either as national summaries or as a regional bulletin. This annually published bulletin presents the results of the official variety trials in 1991-1998.vokMyynti MTT tietopalveluyksikk
