581 research outputs found

    The Relevance of the Reviewer’s Role: a Methodological Proposal for the Development of the Translation Competence

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    Conforme a autores como Silvia Parra (2005: 370), el encargo de traducción puede definirse como el “conjunto de especificaciones, explícitas o implícitas, que guía tanto el trabajo del traductor como el del revisor”. De las palabras de Parra se desprende la importancia de la labor de revisión en el proceso y en el resultado de la traducción, que puede coincidir bien con la figura del propio traductor (auto-revisión) o que, como indica la autora, puede tratarse de otro ente diferente. Teniendo en cuenta la relevancia de la fase de revisión en la realidad profesional de la traducción, el objetivo de esta contribución consiste en presentar una aproximación teórico-práctica a la labor de revisión de textos de carácter especializado (ámbito biosanitario y tecnológico), con el fin de delimitar el campo de actuación de este ente, así como de proponer una metodología docente que sirva de fundamento para el desarrollo de la competencia traductora.According to certain authors such as Silvia Parra (2005: 370), the translation assignment can be defined as the set of instructions −both explicit or implicit− guiding not only the translator’s but also the reviewer’s decisions. This definition places an emphasis on the relevance of the revision task in both the process and the product of translation, which may be conducted either by the translator himself/herself (self-revision) or, as indicated by Parra, by a reviewer. Thus the relevance of the reviewer’s role in professional translation teams having been assumed, this paper aims at providing a theoretical and practical approach to revising specialized texts (pertaining to both the bio-sanitary and the technical fields) in order to determine the reviewer’s tasks as well as to propose a useful teaching methodology for the development of the translation competence

    La ciudad de Granada : análisis urbanístico a través de hitos y nodos de su contexto histórico

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    La ciudad de Granada, que dialoga entre la Sierra y la Vega, ha sido lugar de asentamientos de grandes culturas como lo ponen de manifiesto la huella que dejaron (puentes romanos, la Catedral, la Alhambra,....) a su paso por ella y que nos ha permitido hacer un análisis dinámico de la ciudad a través de los tiempos. El interés por buscar una aplicabilidad de los elementos históricos y representativos de la ciudad a través de la arquitectura, nos ha llevado a considerar los hitos y nodos de la misma para buscar un modelo matemático a través del cual podamos analizar la importancia de los mismos y establecer relaciones entre ellos; esto nos va a permitir comprobar: • Visualmente la estructura de la ciudad a través de las distintas culturas. • La relación afectiva del hombre contemporáneo con la historia de la ciudad. • Comprobar como el pasado y el presente se funden para enriquecer el futuro urbanístico de la ciudad. • Observar que la ciudad, es una obra en el tiempo, fruto de sucesivos planteamientos que le han permitido crear su imagen como reflejo de las vivencias de los individuos con el espacio. • Destacar la implicación que tienen los individuos, como responsables de la conservación del patrimonio. Con todo esto podremos establecer una relación entre el análisis urbanístico de una ciudad y el modelo que lo sostiene

    Capacity of groundcovers to mitigate and adapt to climate change in olive groves under semiarid conditions

