30 research outputs found

    Journalists in Mexico

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    Jornalismo esportivo proativo ou passivo? A cobertura do FIFAGate na imprensa de México e Espanha

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    El artículo analiza formatos, técnicas de reporteo y uso de fuentes para medir “proactividad” en la cobertura del escándalo conocido como FIFAGate en cuatro diarios: Reforma y Récord, de México, y El País y Marca, de España. Se examina qué actores, ángulos y confederaciones de fútbol recibieron mayor cobertura; los indicadores de proactividad por tipo de diario (especialista o de referencia) y por país (México y España), y se determina cuál de estas dos variables propicia la presencia de proactividad. Se concluye que hubo escasa investigación, aunque El País presenta los mayores índices de proactividad en su cobertura.This article analyses formats, reporting techniques and the use of sources to measure proactive journalism in the coverage of the corruption scandal known as FIFAGate in four major newspapers: Reforma and Récord from Mexico, and El País and Marca from Spain. The study examines the actors, angles and football confederations that received the most media coverage, the indicators of ‘proactivity’ per media type (specialist vs. reference) and per country (Mexico vs. Spain), and the variable with the highest impact in proactivity. It concludes that investigative journalism was overall scarce, although El País scored the highest standards of proactivity in the coverage.Este artigo analisa formatos, técnicas de comunicação e uso de fontes para medir a “proatividade” na cobertura do escândalo conhecido como FIFAGate em quatro jornais: Reforma e Record, do México, e El País e Marca, da Espanha. O trabalho analisa quais atores, ângulos e confederações de futebol receberam maior cobertura, indicadores de proatividade de acordo com o tipo de jornal (especializado ou de referência) e país (México e Espanha) e determina qual dessas duas variáveis leva à presença de proatividade. Conclui­-se que havia pouca investigação jornalística, embora o El País tenha apresentado as maiores taxas de proatividade em sua cobertura

    A machine learning approach to personalized predictors of dyslipidemia: a cohort study

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    IntroductionMexico ranks second in the global prevalence of obesity in the adult population, which increases the probability of developing dyslipidemia. Dyslipidemia is closely related to cardiovascular diseases, which are the leading cause of death in the country. Therefore, developing tools that facilitate the prediction of dyslipidemias is essential for prevention and early treatment.MethodsIn this study, we utilized a dataset from a Mexico City cohort consisting of 2,621 participants, men and women aged between 20 and 50 years, with and without some type of dyslipidemia. Our primary objective was to identify potential factors associated with different types of dyslipidemia in both men and women. Machine learning algorithms were employed to achieve this goal. To facilitate feature selection, we applied the Variable Importance Measures (VIM) of Random Forest (RF), XGBoost, and Gradient Boosting Machine (GBM). Additionally, to address class imbalance, we employed Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) for dataset resampling. The dataset encompassed anthropometric measurements, biochemical tests, dietary intake, family health history, and other health parameters, including smoking habits, alcohol consumption, quality of sleep, and physical activity.ResultsOur results revealed that the VIM algorithm of RF yielded the most optimal subset of attributes, closely followed by GBM, achieving a balanced accuracy of up to 80%. The selection of the best subset of attributes was based on the comparative performance of classifiers, evaluated through balanced accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity metrics.DiscussionThe top five features contributing to an increased risk of various types of dyslipidemia were identified through the machine learning technique. These features include body mass index, elevated uric acid levels, age, sleep disorders, and anxiety. The findings of this study shed light on significant factors that play a role in dyslipidemia development, aiding in the early identification, prevention, and treatment of this condition

    The Caldera. No. 23

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    La pandemia, sin lugar a dudas, nos ha cambiado la vida a todos; un viernes nos fuimos para nuestros hogares, en el marco de una educación presencial; al lunes siguiente, después de dos días, estábamos iniciando el camino hacia una educación remota, una educación virtual, que se ha convertido en una gran alternativa para seguir contribuyendo con la formación de nuestros niños y jóvenes caldistas y al mejoramiento de nuestra calidad de vida que halla, en la educación, nuevamente la respuesta; han sido meses de cambios drásticos, inimaginables pero, cambios positivos que nos han permitido crecer como individuos, como familia, como escuela y como sociedad.Especial pandemia. Una generación Resiliente por promoción DINASTIA…06 VII Concurso Intercolegiado departamental de Oratoria. Ulibro 2020…51 Deporte en el Caldas…64 Expresiones Caldistas…71 Celebremos la palabra…93 Nuestros Maestros…102 Galería de Imágenes…107The pandemic, without a doubt, has changed the lives of all of us; One Friday we went to our homes, as part of a face-to-face education; The following Monday, after two days, we were starting the path towards a remote education, a virtual education, which has become a great alternative to continue contributing to the training of our children and young Caldistas and to the improvement of our quality of life. that finds, in education, the answer again; They have been months of drastic changes, unimaginable but positive changes that have allowed us to grow as individuals, as a family, as a school and as a society

    Valores normativos y prácticas de reporteo en tensión: percepciones profesionales de periodistas en México

