71 research outputs found

    Exercício físico e lipídios séricos : Estudo comparativo entre jovens do sexo masculino, atletas e nao atletas

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    Orientador: Gastao Pereira Da CunhaDissertaçao (mestrado) -Universidade Federal do Paraná. . Curso de Pós-Graduaçao em CardiologiaResumo: A atividade física tem mostrado relação inversa com a doença coronária aterosclerótica, além disso, existem evidências de que as concentrações de lipídios e lipoproteínas se modificam no sentido anti aterogênico em resposta ao exercício. Este trabalho comparou dois grupos de indivíduos com diferentes graus de atividade física e seus respectivos perfis lipídico / lipoproteico, além de variáveis antropométricas e fisiológicas. Foram estudados 157 indivíduos do sexo masculino, com idade média de 21 anos, não fumantes, divididos em atletas (n=88) e não-atletas (n=69). Os atletas apresentaram maior capacidade aeróbica e menor conteúdo de gordura corporal em relação aos não - atletas. 0 colesterol e os triglicerídeos foram mais baixos entre os atletas, assim como o VLDL-colesterol (lipoproteína de muito baixa densidade) e os índices de risco coronário 1 e 2 (relação colesterol/ HDL-colesterol e relação L D L - colesterol / H D L - colesterol ) . 0 LDL-colesterol (lipoproteína de baixa densidade) e o HDL-colesterol (lipoproteína de alta densidade) não diferiram entre os grupos. A porcentagem de gordura corporal apresentou correlação direta significativa com os triglicerídeos e VLDL-colesterol e índices de risco 1 e 2 , e correlação inversa com o HDL colesterol , no grupo não - atleta . Os atletas apresentaram perfil lipídico/ lipoproteico mais favorável, sugerindo menor risco de desenvolvimento de doença coronária aterosclerótica

    Comparison of the fracture torque of different Brazilian mini-implants

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    This study evaluated fracture torque by torsion, in relation to the length and diameter of orthodontic mini-implants, to demonstrate their viability for clinical and experimental use based on the torque recommended by the manufacturers. The fractures at the moment of insertion, whose incidence in the literature is around 4%, are principally due to excessive force and the inability of the implant to resist rotational forces. Thirty orthodontic mini-implants of three commercial brands available in Brazil (Neodent 1.6 x 9 mm, Dentoflex 1.6 x 9 mm and Kopp 1.6 x 9 mm) were attached to a device made specifically for this research, leaving the mini-implants with sufficient stability. The miniimplants were submitted to torsion torque, using a digital torque wrench, until their breaking point. The values obtained with the test were submitted to analysis of variance and the Tukey test. The mean values of mini-implant ruptures were 26 N.cm for group A (Dentoflex), 25.4 N. cm for group B (Kopp) and 32.8 N.cm for group C (Neodent). From the Tukey test we could observe that the relationships between the means of the Dentoflex and Neodent groups, and between the Kopp and Neodent groups, were significant. Between the Dentoflex and Kopp groups, significance was nonexistent. All the values found in our research for fracture torque were higher than the limits recommended by the manufacturers for clinical use in orthodontics. The highest values were found in the Neodent group

    Wear behavior of a new composite formulation, with TEOS addition, for abrasive vitrified grinding wheels

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    Vitrified grinding wheels are used in many manufacturing industries to shape and finish metals and other materials in an efficient way. This work addresses a new approach with the use of tetraethyl orthosilicate solution (TEOS solution or silica sol), as an additive, in vitrified abrasive composites for grinding wheels. Different types of composite were produced using always the same materials and processing methods, but with different TEOS contents. Compared with a reference abrasive grinding wheel, the addition of TEOS promoted an improvement in the abrasive tool performance. The new formulation for vitrified abrasive composites showed better dimensional stability during processing (drying and sintering), and could be applied to the production of grinding tools with high dimensional accuracy. With the addition of 3.75 wt% of TEOS there was an increase in the strength of the matrix bonds. The porosity of the composite increased by 7% (from 43.6 to 46.9%), also improving its wear properties, with the quadrupling of the grinding ratio of the abrasive composite. In addition, the surface roughness of the composite decreased (from Ra = 22.9 to 8.4 μm) allowing to improve the surface finish of the workpieces.This work was supported by Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização , with the code POCI-01-0247-FEDER-038492. This work was supported by FCT national funds, under the national support to R&D units grant, through the reference project UIDB/04436/ 2020 and UIDP/04436/2020

    Psychometric assessment of the Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ)

