76 research outputs found

    Heat flow and thermal history of the moon

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    An analysis was made of current heat flow data and thermal models of lunar evolution which satisfy the diverse information that has accumulated on internal processes

    Physical Parameters of Polymer Composite Materials Created on the Basis of Low and High Molecular Weight Rubbers

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    ABSTRACT. The theoretical foundations of the structural and mechanical behavior of filled three-dimensional cross-linked elastomers are supplemented. Numerical experiments are carried out, based on the data of numerical experiments, three dimensional cross linked, filled with dispersed particles frost-resistant elastomers based on low and high molecular weight rubbers are developed. Theoretical and experimental data are compared and their good convergence is shown. Comparison of the physical parameters of the composites created by the authors on the basis of low and high molecular weight rubbers showed that the deformation characteristics of the composite based on high molecular weight rubbers are many times superior to composites based on low molecular weight, as well as their glass transition temperature is also very different. The created composites are recommended as a structural material in relation to the engineering problem of creating wear-resistant parts and components of road and air transport operated in a wide temperature range, including the Far North and the Arctic. &nbsp

    Influence of Hydrodynamic Regimes on Mixing of Waters of Confluent Rivers

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    At present, a significant weakening of the intensity of transverse mixing at the confluence of large rivers, which is observed in a number of cases, is widely discussed. Since the observed features of the confluence of large watercourses are not only of research interest but also of significant economic importance associated with the characteristics of water management at these water bodies, a large number of works are devoted to their study. Water resources management requires measures for the organization of water use which can be rational only under the understanding of processes occurring in water basins. To explain the phenomenon of suppression of the transverse mixing, which is interesting and important from the point of view of ecology, a wide range of hypotheses is proposed, up to the negation of turbulence in rivers. One of the possible mechanisms for explaining the suppression of transversal mixing can be the presence of transverse circulation manifesting itself as Prandtl’s secondary flows of the second kind. The characteristic velocity of these circulation flows is very small and difficult to measure directly by instruments; however, in our opinion, they can significantly complicate the transverse mixing at the confluence. The proposed hypothesis is tested in computational experiments in the framework of the three-dimensional formulation for dimensions of a real water object at the mouth of the Vishera River where it meets the Kama. Calculations demonstrate that, at sufficiently large flow rates, the two waters practically do not mix in the horizontal direction throughout the depth over long distances from the confluence. It has been found that a two-vortex flow is formed downstream the confluence, which just attenuates the mixing; the fluid motion in the vortices is such that, near the free surface, the fluid moves from the banks to the middle of the riverbed

    A numerical study of the influence of channel-scale secondary circulation on mixing processes downstream of river junctions

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    A rapid downstream weakening of the processes that drive the intensity of transverse mixing at the confluence of large rivers has been identified in the literature and attributed to the progressive reduction in channel scale secondary circulation and shear-driven mixing with distance downstream from the junction. These processes are investigated in this paper using a three-dimensional computation of the Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations combined with a Reynolds stress turbulence model for the confluence of the Kama and Vishera rivers in the Russian Urals. Simulations were carried out for three different configurations: an idealized planform with a rectangular cross-section (R), the natural planform with a rectangular cross-section (P), and the natural planform with the measured bathymetry (N), each one for three different discharge ratios. Results show that in the idealized configuration (R), the initial vortices that form due to channel-scale pressure gradients decline rapidly with distance downstream. Mixing is slow and incomplete at more than 10 multiples of channel width downstream from the junction corner. However, when the natural planform and bathymetry are introduced (N), rates of mixing increase dramatically at the junction corner and are maintained with distance downstream. Comparison with the P case suggests that it is the bathymetry that drives the most rapid mixing and notably when the discharge ratio is such that a single channel-scale vortex develops aided by curvature in the post junction channel. This effect is strongest when the discharge of the tributary that has the same direction of curvature as the post junction channel is greatest. A comprehensive set of field data are required to test this conclusion. If it holds, theoretical models of mixing processes in rivers will need to take into account the effects of bathymetry upon the interaction between river discharge ratio, secondary circulation development, and mixing rates

    Significance of economic factors in reproductive choice of modem women within a big industrial region

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    An analysis has been done of interdependence between the number of live-birth infants, frequency of deliberate termination of pregnancies (medical abortions) and economic indicators (minimum living-wage, expenses per capita, amount of newly built living space per year) on the example of Sverdlovsk Oblast within a decade (1998-2008). During this research with the help of multiple regression method coefficients of determination of the above mentioned indicators were figured out, including the indicators for women of different age groups. Coefficients show the motivation of reproductive choice within a long period of time. One of the decisive factors for women aged from 15 to 44 is her economic situation, because the frequency of medical abortions is tightly connected with the indicators of the economic situation of the region: minimum living-wage, average expenses per capita, amount of newly built living space a year. Teenagers under 14 and women over 45 were motivated by different issues. The received data support the idea that government and municipal bodies should be more attentive to realization of preventive measures on non-desirable pregnancies, formation of healthy lifestyle, primarily among teenaged girls.Проведен анализ зависимости числа родов, абортов и экономических показателей (величины прожиточного минимума, среднедушевых расходов, ввода жилья) на примере Свердловской области за 10-ти летний период (1998-2008 гг.). С помощью математического анализа определен универсальный характер экономических показателей и получена модель прогноза, согласно которой чем выше экономические показатели, тем выше число родов и меньше число абортов. Исследованы коэффициенты детерминации числа абортов среди женщин разных возрастных групп от экономических показателей. Величина этих коэффициентов указывает на мотивацию репродуктивного выбора. Экономическое положение женщины (семьи) определяет решение о сохранении беременности. У юных (младше 14 лет) и пожилых (старше 45 лет) в мотивации имеют значение другие факторы, что подтверждает необходимость более пристального внимания к половому воспитанию и формированию здорового образа жизни у девочек-подростков

