1,026 research outputs found

    Large Scale Winter Time Disturbances in Meteor Winds over Central and Eastern Europe

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    Daily zonal wind data of the four pre-MAP-winters 1978/79 to 1981/82 obtained over Central Europe and Eastern Europe by the radar meteor method were studied. Available temperature and satellite radiance data of the middle and upper stratosphere were used for comparison, as well as wind data from Canada. The existence or nonexistence of coupling between the observed large scale zonal wind disturbances in the upper mesopause region (90 to 100 km) and corresponding events in the stratosphere are discussed

    A study of phase separation processes in presence of dislocations in binary systems subjected to irradiation

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    Dislocation-assisted phase separation processes in binary systems subjected to irradiation effect are studied analytically and numerically. Irradiation is described by athermal atomic mixing in the form of ballistic flux with spatially correlated stochastic contribution. While studying the dynamics of domain size growth we have shown that the dislocation mechanism of phase decomposition delays the ordering processes. It is found that spatial correlations of the ballistic flux noise cause segregation of dislocation cores in the vicinity of interfaces effectively decreasing the interface width. A competition between regular and stochastic components of the ballistic flux is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figure

    Free amino acids of the blood and some organs in hypokinesia

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    The metabolic fund of amino acids of the blood and tissues of rats under hypokinesia was investigated. The content of free amino acids was determined for the liver, kidney, brain, and the skeletal and cardiac muscles after established periods of hypokinesia. It was found that the total content of free amino acids in the experimental animals was, on the average 19 percent lower than in the controls. The results of the quantity of individual compounds indicate that the level of some were reduced while others were increased. It was also found that there was an unequal content of individual amino acids in the different tissues

    Wind regime peculiarities in the lower thermosphere in the winter of 1983/84

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    Temporal variations of prevailing winds at 90 to 100 km obtained from measurements carried out in winter 1983 to 1984 at three sites in the USSR and two sites in East Germany are reported. These variations are compared with those of the thermal stratospheric regime. Measurements were carried out using the drifts D2 method (meteor wind radar) and the D1 method (ionospheric drifts). Temporal variations of zonal and meridional prevailing wind components for all the sites are given. Also presented are zonal wind data obtained using the partial reflection wind radar. Wind velocity values were obtained by averaging data recorded at between 105 and 91 km altitude. Wind velocity data averaged in such a way can be related to about the same height interval to which the data obtained by the meteor radar and ionospheric methods at other sites, i.e., the mean height of the meteor zone (about 95 km). The results presented show that there are significant fluctuations about the seasonal course of both zonal and meridional prevailing winds

    Assessment of Therapeutic Efficacy of 5% Sodium Hydrocarbonate Solution in Case of Nodular Dermatitis of Cattle

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    This article provides information on studies and evaluations of therapeutic efficacy of 5 % sodium bicarbonate solution in case of nodular dermatitis of cattle. Due to the market expansion of veterinary drugs, the periodization of unusual and new medicines as well as control methods of pathogens of farm livestock, having therapeutic and prophylactic effect, is under permanent control of specialists in the field of veterinary medicine. Recently the importance of finding modern means and methods of dealing with animal diseases aimed at the restoration of the body homeostasis has increased significantly in order to ensure the physiologically normal functioning of many enzymes, hormones and the whole body. There is a need for their rational use based on the study of changes in clinical and biochemical parameters occurring in the body under their influence and other factors contributing to the development of normal physiological status of the body (homeostasis). Based on the above, the present studies were based not only on etiological and pathogenetic, but also sanogenetic ideas about diseases with the aim of choosing the means that form the body’s normal physiological status (body homeostasis restoration), taking into account physiological characteristics of animals, and thereby providing the best medical and prophylactic efficacy [4]. Periodization of new drugs and methods to combat animal diseases that contribute to the restoration of body homeostasis is very important. This importantance has become even more significant since the increased sanitary and hygienic requirements for the use of veterinary drugs in animal husbandry, primarily for the treatment of dairy animals, which will serve as a guarantee for obtaining livestock products safe from the point of view of veterinary and sanitary norms and excellent sanitary quality

    Representing and querying disease networks using graph databases

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    BACKGROUND: Systems biology experiments generate large volumes of data of multiple modalities and this information presents a challenge for integration due to a mix of complexity together with rich semantics. Here, we describe how graph databases provide a powerful framework for storage, querying and envisioning of biological data. RESULTS: We show how graph databases are well suited for the representation of biological information, which is typically highly connected, semi-structured and unpredictable. We outline an application case that uses the Neo4j graph database for building and querying a prototype network to provide biological context to asthma related genes. CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggests that graph databases provide a flexible solution for the integration of multiple types of biological data and facilitate exploratory data mining to support hypothesis generation. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s13040-016-0102-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The choice of antimicrobial therapy among physicians in the treatment of gestational pyelonephritis

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    From 1 to 10% of the physiological pregnancy complicated by acute pyelonephritis. The purpose work- analyze the choice of antimicrobial therapy among physicians in the treatment of gestational pyelonephritis. Materials and methods-analysis of the anonymous survey in the framework of the second stage of the All-Russian pharmacoepidemiological study, "Epidemiology of the use of drugs in pregnant women", which was conducted from February to April 2015. On the basis of this was carried out to compare the results with the results of the survey of doctors of the Belgorod regio