184 research outputs found

    Directing human embryonic stem cell differentiation by non-viral delivery of siRNA in 3D culture

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    Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) hold great potential as a resource for regenerative medicine. Before achieving therapeutic relevancy, methods must be developed to control stem cell differentiation. It is clear that stem cells can respond to genetic signals, such as those imparted by nucleic acids, to promote lineage-specific differentiation. Here we have developed an efficient system for delivering siRNA to hESCs in a 3D culture matrix using lipid-like materials. We show that non-viral siRNA delivery in a 3D scaffolds can efficiently knockdown 90% of GFP expression in GFP-hESCs. We further show that this system can be used as a platform for directing hESC differentiation. Through siRNA silencing of the KDR receptor gene, we achieve concurrent downregulation (60–90%) in genes representative of the endoderm germ layer and significant upregulation of genes representative of the mesoderm germ layer (27–90 fold). This demonstrates that siRNA can direct stem cell differentiation by blocking genes representative of one germ layer and also provides a particularly powerful means to isolate the endoderm germ layer from the mesoderm and ectoderm. This ability to inhibit endoderm germ layer differentiation could allow for improved control over hESC differentiation to desired cell types.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant EB000244)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant DE016561)Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (Firm

    Behavior of Piles and Pile Groups in Cohesionless Soils

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    DTFH61-82-C-0038In order to gain a better understanding of the behavior of piles in snad, an extensive search of the literature has been performed to collect data on instrumental piles driven in sand and tested under vertical loads. The load transfer characteristics of the piles were then analyzed without considering residual stresses. Wherever the data allowed it, the load transfer analysis was repeated after considering residual driving stresses. The results of this method as well as conventional and new in situ tests methods were then compared to actual load test results. Areas of critical need for further research are pointed out and recommendations are made for their implementation

    Controlling the temperature sensitivity of DNA-mediated colloidal interactions through competing linkages

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    We propose a new strategy to improve the self-assembly properties of DNA-functionalised colloids. The problem that we address is that DNA-functionalised colloids typically crystallize in a narrow temperature window, if at all. The underlying reason is the extreme sensitivity of DNA-mediated interactions to temperature or other physical control parameters. We propose to widen the window for colloidal crystallization by exploiting the competition between DNA linkages with different nucleotide sequences, which results in a temperature-dependent switching of the dominant bond type. Following such a strategy, we can decrease the temperature dependence of DNA-mediated self assembly to make systems that can crystallize in a wider temperature window than is possible with existing systems of DNA functionalised colloids. We report Monte Carlo simulations that show that the proposed strategy can indeed work in practice for real systems and specific, designable DNA sequences. Depending on the length ratio of the different DNA constructs, we find that the bond switching is either energetically driven (equal length or `symmetric' DNA) or controlled by a combinatorial entropy gain (`asymmetric' DNA), which results from the large number of possible binding partners for each DNA strand. We provide specific suggestions for the DNA sequences with which these effects can be achieved experimentally

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of DNA hybridization on gold nanoparticles

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    Hybridization of single-stranded DNA immobilized on the surface of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) into double stranded DNA and its subsequent dissociation into ssDNA were investigated. Melting curves and rates of dissociation and hybridization were measured using fluorescence detection based on hybridization-induced fluorescence change. Two distribution functions, namely the state distribution and the rate distribution, were proposed in order to take interfacial heterogeneity into account and to quantitatively analyze the data. Reaction and activation enthalpies and entropies of DNA hybridization and dissociation on GNPs were derived and compared with the same quantities in solution. Our results show that the interaction between GNPs and DNA reduces the energetic barrier and accelerates the dissociation of adhered DNA. At low surface densities of ssDNA adhered to GNP surface, the primary reaction pathway is that ssDNA in solution first adsorbs onto the GNP, and then diffuses along the surface until hybridizing with an immobilized DNA. We also found that the secondary structure of a DNA hairpin inhibits the interaction between GNPs and DNA and enhances the stability of the DNA hairpin adhered to GNPs

    Multi-stringency wash of partially hybridized 60-mer probes reveals that the stringency along the probe decreases with distance from the microarray surface