    European Space Agency experiments on thermodiffusion of fluid mixtures in space

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    Abstract.: This paper describes the European Space Agency (ESA) experiments devoted to study thermodiffusion of fluid mixtures in microgravity environment, where sedimentation and convection do not affect the mass flow induced by the Soret effect. First, the experiments performed on binary mixtures in the IVIDIL and GRADFLEX experiments are described. Then, further experiments on ternary mixtures and complex fluids performed in DCMIX and planned to be performed in the context of the NEUF-DIX project are presented. Finally, multi-component mixtures studied in the SCCO project are detailed

    Actin binding to WH2 domains regulates nuclear import of the multifunctional actin regulator JMY

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 23 (2012): 853-863, doi:10.1091/mbc.E11-12-0992.Junction-mediating and regulatory protein (JMY) is a regulator of both transcription and actin filament assembly. In response to DNA damage, JMY accumulates in the nucleus and promotes p53-dependent apoptosis. JMY's actin-regulatory activity relies on a cluster of three actin-binding Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome protein homology 2 (WH2) domains that nucleate filaments directly and also promote nucleation activity of the Arp2/3 complex. In addition to these activities, we find that the WH2 cluster overlaps an atypical, bipartite nuclear localization sequence (NLS) and controls JMY's subcellular localization. Actin monomers bound to the WH2 domains block binding of importins to the NLS and prevent nuclear import of JMY. Mutations that impair actin binding, or cellular perturbations that induce actin filament assembly and decrease the concentration of monomeric actin in the cytoplasm, cause JMY to accumulate in the nucleus. DNA damage induces both cytoplasmic actin polymerization and nuclear import of JMY, and we find that damage-induced nuclear localization of JMY requires both the WH2/NLS region and importin β. On the basis of our results, we propose that actin assembly regulates nuclear import of JMY in response to DNA damage.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, an American Heart Association Predoctoral Fellowship (J.B.Z.), the Robert Day Allen Fellowship Fund (J.B.Z.), and a National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship (B.B.)

    Ethnoregional Education: Institutional Approach

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    В статье рассмотрено этнорегиональное образование как социальный институт на примере коренных малых народов Севера (далее КМНС). Целью исследования является анализ специфики функционирования данного социального института. Образовательная система на Севере выстроена с учетом мультикультурности этих регионов, направлена на поддержание целостности культурно-образовательного пространства страны. Этнорегиональное образование — это элемент образовательной системы Российской Федерации, который осуществляется с учетом права обучения на родном языке. На территориях традиционной хозяйственной деятельности КМНС работают школы-интернаты, дневные общеобразовательные школы. Для кочевых жителей создаются кочевые школы, для реализации начальной образовательной ступени исходя из специфики традиционного образа жизни. В статье представлены основные результаты социологического исследования1, которые дают представление о реализации функции института образования детей из числа коренных малых народов. Описаны значимые качества педагога и задачи национальных школ; особенности и роль кочевых школ в региональной образовательной среде. Учителям кочевая школа представляется как ресурсный механизм организации дошкольного образования. В статье указаны факторы, снижающие эффективность функционирования института этнорегионального образования. Проблемными точками данного института являются преемственность, организация и обеспечение образовательного процесса, структура и наполнение образовательных программ.This article considers ethnoregional education of the indigenous peoples of the North as a social institute. The study aims to analyze the specifics of functioning of this social institution. The educational system in the North is built taking into account the multicultural nature of these regions; its goal is to maintain the integrity of the cultural and educational space of the country. Ethnoregional education is an element of the educational system of the Russian Federation, which takes into account the right to study in one’s native language. Boarding schools and common state schools operate on the territories of traditional economic activities of the indigenous people, as well as nomadic schools, which are created for the implementation of the primary education among the nomadic tribes, taking into account the specifics of their traditional way of life. The authors present the main results of the sociological research that give an overview ob the functioning of the educational institution for the children of the indigenous peoples of the North. This paper describes significant qualities of the teacher and the tasks of the national school. Another focus of the research is the nomadic schools — their features and role in the regional educational environment. Nomadic schools represent a resource mechanism for the organization of preschool education. The authors indicate the factors that reduce the effectiveness of the institute of ethno-regional education. The problematic points of this institute include the continuity, organization and provision of the educational process of instruction, as well as the structure and content of educational programs

    Unusual course of AA amiloidosis in a patient with rheumatoid arthritis

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    A case of an unusual course of AA-amyloidosis in a pt with rheumatoid arthritis – disseminated amyloid deposition in lungs, heart and liver with insignificant and variable proteinuria – is presente