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    El cultivo del olivo representa desde hace más de dos milenios la propia identidad de la cultura mediterránea. Para muchos de los pueblos que se asientan en estas regiones este árbol es su vertebrador social y económico, muy especialmente en la zona sur de España, Andalucía, mayor productor a nivel mundial de aceituna y en donde muchos de sus pueblos el olivar es el único cultivo presente. El olivar juega un papel fundamental en estos ecosistemas semiáridos, ya que contribuye a generar riqueza y recursos en regiones que por norma general presentan unos niveles de desarrollo deficientes. Sin embargo, su cultivo no se encuentra exento de problemas, pues el laboreo continuado, en muchas zonas durante siglos, ha ocasionado el deterioro de la calidad de los suelos, que por norma general presentan concentraciones muy bajas de materia orgánica. Además, si a estos niveles de infertilidad unimos la importante pérdida de suelo que se registra en este cultivo debido a la escasa cobertura del terreno, propiciada por los árboles, y a una orografía abrupta, hacen que el olivar sea especialmente sensible a los efectos adversos del cambio climático, que por otra parte, según demuestran diversos estudios será en las regiones semiáridas mediterráneas donde presente una mayor incidencia nociva a nivel europeo. Desde hace varias décadas se viene trabajando en Andalucía para promover la implantación de cubiertas vegetales en las calles de los olivares, habiéndose ampliamente demostrado como este sistema de manejo de suelo ocasiona que la erosión de los olivares prácticamente desaparezca. Sin embargo, no han sido muchos los trabajos que se han centrado en estudiar las interrelaciones que estas técnicas tienen con la sensibilidad de este cultivo al cambio climático y como su implantación pueda contribuir a adaptar y mitigar sus efectos adversos y menos aún a una escala regional y en un intervalo de tiempo medio-largo. Por tanto, mediante este trabajo se persigue evaluar el efecto que tiene la implantación de diversos tipos de cubiertas vegetales en la capacidad de sumidero de carbono del suelo, en la pérdida de este elemento asociado a los procesos erosivos y finalmente su influencia en el balance de agua del suelo. Siempre comparándolo con el sistema de manejo más común en esta región, el laboreo.Olive is a millenary crop in the Mediterranean basin and represents part of its culture. This tree is the social and economic core for most of the villages located in these regions. Especially in Andalusia, South of Spain, the largest world olive producer and where in most of the villages the olive is the only one crop present. Olive plays a key role in these semiarid ecosystems, since it contributes to generate wealth and resources in regions that usually have deficient levels of development. However, its cultivation generates many problems, as the historical continuous soil tillage had produced the deterioration of the quality of the soils, which nowadays present very low concentrations of organic matter. In addition, if at these levels of infertility we join the important soil loss that is registered in this crop due to the scarce coverage of the terrain, favored by the trees, and an abrupt orography, make the olive tree especially sensitive to the adverse effects of the climate change. Which, according to various studies, will be in the Mediterranean semi-arid regions where it has a higher harmful incidence at European level. Since few decades, scientifics and technicians had been promoting the implantation of groundcovers in the rows of the olive orchards. This soil management system has demonstrated to eradicate the erosion in these crops. But, there have not been many studies that have focused on studying the interrelationships of these techniques with the sensitivity of this crop to climate change and how their implementation can contribute to adapt and mitigate their adverse effects, and even less on a regional scale and in a medium-long time interval. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the effect of the implementation of various types of groundcovers on the soil carbon sink capacity, the loss of this element associated with erosion processes and finally its influence on the balance of soil water. Always comparing it with the most common management system in this region, tillage

    Stabilization of the Virulence Plasmid pSLT of Salmonella Typhimurium by Three Maintenance Systems and Its Evaluation by Using a New Stability Test

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    Certain Salmonella enterica serovars belonging to subspecies I carry low-copy-number virulence plasmids of variable size (50–90 kb). All of these plasmids share the spv operon, which is important for systemic infection. Virulence plasmids are present at low copy numbers. Few copies reduce metabolic burden but suppose a risk of plasmid loss during bacterial division. This drawback is counterbalanced by maintenance modules that ensure plasmid stability, including partition systems and toxin-antitoxin (TA) loci. The low-copy number virulence pSLT plasmid of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium encodes three auxiliary maintenance systems: one partition system (parAB) and two TA systems (ccdABST and vapBC2ST). The TA module ccdABST has previously been shown to contribute to pSLT plasmid stability and vapBC2ST to bacterial virulence. Here we describe a novel assay to measure plasmid stability based on the selection of plasmid-free cells following elimination of plasmid-containing cells by ParE toxin, a DNA gyrase inhibitor. Using this new maintenance assay we confirmed a crucial role of parAB in pSLT maintenance. We also showed that vapBC2ST, in addition to contribute to bacterial virulence, is important for plasmid stability. We have previously shown that ccdABST encodes an inactive CcdBST toxin. Using our new stability assay we monitored the contribution to plasmid stability of a ccdABST variant containing a single mutation (R99W) that restores the toxicity of CcdBST. The “activation” of CcdBST (R99W) did not increase pSLT stability by ccdABST. In contrast, ccdABST behaves as a canonical type II TA system in terms of transcriptional regulation. Of interest, ccdABST was shown to control the expression of a polycistronic operon in the pSLT plasmid. Collectively, these results show that the contribution of the CcdBST toxin to pSLT plasmid stability may depend on its role as a co-repressor in coordination with CcdAST antitoxin more than on its toxic activity.The work in RD and FG's laboratories is supported by grants BFU2011-25939 (RD), CSD2008-00013 (RD and FG), and BIO2013-46281-P/BIO2015-69085-REDC (FG) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.Peer reviewedPeer Reviewe