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    Here, we describe a multi-parametric study of DNA hybridization to probes with 20–70% G + C content. Probes were designed towards 71 different sites/mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene. Seven probe lengths, three spacer lengths and six stringencies were systematically varied. The three spacer lengths were obtained by placing the gene-specific sequence in discrete steps along the 60-mer probes. The study was performed using Agilent 8 × 15 000 probes custom-made arrays and a home-built array washer providing different stringencies to each of the eight sub-arrays on the slides. Investigation of hybridization signals, specificity and dissociation curves indicated that probes close to the surface were influenced by an additional stringency provided by the microarray surface. Consistent with this, probes close to the surface required 4 × SSC, while probes placed away from the surface required 0.35 × SSC wash buffers in order to give accurate genotyping results. Multiple step dissociation was frequently observed for probes placed furthest away from surface, but not for probes placed proximal to the surface, which is consistent with the hypothesis that there is different stringency along the 60-mer. The results have impact on design of probes for genotyping, gene expression and comparative genome hybridization analysis

    Trafficking of Siderophore Transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Intracellular Fate of Ferrioxamine B Conjugates

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    We have studied the intracellular trafficking of Sit1 [ferrioxamine B (FOB) transporter] and Enb1 (enterobactin transporter) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteins. Enb1 was constitutively targeted to the plasma membrane. Sit1 was essentially targeted to the vacuolar degradation pathway when synthesized in the absence of substrate. Massive plasma membrane sorting of Sit1 was induced by various siderophore substrates of Sit1, and by coprogen, which is not a substrate of Sit1. Thus, different siderophore transporters use different regulated trafficking processes. We also studied the fate of Sit1-mediated internalized siderophores. Ferrioxamine B was recovered in isolated vacuolar fractions, where it could be detected spectrophotometrically. Ferrioxamine B coupled to an inhibitor of mitochondrial protoporphyrinogen oxidase (acifluorfen) could not reach its target unless the cells were disrupted, confirming the tight compartmentalization of siderophores within cells. Ferrioxamine B coupled to a fluorescent moiety, FOB-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, used as a Sit1-dependent iron source, accumulated in the vacuolar lumen even in mutants displaying a steady-state accumulation of Sit1 at the plasma membrane or in endosomal compartments. Thus, the fates of siderophore transporters and siderophores diverge early in the trafficking process

    Surface Science of DNA Adsorption onto Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticles

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Langmuir copyright © American Chemical Society after peer review and technical editing by publisher. To access the final edited and published work see Zhang, X., Servos, M. R., & Liu, J. (2012). Surface Science of DNA Adsorption onto Citrate-Capped Gold Nanoparticles. Langmuir, 28(8), 3896–3902. https://doi.org/10.1021/la205036pSingle-stranded DNA can be adsorbed by citrate capped gold nanoparticles (AuNPs), resulting in increased AuNP stability, which forms the basis of a number of biochemical and analytical applications, but the fundamental interaction of this adsorption reaction remains unclear. In this study, we measured DNA adsorption kinetics, capacity, and isotherms, demonstrating that the adsorption process is governed by electrostatic forces. The charge repulsion among DNA strands and between DNA and AuNPs can be reduced by adding salt, reducing pH or by using noncharged peptide nucleic acid (PNA). Langmuir adsorption isotherms are obtained, indicating the presence of both adsorption and desorption of DNA from AuNPs. While increasing salt concentration facilitates DNA adsorption, the desorption rate is also enhanced in higher salt due to DNA compaction. DNA adsorption capacity is determined by DNA oligomer length, DNA concentration, and salt. Previous studies indicated faster adsorption of short DNA oligomers by AuNPs, we find that once adsorbed, longer DNAs are much more effective in protecting AuNPs from aggregation. DNA adsorption is also facilitated by using low pH buffers and high alcohol concentrations. A model based on electrostatic repulsion on AuNPs is proposed to rationalize the DNA adsorption/desorption behavior.University of Waterloo || Canadian Foundation for Innovation || Ontario Ministry of Research & Innovation || Canadian Institutes of Health Research || Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council |