221 research outputs found
Prevention of medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaws secondary to tooth extractions: a systematic review
Background: A study was made to identify the most effective protocol for reducing the risk of osteonecrosis of
the jaws (ONJ) following tooth extraction in patients subjected to treatment with antiresorptive or antiangiogenic
Material and Methods: A MEDLINE and SCOPUS search (January 2003 - March 2015) was made with the purpose
of conducting a systematic literature review based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews
and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. All articles contributing information on tooth extractions in patients
treated with oral or intravenous antiresorptive or antiangiogenic drugs were included.
Results: Only 13 of the 380 selected articles were finally included in the review: 11 and 5 of them offered data on
patients treated with intravenous and oral bisphosphonates, respectively. No randomized controlled trials were
found – all publications corresponding to case series or cohort studies. The prevalence of ONJ in the patients
treated with intravenous and oral bisphosphonates was 6,9% (range 0-34.7%) and 0.47% (range 0-2.5%), respectively.
The main preventive measures comprised local and systemic infection control.
Conclusions: No conclusive scientific evidence is available to date on the efficacy of ONJ prevention protocols in
patients treated with antiresorptive or antiangiogenic drugs subjected to tooth extraction
Carcinoma oral de células escamosas, evaluación pronóstica de variables clínicas, histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas
Anualmente, más de 300.000 nuevos casos de carcinoma oral de células escamosas (CCEO) son diagnosticados en todo el mundo.1 De estos, aproximadamente 50.000 casos ocurren en Estados Unidos y Europa.2 En España, la incidencia del cáncer oral es de 12 a 15 casos/100.000 habitantes/año en varones y de 2 a 4 casos/100.000 habitantes/año en mujeres, y representa entre el 2 y el 3% de todas las muertes por cáncer en nuestro país.3 Además, estudios epidemiológicos recientes 4 han demostrado
un aumento de la mortalidad anual por cáncer oral, de un 25% para los hombres y de un 9% para las mujeres, durante el período de 1975- 1994, lo que hace que el cáncer oral deba ser considerado un problema de salud pública en España.
Objective: To evaluate the preliminary results related to journals up-grade that was used by Medicine III, through opportunity offered by Capes to all agency areas programs. Methods: Were used area document of Medicine I, II and III, besides other relevant topics available online at Capes site, between 2009 and 2013. The research was focused to answer two questions: 1) the stratification of Qualis is similar in the three areas of medicine? and 2) the evolution of Qualis in Medicine III was higher? Results: Medicine III showed an increase in its Qualis classification and is publishing in journals with higher impact factors, virtually the same as the Medicine I and II. Conclusion: The area showed the strongest growth in recent three-year periods
Accidental displacement and migration of endosseous implants into adjacent craniofacial structures : a review and update
Objectives: Accidental displacement of endosseous implants into the maxillary sinus is an unusual but potential complication in implantology procedures due to the special features of the posterior aspect of the maxillary bone; there is also a possibility of migration throughout the upper paranasal sinuses and adjacent structures. The aim of this paper is to review the published literature about accidental displacement and migration of dental implants into the maxillary sinus and other adjacent structures. Study D esign: A review has been done based on a search in the main on-line medical databases looking for papers about migration of dental implants published in major oral surgery, periodontal, dental implant and ear-nose- throat journals, using the keywords ?implant,? ?migration,? ?complication,? ?foreign body? and ?sinus.? Results: 24 articles showing displacement or migration to maxillary, ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses, orbit and cranial fossae, with different degrees of associated symptoms, were identified. Techniques found to solve these clinical issues include Cadwell-Luc approach, transoral endoscopy approach via canine fossae and transnasal functional endoscopy surgery. Conclusion: Before removing the foreign body, a correct diagnosis should be done in order to evaluate the functional status of the ostiomeatal complex and the degree of affectation of paranasal sinuses and other involved structures, determining the size and the exact location of the foreign body. After a complete diagnosis, an indicated procedure for every case would be decide
Glositis romboidal: localización atípica: caso clínico y diagnóstico diferencial
La glositis romboidal media (GRM) es una alteración benigna,
poco frecuente, que afecta ligeramente más a los varones.