    Temporary “contracts in origin” as policy to control immigration in Spain: the “Huelva model”

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    Until recently, both the Administration and the social agents recognized the inefficiency of the quota system as policy to control migratory flows, both of them agreeing that it was in fact concealed regularization. This situation tried to be settled by the contested Immigration law 4/2000, in which, for the specific case of the seasonal agricultural tasks, the modality of “contracting in origin” was established. The later modifications of the Law and its two “Regulations of development” approved up to the date, have kept this modality as the means for controlling migratory flows. With the introduction of this new system, the province of Huelva has turned into a “model” at a national level, not only for its adoption of this formula, but also for the volume of manpower contracted this way. The present study centres on analyzing the application of the “contracts in origin” in all of Spain, and particularly in the province of Huelva. We study the juridical texts and the main existing statistics in the matter, and complement this information with archive work carried out in the Subdelegation of the National Government in Huelva, which centralizes this kind of contracts. With this material, we propose to explain the reasons that lead to the appeal of foreign manpower, the procedure that is applied, the different regional significance of this contractual modality, as well as the negative effects and possible alternatives to correct them.Jusqu’à la fin des années quatre-vingt-dix, l’Etat tout comme les associations de terrain reconnaissaient l'inefficacité du système de quota qui faisait figure de politique migratoire en Espagne. Tous s’accordaient sur le fait que la gestion de l’immigration dans ce pays tenait d’avantage à des régularisations à postériori en fonction de chiffres fixés à l’avance qu’à un réel contrôle des entrées. La loi 4/2000 a tenté de remédier à cette situation. Une procédure spécifique a alors été mise en place concernant l’agriculture : le contrato en origen qui permet de recruter des saisonniers pour une période limitée directement depuis leur pays d’origine. Depuis lors, si des modifications de cette loi ont été votées, ce procédé fut maintenu et est devenu un instrument clé de la politique de gestion des flux migratoires. L’expérience de la province de Huelva, principale utilisatrice de cette procédure pour l’introduction de ses saisonniers agricoles, est alors devenue une référence au niveau national. On parle désormais du modèle de Huelva. Le présent article analyse la mise en œuvre des contrats en origine en Espagne, principalement dans la province de Huelva. Nous y présentons les textes juridiques et les principales statistiques existantes en la matière ainsi que la gestion de cette procédure par la préfecture de la province. L’objet du texte est d’expliquer le succès de cette mesure auprès des agriculteurs ainsi que de pointer ses effets négatifs sur le traitement de la main-d’œuvre étrangère

    Guía de recursos para la atención a la población inmigrante extranjera en Huelva

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    Esta Guía pretende ser un documento de máxima utilidad en el trabajo de asesoramiento, formación y acogida a la población inmigrante extranjera.Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Asuntos Sociales, Delegación Provincial de Huelv

    Potential protective role of reactive astrocytes in the periventricular parenchyma in congenital hydrocephalus

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    Background Cerebrospinal fluid accumulation in hydrocephalus produces an elevation of intraventricular pressure with pathological consequences on the periventricular brain parenchyma including ischemia, oedema, oxidative stress, and accumulation of metabolic waste products. Here we studied in the hyh mouse, an animal model of congenital hydrocephalus, the role of reactive astrocytes in this clinical degenerative condition. Materials and Methods Wild type and hydrocephalic hyh mice at 30 days of postnatal age were used. Three metabolites related to the oxidative and neurotoxic conditions were analysed in ex vivo samples (glutathione, glutamine and taurine) using High Resolution Magic Angle Spinning (HR-MAS). Glutathione synthetase and peroxidase, glutamine synthetase, kidney-type glutaminase (KGA), and taurine/taurine transporter were immunolocated in brain sections. Results Levels of the metabolites were remarkably higher in hydrocephalic conditions. Glutathione peroxidase and synthetase were both detected in the periventricular reactive astrocytes and neurons. Taurine was mostly found free in the periventricular parenchyma and in the reactive astrocytes, and the taurine transporter was mainly present in the neurons located in such regions. Glutamine synthetase was found in reactive astrocytes. Glutaminase was also detected in the reactive astrocytes and in periventricular neurons. These results suggest a possible protective response of reactive astrocytes against oxidative stress and neurotoxic conditions. Conclusions Astrocyte reaction seems to trigger an anti-oxidative and anti-neurotoxic response in order to ameliorate pathological damage in periventricular areas of the hydrocephalic mice.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. PI15-00619 to AJJ

