3,910 research outputs found

    The global mass function of M15

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    Data obtained with the NICMOS instrument on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) have been used to determine the H-band luminosity function (LF) and mass function (MF) of three stellar fields in the globular cluster M15, located ~7' from the cluster centre. The data confirm that the cluster MF has a characteristic mass of ~0.3 Msolar, as obtained by Paresce & De Marchi (2000) for a stellar field at 4.6' from the centre. By combining the present data with those published by other authors for various radial distances (near the centre, at 20" and at 4.6'), we have studied the radial variation of the LF due to the effects of mass segregation and derived the global mass function (GMF) using the Michie-King approach. The model that simultaneously best fits the LF at various locations, the surface brightness profile and the velocity dispersion profile suggests that the GMF should resemble a segmented power-law with the following indices: x ~ 0.8 for stars more massive than 0.8 Msolar, x ~ 0.9 for 0.3 - 0.8 Msolar and x ~ -2.2 at smaller masses (Salpeter's IMF would have x=1.35). The best fitting model also suggests that the cluster mass is ~5.4 10^5 Msolar and that the mass-to-light ratio is on average M/L_V ~ 2.1, with M/L_V ~ 3.7 in the core. A large amount of mass (~ 44 %) is found in the cluster core in the form of stellar heavy remnants, which may be sufficient to explain the mass segregation in M15 without invoking the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Genetic parameters for milk mineral content and acidity predicted by mid-infrared spectroscopy in Holstein–Friesian cows

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    peer-reviewedThis article was first published in animal, Volume 9, Issue 05, May 2015, pp 775-780 © The Animal Consortium 2015The aim of the present study was to estimate genetic parameters for calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P) and titratable acidity (TA) in bovine milk predicted by mid-IR spectroscopy (MIRS). Data consisted of 2458 Italian Holstein−Friesian cows sampled once in 220 farms. Information per sample on protein and fat percentage, pH and somatic cell count, as well as test-day milk yield, was also available. (Co)variance components were estimated using univariate and bivariate animal linear mixed models. Fixed effects considered in the analyses were herd of sampling, parity, lactation stage and a two-way interaction between parity and lactation stage; an additive genetic and residual term were included in the models as random effects. Estimates of heritability for Ca, P and TA were 0.10, 0.12 and 0.26, respectively. Positive moderate to strong phenotypic correlations (0.33 to 0.82) existed between Ca, P and TA, whereas phenotypic weak to moderate correlations (0.00 to 0.45) existed between these traits with both milk quality and yield. Moderate to strong genetic correlations (0.28 to 0.92) existed between Ca, P and TA, and between these predicted traits with both fat and protein percentage (0.35 to 0.91). The existence of heritable genetic variation for Ca, P and TA, coupled with the potential to predict these components for routine cow milk testing, imply that genetic gain in these traits is indeed possible

    The Mass Function of Main Sequence Stars in NGC6397 from Near IR and Optical High Resolution HST Observations

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    We have investigated the properties of the stellar mass function in the globular cluster NGC6397 using a large set of HST observations that include WFPC2 images in V and I, obtained at ~4' and 10' radial distances, and a series of deep images in the J and H bands obtained with the NIC2 and NIC3 cameras of NICMOS pointed to regions located ~4.5' and ~3.2' from the center. These observations span the region from ~1 to ~3 times the cluster's half-light radius. All luminosity functions, derived from color magniutde diagrams, increase with decreasing luminosity up to a peak at M_I~8.5 or M_H~7 and then precipitously drop well before photometric incompleteness becomes significant. Within the observational uncertainties, at M_I~12 or M_H~10.5 (~0.09 Msun) the luminosity functions are compatible with zero. By applying the best available mass- luminosity relation appropriate to the metallicity of NGC6397 to both the optical and IR data, we obtain a mass function that shows a break in slope at \~0.3 Msun. No single exponent power-law distribution is compatible with these data, regardless of the value of the exponent. We find that a dynamical model of the cluster can simultaneously reproduce all the luminosity functions observed throughout the cluster only if the IMF rises as m**-1.6 in the range 0.8-0.3 Msun and then drops as m**0.2 below ~0.3 Msun. Adopting a more physical log-normal distribution for the IMF, all these data taken together imply a best fit distribution with characteristic mass m_c~0.3 and sigma~1.8.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures (ps). Accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Globular Cluster IMF below 1 Solar Mass

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    (Abridged) Accurate luminosity functions (LF) for a dozen globular clusters have now been measured at or just beyond their half-light radius using HST. They span almost the entire cluster main sequence below ~ 0.75 Msolar. All these clusters exhibit LF that rise continuously from an absolute I magnitude M_I ~ 6 to a peak at M_I ~ 8.5-9 and then drop with increasing M_I. Transformation of the LF into mass functions (MF) by means of the most recent mass luminosity relations that are consistent with all presently available data on the physical properties of low mass, low metallicity stars shows that all the LF observed so far can be obtained from MF having the shape of a log-normal distribution with characteristic mass m_c=0.33 +/- 0.03 Msolar and standard deviation sigma = 1.81 +/- 0.19. After correction for the effects of mass segregation, the variation of the ratio of the number of higher to lower mass stars with cluster mass or any simple orbital parameter or the expected time to disruption recently computed for these clusters shows no statistically significant trend over a range of this last parameter of more than a factor of 100. We conclude that the global MF of these clusters have not been measurably modified by evaporation and tidal interactions with the Galaxy and, thus, should reflect the initial distribution of stellar masses. Since the log-normal function that we find is also very similar to the one obtained independently for much younger clusters and to the form expected theoretically, the implication seems to be unavoidable that it represents the true stellar IMF for this type of stars in this mass range.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. Contains 28 pages with 6 figure