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    This paper examines some of the axes that sustain reporting practices and professional values of Mexican journalists, especially in regard to theoretical narratives that suggest the overall professionalization of newsrooms as a parallel process to those of political democratisation and economic liberalisation. Based on a more comprehensive qualitative study consisting of 90 in-depth interviews with print and radio journalists from 21 news organisations of the national press, the paper argues that Mexican journalists pay lip service and discursively attach to the traditional Anglo-Saxon normative values such as autonomy, objectivity or the watchdog role of the press. However, in practice, such principles have been re-interpreted and adapted to existing practices culturally stemming from the authoritarian days. For example, through values such as objectivity, journalists perpetuate pre-democratisation narrative habits that privilege (almost solely) elite sources, producing what is locally called sound-bite journalism. Upon relying heavily on political statements on-the-go, such a methodology generates officialism and superficiality rather than the investigation, cross-checking, accuracy or contextualisation of news stories that the "journalism in change" thesis assumes as a trait of professionalisation.Este texto examina algunos de los ejes que sostienen las prácticas de reporteo y valores profesionales de periodistas mexicanos a la luz de narrativas teóricas que sugieren la profesionalización del periodismo mexicano como proceso paralelo de la democratización política. Tras una investigación cualitativa basada en entrevistas profundas con 90 periodistas de 21 medios nacionales, sostenemos que los periodistas mexicanos discursivamente manifiestan apego a los valores liberales-anglosajones del periodismo, como la autonomía, la objetividad o el papel del perro guardián (watchdog). Sin embargo, en la práctica, tales principios se han re-interpretado y adaptado a usos culturalmente heredados y a reglas no escritas del autoritarismo. Por ejemplo, la objetividad ha perpetuado hábitos de narratividad existentes antes de la alternancia política, que privilegia a las fuentes oficiales y a su discurso, y que deviene en el llamado "periodismo declarativo", que tiende a la superficialidad y oficialismo y no a la investigación, verificación o contextualización, como supondría la lectura que han hecho sobre México los investigadores que apoyan la tesis de la apertura democrática

    Journalism culture and political conflict: mexican journalists reflect their performance during 2006 presidential elections

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    This paper examines Mexican journalists’ perceived roles, values, and practices that shape the reporting of political conflict, such as the 2006 presidential elections—one of the most critical moments in contemporary political history. It is argued that traditional journalistic values often expected in Western models of journalism such as impartiality, objectivity, factuality and editorial detachment, turn out to be crucially passive devices to collect political utterances and promote information overload, scandal and superficiality. Exploring the views and testimonies of 85 radio and print journalists from twenty-one news organisations based in Mexico City, the paper outlines a typology of the varying ways in which Mexican journalists interpret and negotiate their roles and performance in relation to political conflict, by signalling out contradictions and dichotomies entangled in the construction of their occupational values, principles and roles. The paper shows how Mexican journalists were in a position to reflect on their own coverage and assess the extent to which they facilitated debate, described and/or explained occurrences, animated or reflected on political conflict and reported on or actively engendered social polarisation. It is revealed that journalistic roles embraced by Mexican journalists are trapped in contesting terrains of ambiguity. Clashing opinions about what to do meant that crucial information concerning the 2006 electoral conflict was left out from the public dominion, radio presenters handled information with an important charge of ideological and partisan bias, and reporters faced restrictions either imposed by their media’s economic interests or by existing inertial practices of reporting and gathering of information

    Panorama de los perfiles demográficos, laborales y profesionales de los periodistas en México: Reporte de Investigación

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    La misión del periodismo en la construcción de una sociedad democrática depende del cumplimiento de condiciones favorables para su ejercicio tanto en el terreno laboral, como en el profesional y particularmente en el sociopolítico. Si bien históricamente el periodismo mexicano ha enfrentado condiciones adversas de instrumentalización política, cooptación, censura y libertad de expresión restringida, son innumerables los episodios en los que diversos medios y periodistas han desvelado la injusticia, la ineficiencia o la corrupción, llamado a cuentas a los poderosos, documentado la violación sistemática de los derechos humanos, o acompañado a las víctimas de diversas formas de violencia. Al tiempo, desde otros lugares del debate, se han cuestionado las relaciones de complicidad y connivencia con el poder, los estándares éticos, las afiliaciones políticas, los estándares profesionales y el compromiso social de muchos otros periodistas y medios


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    This work is part of the “Media Landscapes” promoted by the European Journalism Centre (EJC) and the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (OCW). In this text, we present a description and analysis of the Mexican media system, including media structure (i.e., print press, magazines, radio, and TV), organizations, policies, education, telecommunications, innovation, and traditional forms of communication

    Rethinking professional autonomy: Autonomy to develop and to publish news in Mexico and Colombia

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    Professional autonomy has usually been defined in terms of journalists’ perceptions of their control over their work vis-à-vis organizational supervisors. Using surveys of journalists in Colombia and Mexico, we identify two dimensions of perceived autonomy: first, control over story development tasks (the traditional understanding of autonomy in empirical studies); second, the ability to actually publish news on a range of subjects associated with different levels of material or cultural power. We then identify predictors of both dimensions of autonomy. Physical threats, overlapping forms of inequality, and clientelism characterize pressures on autonomy in these two democracies. Journalists can carve out more space for autonomy by gaining professional experience or by creating new organizational arrangements and supporting analytical, change-oriented norms. By examining professional autonomy empirically in a broad range of contexts, we demonstrate that autonomy is more complex, situational, and historically contingent than previously believed