20 research outputs found

    Fundraising Plan of chosen Non-profit Organisation

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    Misleading Commercial Practices with a Focus on Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

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    This master's thesis deals with a topical subject of intellectual property rights infringements as an example of a misleading commercial practice. The aim of the theoretical part is an analysis of the available data covering the topic. The paper also contains Czech and European statistics of goods infringing intellectual property rights. The thesis then focuses mainly on the issue of an illegal alcohol trade. The objective of the practical part is an analysis of consumer preferences and behaviour of Prague residents in the purchase and consumption of spirits. Another objective is an analysis of a change of consumer preferences and behaviour of Prague residents as an impact of recently revealed cases of a sell of harmful alcohol. The objectives are met via a quantitative questionnaire survey

    Misleading Commercial Practices with a Focus on Intellectual Property Rights Infringements

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá aktuálním tématem porušování práv duševního vlastnictví coby příkladem klamavé obchodní praktiky. Účelem teoretické části je analýza údajů o této problematice. Práce mimo jiné obsahuje i české a evropské statistiky obchodu se zbožím porušujícím práva duševního vlastnictví. Práce se poté zaměřuje především na oblast obchodu s nelegálním alkoholem. Cílem praktické části je analýza spotřebitelských preferencí a chování obyvatel Prahy při koupi a konzumaci lihovin. Dalším cílem je analýza změny spotřebitelských preferencí a chování obyvatel Prahy v důsledku nedávno odhalených případů prodeje závadného alkoholu. Cílů práce je dosaženo prostřednictvím kvantitativního dotazníkového šetření.This master's thesis deals with a topical subject of intellectual property rights infringements as an example of a misleading commercial practice. The aim of the theoretical part is an analysis of the available data covering the topic. The paper also contains Czech and European statistics of goods infringing intellectual property rights. The thesis then focuses mainly on the issue of an illegal alcohol trade. The objective of the practical part is an analysis of consumer preferences and behaviour of Prague residents in the purchase and consumption of spirits. Another objective is an analysis of a change of consumer preferences and behaviour of Prague residents as an impact of recently revealed cases of a sell of harmful alcohol. The objectives are met via a quantitative questionnaire survey

    Corps of volunteer firefighters in the selected township

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    Bakalářská práce si klade za cíl přiblížit činnosti sborů dobrovolných hasičů v místních částech města Ždírce nad Doubravou. Důraz je kladen na komparaci zkoumaných sborů dobrovolných hasičů. Práce se zabývá analýzou sborů z pohledu členského, ale také finančního. Dále jsou součástí bakalářské práce SWOT analýzy vytvořené na základě řízených rozhovorů s příslušníky jednotlivých SDH místních částí Ždírce nad Doubravou. Na základě provedeného sběru dat a uskutečněných analýz práce navrhuje doporučení pro zlepšení současného stavu.The bachelor thesis aims to introduce the activities of corps of volunteer firefighters in local parts of town named Zdirec nad Doubravou. The emphasis is based on comparison examined corps of volunteer firefighters. The thesis deals with analysis from point of financial and view of own members. The SWOT analysis are part of bachelor thesis also. The analysis are formulated on basic interviews with individual members of separate corps in local town. Based on collected informations and verified facts it would be recommened to improve actual status.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentka představila svou práci, přičemž se zaměřila především na její výstupy. Doc.Kraftová seznámila komisi s posudkem vedoucího práce. Následně studentka reagovala na otázky vedoucího práce. Dr. Matěja se studentky dotázal na nárůst příspěvku SDH ve Ždírci. Studentka problém dostatečně osvětlila. Dr. Zdražil se dotázal na okolnosti razantního nárůstu počtu členů SDH v obci Kohoutov. Studentka konkrétní důvod neznala, ale vyjádřila k záležitosti svůj osobní názor formulovaný na základě znalosti prostředí

    Freedom of expression versus right extremism in case law of ECHR

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    My bachelor thesis deals with freedom of expression, as it is formulated by the European Court of Human Rights in its practice. In the introductory part I describe the most relevant normative theories of media and I suggest, how they can be reflected in a law. I am going to demonstrate, how theory of media can influence a certain decision of a court. In my thesis I am concerned with the conflict of the right to arbitrarily spread a media content and need of our society to defend itself from extremist activities. I am describing the intricacy of the relation between democratic society and extremism. Democracy is built up on the pluralism of ideas, but some ideologies can be harmful to it. Law is a means of regulation of human behavior also in the area of mass media. I discuss how law can contribute to a correct behavior of mass media. I mention the most important instruments of human rights protection and why is the European Convention on Human Rights so significant. My thesis focuses on analysis of chosen judgements of the European Court of Human Rights. Using these decisions I demonstrate when, under which conditions and for what reasons is it possible to limit freedom of expression. My work seeks an answer to the question, if a position of an individual differs from a position of a professional..