Suele localizarse en la línea media del dorso de la lengua por
delante de la 'V' lingual, en forma de área rojiza, romboidal,
plana como una mácula o a veces exofítica, mamelonada, que
puede sobresalir de 2 a 5 mm, en la que no se observan papilas
Se presenta el caso clínico de un varón de 61 años de edad
que consulta por presentar una lesión exofítica asintomática en
dorso de lengua, situada a nivel paramedial izquierdo. El estudio
histopatológico es compatible con glositis romboidal. Se debe
realizar el diagnóstico diferencial con otras lesiones exofíticas
frecuentes en esta localización como: hemangioma o lesión
vascular, granuloma piogénico, amiloidosis, tumor de células
granulares y carcinoma de células escamosas, analizando tanto
los aspectos clínicos como histopatológicos de cada una de ellas.
A través de este caso clínico comprobamos que la GRM puede
tener una localización paramedial, que denominamos atípica.Median rhomboid glossitis (MRG) is an uncommon benign
abnormality of the tongue, most frequently affecting men. It is
typically located around the midline of the dorsum of the tongue,
anterior to the lingual 'V', appearing as a reddish, rhomboid
area, depapillated, flat maculate or mamillated and raised by 2
- 5 mm. This paper reports a case of rhomboid glossitis in a 61-
year-old man who consulted for a painless raised lesion on the
dorsum of the tongue, in left paramedial (not medial) location.
Histopathological findings were compatible with rhomboid glossitis.
Other diagnoses considered but ruled out on the basis of
the clinical and histopathological findings were haemangioma,
pyogenic granuloma, amyloidosis, granular cell tumour, and
squamous cell carcinoma. This case confirms that rhomboid
glossitis may occur in paramedial locations
Aplicaciones de la citología exfoliativa en el diagnóstico del cáncer oral
La citología exfoliativa es una técnica sencilla, no agresiva y
bien aceptada por los pacientes, por lo que podría ser útil en el
diagnóstico precoz del cáncer oral. Sin embargo, su utilización
como método diagnóstico de atipias epiteliales y especialmente
del carcinoma oral de células escamosas ha perdido importancia,
sobre todo debido a su baja sensibilidad representada
por el elevado número de resultados falsos negativos. Se atribuye
esta baja sensibilidad a diversos factores, entre ellos: toma
inadecuada de la muestra, error en la técnica e interpretación
subjetiva de los hallazgos citológicos. Afortunadamente, en los
últimos tiempos, el desarrollo del análisis cuantitativo, la
citomorfología, el análisis del ADN, la detección de marcadores
tumorales y el análisis molecular ha contribuido al resurgir
de esta técnica.
El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una breve revisión sobre las aplicaciones
de la citología exfoliativa en el diagnóstico del cáncer oral.Exfoliative cytology is a simple non-aggressive technique that
is well accepted by the patient, and that is therefore an attractive
option for the early diagnosis of oral cancer, including epithelial
atypias and especially squamous cell carcinoma. However,
traditional exfoliative cytology methods show low sensitivity
(i.e. a high proportion of false negatives) in the diagnosis of
these pathologies. This low sensitivity is attributable to various
factors, including inadequate sampling, procedural errors, and
the need for subjective interpretation of the findings. More
recently, the continuing development of automated cytomorphometric
methods, DNA content determination, tumour marker
detection, and diverse molecular-level analyses has contributed
to renewed interest in exfoliative cytology procedures for the
diagnosis of oral cancer. The present study briefly reviews
developments in these areas
An analysis of oral biopsies extracted from 1995 to 2009, in an oral medicine and surgery unit in Galicia (Spain)
Objective: To conduct an analysis of the frequency of oral lesions in biopsies over a 14-year period in the Oral Medicine, Oral Surgery and Implantology Unit. Material and Methods: We conducted a retrospective study of biopsies removed from 1995-2009, recording data regarding age, sex, location of the lesions, biopsy types, anatomical and pathological diagnosis and definitive diagnosis. Results: Of the 562 patients studied, the average age was 51.8 years, with a standard deviation of 18.5 (range 5-96). The distribution by sex was 318 (56.6%) women and 244 (43.4%) men. The most common diagnostic category was mucosal pathologies in 37.9% of cases, followed by odontogenic cysts in 27.8%. Malignant tumors accounted for 3.9% of cases, oral squamous cell carcinomas were the most frequent malignancy, appearing in 22 cases. Bisphosphonate- related osteonecrosis of the jaws was the most common injury within the bone lesions group. Conclusion: Following the performance of 647 biopsies on 562 patients, we can say that the most common injury was radicular cysts (appearing in 108 cases), having found statistical differences in relation to the patients' sex and age. © Medicina Oral S. L
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