    Ensayo para la determinación del estado de conservación de la vegetación

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    The constant search of strategies that they lead towards the sustainable development makes the environmental indicators exposition more and more frequent. The target of these indicators is to give useful information for the control of the conservation of the environment. The use of formulae that allow quantifying the conservation of the vegetation makes possible the securing of an indicative value of the state of naturalness of the vegetation. Also, the use of natural types of habitat instead of phytosociology associations allows simplifying the proposed formulation, obtaining completely valid results. Finally, the effect of the change of scale in the calculation of the value of the index does not suppose changes in the validity of the obtained value. Nevertheless, we must consider that the values obtained are only comparable in works realized to equal scale

    OnfD, an AraC-Type Transcriptional Regulator Encoded by Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 and Involved in Nod Factor Synthesis and Symbiosis

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    Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 is a broad-host-range rhizobial strain that establishes symbiotic interactions with legumes and tolerates different environmental stresses such as heat, acidity, or salinity. This rhizobial strain produces a wide variety of symbiotically active nodulation factors (NF) induced not only by the presence of plant-released flavonoids but also under osmotic stress conditions through the LysR-type transcriptional regulators NodD1 (flavonoids) and NodD2 (osmotic stress). However, the activation of NodD2 under high-osmotic-stress conditions remains elusive. Here, we have studied the role of a new AraC-type regulator (named as OnfD) in the symbiotic interaction of R. tropici CIAT 899 with Phaseolus vulgaris and Lotus plants. We determined that OnfD is required under salt stress conditions for the transcriptional activation of the nodulation genes and therefore the synthesis and export of NF, which are required for a successful symbiosis with P. vulgaris. Moreover, using bacterial two-hybrid analysis, we demonstrated that the OnfD and NodD2 proteins form homodimers and OnfD/NodD2 form heterodimers, which could be involved in the production of NF in the presence of osmotic stress conditions since both regulators are required for NF synthesis in the presence of salt. A structural model of OnfD is presented and discussed. IMPORTANCE The synthesis and export of rhizobial NF are mediated by a conserved group of LysR-type regulators, the NodD proteins. Here, we have demonstrated that a non-LysR-type regulator, an AraC-type protein, is required for the transcriptional activation of symbiotic genes and for the synthesis of symbiotically active NF under salt stress conditions.España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (project AGL2016-77163-R

    The nodD1 Gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 Restores Nodulation Capacity on Bean in a Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 nodD1/nodD2 Mutant, but the Secondary Symbiotic Regulators nolR, nodD2 or syrM Prevent HH103 to Nodulate with This Legume

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    Rhizobial NodD proteins and appropriate flavonoids induce rhizobial nodulation gene expression. In this study, we show that the nodD1 gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103, but not the nodD2 gene, can restore the nodulation capacity of a double nodD1/nodD2 mutant of Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris). S. fredii HH103 only induces pseudonodules in beans. We have also studied whether the mutation of different symbiotic regulatory genes may affect the symbiotic interaction of HH103 with beans: ttsI (the positive regulator of the symbiotic type 3 protein secretion system), and nodD2, nolR and syrM (all of them controlling the level of Nod factor production). Inactivation of either nodD2, nolR or syrM, but not that of ttsI, affected positively the symbiotic behavior of HH103 with beans, leading to the formation of colonized nodules. Acetylene reduction assays showed certain levels of nitrogenase activity that were higher in the case of the nodD2 and nolR mutants. Similar results have been previously obtained by our group with the model legume Lotus japonicus. Hence, the results obtained in the present work confirm that repression of Nod factor production, provided by either NodD2, NolR or SyrM, prevents HH103 to effectively nodulate several putative host plants.España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades projects AGL2016-77163-R and PID2019-107634RB-I00España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades FPU18/06248