    Analysis of selected human resources management activities in a selected company

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    Diplomová práce si klade za cíl analyzovat vybrané činnosti řízení lidských zdrojů ve vybraném podniku, kterým je Digital Solutions. Důraz je kladen na analýzu náborových činností, prováděných v souvislosti s pozicemi hledanými v roce 2020. Počínaje analýzou aktivit a vlastností podniku, jež mohou zaujmout uchazeče, přes tvorbu inzerátů, inzerci, komunikaci s uchazeči, využívání kariérních stránek, vedení pohovorů až po přijetí uchazeče a jeho adaptaci. Dále jsou součástí diplomové práce přílohy, jež zobrazují aktivity organizace a formu inzerovaných pozic v roce 2020. Na základě provedeného sběru dat a uskutečněných analýz práce navrhuje doporučení pro zkvalitnění a zefektivnění náborového procesu.The goal of diploma thesis is management analysis of human resources in business company called Digital Solutions. The part of this analysis are recruitment activities completed in year 2020. They are directly connected with variaty positions in business. One of the business activi-ty is select suitable candidate. Process involve choosing potential applicant, leading interview and adapt candidate to new environment in Digital Solutions. The main content are creation of advertisements, communications with candidates and using own skills from careers websites. Part of diploma work are attachments showing activities of company and advertised positions in year 2020. Based on collected datas and completed analysis is recommended to improve quality recruitment process, which will have more effective impact.Fakulta ekonomicko-správníStudentka přednesla téma své DP ''Analýza vybraných činností ŘLZ ve vybraném podniku'', otázky vedoucího práce: 1. Autorka by se v rámci rozpravy mohla vyjádřit jak pandemie COVID 19 změnila získávání pracovníků v IT. 2. Budou některá doporučení implementovaná v sledované společnosti? Otázky oponentky DP: 1. Na straně 61 píšete, že jedním z faktorů ovlivňující potenciální uchazeče o pracovní pozici, je ''úroveň konkurence''. Co si pod tímto pojmem představujete? 2. Stává se Vám, že se s kandidátem domluvíte na osobním setkání a on se na něj nedostaví? Jak navrhujete takovouto nepříjemnost řešit, abyste to dovedla odhadnout předem, neztrácela díky tomu čas vedení, kteří si už vyhradili na pohovor svůj čas, a nepoškodila přitom jméno firmy? 3. Současná situace mezi kandidáty rozšiřuje zájem o práci z domu. Jaký je Váš názor na sestavení týmu z lidí, kde bude polovina sedět na pracovišti a druhá polovina bude připojena z domova. Otázky a náměty z rozpravy: Kdo je to mentor a jaké by měl mít vlastnosti? Co jsou firemní narozeniny? Studentka otázky zodpověděla.Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    The evaluation of threats resulting from Sinanodonta woodiana invasion in the Czech Rep. with focus on the fish growth modifications

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    The main task of this bachelor thesis is to inform about Chinese pond mussel (Sinanodontawoodina) invasion in the Czech Republic ecosystems of aquaculture. We provide both the literature review and risk evaluation. More we have presented impacts to other fish growth. At first we interested ourselves in the invasive species description. Then we have presented the threats for ecosystems caused with the existence of bivalve. We present the bivalve life cycle with all its impacts to the life cycle of fish. There are presented all function of bivalve in ecosystems and the risk evaluation appearing after these are overpopulated. These invasive species are worldwide problem. They are endangering the biodiversity in the nature. There are also negative impacts to economy and peoples´ health. The bivalve are said to be ecosystem engineers. Their usefulness depends on their quantity. Invasive bivalve appear in a great densely. These produce great damages. I have presented all problems connected with the existence of threatened species and more have discussed all risks connected with extension of invasive bivalves. We provide essential remedies and evaluate potential impacts in order to protect original species and lower damages in the economy of fishery. The essential part is the summary of legislatives

    Companies in private international law

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    The world is getting globalized and more connected than ever. Business is being done internationally, contracts are closed between legal subjects from different countries and international companies represent powerful market forces. Changed situation brings new challenges for the legal regulation of such phenomena. International private law deals with legal issues connected to different laws and determines the applicable law. There are two diverging theories concerning applicable company law, the real seat doctrine and the incorporation doctrine. The real seat theory requires a company to be subject to the law of the state in which its effective centre of administration is located. The real seat doctrine is considered protective, because it safeguards the rights of stakeholders such as minority shareholders and creditors. If a company changes its centre of business, if it moves its decisive activities to another country, the applicable law will change. Consequence of the change is that the state applying the real seat principle does not recognize legal capacity of such a company. The incorporation theory determines the applicable law by reference to the state in which the company was established or registered. It is assumed that incorporation theory leads to the race to bottom in company law. I..

    Companies in private international law

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    The world is getting globalized and more connected than ever. Business is being done internationally, contracts are closed between legal subjects from different countries and international companies represent powerful market forces. Changed situation brings new challenges for the legal regulation of such phenomena. International private law deals with legal issues connected to different laws and determines the applicable law. There are two diverging theories concerning applicable company law, the real seat doctrine and the incorporation doctrine. The real seat theory requires a company to be subject to the law of the state in which its effective centre of administration is located. The real seat doctrine is considered protective, because it safeguards the rights of stakeholders such as minority shareholders and creditors. If a company changes its centre of business, if it moves its decisive activities to another country, the applicable law will change. Consequence of the change is that the state applying the real seat principle does not recognize legal capacity of such a company. The incorporation theory determines the applicable law by reference to the state in which the company was established or registered. It is assumed that incorporation theory leads to the race to bottom in company law. I..