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    This study aimed to analyze the psychometric properties of the Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ) applying exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, concurrent and discriminant validity, and reliability (intra-class coefficient correlation and Cronbach's alpha). Two hundred and eighty seven Brazilian undergraduate students between 18 and 30 years old were evaluated. The MBCQ showed adequate factor structure with four factors that explain 64.32% of total variance, concurrent validity - significant association with body dissatisfaction (p < .01) and body-checking (r = .51 and .35, respectively), and discriminant validity. The MBCQ also showed good internal consistence (Cronbach's α between .89 and .94) and intra-class correlation coefficient (.87). In conclusion, it is a valid and reliable instrument to evaluate body-checking behaviors of Brazilian males.Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas do Male Body Checking Questionnaire (MBCQ), com recurso à análise fatorial exploratória e confirmatória, validade convergente e discriminante, e reprodutibilidade (coeficiente de correlação intraclasse e α-Cronbach), realizadas com 287 universitários brasileiros entre 18 e 30 anos de idade. O MBCQ obteve estrutura fatorial adequada, com quatro fatores que explicam 64,32% da variância dos resultados, validade convergente - associação significativa (p < 0,01) com a insatisfação e checagem corporal (r igual a 0,51 e 0,35, respectivamente), e discriminante. Obteve satisfatória consistência interna (α-Cronbach variando de 0,89 a 0,94) e coeficiente de correlação intraclasse de 0,87. O MBCQ comprovou ser um instrumento válido e confiável para avaliação da checagem corporal para indivíduos do sexo masculino do Brasil

    Soroprevalência e fatores de risco associados ao herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 e ocorrência da infecção pelo vírus da diarreia viral bovina em vacas leiteiras no estado de Pernambuco

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    Objetivou-se, com este estudo, determinar a soroprevalência para a infecção pelo herpesvírus bovino tipo 1 (HVB-1) e vírus da diarreia viral bovina (VDVB-1) e identificar os fatores de risco associados à infecção HVB-1 em vacas leiteiras na bacia leiteira do estado de Pernambuco. Foram analisadas 358 amostras de soro sanguíneo provenientes de vacas leiteiras em idade reprodutiva, não vacinados para os referidos agentes, procedentes de 18 propriedades, distribuídas em seis municípios na microrregião do Vale do Ipanema, Pernambuco. Para o diagnóstico sorológico foi utilizada a técnica de vírusneutralização. A ocorrência de anticorpos anti-HVB-1 em bovinos foi 52,8% (188/356), enquanto que para VDVB-1 foi 99,4% (355/357). Observou-se uma variação da ocorrência de anticorpos, por propriedade, de 5 a 90,9% para HVB-1 e 93,5 a 100% para VDVB-1, destacando-se que 100% das propriedades possuíam ao menos um animal positivo para as duas infecções. Os fatores de risco associados à infecção por HVB-1 foram: compartilhamento de pastos (OR = 2,9; p = 0,004); não utilização de inseminação artificial (OR = 2,3; p &lt; 0,001); não realização de transferência de embriões (OR = 13,6; p &lt; 0,001); aquisição de animais destinados à reprodução (OR = 4,2; p &lt; 0,001); reposição de animais da mesma região (OR = 3,0; p = 0,001) e fetos abortados deixados no pasto (OR= 4,0; p &lt; 0,001). É possível concluir que a infecção por ambos os agentes está distribuída nos bovinos da área do estudo, sendo necessária a implementação de medidas preventivas a partir dos fatores de risco identificados no presente estudo

    Ecological and environmental factors affecting transmission of sylvatic yellow fever in the 2017-2019 outbreak in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil

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    Background: Yellow fever virus (YFV) is an arbovirus that, despite the existence of a safe and effective vaccine, continues to cause outbreaks of varying dimensions in the Americas and Africa. Between 2017 and 2019, Brazil registered un unprecedented sylvatic YFV outbreak whose severity was the result of its spread into zones of the Atlantic Forest with no signals of viral circulation for nearly 80 years. Methods: To investigate the influence of climatic, environmental, and ecological factors governing the dispersion and force of infection of YFV in a naïve area such as the landscape mosaic of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), we combined the analyses of a large set of data including entomological sampling performed before and during the 2017–2019 outbreak, with the geolocation of human and nonhuman primates (NHP) and mosquito infections. Results: A greater abundance of Haemagogus mosquitoes combined with lower richness and diversity of mosquito fauna increased the probability of finding a YFV-infected mosquito. Furthermore, the analysis of functional traits showed that certain functional groups, composed mainly of Aedini mosquitoes which includes Aedes and Haemagogus mosquitoes, are also more representative in areas where infected mosquitoes were found. Human and NHP infections were more common in two types of landscapes: large and continuous forest, capable of harboring many YFV hosts, and patches of small forest fragments, where environmental imbalance can lead to a greater density of the primary vectors and high human exposure. In both, we show that most human infections (~ 62%) occurred within an 11-km radius of the finding of an infected NHP, which is in line with the flight range of the primary vectors. Conclusions: Together, our data suggest that entomological data and landscape composition analyses may help to predict areas permissive to yellow fever outbreaks, allowing protective measures to be taken to avoid human cases