    The stellar content of the infalling molecular clump G286.21+0.17

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    The early evolution during massive star cluster formation is still uncertain. Observing embedded clusters at their earliest stages of formation can provide insight into the spatial and temporal distribution of the stars and thus probe different star cluster formation models. We present near-infrared imaging of an 8'*13'(5.4pc*8.7pc) region around the massive infalling clump G286.21+0.17(also known as BYF73). The stellar content across the field is determined and photometry is derived in order to { obtain} stellar parameters for the cluster members. We find evidence for some sub-structure (on scales less than a pc diameter) within the region with apparently at least three different sub-clusters associated with the molecular clump based on differences in extinction and disk fractions. At the center of the clump we identify a deeply embedded sub-cluster. Near-infrared excess is detected for 39-44% in the two sub-clusters associated with molecular material and 27% for the exposed cluster. Using the disk excess as a proxy for age this suggests the clusters are very young. The current total stellar mass is estimated to be at least 200 Msun. The molecular core hosts a rich population of pre-main sequence stars. There is evidence for multiple events of star formation both in terms of the spatial distribution within the star forming region and possibly from the disk frequency.Comment: Submitted to A

    Mass accretion rates from multiband photometry in the Carina Nebula: The case of Trumpler 14

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    open8siWe present a study of the mass accretion rates of pre-main sequence (PMS) stars in the cluster Trumpler 14 (Tr 14) in the Carina Nebula. Using optical multiband photometry we were able to identify 356 PMS stars showing Hα excess emission with equivalent width EW(Hα) > 20 Å. We interpret this observational feature as an indication that these objects are still actively accreting gas from their circumstellar medium. From a comparison of the HR diagram with PMS evolutionary models we derive ages and masses of the PMS stars. We find that most of the PMS objects are younger than 10 Myr with a median age of ~3 Myr. Surprisingly, we also find that ~20% of the mass accreting objects are older than 10 Myr. For each PMS star in Trumpler 14 we determine the mass accretion rate (áč€acc) and discuss its dependence on mass and age. We finally combine the optical photometry with near-IR observations to build the spectral energy distribution (SED) for each PMS star in Tr 14. The analysis of the SEDs suggests the presence of transitional discs in which a large amount of gas is still present and sustains accretion onto the PMS object at ages older than 10 Myr. Our results, discussed in light of recent recent discoveries with Herschel of transitional discs containing a massive gas component around the relatively old PMS stars TW Hydrae, 49 Ceti, and HD 95086, support a new scenario n which old and evolved debris discs still host a significant amount of gas.openBeccari, G.; De Marchi, G.; Panagia, N.; Valenti, E.; Carraro, G.; Romaniello, M.; Zoccali, M.; Weidner, C.Beccari, G.; De Marchi, G.; Panagia, N.; Valenti, E.; Carraro, Giovanni; Romaniello, M.; Zoccali, M.; Weidner, C

    Short communication: Effects of pregnancy on milk yield, composition traits, and coagulation properties of Holstein cows.

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of pregnancy stage on milk yield, composition traits, and milk coagulation properties in Italian Holstein cattle. The data set included 25,729 records from 3,995 first-parity cows calving between August 2010 and August 2013 in 167 herds. The traits analyzed were milk yield (kg/d), fat (%), protein (%), casein (%), and lactose (%) contents, pH, somatic cell score, rennet coagulation time (min), and curd firmness (mm). To better understand the effect of gestation on the aforementioned traits, each record was assigned to one of the following classes of pregnancy stage: (1) nonpregnant, (2) pregnant from 1 to 120d, (3) pregnant from 121 to 210d, and (4) pregnant from 211 to 310d. Gestation stage significantly influenced all studied traits with the exception of somatic cell score. Milk production decreased and milk quality improved from the fourth month of pregnancy onward. For all traits, nonpregnant cows performed very similarly to cows in the first period of gestation. Rennet coagulation time and curd firmness were influenced by pregnancy stage, especially in the last weeks of gestation when milk had better coagulation characteristics; this information should be accounted for to adjust test-day records in genetic evaluation of milk coagulation properties

    Bivariate polynomial interpolation on the square at new nodal sets

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    As known, the problem of choosing ``good'' nodes is a central one in polynomial interpolation. While the problem is essentially solved in one dimension (all good nodal sequences are asymptotically equidistributed with respect to the arc-cosine metric), in several variables it still represents a substantially open question. In this work we consider new nodal sets for bivariate polynomial interpolation on the square. First, we consider fast Leja points for tensor-product interpolation. On the other hand, for classical polynomial interpolation on the square we experiment four families of points which are (asymptotically) equidistributed with respect to the Dubiner metric, which extends to higher dimension the arc-cosine metric. One of them, nicknamed Padua points, gives numerically a Lebesgue constant growing like log square of the degree
